
1051 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
2021-01-25 09:11:46 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
2021-01-24 15:56:14 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2021-01-28 23:38:59 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2021-01-24 15:54:39 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2021-01-24 19:25:40 +01:00
Module: DearImGui
Main ImGui module, exporting the functions to create a GUI.
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
module DearImGui
( -- * Context Creation and Access
, createContext
, destroyContext
-- * Main
, newFrame
, endFrame
, render
, DrawData(..)
, getDrawData
, checkVersion
-- * Demo, Debug, Information
, showDemoWindow
, showMetricsWindow
, showAboutWindow
, showUserGuide
, getVersion
-- * Styles
, styleColorsDark
, styleColorsLight
, styleColorsClassic
-- * Windows
, begin
, end
, setNextWindowPos
, setNextWindowSize
, setNextWindowContentSize
, setNextWindowSizeConstraints
, setNextWindowCollapsed
, setNextWindowBgAlpha
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- * Child Windows
, beginChild
, endChild
-- * Parameter stacks
, pushStyleColor
, popStyleColor
, pushStyleVar
, popStyleVar
2021-01-24 16:58:52 +00:00
-- * Cursor/Layout
2021-01-24 17:00:25 +00:00
, separator
2021-01-24 16:58:52 +00:00
, sameLine
, newLine
, spacing
, dummy
, indent
, unindent
, beginGroup
, endGroup
, setCursorPos
, alignTextToFramePadding
2021-01-24 16:58:52 +00:00
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- * Widgets
-- ** Text
, text
-- ** Main
, button
, smallButton
2021-01-24 15:54:39 +00:00
, arrowButton
2021-01-24 15:56:14 +00:00
, checkbox
2021-01-24 16:03:18 +00:00
, progressBar
2021-01-24 15:56:23 +00:00
, bullet
2021-01-24 15:54:39 +00:00
-- ** Combo Box
, beginCombo
, endCombo
, combo
-- ** Drag Sliders
, dragFloat
, dragFloat2
, dragFloat3
, dragFloat4
-- ** Slider
, sliderFloat
, sliderFloat2
, sliderFloat3
, sliderFloat4
-- * Color Editor/Picker
2021-01-25 09:11:46 +00:00
, colorPicker3
, colorButton
-- * Trees
, treeNode
, treePush
, treePop
-- ** Selectables
, selectable
2021-01-28 23:38:59 +00:00
-- ** List Boxes
, listBox
2021-01-24 20:23:58 +00:00
-- * Data Plotting
, plotHistogram
2021-01-24 16:49:28 +00:00
-- ** Menus
, beginMenuBar
, endMenuBar
, beginMainMenuBar
, endMainMenuBar
, beginMenu
, endMenu
, menuItem
2021-02-06 14:26:28 +01:00
-- ** Tabs, tab bar
, beginTabBar
, endTabBar
, beginTabItem
, endTabItem
, tabItemButton
, setTabItemClosed
2021-01-24 17:39:44 +00:00
-- * Tooltips
, beginTooltip
, endTooltip
2021-01-24 17:35:00 +00:00
-- * Popups/Modals
, beginPopup
, beginPopupModal
, endPopup
, openPopup
, closeCurrentPopup
2021-01-24 17:39:35 +00:00
-- * Item/Widgets Utilities
, isItemHovered
2021-01-24 15:54:39 +00:00
-- * Types
, module DearImGui.Enums
, module DearImGui.Structs
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
2021-01-24 19:25:40 +01:00
-- base
2021-01-24 15:56:14 +00:00
import Data.Bool
import Data.Coerce
( coerce )
import Data.Int
( Int32 )
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
import Foreign
2021-01-24 15:56:14 +00:00
import Foreign.C
2021-01-24 19:25:40 +01:00
-- dear-imgui
import DearImGui.Context
( imguiContext )
import DearImGui.Enums
import DearImGui.Structs
2021-01-24 19:25:40 +01:00
-- inline-c
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
import qualified Language.C.Inline as C
2021-01-24 19:25:40 +01:00
-- inline-c-cpp
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
import qualified Language.C.Inline.Cpp as Cpp
2021-01-24 19:25:40 +01:00
2021-01-28 23:38:59 +00:00
-- managed
import qualified Control.Monad.Managed as Managed
2021-01-24 19:25:40 +01:00
-- StateVar
import Data.StateVar
( HasGetter(get), HasSetter, ($=!) )
-- transformers
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
( MonadIO, liftIO )
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
C.context (Cpp.cppCtx <> C.bsCtx <> imguiContext)
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
C.include "imgui.h"
Cpp.using "namespace ImGui"
-- | Wraps @ImGuiContext*@.
newtype Context = Context (Ptr ())
-- | Wraps @ImGui::CreateContext()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
createContext :: MonadIO m => m Context
createContext = liftIO do
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
Context <$> [C.exp| void* { CreateContext() } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui::DestroyContext()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
destroyContext :: MonadIO m => Context -> m ()
destroyContext (Context contextPtr) = liftIO do
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
[C.exp| void { DestroyContext((ImGuiContext*)$(void* contextPtr)); } |]
-- | Start a new Dear ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point
-- until 'render'/'endFrame'.
-- Wraps @ImGui::NewFrame()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
newFrame :: MonadIO m => m ()
newFrame = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui::NewFrame(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Ends the Dear ImGui frame. automatically called by 'render'. If you don't
-- need to render data (skipping rendering) you may call 'endFrame' without
-- 'render'... but you'll have wasted CPU already! If you don't need to render,
-- better to not create any windows and not call 'newFrame' at all!
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
endFrame :: MonadIO m => m ()
endFrame = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui::EndFrame(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Ends the Dear ImGui frame, finalize the draw data. You can then get call
-- 'getDrawData'.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
render :: MonadIO m => m ()
render = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui::Render(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Wraps @ImDrawData*@.
newtype DrawData = DrawData (Ptr ())
-- | Valid after 'render' and until the next call to 'newFrame'. This is what
-- you have to render.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
getDrawData :: MonadIO m => m DrawData
getDrawData = liftIO do
DrawData <$> [C.exp| void* { ImGui::GetDrawData() } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
checkVersion :: MonadIO m => m ()
checkVersion = liftIO do
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
[C.exp| void { IMGUI_CHECKVERSION(); } |]
-- | Create demo window. Demonstrate most ImGui features. Call this to learn
-- about the library! Try to make it always available in your application!
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
showDemoWindow :: MonadIO m => m ()
showDemoWindow = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Create Metrics/Debugger window. Display Dear ImGui internals: windows, draw
-- commands, various internal state, etc.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
showMetricsWindow :: MonadIO m => m ()
showMetricsWindow = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui::ShowMetricsWindow(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Create About window. display Dear ImGui version, credits and build/system
-- information.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
showAboutWindow :: MonadIO m => m ()
showAboutWindow = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ShowAboutWindow(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Add basic help/info block (not a window): how to manipulate ImGui as a
-- end-user (mouse/keyboard controls).
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
showUserGuide :: MonadIO m => m ()
showUserGuide = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ShowUserGuide() } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Get the compiled version string e.g. "1.80 WIP" (essentially the value for
-- @IMGUI_VERSION@ from the compiled version of @imgui.cpp@).
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
getVersion :: MonadIO m => m String
getVersion = liftIO do
peekCString =<< [C.exp| const char* { GetVersion() } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | New, recommended style (default).
-- Wraps @ImGui::StyleColorsDark()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
styleColorsDark :: MonadIO m => m ()
styleColorsDark = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { StyleColorsDark(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Best used with borders and a custom, thicker font.
-- Wraps @ImGui::StyleColorsLight()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
styleColorsLight :: MonadIO m => m ()
styleColorsLight = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { StyleColorsLight(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Classic ImGui style.
-- Wraps @ImGui::StyleColorsClasic()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
styleColorsClassic :: MonadIO m => m ()
styleColorsClassic = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { StyleColorsClassic(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Push window to the stack and start appending to it.
-- Returns 'False' to indicate the window is collapsed or fully clipped, so you
-- may early out and omit submitting anything to the window. Always call a
-- matching 'end' for each 'begin' call, regardless of its return value!
-- Wraps @ImGui::Begin()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
begin :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
begin name = liftIO do
withCString name \namePtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { ImGui::Begin($(char* namePtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Pop window from the stack.
-- Wraps @ImGui::End()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
end :: MonadIO m => m ()
end = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui::End(); } |]
2021-01-24 17:00:25 +00:00
-- | Wraps @ImGui::BeginChild()@.
beginChild :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
beginChild name = liftIO do
withCString name \namePtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { ImGui::BeginChild($(char* namePtr)) } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui::EndChild()@.
endChild :: MonadIO m => m ()
endChild = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui::EndChild(); } |]
2021-01-24 17:00:25 +00:00
-- | Separator, generally horizontal. inside a menu bar or in horizontal layout
-- mode, this becomes a vertical separator.
-- Wraps @ImGui::Separator()@
separator :: MonadIO m => m ()
separator = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { Separator(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
2021-01-24 16:58:52 +00:00
-- | Call between widgets or groups to layout them horizontally.
-- Wraps @ImGui::SameLine@.
sameLine :: MonadIO m => m ()
sameLine = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { SameLine(); } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Formatted text.
-- Wraps @ImGui::Text()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
text :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
text t = liftIO do
withCString t \textPtr ->
2021-01-25 12:07:00 +00:00
[C.exp| void { Text("%s", $(char* textPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | A button. Returns 'True' when clicked.
-- Wraps @ImGui::Button()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
button :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
button label = liftIO do
withCString label \labelPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { Button($(char* labelPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 15:27:03 +00:00
-- | Button with @FramePadding=(0,0)@ to easily embed within text.
-- Wraps @ImGui::SmallButton()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
smallButton :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
smallButton label = liftIO do
withCString label \labelPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { SmallButton($(char* labelPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 15:54:39 +00:00
-- | Square button with an arrow shape.
-- Wraps @ImGui::ArrowButton()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
arrowButton :: MonadIO m => String -> ImGuiDir -> m Bool
arrowButton strId dir = liftIO do
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
withCString strId \strIdPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { ArrowButton($(char* strIdPtr), $(ImGuiDir dir)) } |]
2021-01-24 15:54:39 +00:00
2021-01-24 15:56:14 +00:00
-- | Wraps @ImGui::Checkbox()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
checkbox :: (HasSetter ref Bool, HasGetter ref Bool, MonadIO m) => String -> ref -> m Bool
checkbox label ref = liftIO do
2021-01-24 15:56:14 +00:00
currentValue <- get ref
with (bool 0 1 currentValue :: CBool) \boolPtr -> do
changed <- withCString label \labelPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { Checkbox($(char* labelPtr), $(bool* boolPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 15:56:14 +00:00
newValue <- peek boolPtr
ref $=! (newValue == 1)
return changed
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
progressBar :: MonadIO m => Float -> Maybe String -> m ()
progressBar progress overlay = liftIO do
withCStringOrNull overlay \overlayPtr ->
[C.exp| void { ProgressBar($(float c'progress), ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, 0), $(char* overlayPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 16:03:18 +00:00
c'progress :: CFloat
c'progress = realToFrac progress
2021-01-24 15:56:23 +00:00
-- | Draw a small circle + keep the cursor on the same line. Advance cursor x
-- position by 'getTreeNodeToLabelSpacing', same distance that 'treeNode' uses.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
bullet :: MonadIO m => m ()
bullet = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { Bullet() } |]
2021-01-24 15:56:23 +00:00
-- | Begin creating a combo box with a given label and preview value.
-- Returns 'True' if the combo box is open. In this state, you should populate
-- the contents of the combo box - for example, by calling 'selectable'.
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginCombo()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
beginCombo :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> m Bool
beginCombo label previewValue = liftIO $
withCString label \labelPtr ->
withCString previewValue \previewValuePtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginCombo($(char* labelPtr), $(char* previewValuePtr)) } |]
-- | Only call 'endCombo' if 'beginCombo' returns 'True'!
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndCombo()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
endCombo :: MonadIO m => m ()
endCombo = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndCombo() } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui::Combo()@.
combo :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref Int, HasSetter ref Int) => String -> ref -> [String] -> m Bool
combo label selectedIndex items = liftIO $ Managed.with m return
m = do
i <- get selectedIndex
cStrings <- traverse (\str -> Managed.managed (withCString str)) items
labelPtr <- Managed.managed $ withCString label
iPtr <- Managed.managed $ with (fromIntegral i)
liftIO $ withArrayLen cStrings \len itemsPtr -> do
let len' = fromIntegral len
[C.exp| bool { Combo($(char* labelPtr), $(int* iPtr), $(char** itemsPtr), $(int len')) }|] >>= \case
0 -> return False
_ -> do
i' <- peek iPtr
selectedIndex $=! fromIntegral i'
return True
-- | Wraps @ImGui::DragFloat()@
dragFloat :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref Float, HasGetter ref Float) => String -> ref -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Bool
dragFloat desc ref speed minValue maxValue = liftIO do
currentValue <- get ref
with (realToFrac currentValue) \floatPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { DragFloat( $(char* descPtr), $(float *floatPtr), $(float speed'), $(float min'), $(float max')) } |]
newValue <- peek floatPtr
ref $=! realToFrac newValue
return changed
min', max', speed' :: CFloat
min' = realToFrac minValue
max' = realToFrac maxValue
speed' = realToFrac speed
-- | Wraps @ImGui::DragFloat2()@
dragFloat2 :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref (Float, Float), HasGetter ref (Float, Float)) => String -> ref -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Bool
dragFloat2 desc ref speed minValue maxValue = liftIO do
(x, y) <- get ref
withArray [ realToFrac x, realToFrac y ] \floatPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { DragFloat2( $(char* descPtr), $(float *floatPtr), $(float speed'), $(float min'), $(float max')) } |]
[x', y'] <- peekArray 2 floatPtr
ref $=! (realToFrac x', realToFrac y')
return changed
min', max', speed' :: CFloat
min' = realToFrac minValue
max' = realToFrac maxValue
speed' = realToFrac speed
-- | Wraps @ImGui::DragFloat3()@
dragFloat3 :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref (Float, Float, Float), HasGetter ref (Float, Float, Float)) => String -> ref -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Bool
dragFloat3 desc ref speed minValue maxValue = liftIO do
(x, y, z) <- get ref
withArray [ realToFrac x, realToFrac y, realToFrac z ] \floatPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { DragFloat3( $(char* descPtr), $(float *floatPtr), $(float speed'), $(float min'), $(float max')) } |]
[x', y', z'] <- peekArray 3 floatPtr
ref $=! (realToFrac x', realToFrac y', realToFrac z')
return changed
min', max', speed' :: CFloat
min' = realToFrac minValue
max' = realToFrac maxValue
speed' = realToFrac speed
-- | Wraps @ImGui::DragFloat4()@
dragFloat4 :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref (Float, Float, Float, Float), HasGetter ref (Float, Float, Float, Float)) => String -> ref -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Bool
dragFloat4 desc ref speed minValue maxValue = liftIO do
(x, y, z, u) <- get ref
withArray [ realToFrac x, realToFrac y, realToFrac z, realToFrac u ] \floatPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { DragFloat4( $(char* descPtr), $(float *floatPtr), $(float speed'), $(float min'), $(float max')) } |]
[x', y', z', u'] <- peekArray 4 floatPtr
ref $=! (realToFrac x', realToFrac y', realToFrac z', realToFrac u')
return changed
min', max', speed' :: CFloat
min' = realToFrac minValue
max' = realToFrac maxValue
speed' = realToFrac speed
-- | Wraps @ImGui::SliderFloat()@
sliderFloat :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref Float, HasGetter ref Float) => String -> ref -> Float -> Float -> m Bool
sliderFloat desc ref minValue maxValue = liftIO do
currentValue <- get ref
with (realToFrac currentValue) \floatPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { SliderFloat( $(char* descPtr), $(float *floatPtr), $(float min'), $(float max')) } |]
newValue <- peek floatPtr
ref $=! realToFrac newValue
return changed
min', max' :: CFloat
min' = realToFrac minValue
max' = realToFrac maxValue
2021-01-25 09:11:46 +00:00
-- | Wraps @ImGui::SliderFloat2()@
sliderFloat2 :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref (Float, Float), HasGetter ref (Float, Float)) => String -> ref -> Float -> Float -> m Bool
sliderFloat2 desc ref minValue maxValue = liftIO do
(x, y) <- get ref
withArray [ realToFrac x, realToFrac y ] \floatPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { SliderFloat2( $(char* descPtr), $(float *floatPtr), $(float min'), $(float max')) } |]
[x', y'] <- peekArray 2 floatPtr
ref $=! (realToFrac x', realToFrac y')
return changed
min', max' :: CFloat
min' = realToFrac minValue
max' = realToFrac maxValue
-- | Wraps @ImGui::SliderFloat3()@
sliderFloat3 :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref (Float, Float, Float), HasGetter ref (Float, Float, Float)) => String -> ref -> Float -> Float -> m Bool
sliderFloat3 desc ref minValue maxValue = liftIO do
(x, y, z) <- get ref
withArray [ realToFrac x, realToFrac y, realToFrac z ] \floatPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { SliderFloat3( $(char* descPtr), $(float *floatPtr), $(float min'), $(float max')) } |]
[x', y', z'] <- peekArray 3 floatPtr
ref $=! (realToFrac x', realToFrac y', realToFrac z')
return changed
min', max' :: CFloat
min' = realToFrac minValue
max' = realToFrac maxValue
-- | Wraps @ImGui::SliderFloat4()@
sliderFloat4 :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref (Float, Float, Float, Float), HasGetter ref (Float, Float, Float, Float)) => String -> ref -> Float -> Float -> m Bool
sliderFloat4 desc ref minValue maxValue = liftIO do
(x, y, z, u) <- get ref
withArray [ realToFrac x, realToFrac y, realToFrac z, realToFrac u ] \floatPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { SliderFloat4( $(char* descPtr), $(float *floatPtr), $(float min'), $(float max')) } |]
[x', y', z', u'] <- peekArray 4 floatPtr
ref $=! (realToFrac x', realToFrac y', realToFrac z', realToFrac u')
return changed
min', max' :: CFloat
min' = realToFrac minValue
max' = realToFrac maxValue
-- | Wraps @ImGui::ColorPicker3()@.
colorPicker3 :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref ImVec3, HasGetter ref ImVec3) => String -> ref -> m Bool
colorPicker3 desc ref = liftIO do
ImVec3{x, y, z} <- get ref
withArray (realToFrac <$> [x, y, z]) \refPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /= ) <$> [C.exp| bool { ColorPicker3( $(char* descPtr), $(float *refPtr) ) } |]
[x', y', z'] <- peekArray 3 refPtr
ref $=! ImVec3 (realToFrac x') (realToFrac y') (realToFrac z')
return changed
-- | Display a color square/button, hover for details, return true when pressed.
2021-01-25 09:11:56 +00:00
-- Wraps @ImGui::ColorButton()@.
colorButton :: (MonadIO m, HasSetter ref ImVec4, HasGetter ref ImVec4) => String -> ref -> m Bool
colorButton desc ref = liftIO do
currentValue <- get ref
with currentValue \refPtr -> do
changed <- withCString desc \descPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { ColorButton( $(char* descPtr), *$(ImVec4 *refPtr) ) } |]
newValue <- peek refPtr
ref $=! newValue
return changed
-- | Wraps @ImGui::TreeNode()@.
treeNode :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
treeNode label = liftIO do
withCString label \labelPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { TreeNode($(char* labelPtr)) } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui::TreePush()@.
treePush :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
treePush label = liftIO do
withCString label \labelPtr ->
[C.exp| void { TreePush($(char* labelPtr)) } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui::TreePop()@.
treePop :: MonadIO m => m ()
treePop = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { TreePop() } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui::Selectable()@.
2021-01-24 16:34:36 +00:00
selectable :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
selectable label = liftIO do
withCString label \labelPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { Selectable($(char* labelPtr)) } |]
2021-01-28 23:38:59 +00:00
listBox :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref Int, HasSetter ref Int) => String -> ref -> [String] -> m Bool
listBox label selectedIndex items = liftIO $ Managed.with m return
m = do
i <- get selectedIndex
cStrings <- traverse (\str -> Managed.managed (withCString str)) items
labelPtr <- Managed.managed $ withCString label
iPtr <- Managed.managed $ with (fromIntegral i)
liftIO $ withArrayLen cStrings \len itemsPtr -> do
let len' = fromIntegral len
[C.exp| bool { ListBox($(char* labelPtr), $(int* iPtr), $(char** itemsPtr), $(int len')) }|] >>= \case
0 -> return False
_ -> do
i' <- peek iPtr
selectedIndex $=! fromIntegral i'
return True
2021-01-24 20:23:58 +00:00
-- | Wraps @ImGui::PlotHistogram()@.
plotHistogram :: MonadIO m => String -> [CFloat] -> m ()
plotHistogram label values = liftIO $
withArrayLen values \len valuesPtr ->
withCString label \labelPtr -> do
let c'len = fromIntegral len
[C.exp| void { PlotHistogram($(char* labelPtr), $(float* valuesPtr), $(int c'len)) } |]
2021-01-24 16:49:28 +00:00
-- | Append to menu-bar of current window (requires 'ImGuiWindowFlagsMenuBar'
-- flag set on parent window).
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginMenuBar()@.
beginMenuBar :: MonadIO m => m Bool
beginMenuBar = liftIO do
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginMenuBar() } |]
2021-01-24 16:49:28 +00:00
-- | Only call 'endMenuBar' if 'beginMenuBar' returns true!
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndMenuBar()@.
endMenuBar :: MonadIO m => m ()
endMenuBar = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndMenuBar(); } |]
-- | Create and append to a full screen menu-bar.
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginMainMenuBar()@.
beginMainMenuBar :: MonadIO m => m Bool
beginMainMenuBar = liftIO do
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginMainMenuBar() } |]
2021-01-24 16:49:28 +00:00
-- | Only call 'endMainMenuBar' if 'beginMainMenuBar' returns true!
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndMainMenuBar()@.
endMainMenuBar :: MonadIO m => m ()
endMainMenuBar = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndMainMenuBar(); } |]
-- | Create a sub-menu entry.
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginMenu()@.
beginMenu :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
beginMenu label = liftIO do
withCString label \labelPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginMenu($(char* labelPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 16:49:28 +00:00
-- | Only call 'endMenu' if 'beginMenu' returns true!
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndMenu()@.
endMenu :: MonadIO m => m ()
endMenu = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndMenu(); } |]
-- | Return true when activated. Shortcuts are displayed for convenience but not
2021-01-24 16:49:28 +00:00
-- processed by ImGui at the moment
-- Wraps @ImGui::MenuItem()@
menuItem :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
menuItem label = liftIO do
withCString label \labelPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { MenuItem($(char* labelPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 16:49:28 +00:00
2021-02-06 14:26:28 +01:00
-- | Create a @TabBar@ and start appending to it.
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginTabBar@.
beginTabBar :: MonadIO m => String -> ImGuiTabBarFlags -> m Bool
beginTabBar tabBarID flags = liftIO do
withCString tabBarID \ptr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginTabBar($(char* ptr), $(ImGuiTabBarFlags flags) ) } |]
-- | Finish appending elements to a tab bar. Only call if 'beginTabBar' returns @True@.
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndTabBar@.
endTabBar :: MonadIO m => m ()
endTabBar = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndTabBar(); } |]
-- | Create a new tab. Returns @True@ if the tab is selected.
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginTabItem@.
beginTabItem :: ( MonadIO m, HasGetter ref Bool, HasSetter ref Bool ) => String -> ref -> ImGuiTabBarFlags -> m Bool
beginTabItem tabName ref flags = liftIO do
currentValue <- get ref
with ( bool 0 1 currentValue :: CBool ) \ refPtr -> do
open <- withCString tabName \ ptrName ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginTabItem($(char* ptrName), $(bool* refPtr), $(ImGuiTabBarFlags flags) ) } |]
newValue <- (0 /=) <$> peek refPtr
ref $=! newValue
pure open
-- | Finish appending elements to a tab. Only call if 'beginTabItem' returns @True@.
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndTabItem@.
endTabItem :: MonadIO m => m ()
endTabItem = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndTabItem(); } |]
-- | Create a tab that behaves like a button. Returns @True@ when clicked. Cannot be selected in the tab bar.
-- Wraps @ImGui.TabItemButton@.
tabItemButton :: MonadIO m => String -> ImGuiTabItemFlags -> m Bool
tabItemButton tabName flags = liftIO do
withCString tabName \ namePtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { TabItemButton($(char* namePtr), $(ImGuiTabItemFlags flags) ) } |]
-- | Notify the tab bar (or the docking system) that a tab/window is about to close.
-- Useful to reduce visual flicker on reorderable tab bars.
-- __For tab-bar__: call after 'beginTabBar' and before tab submission. Otherwise, call with a window name.
setTabItemClosed :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
setTabItemClosed tabName = liftIO do
withCString tabName \ namePtr ->
[C.exp| void { SetTabItemClosed($(char* namePtr)); } |]
2021-01-24 16:49:28 +00:00
2021-01-24 17:39:44 +00:00
-- | Begin/append a tooltip window to create full-featured tooltip (with any
-- kind of items).
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginTooltip()@
beginTooltip :: MonadIO m => m ()
beginTooltip = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { BeginTooltip() } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui::EndTooltip()@
endTooltip :: MonadIO m => m ()
endTooltip = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndTooltip() } |]
2021-01-24 17:35:00 +00:00
-- | Returns 'True' if the popup is open, and you can start outputting to it.
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginPopup()@
beginPopup :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
beginPopup popupId = liftIO do
withCString popupId \popupIdPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginPopup($(char* popupIdPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 17:35:00 +00:00
-- | Returns 'True' if the modal is open, and you can start outputting to it.
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginPopupModal()@
beginPopupModal :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
beginPopupModal popupId = liftIO do
withCString popupId \popupIdPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginPopupModal($(char* popupIdPtr)) } |]
2021-01-24 17:35:00 +00:00
-- | Only call 'endPopup' if 'beginPopup' or 'beginPopupModal' returns 'True'!
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginPopupModal()@
endPopup :: MonadIO m => m ()
endPopup = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndPopup() } |]
-- | Call to mark popup as open (don't call every frame!).
-- Wraps @ImGui::OpenPopup()@
openPopup :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
openPopup popupId = liftIO do
withCString popupId \popupIdPtr ->
[C.exp| void { OpenPopup($(char* popupIdPtr)) } |]
-- | Manually close the popup we have begin-ed into.
-- Wraps @ImGui::ClosePopup()@
closeCurrentPopup :: MonadIO m => m ()
closeCurrentPopup = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { CloseCurrentPopup() } |]
2021-01-24 17:39:35 +00:00
-- | Is the last item hovered? (and usable, aka not blocked by a popup, etc.).
-- Wraps @ImGui::IsItemHovered()@
isItemHovered :: MonadIO m => m Bool
isItemHovered = liftIO do
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { IsItemHovered() } |]
2021-01-24 17:39:35 +00:00
2021-01-24 16:03:18 +00:00
withCStringOrNull :: Maybe String -> (Ptr CChar -> IO a) -> IO a
withCStringOrNull Nothing k = k nullPtr
withCStringOrNull (Just s) k = withCString s k
-- | Set next window position. Call before `begin` Use pivot=(0.5,0.5) to center on given point, etc.
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowPos()@
setNextWindowPos :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> ImGuiCond -> Maybe ref -> m ()
setNextWindowPos posRef cond pivotMaybe = liftIO do
pos <- get posRef
with pos $ \posPtr ->
case pivotMaybe of
Just pivotRef -> do
pivot <- get pivotRef
with pivot $ \pivotPtr ->
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr), $(ImGuiCond cond), *$(ImVec2 *pivotPtr)) } |]
Nothing ->
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr), $(ImGuiCond cond)) } |]
-- | Set next window size. Call before `begin`
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowSize()@
setNextWindowSize :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> ImGuiCond -> m ()
setNextWindowSize sizeRef cond = liftIO do
size' <- get sizeRef
with size' $
\sizePtr ->[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowSize(*$(ImVec2 *sizePtr), $(ImGuiCond cond)) } |]
-- | Set next window content size (~ scrollable client area, which enforce the range of scrollbars). Not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.) nor WindowPadding. call before `begin`
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowContentSize()@
setNextWindowContentSize :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> m ()
setNextWindowContentSize sizeRef = liftIO do
size' <- get sizeRef
with size' $
\sizePtr ->[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowContentSize(*$(ImVec2 *sizePtr)) } |]
-- | Set next window size limits. use -1,-1 on either X/Y axis to preserve the current size. Sizes will be rounded down.
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowContentSize()@
setNextWindowSizeConstraints :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> ref -> m ()
setNextWindowSizeConstraints sizeMinRef sizeMaxRef = liftIO do
sizeMin <- get sizeMinRef
sizeMax <- get sizeMaxRef
with sizeMin $
\sizeMinPtr ->
with sizeMax $ \sizeMaxPtr ->
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(*$(ImVec2 *sizeMinPtr), *$(ImVec2 *sizeMaxPtr)) } |]
-- | Set next window collapsed state. call before `begin`
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowCollapsed()@
setNextWindowCollapsed :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> ImGuiCond -> m ()
setNextWindowCollapsed b cond = liftIO do
let b' = bool 0 1 b
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowCollapsed($(bool b'), $(ImGuiCond cond)) } |]
-- | Set next window background color alpha. helper to easily override the Alpha component of `ImGuiCol_WindowBg`, `ChildBg`, `PopupBg`. you may also use `ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground`.
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha()@
setNextWindowBgAlpha :: (MonadIO m) => Float -> m ()
setNextWindowBgAlpha f = liftIO do
let f' = coerce f
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowBgAlpha($(float f')) } |]
-- | undo a sameLine or force a new line when in an horizontal-layout context.
-- Wraps @ImGui::NewLine()@
newLine :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
newLine = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { NewLine() } |]
-- | Add vertical spacing.
-- Wraps @ImGui::Spacing()@
spacing :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
spacing = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { Spacing() } |]
-- | Add a dummy item of given size. unlike `invisibleButton`, `dummy` won't take the mouse click or be navigable into.
-- Wraps @ImGui::Dummy()@
dummy :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> m ()
dummy sizeRef = liftIO do
size' <- get sizeRef
with size' $ \ sizePtr -> [C.exp| void { Dummy(*$(ImVec2 *sizePtr)) } |]
-- | Move content position toward the right, by indent_w, or style.IndentSpacing if indent_w <= 0
-- Wraps @ImGui::Indent()@
indent :: (MonadIO m) => Float -> m ()
indent indent_w = liftIO do
let indent_w' = coerce indent_w
[C.exp| void { Indent($(float indent_w')) } |]
-- | Move content position back to the left, by indent_w, or style.IndentSpacing if indent_w <= 0
-- Wraps @ImGui::Unindent()@
unindent :: (MonadIO m) => Float -> m ()
unindent f = liftIO do
let f' = coerce f
[C.exp| void { Unindent($(float f')) } |]
-- | lock horizontal starting position
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginGroup()@
beginGroup :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
beginGroup = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { BeginGroup() } |]
-- | unlock horizontal starting position + capture the whole group bounding box into one "item" (so you can use `isItemHovered` or layout primitives such as `sameLine` on whole group, etc.)
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndGroup()@
endGroup :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
endGroup = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndGroup() } |]
-- | Vertically align upcoming text baseline to FramePadding.y so that it will align properly to regularly framed items (call if you have text on a line before a framed item)
-- Wraps @ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding()@
alignTextToFramePadding :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
alignTextToFramePadding = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { AlignTextToFramePadding() } |]
-- | Set cursor position in window-local coordinates
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetCursorPos()@
setCursorPos :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> m ()
setCursorPos posRef = liftIO do
pos <- get posRef
with pos $ \ posPtr -> [C.exp| void { SetCursorPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr)) } |]
-- | Modify a style color by pushing to the shared stack. always use this if you modify the style after `newFrame`
-- Wraps @ImGui::PushStyleColor()@
pushStyleColor :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec4) => ImGuiCol -> ref -> m ()
pushStyleColor col colorRef = liftIO do
color <- get colorRef
with color $ \ colorPtr -> [C.exp| void { PushStyleColor($(ImGuiCol col), *$(ImVec4 *colorPtr)) } |]
-- | Remove style color modifications from the shared stack
-- Wraps @ImGui::PopStyleColor()@
popStyleColor :: (MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
popStyleColor n = liftIO do
m :: CInt
m = coerce n
[C.exp| void { PopStyleColor($(int m)) } |]
-- | Modify a style variable by pushing to the shared stack. always use this if you modify the style after `newFrame`
-- Wraps @ImGui::PushStyleVar()@
pushStyleVar :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ImGuiStyleVar -> ref -> m ()
pushStyleVar style valRef = liftIO do
val <- get valRef
with val $ \ valPtr -> [C.exp| void { PushStyleVar($(ImGuiStyleVar style), *$(ImVec2 *valPtr)) } |]
-- | Remove style variable modifications from the shared stack
-- Wraps @ImGui::PopStyleVar()@
popStyleVar :: (MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
popStyleVar n = liftIO do
m :: CInt
m = coerce n
[C.exp| void { PopStyleVar($(int m)) } |]