mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 13:02:42 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into docking
# Conflicts: # examples/example_apple_opengl2/main.mm # imgui.cpp
This commit is contained in:
@ -179,6 +179,14 @@ jobs:
shell: cmd
run: '"%MSBUILD_PATH%\MSBuild.exe" examples/example_win32_directx12/example_win32_directx12.vcxproj /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release'
- uses: sarisia/actions-status-discord@v1
if: failure()
webhook: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_CI_WEBHOOK }}
username: GitHub Actions
color: 0xFF0000
title: ${{ github.job }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
@ -310,6 +318,15 @@ jobs:
- name: Build example_sdl_opengl3
run: make -C examples/example_sdl_opengl3
# Use https://github.com/marketplace/actions/actions-status-discord to send status to Discord
- uses: sarisia/actions-status-discord@v1
if: failure()
webhook: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_CI_WEBHOOK }}
username: GitHub Actions
color: 0xFF0000
title: ${{ github.job }}
runs-on: macOS-latest
@ -365,6 +382,15 @@ jobs:
- name: Build example_apple_opengl2
run: xcodebuild -project examples/example_apple_opengl2/example_apple_opengl2.xcodeproj -target example_osx_opengl2
# Use https://github.com/marketplace/actions/actions-status-discord to send status to Discord
- uses: sarisia/actions-status-discord@v1
if: failure()
webhook: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_CI_WEBHOOK }}
username: GitHub Actions
color: 0xFF0000
title: ${{ github.job }}
runs-on: macOS-latest
@ -377,6 +403,15 @@ jobs:
# Code signing is required, but we disable it because it is irrelevant for CI builds.
xcodebuild -project examples/example_apple_metal/example_apple_metal.xcodeproj -target example_apple_metal_ios CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO
# Use https://github.com/marketplace/actions/actions-status-discord to send status to Discord
- uses: sarisia/actions-status-discord@v1
if: failure()
webhook: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_CI_WEBHOOK }}
username: GitHub Actions
color: 0xFF0000
title: ${{ github.job }}
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
@ -398,3 +433,12 @@ jobs:
source ./emsdk_env.sh
make -C examples/example_emscripten
# Use https://github.com/marketplace/actions/actions-status-discord to send status to Discord
- uses: sarisia/actions-status-discord@v1
if: failure()
webhook: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_CI_WEBHOOK }}
username: GitHub Actions
color: 0xFF0000
title: ${{ github.job }}
@ -41,3 +41,11 @@ jobs:
pvs-studio-analyzer trace -- make WITH_EXTRA_WARNINGS=1
pvs-studio-analyzer analyze -e ../../imstb_rectpack.h -e ../../imstb_textedit.h -e ../../imstb_truetype.h -l ../../pvs-studio.lic -o pvs-studio.log
plog-converter -a 'GA:1,2;OP:1' -t errorfile -w pvs-studio.log
- uses: sarisia/actions-status-discord@v1
if: failure()
webhook: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_CI_WEBHOOK }}
username: GitHub Actions
color: 0xFF0000
title: ${{ github.job }}
@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ Breaking Changes:
It was also getting in the way of better font scaling, so let's get rid of it now!
If you used DisplayOffset it was probably in association to rasterizing a font at a specific size,
in which case the corresponding offset may be reported into GlyphOffset. (#1619)
- Style: Renamed style.TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton to style.TabMinWidthForCloseButton.
- Renamed ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput to ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp. Kept redirection enum (will obsolete).
- Renamed OpenPopupContextItem() back to OpenPopupOnItemClick(), REVERTED CHANGE FROM 1.77.
For variety of reason this is more self-explanatory.
- Removed return value from OpenPopupOnItemClick() - returned true on mouse release on item - because it
@ -229,6 +231,7 @@ Other Changes:
which was obsoleted. (#1823, #1316, #642) [@Shironekoben, @AndrewBelt]
- Added ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput flag to force clamping value when using
CTRL+Click to type in a value manually. (#1829, #3209, #946, #413).
[note: RENAMED to ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp in 1.79].
- Added ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat flag to disable rounding underlying
value to match precision of the display format string. (#642)
- Added ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput flag to disable turning widget into a text input
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Dear ImGui allows you to **create elaborate tools** as well as very short-lived
### How it works
Check out the Wiki's [About the IMGUI paradigm](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki#About-the-IMGUI-paradigm) section if you want to understand the core principles behind the IMGUI paradigm. An IMGUI tries to minimize superfluous state duplication, state synchronization and state retention from the user's point of view. It is less error prone (less code and less bugs) than traditional retained-mode interfaces, and lends itself to create dynamic user interfaces.
Check out the Wiki's [About the IMGUI paradigm](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki#about-the-imgui-paradigm) section if you want to understand the core principles behind the IMGUI paradigm. An IMGUI tries to minimize superfluous state duplication, state synchronization and state retention from the user's point of view. It is less error prone (less code and less bugs) than traditional retained-mode interfaces, and lends itself to create dynamic user interfaces.
Dear ImGui outputs vertex buffers and command lists that you can easily render in your application. The number of draw calls and state changes required to render them is fairly small. Because Dear ImGui doesn't know or touch graphics state directly, you can call its functions anywhere in your code (e.g. in the middle of a running algorithm, or in the middle of your own rendering process). Refer to the sample applications in the examples/ folder for instructions on how to integrate Dear ImGui with your existing codebase.
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ See: [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/ma
See: [Wiki](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki) for many links, references, articles.
See: [Articles about the IMGUI paradigm](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki#Articles-about-the-IMGUI-paradigm) to read/learn about the Immediate Mode GUI paradigm.
See: [Articles about the IMGUI paradigm](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki#about-the-imgui-paradigm) to read/learn about the Immediate Mode GUI paradigm.
If you are new to Dear ImGui and have issues with: compiling, linking, adding fonts, wiring inputs, running or displaying Dear ImGui: you can use [Discord server](http://discord.dearimgui.org).
@ -4,5 +4,7 @@
This example shows how to integrate Dear ImGui with Metal. It is based on the "cross-platform" game template provided with Xcode as of Xcode 9.
(NB: you may still want to use GLFW or SDL which will also support Windows, Linux along with OSX.)
Consider basing your work off the example_glfw_metal/ or example_sdl_metal/ examples. They are better supported and will be portable unlike this one.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
@implementation Renderer
-(nonnull instancetype)initWithView:(nonnull MTKView *)view;
-(nonnull instancetype)initWithView:(nonnull MTKView*)view;
self = [super init];
@ -23,17 +23,41 @@
_device = view.device;
_commandQueue = [_device newCommandQueue];
// Setup Dear ImGui context
// FIXME: This example doesn't have proper cleanup...
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); (void)io;
//io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard; // Enable Keyboard Controls
//io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad; // Enable Gamepad Controls
// Setup Dear ImGui style
// Setup Renderer bindings
// Load Fonts
// - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
// - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
// - If the file cannot be loaded, the function will return NULL. Please handle those errors in your application (e.g. use an assertion, or display an error and quit).
// - The fonts will be rasterized at a given size (w/ oversampling) and stored into a texture when calling ImFontAtlas::Build()/GetTexDataAsXXXX(), which ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame below will call.
// - Read 'docs/FONTS.txt' for more instructions and details.
// - Remember that in C/C++ if you want to include a backslash \ in a string literal you need to write a double backslash \\ !
//io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("../../misc/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf", 16.0f);
//io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("../../misc/fonts/Cousine-Regular.ttf", 15.0f);
//io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("../../misc/fonts/DroidSans.ttf", 16.0f);
//io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("../../misc/fonts/ProggyTiny.ttf", 10.0f);
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
//IM_ASSERT(font != NULL);
return self;
- (void)drawInMTKView:(MTKView *)view
- (void)drawInMTKView:(MTKView*)view
ImGuiIO &io = ImGui::GetIO();
io.DisplaySize.x = view.bounds.size.width;
@ -50,11 +74,12 @@
id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer = [self.commandQueue commandBuffer];
// Our state (make them static = more or less global) as a convenience to keep the example terse.
static bool show_demo_window = true;
static bool show_another_window = false;
static float clear_color[4] = { 0.28f, 0.36f, 0.5f, 1.0f };
MTLRenderPassDescriptor *renderPassDescriptor = view.currentRenderPassDescriptor;
MTLRenderPassDescriptor* renderPassDescriptor = view.currentRenderPassDescriptor;
if (renderPassDescriptor != nil)
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = MTLClearColorMake(clear_color[0], clear_color[1], clear_color[2], clear_color[3]);
@ -110,7 +135,7 @@
// Rendering
ImDrawData *drawData = ImGui::GetDrawData();
ImDrawData* drawData = ImGui::GetDrawData();
ImGui_ImplMetal_RenderDrawData(drawData, commandBuffer, renderEncoder);
[renderEncoder popDebugGroup];
@ -122,7 +147,7 @@
[commandBuffer commit];
- (void)mtkView:(MTKView *)view drawableSizeWillChange:(CGSize)size
- (void)mtkView:(MTKView*)view drawableSizeWillChange:(CGSize)size
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
// Global data for the demo
// Our state (make them static = more or less global) as a convenience to keep the example terse.
static bool show_demo_window = true;
static bool show_another_window = false;
static ImVec4 clear_color = ImVec4(0.45f, 0.55f, 0.60f, 1.00f);
@ -243,10 +243,12 @@
NSLog(@"No OpenGL Context!");
// Setup Dear ImGui context
// FIXME: This example doesn't have proper cleanup...
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); (void)io;
//io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard; // Enable Keyboard Controls
//io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad; // Enable Gamepad Controls
io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable; // Enable Docking
// Setup Dear ImGui style
@ -382,6 +382,8 @@ CODE
If you query mouse positions to interact with non-imgui coordinates you will need to offset them, e.g. subtract GetWindowViewport()->Pos.
- 2020/XX/XX (1.XX) - Moved IME support functions from io.ImeSetInputScreenPosFn, io.ImeWindowHandle to the PlatformIO api.
- 2020/09/25 (1.79) - renamed ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput to ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp. Kept redirection enum (will obsolete sooner because previous name was added recently).
- 2020/09/25 (1.79) - renamed style.TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton to style.TabMinWidthForCloseButton.
- 2020/09/21 (1.79) - renamed OpenPopupContextItem() back to OpenPopupOnItemClick(), reverting the change from 1.77. For varieties of reason this is more self-explanatory.
- 2020/09/21 (1.79) - removed return value from OpenPopupOnItemClick() - returned true on mouse release on item - because it is inconsistent with other popup APIs and makes others misleading. It's also and unnecessary: you can use IsWindowAppearing() after BeginPopup() for a similar result.
- 2020/09/17 (1.79) - removed ImFont::DisplayOffset in favor of ImFontConfig::GlyphOffset. DisplayOffset was applied after scaling and not very meaningful/useful outside of being needed by the default ProggyClean font. It was also getting in the way of better font scaling, so let's get rid of it now!
@ -968,7 +970,7 @@ ImGuiStyle::ImGuiStyle()
LogSliderDeadzone = 4.0f; // The size in pixels of the dead-zone around zero on logarithmic sliders that cross zero.
TabRounding = 4.0f; // Radius of upper corners of a tab. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular tabs.
TabBorderSize = 0.0f; // Thickness of border around tabs.
TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton = 0.0f; // Minimum width for close button to appears on an unselected tab when hovered. Set to 0.0f to always show when hovering, set to FLT_MAX to never show close button unless selected.
TabMinWidthForCloseButton = 0.0f; // Minimum width for close button to appears on an unselected tab when hovered. Set to 0.0f to always show when hovering, set to FLT_MAX to never show close button unless selected.
ColorButtonPosition = ImGuiDir_Right; // Side of the color button in the ColorEdit4 widget (left/right). Defaults to ImGuiDir_Right.
ButtonTextAlign = ImVec2(0.5f,0.5f);// Alignment of button text when button is larger than text.
SelectableTextAlign = ImVec2(0.0f,0.0f);// Alignment of selectable text. Defaults to (0.0f, 0.0f) (top-left aligned). It's generally important to keep this left-aligned if you want to lay multiple items on a same line.
@ -1007,8 +1009,7 @@ void ImGuiStyle::ScaleAllSizes(float scale_factor)
GrabRounding = ImFloor(GrabRounding * scale_factor);
LogSliderDeadzone = ImFloor(LogSliderDeadzone * scale_factor);
TabRounding = ImFloor(TabRounding * scale_factor);
if (TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton != FLT_MAX)
TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton = ImFloor(TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton * scale_factor);
TabMinWidthForCloseButton = (TabMinWidthForCloseButton != FLT_MAX) ? ImFloor(TabMinWidthForCloseButton * scale_factor) : FLT_MAX;
DisplayWindowPadding = ImFloor(DisplayWindowPadding * scale_factor);
DisplaySafeAreaPadding = ImFloor(DisplaySafeAreaPadding * scale_factor);
MouseCursorScale = ImFloor(MouseCursorScale * scale_factor);
@ -2227,35 +2228,44 @@ static void SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(float pos_y, float line_height)
columns->LineMinY = window->DC.CursorPos.y; // Setting this so that cell Y position are set properly
// Use case A: Begin() called from constructor with items_height<0, then called again from Sync() in StepNo 1
ImGuiListClipper::ImGuiListClipper(int items_count, float items_height)
DisplayStart = DisplayEnd = 0;
ItemsCount = -1;
StepNo = 0;
ItemsHeight = StartPosY = 0.0f;
Begin(items_count, items_height);
IM_ASSERT(ItemsCount == -1 && "Forgot to call End(), or to Step() until false?");
// Use case A: Begin() called from constructor with items_height<0, then called again from Step() in StepNo 1
// Use case B: Begin() called from constructor with items_height>0
// FIXME-LEGACY: Ideally we should remove the Begin/End functions but they are part of the legacy API we still support. This is why some of the code in Step() calling Begin() and reassign some fields, spaghetti style.
void ImGuiListClipper::Begin(int count, float items_height)
void ImGuiListClipper::Begin(int items_count, float items_height)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
StartPosY = window->DC.CursorPos.y;
ItemsHeight = items_height;
ItemsCount = count;
ItemsCount = items_count;
StepNo = 0;
DisplayEnd = DisplayStart = -1;
if (ItemsHeight > 0.0f)
ImGui::CalcListClipping(ItemsCount, ItemsHeight, &DisplayStart, &DisplayEnd); // calculate how many to clip/display
if (DisplayStart > 0)
SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(StartPosY + DisplayStart * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
StepNo = 2;
DisplayStart = -1;
DisplayEnd = 0;
void ImGuiListClipper::End()
if (ItemsCount < 0)
if (ItemsCount < 0) // Already ended
// In theory here we should assert that ImGui::GetCursorPosY() == StartPosY + DisplayEnd * ItemsHeight, but it feels saner to just seek at the end and not assert/crash the user.
if (ItemsCount < INT_MAX)
SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(StartPosY + ItemsCount * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
if (ItemsCount < INT_MAX && DisplayStart >= 0)
SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(StartPosY + ItemsCount * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight);
ItemsCount = -1;
StepNo = 3;
@ -2265,38 +2275,70 @@ bool ImGuiListClipper::Step()
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
if (ItemsCount == 0 || window->SkipItems)
// Reached end of list
if (DisplayEnd >= ItemsCount || window->SkipItems)
return false;
// Step 0: Let you process the first element (regardless of it being visible or not, so we can measure the element height)
if (StepNo == 0)
StartPosY = window->DC.CursorPos.y;
if (ItemsHeight <= 0.0f)
// Submit the first item so we can measure its height (generally it is 0..1)
DisplayStart = 0;
DisplayEnd = 1;
StepNo = 1;
return true;
// Already has item height (given by user in Begin): skip to calculating step
DisplayStart = DisplayEnd;
StepNo = 2;
// Step 1: the clipper infer height from first element
if (StepNo == 1)
IM_ASSERT(ItemsHeight <= 0.0f);
ItemsHeight = window->DC.CursorPos.y - StartPosY;
IM_ASSERT(ItemsHeight > 0.0f && "Unable to calculate item height! First item hasn't moved the cursor vertically!");
StepNo = 2;
// Step 2: calculate the actual range of elements to display, and position the cursor before the first element
if (StepNo == 2)
IM_ASSERT(ItemsHeight > 0.0f);
int already_submitted = DisplayEnd;
ImGui::CalcListClipping(ItemsCount - already_submitted, ItemsHeight, &DisplayStart, &DisplayEnd);
DisplayStart += already_submitted;
DisplayEnd += already_submitted;
// Seek cursor
if (DisplayStart > already_submitted)
SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(StartPosY + DisplayStart * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight);
StepNo = 3;
return true;
// Step 3: the clipper validate that we have reached the expected Y position (corresponding to element DisplayEnd),
// Advance the cursor to the end of the list and then returns 'false' to end the loop.
if (StepNo == 3)
// Seek cursor
if (ItemsCount < INT_MAX)
SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(StartPosY + ItemsCount * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
ItemsCount = -1;
return false;
if (StepNo == 0) // Step 0: the clipper let you process the first element, regardless of it being visible or not, so we can measure the element height.
DisplayStart = 0;
DisplayEnd = 1;
StartPosY = window->DC.CursorPos.y;
StepNo = 1;
return true;
if (StepNo == 1) // Step 1: the clipper infer height from first element, calculate the actual range of elements to display, and position the cursor before the first element.
if (ItemsCount == 1) { ItemsCount = -1; return false; }
float items_height = window->DC.CursorPos.y - StartPosY;
IM_ASSERT(items_height > 0.0f); // If this triggers, it means Item 0 hasn't moved the cursor vertically
Begin(ItemsCount - 1, items_height);
StepNo = 3;
return true;
if (StepNo == 2) // Step 2: empty step only required if an explicit items_height was passed to constructor or Begin() and user still call Step(). Does nothing and switch to Step 3.
IM_ASSERT(DisplayStart >= 0 && DisplayEnd >= 0);
StepNo = 3;
return true;
if (StepNo == 3) // Step 3: the clipper validate that we have reached the expected Y position (corresponding to element DisplayEnd), advance the cursor to the end of the list and then returns 'false' to end the loop.
return false;
@ -8786,7 +8828,7 @@ ImVec2 ImGui::FindBestWindowPosForPopupEx(const ImVec2& ref_pos, const ImVec2& s
// For tooltip we prefer avoiding the cursor at all cost even if it means that part of the tooltip won't be visible.
if (policy == ImGuiPopupPositionPolicy_Tooltip)
return ref_pos + ImVec2(2, 2);
return ref_pos + ImVec2(2, 2);
// Otherwise try to keep within display
ImVec2 pos = ref_pos;
@ -15596,7 +15638,8 @@ void ImGui::ShowMetricsWindow(bool* p_open)
NodeDrawCmdShowMeshAndBoundingBox(fg_draw_list, draw_list, pcmd, elem_offset, true, false);
// Display individual triangles/vertices. Hover on to get the corresponding triangle highlighted.
ImGuiListClipper clipper(pcmd->ElemCount / 3); // Manually coarse clip our print out of individual vertices to save CPU, only items that may be visible.
ImGuiListClipper clipper;
clipper.Begin(pcmd->ElemCount / 3); // Manually coarse clip our print out of individual vertices to save CPU, only items that may be visible.
while (clipper.Step())
for (int prim = clipper.DisplayStart, idx_i = elem_offset + clipper.DisplayStart * 3; prim < clipper.DisplayEnd; prim++)
@ -1377,11 +1377,16 @@ enum ImGuiColorEditFlags_
enum ImGuiSliderFlags_
ImGuiSliderFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput = 1 << 4, // Clamp value to min/max bounds when input manually with CTRL+Click. By default CTRL+Click allows going out of bounds.
ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp = 1 << 4, // Clamp value to min/max bounds when input manually with CTRL+Click. By default CTRL+Click allows going out of bounds.
ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic = 1 << 5, // Make the widget logarithmic (linear otherwise). Consider using ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat with this if using a format-string with small amount of digits.
ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat = 1 << 6, // Disable rounding underlying value to match precision of the display format string (e.g. %.3f values are rounded to those 3 digits)
ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput = 1 << 7, // Disable CTRL+Click or Enter key allowing to input text directly into the widget
ImGuiSliderFlags_InvalidMask_ = 0x7000000F // [Internal] We treat using those bits as being potentially a 'float power' argument from the previous API that has got miscast to this enum, and will trigger an assert if needed.
// Obsolete names (will be removed)
, ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput = ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp, // [renamed in 1.79]
// Identify a mouse button.
@ -1549,7 +1554,7 @@ struct ImGuiStyle
float LogSliderDeadzone; // The size in pixels of the dead-zone around zero on logarithmic sliders that cross zero.
float TabRounding; // Radius of upper corners of a tab. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular tabs.
float TabBorderSize; // Thickness of border around tabs.
float TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton; // Minimum width for close button to appears on an unselected tab when hovered. Set to 0.0f to always show when hovering, set to FLT_MAX to never show close button unless selected.
float TabMinWidthForCloseButton; // Minimum width for close button to appears on an unselected tab when hovered. Set to 0.0f to always show when hovering, set to FLT_MAX to never show close button unless selected.
ImGuiDir ColorButtonPosition; // Side of the color button in the ColorEdit4 widget (left/right). Defaults to ImGuiDir_Right.
ImVec2 ButtonTextAlign; // Alignment of button text when button is larger than text. Defaults to (0.5f, 0.5f) (centered).
ImVec2 SelectableTextAlign; // Alignment of selectable text. Defaults to (0.0f, 0.0f) (top-left aligned). It's generally important to keep this left-aligned if you want to lay multiple items on a same line.
@ -1999,7 +2004,8 @@ struct ImGuiStorage
// - Step 3: the clipper validate that we have reached the expected Y position (corresponding to element DisplayEnd), advance the cursor to the end of the list and then returns 'false' to end the loop.
struct ImGuiListClipper
int DisplayStart, DisplayEnd;
int DisplayStart;
int DisplayEnd;
int ItemsCount;
// [Internal]
@ -2010,12 +2016,12 @@ struct ImGuiListClipper
// items_count: Use -1 to ignore (you can call Begin later). Use INT_MAX if you don't know how many items you have (in which case the cursor won't be advanced in the final step).
// items_height: Use -1.0f to be calculated automatically on first step. Otherwise pass in the distance between your items, typically GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() or GetFrameHeightWithSpacing().
// If you don't specify an items_height, you NEED to call Step(). If you specify items_height you may call the old Begin()/End() api directly, but prefer calling Step().
ImGuiListClipper(int items_count = -1, float items_height = -1.0f) { Begin(items_count, items_height); } // NB: Begin() initialize every fields (as we allow user to call Begin/End multiple times on a same instance if they want).
~ImGuiListClipper() { IM_ASSERT(ItemsCount == -1); } // Assert if user forgot to call End() or Step() until false.
ImGuiListClipper(int items_count = -1, float items_height = -1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool Step(); // Call until it returns false. The DisplayStart/DisplayEnd fields will be set and you can process/draw those items.
IMGUI_API void Begin(int items_count, float items_height = -1.0f); // Automatically called by constructor if you passed 'items_count' or by Step() in Step 1.
IMGUI_API void End(); // Automatically called on the last call of Step() that returns false.
IMGUI_API bool Step(); // Call until it returns false. The DisplayStart/DisplayEnd fields will be set and you can process/draw those items.
// Helpers macros to generate 32-bit encoded colors
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowWidgets()
"Hold SHIFT/ALT for faster/slower edit.\n"
"Double-click or CTRL+click to input value.");
ImGui::DragInt("drag int 0..100", &i2, 1, 0, 100, "%d%%", ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput);
ImGui::DragInt("drag int 0..100", &i2, 1, 0, 100, "%d%%", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp);
static float f1 = 1.00f, f2 = 0.0067f;
ImGui::DragFloat("drag float", &f1, 0.005f);
@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowWidgets()
// Demonstrate using advanced flags for DragXXX and SliderXXX functions. Note that the flags are the same!
static ImGuiSliderFlags flags = ImGuiSliderFlags_None;
ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput", (unsigned int*)&flags, ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput);
ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp", (unsigned int*)&flags, ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp);
ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Always clamp value to min/max bounds (if any) when input manually with CTRL+Click.");
ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic", (unsigned int*)&flags, ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic);
ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Enable logarithmic editing (more precision for small values).");
@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowWidgets()
static float begin = 10, end = 90;
static int begin_i = 100, end_i = 1000;
ImGui::DragFloatRange2("range float", &begin, &end, 0.25f, 0.0f, 100.0f, "Min: %.1f %%", "Max: %.1f %%", ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput);
ImGui::DragFloatRange2("range float", &begin, &end, 0.25f, 0.0f, 100.0f, "Min: %.1f %%", "Max: %.1f %%", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp);
ImGui::DragIntRange2("range int", &begin_i, &end_i, 5, 0, 1000, "Min: %d units", "Max: %d units");
ImGui::DragIntRange2("range int (no bounds)", &begin_i, &end_i, 5, 0, 0, "Min: %d units", "Max: %d units");
@ -3401,7 +3401,8 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowColumns()
ImGui::BeginChild("##ScrollingRegion", child_size, false, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar);
int ITEMS_COUNT = 2000;
ImGuiListClipper clipper(ITEMS_COUNT); // Also demonstrate using the clipper for large list
ImGuiListClipper clipper; // Also demonstrate using the clipper for large list
while (clipper.Step())
for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++)
@ -4111,9 +4112,9 @@ void ImGui::ShowStyleEditor(ImGuiStyle* ref)
"rebuild the font atlas, and call style.ScaleAllSizes() on a reference ImGuiStyle structure.\n"
"Using those settings here will give you poor quality results.");
static float window_scale = 1.0f;
if (ImGui::DragFloat("window scale", &window_scale, 0.005f, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, "%.2f", ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput)) // Scale only this window
if (ImGui::DragFloat("window scale", &window_scale, 0.005f, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, "%.2f", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp)) // Scale only this window
ImGui::DragFloat("global scale", &io.FontGlobalScale, 0.005f, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, "%.2f", ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput); // Scale everything
ImGui::DragFloat("global scale", &io.FontGlobalScale, 0.005f, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, "%.2f", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp); // Scale everything
@ -4412,7 +4413,8 @@ struct ExampleAppConsole
// To use the clipper we can replace your standard loop:
// for (int i = 0; i < Items.Size; i++)
// With:
// ImGuiListClipper clipper(Items.Size);
// ImGuiListClipper clipper;
// clipper.Begin(Items.Size);
// while (clipper.Step())
// for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++)
// - That your items are evenly spaced (same height)
@ -4979,7 +4981,8 @@ static void ShowExampleAppLongText(bool* p_open)
// Multiple calls to Text(), manually coarsely clipped - demonstrate how to use the ImGuiListClipper helper.
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0, 0));
ImGuiListClipper clipper(lines);
ImGuiListClipper clipper;
while (clipper.Step())
for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++)
ImGui::Text("%i The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", i);
@ -2249,8 +2249,8 @@ bool ImGui::DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data,
if (temp_input_is_active)
// Only clamp CTRL+Click input when ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampInput is set
const bool is_clamp_input = (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput) != 0 && (p_min == NULL || p_max == NULL || DataTypeCompare(data_type, p_min, p_max) < 0);
// Only clamp CTRL+Click input when ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp is set
const bool is_clamp_input = (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp) != 0 && (p_min == NULL || p_max == NULL || DataTypeCompare(data_type, p_min, p_max) < 0);
return TempInputScalar(frame_bb, id, label, data_type, p_data, format, is_clamp_input ? p_min : NULL, is_clamp_input ? p_max : NULL);
@ -2331,7 +2331,7 @@ bool ImGui::DragFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_speed, float v_min
return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
// NB: You likely want to specify the ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput when using this.
// NB: You likely want to specify the ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp when using this.
bool ImGui::DragFloatRange2(const char* label, float* v_current_min, float* v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, const char* format_max, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
@ -2384,7 +2384,7 @@ bool ImGui::DragInt4(const char* label, int v[4], float v_speed, int v_min, int
return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 4, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
// NB: You likely want to specify the ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput when using this.
// NB: You likely want to specify the ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp when using this.
bool ImGui::DragIntRange2(const char* label, int* v_current_min, int* v_current_max, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, const char* format_max, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
@ -2856,8 +2856,8 @@ bool ImGui::SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_dat
if (temp_input_is_active)
// Only clamp CTRL+Click input when ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampInput is set
const bool is_clamp_input = (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput) != 0;
// Only clamp CTRL+Click input when ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp is set
const bool is_clamp_input = (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp) != 0;
return TempInputScalar(frame_bb, id, label, data_type, p_data, format, is_clamp_input ? p_min : NULL, is_clamp_input ? p_max : NULL);
@ -3185,8 +3185,7 @@ bool ImGui::TempInputText(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, const char* label, char*
return value_changed;
// Note that Drag/Slider functions are only forwarding the min/max values clamping values if the
// ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput / ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput flag is set!
// Note that Drag/Slider functions are only forwarding the min/max values clamping values if the ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp flag is set!
// This is intended: this way we allow CTRL+Click manual input to set a value out of bounds, for maximum flexibility.
// However this may not be ideal for all uses, as some user code may break on out of bound values.
bool ImGui::TempInputScalar(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const char* format, const void* p_clamp_min, const void* p_clamp_max)
@ -5953,6 +5952,7 @@ bool ImGui::Selectable(const char* label, bool selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags fl
ItemSize(size, 0.0f);
// Fill horizontal space
// We don't support (size < 0.0f) in Selectable() because the ItemSpacing extension would make explicitely right-aligned sizes not visibly match other widgets.
const float min_x = span_all_columns ? window->ParentWorkRect.Min.x : pos.x;
const float max_x = span_all_columns ? window->ParentWorkRect.Max.x : window->WorkRect.Max.x;
if (size_arg.x == 0.0f || (flags & ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAvailWidth))
@ -6164,7 +6164,8 @@ bool ImGui::ListBox(const char* label, int* current_item, bool (*items_getter)(v
// Assume all items have even height (= 1 line of text). If you need items of different or variable sizes you can create a custom version of ListBox() in your code without using the clipper.
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
bool value_changed = false;
ImGuiListClipper clipper(items_count, GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing()); // We know exactly our line height here so we pass it as a minor optimization, but generally you don't need to.
ImGuiListClipper clipper;
clipper.Begin(items_count, GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing()); // We know exactly our line height here so we pass it as a minor optimization, but generally you don't need to.
while (clipper.Step())
for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++)
@ -7037,13 +7038,16 @@ static void ImGui::TabBarLayout(ImGuiTabBar* tab_bar)
tab->IndexDuringLayout = (ImS8)tab_dst_n;
// We will need sorting if tabs have changed section (e.g. moved from one of Leading/Central/Trailing to another)
ImGuiTabItem* prev_tab = &tab_bar->Tabs[tab_dst_n - 1];
int curr_tab_section_n = (tab->Flags & ImGuiTabItemFlags_Leading) ? 0 : (tab->Flags & ImGuiTabItemFlags_Trailing) ? 2 : 1;
int prev_tab_section_n = (prev_tab->Flags & ImGuiTabItemFlags_Leading) ? 0 : (prev_tab->Flags & ImGuiTabItemFlags_Trailing) ? 2 : 1;
if (tab_dst_n > 0 && curr_tab_section_n == 0 && prev_tab_section_n != 0)
need_sort_by_section = true;
if (tab_dst_n > 0 && prev_tab_section_n == 2 && curr_tab_section_n != 2)
need_sort_by_section = true;
if (tab_dst_n > 0)
ImGuiTabItem* prev_tab = &tab_bar->Tabs[tab_dst_n - 1];
int prev_tab_section_n = (prev_tab->Flags & ImGuiTabItemFlags_Leading) ? 0 : (prev_tab->Flags & ImGuiTabItemFlags_Trailing) ? 2 : 1;
if (curr_tab_section_n == 0 && prev_tab_section_n != 0)
need_sort_by_section = true;
if (prev_tab_section_n == 2 && curr_tab_section_n != 2)
need_sort_by_section = true;
@ -7948,7 +7952,7 @@ bool ImGui::TabItemLabelAndCloseButton(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImRect& bb,
bool close_button_pressed = false;
bool close_button_visible = false;
if (close_button_id != 0)
if (is_contents_visible || bb.GetWidth() >= g.Style.TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton)
if (is_contents_visible || bb.GetWidth() >= g.Style.TabMinWidthForCloseButton)
if (g.HoveredId == tab_id || g.HoveredId == close_button_id || g.ActiveId == tab_id || g.ActiveId == close_button_id)
close_button_visible = true;
if (close_button_visible)
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