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synced 2025-03-12 10:22:44 +00:00
Define types for use in ImGui Context (#31)
Just doing a little cleanup: * some functions were not exported, * some functions were missing the initial | for their documentation, * add types to the ImGui Context instead of coercing to int. This is more robust, in case upstream changes any of the larger enums to be 64 bits instead of 32 for instance
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,9 +54,24 @@ module DearImGui
, beginChild
, endChild
-- * Parameter stacks
, pushStyleColor
, popStyleColor
, pushStyleVar
, popStyleVar
-- * Cursor/Layout
, separator
, sameLine
, newLine
, spacing
, dummy
, indent
, unindent
, beginGroup
, endGroup
, setCursorPos
, alignTextToFramePadding
-- * Widgets
-- ** Text
@ -371,9 +386,9 @@ smallButton label = liftIO do
-- Wraps @ImGui::ArrowButton()@.
arrowButton :: MonadIO m => String -> ImGuiDir -> m Bool
arrowButton strId (ImGuiDir dir) = liftIO do
arrowButton strId dir = liftIO do
withCString strId \strIdPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { ArrowButton($(char* strIdPtr), $(int dir)) } |]
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { ArrowButton($(char* strIdPtr), $(ImGuiDir dir)) } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui::Checkbox()@.
@ -419,7 +434,7 @@ beginCombo label previewValue = liftIO $
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { BeginCombo($(char* labelPtr), $(char* previewValuePtr)) } |]
-- | Only call 'endCombo' if 'beginCombon' returns 'True'!
-- | Only call 'endCombo' if 'beginCombo' returns 'True'!
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndCombo()@.
endCombo :: MonadIO m => m ()
@ -427,7 +442,7 @@ endCombo = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndCombo() } |]
-- Wraps @ImGui::Combo()@.
-- | Wraps @ImGui::Combo()@.
combo :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref Int, HasSetter ref Int) => String -> ref -> [String] -> m Bool
combo label selectedIndex items = liftIO $ Managed.with m return
@ -651,7 +666,6 @@ selectable label = liftIO do
withCString label \labelPtr ->
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { Selectable($(char* labelPtr)) } |]
listBox :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref Int, HasSetter ref Int) => String -> ref -> [String] -> m Bool
listBox label selectedIndex items = liftIO $ Managed.with m return
@ -731,7 +745,7 @@ endMenu = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndMenu(); } |]
-- Return true when activated. Shortcuts are displayed for convenience but not
-- | Return true when activated. Shortcuts are displayed for convenience but not
-- processed by ImGui at the moment
-- Wraps @ImGui::MenuItem()@
@ -816,25 +830,25 @@ withCStringOrNull (Just s) k = withCString s k
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowPos()@
setNextWindowPos :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> ImGuiCond -> Maybe ref -> m ()
setNextWindowPos posRef (ImGuiCond con) pivotMaybe = liftIO do
setNextWindowPos posRef cond pivotMaybe = liftIO do
pos <- get posRef
with pos $ \posPtr ->
case pivotMaybe of
Just pivotRef -> do
pivot <- get pivotRef
with pivot $ \pivotPtr ->
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr), $(int con), *$(ImVec2 *pivotPtr)) } |]
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr), $(ImGuiCond cond), *$(ImVec2 *pivotPtr)) } |]
Nothing ->
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr), $(int con)) } |]
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr), $(ImGuiCond cond)) } |]
-- | Set next window size. Call before `begin`
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowSize()@
setNextWindowSize :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> ImGuiCond -> m ()
setNextWindowSize sizeRef (ImGuiCond con) = liftIO do
setNextWindowSize sizeRef cond = liftIO do
size' <- get sizeRef
with size' $
\sizePtr ->[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowSize(*$(ImVec2 *sizePtr), $(int con)) } |]
\sizePtr ->[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowSize(*$(ImVec2 *sizePtr), $(ImGuiCond cond)) } |]
-- | Set next window content size (~ scrollable client area, which enforce the range of scrollbars). Not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.) nor WindowPadding. call before `begin`
@ -861,9 +875,9 @@ setNextWindowSizeConstraints sizeMinRef sizeMaxRef = liftIO do
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowCollapsed()@
setNextWindowCollapsed :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> ImGuiCond -> m ()
setNextWindowCollapsed b (ImGuiCond con) = liftIO do
setNextWindowCollapsed b cond = liftIO do
let b' = bool 0 1 b
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowCollapsed($(bool b'), $(int con)) } |]
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowCollapsed($(bool b'), $(ImGuiCond cond)) } |]
-- | Set next window background color alpha. helper to easily override the Alpha component of `ImGuiCol_WindowBg`, `ChildBg`, `PopupBg`. you may also use `ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground`.
@ -944,32 +958,34 @@ setCursorPos posRef = liftIO do
-- Wraps @ImGui::PushStyleColor()@
pushStyleColor :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec4) => ImGuiCol -> ref -> m ()
pushStyleColor (ImGuiCol idx) colorRef = liftIO do
pushStyleColor col colorRef = liftIO do
color <- get colorRef
with color $ \ colorPtr -> [C.exp| void { PushStyleColor($(int idx), *$(ImVec4 *colorPtr)) } |]
with color $ \ colorPtr -> [C.exp| void { PushStyleColor($(ImGuiCol col), *$(ImVec4 *colorPtr)) } |]
-- | Remove style color modifications from the shared stack
-- Wraps @ImGui::PopStyleColor()@
popStyleColor :: (MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
popStyleColor count = liftIO do
let count' = coerce count
[C.exp| void { PopStyleColor($(int count')) } |]
popStyleColor n = liftIO do
m :: CInt
m = coerce n
[C.exp| void { PopStyleColor($(int m)) } |]
-- | Modify a style variable by pushing to the shared stack. always use this if you modify the style after `newFrame`
-- Wraps @ImGui::PushStyleVar()@
pushStyleVar :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ImGuiStyleVar -> ref -> m ()
pushStyleVar (ImGuiStyleVar idx) valRef = liftIO do
pushStyleVar style valRef = liftIO do
val <- get valRef
with val $ \ valPtr -> [C.exp| void { PushStyleVar($(int idx), *$(ImVec2 *valPtr)) } |]
with val $ \ valPtr -> [C.exp| void { PushStyleVar($(ImGuiStyleVar style), *$(ImVec2 *valPtr)) } |]
-- | Remove style variable modifications from the shared stack
-- Wraps @ImGui::PopStyleVar()@
popStyleVar :: (MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
popStyleVar count = liftIO do
let count' = coerce count
[C.exp| void { PopStyleVar($(int count')) } |]
popStyleVar n = liftIO do
m :: CInt
m = coerce n
[C.exp| void { PopStyleVar($(int m)) } |]
@ -18,16 +18,20 @@ import Language.C.Types
( pattern TypeName )
-- dear-imgui
import DearImGui.Enums
import DearImGui.Structs
( ImVec2, ImVec3, ImVec4 )
imguiContext :: Context
imguiContext = mempty
{ ctxTypesTable = Map.fromList
[ ( TypeName "ImVec2", [t| ImVec2 |] )
, ( TypeName "ImVec3", [t| ImVec3 |] )
, ( TypeName "ImVec4", [t| ImVec4 |] )
[ ( TypeName "ImGuiCol" , [t| ImGuiCol |] )
, ( TypeName "ImGuiCond" , [t| ImGuiCond |] )
, ( TypeName "ImGuiDir" , [t| ImGuiDir |] )
, ( TypeName "ImGuiStyleVar", [t| ImGuiStyleVar |] )
, ( TypeName "ImVec2" , [t| ImVec2 |] )
, ( TypeName "ImVec3" , [t| ImVec3 |] )
, ( TypeName "ImVec4" , [t| ImVec4 |] )
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