changed massively in Types of IQM-Loader
- massive Type-Change internally - VertexArrays are now read headerwise - IQM needs postprocessing for allocating C-Arrays of the Vertex-Objects as they cannot be guaranteed to be collected in the first pass of reading. (Normally they are sorted linear - but the offsets WOULD allow for them to be anywhere in-between the sections)
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ parseNum = (foldl1 w8ToInt) . map fromIntegral
-- | read a 16-Bit Int from Parsing-Input and log 2 bytes in our Parsing-Monad
-- begins with _ to defeat ghc-warnings. Rename if used!
_int16 :: CParser Int16
_int16 :: CParser Word16
_int16 = do
ret <- lift $ do
a <- anyWord8 :: Parser Word8
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ _int16 = do
return ret
-- | read a 32-Bit Int from Parsing-Input and log 4 bytes in our Parsing-Monad
int32 :: CParser Int32
int32 :: CParser Word32
int32 = do
ret <- lift $ do
a <- anyWord8 :: Parser Word8
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ int32 = do
readHeader :: CParser IQMHeader
readHeader = do
_ <- lift $ string (pack "INTERQUAKEMODEL\0")
modify (+16)
v <- int32
-- when v /= 2 then --TODO: error something
size' <- int32
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ readHeader = do
ofs_extensions' <- int32
return IQMHeader { version = v
, filesize = size'
, flags = flags'
, flags = fromIntegral flags'
, num_text = num_text'
, ofs_text = ofs_text'
, num_meshes = num_meshes'
@ -140,6 +141,26 @@ readMeshes n = do
ms <- readMeshes (n-1)
return $ m:ms
-- | Parser for Mesh-Structure
readVAF :: CParser IQMVertexArray
readVAF = do
vat <- rawEnumToVAT =<< int32
flags' <- int32
format <- rawEnumToVAF =<< int32
size <- int32
offset <- int32
return $ IQMVertexArray vat (fromIntegral flags') format (fromIntegral size) offset
-- | helper to read n consecutive Meshes tail-recursive
readVAFs :: Int -> CParser [IQMVertexArray]
readVAFs 1 = do
f <- readVAF
return [f]
readVAFs n = do
f <- readVAF
fs <- readVAFs (n-1)
return $ f:fs
-- | helper-Notation for subtracting 2 integral values of different kind in the precision
-- of the target-kind
(.-) :: forall a a1 a2.
@ -171,9 +192,12 @@ parseIQM = do
modify . (+) . fromIntegral $ num_text h --put offset forward
skipToCounter $ ofs_meshes h --skip 0-n bytes to get to meshes
meshes' <- readMeshes (fromIntegral (num_meshes h)) --read meshes
skipToCounter $ ofs_vertexarrays h --skip 0-n byots to get to vertexarray definition
va <- readVAFs (fromIntegral (num_vertexarrays h)) --read them
return IQM
{ header = h
, texts = filter (not.null) (split (unsafeCoerce '\0') text)
, meshes = meshes'
, vertexArrays = va
@ -2,18 +2,26 @@
-- 4-Byte in the documentation indicates Int32 - but not specified!
module Importer.IQM.Types where
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy (StateT)
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy (StateT)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Types
import Prelude as P
-- | Mesh-Indices to distinguish the meshes referenced
newtype Mesh = Mesh Int32 deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Mesh = Mesh Word32 deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | State-Wrapped Parser-Monad which is capable of counting the
-- Bytes read for offset-gap reasons
type CParser a = StateT Int64 Parser a
type Flags = GLbitfield -- ^ Alias for UInt32
type Offset = Word32 -- ^ Alias for UInt32
type Index = GLuint -- ^ Alias for UInt32
type NumComponents = GLsizei -- ^ Alias for UInt32
type IQMData = Ptr IQMVertexArrayFormat
-- | Header of IQM-Format.
@ -23,33 +31,33 @@ type CParser a = StateT Int64 Parser a
-- ofs_* fields are aligned at 4-byte-boundaries
data IQMHeader = IQMHeader
{ version :: Int32 -- ^ Must be 2
, filesize :: Int32
, flags :: Int32
, num_text :: Int32
, ofs_text :: Int32
, num_meshes :: Int32
, ofs_meshes :: Int32
, num_vertexarrays :: Int32
, num_vertexes :: Int32
, ofs_vertexarrays :: Int32
, num_triangles :: Int32
, ofs_triangles :: Int32
, ofs_adjacency :: Int32
, num_joints :: Int32
, ofs_joints :: Int32
, num_poses :: Int32
, ofs_poses :: Int32
, num_anims :: Int32
, ofs_anims :: Int32
, num_frames :: Int32
, num_framechannels :: Int32
, ofs_frames :: Int32
, ofs_bounds :: Int32
, num_comment :: Int32
, ofs_comment :: Int32
, num_extensions :: Int32 -- ^ stored as linked list, not as array.
, ofs_extensions :: Int32
{ version :: Word32 -- ^ Must be 2
, filesize :: Word32
, flags :: Flags
, num_text :: Word32
, ofs_text :: Offset
, num_meshes :: Word32
, ofs_meshes :: Offset
, num_vertexarrays :: Word32
, num_vertexes :: Word32
, ofs_vertexarrays :: Offset
, num_triangles :: Word32
, ofs_triangles :: Offset
, ofs_adjacency :: Offset
, num_joints :: Word32
, ofs_joints :: Offset
, num_poses :: Word32
, ofs_poses :: Offset
, num_anims :: Word32
, ofs_anims :: Offset
, num_frames :: Word32
, num_framechannels :: Word32
, ofs_frames :: Offset
, ofs_bounds :: Offset
, num_comment :: Word32
, ofs_comment :: Offset
, num_extensions :: Word32 -- ^ stored as linked list, not as array.
, ofs_extensions :: Offset
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Format of an IQM-Mesh Structure.
@ -57,11 +65,11 @@ data IQMHeader = IQMHeader
-- Read it like a Header of the Meshes lateron in the Format
data IQMMesh = IQMMesh
{ meshName :: Maybe Mesh
, meshMaterial :: Int32
, meshFirstVertex :: Int32
, meshNumVertexes :: Int32
, meshFirstTriangle :: Int32
, meshNumTriangles :: Int32
, meshMaterial :: Word32
, meshFirstVertex :: Word32
, meshNumVertexes :: Word32
, meshFirstTriangle :: Word32
, meshNumTriangles :: Word32
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Format of a whole IQM-File
@ -71,5 +79,95 @@ data IQM = IQM
{ header :: IQMHeader
, texts :: [ByteString]
, meshes :: [IQMMesh]
, vertexArrays :: [IQMVertexArray]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Different Vertex-Array-Types in IQM
-- Custom Types have to be > 0x10 as of specification
data IQMVertexArrayType = IQMPosition
| IQMTexCoord
| IQMNormal
| IQMTangent
| IQMBlendIndexes
| IQMBlendWeights
| IQMColor
| IQMCustomVAT Word32
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Lookup-Function for internal enum to VertexArrayFormat
rawEnumToVAT :: Word32 -> CParser IQMVertexArrayType
rawEnumToVAT 0 = return IQMPosition
rawEnumToVAT 1 = return IQMTexCoord
rawEnumToVAT 2 = return IQMNormal
rawEnumToVAT 3 = return IQMTangent
rawEnumToVAT 4 = return IQMBlendIndexes
rawEnumToVAT 5 = return IQMBlendWeights
rawEnumToVAT 6 = return IQMColor
rawEnumToVAT a = return $ IQMCustomVAT a
-- | Vetrex-Array-Format of the data found at offset
data IQMVertexArrayFormat = IQMbyte
| IQMubyte
| IQMshort
| IQMushort
| IQMint
| IQMuint
| IQMhalf
| IQMfloat
| IQMdouble
-- | Unknown Word32
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Lookup-Function for internal enum to VertexArrayFormat
rawEnumToVAF :: Word32 -> CParser IQMVertexArrayFormat
rawEnumToVAF 0 = return IQMbyte
rawEnumToVAF 1 = return IQMubyte
rawEnumToVAF 2 = return IQMshort
rawEnumToVAF 3 = return IQMushort
rawEnumToVAF 4 = return IQMint
rawEnumToVAF 5 = return IQMuint
rawEnumToVAF 6 = return IQMhalf
rawEnumToVAF 7 = return IQMfloat
rawEnumToVAF 8 = return IQMdouble
--rawEnumToVAF a = return $ Unknown a
rawEnumToVAF a = fail $ P.concat ["unrecognized enum(",show a,") in VertexArrayFormat"]
-- | A Vertex-Array-Definiton.
-- The Vertex starts at Offset and has num_vertexes * NumComponents entries.
-- All Vertex-Arrays seem to have the same number of components, just differ in Type, Format
-- and Flags
data IQMVertexArray = IQMVertexArray
deriving (Eq)
instance Show IQMVertexArray where
show (IQMVertexArray t fl fo nc off) = "IQMVertexArray (Type: " ++ (show t) ++
", Flags: " ++ (show fl) ++
", Format: " ++ (show fo) ++
", NumComponents: " ++ (show nc) ++
", Offset: " ++ (show off) ++
-- | A triangle out of the Vertices at the Indexed Positions
data IQMTriangle = IQMTriangle Index Index Index
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | From the IQM-Format-Description:
-- each value is the index of the adjacent triangle for edge 0, 1, and 2, where ~0 (= -1)
-- indicates no adjacent triangle indexes are relative to the iqmheader.ofs_triangles array
-- and span all meshes, where 0 is the first triangle, 1 is the second, 2 is the third, etc.
data IQMAdjacency = IQMAdjacency Index Index Index
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ mapCenterMountain :: PlayMap
mapCenterMountain = array ((0,0),(200,200)) nodes
nodes = water ++ beach ++ grass ++ hill ++ mountain
water = [((a,b), (Full (a,b) 0.0 Ocean BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain [])) | a <- [0..200], b <- [0..200], (m2d (a,b)) > 95]
water = [((a,b), (Full (a,b) 0.0 Ocean BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain [])) | a <- [0..200], b <- [0..200], (m2d (a,b)) > 95]
beach = [((a,b), (Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Beach BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain [])) | a <- [0..200], b <- [0..200], (m2d (a,b)) <= 95, (m2d (a,b)) > 75]
grass = [((a,b), (Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Grass BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain [])) | a <- [0..200], b <- [0..200], (m2d (a,b)) <= 75, (m2d (a,b)) > 25]
hill = [((a,b), (Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Hill BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain [])) | a <- [0..200], b <- [0..200], (m2d (a,b)) <= 25, (m2d (a,b)) > 10]
mountain = [((a,b), (Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Mountain BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain [])) | a <- [0..200], b <- [0..200], (m2d (a,b)) <= 10]
g2d :: Int -> Int -> Float
g2d x y = gauss2D (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
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