worked a bit further
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- Initial raytrace.cabal generated by cabal init. For further
-- Initial raytrace.cabal generated by cabal init. For further
-- documentation, see
-- The name of the package.
@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ executable raytrace
attoparsec >= 0.12,
bytestring >= 0.10,
linear >= 1.10,
JuicyPixels >= 3.1
JuicyPixels >= 3.1,
parallel >= 3.2,
vector >= 0.10
-- Directories containing source files.
-- hs-source-dirs:
@ -6,12 +6,16 @@ import Codec.Picture.Png
import Codec.Picture.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Data.Vector hiding ((++),map)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Attoparsec
import Scene.Parser
import Scene.Types
import Debug.Trace
findCamera :: [ObjectParser] -> Either String Camera
findCamera [] = Left "No camera found"
findCamera (a:as) = case a of
@ -50,8 +54,9 @@ filterObjects (a:as) = case a of
OpP p -> P p:filterObjects as
_ -> filterObjects as
validateScene :: [ObjectParser] -> Either String Scene
validateScene obs = do
validateAndParseScene :: B8.ByteString -> Either String Scene
validateAndParseScene f = do
obs <- parseScene f
cam <- findCamera obs
depth <- findDepth obs
amb <- findAmbience obs
@ -67,21 +72,30 @@ validateScene obs = do
, sceneObjects = objects
render :: Scene -> Image PixelRGB8
render s = generateImage pixelRenderer 250 300
where pixelRenderer x y = PixelRGB8 128 128 128
render :: Int -> Int -> Scene -> Int -> PixelRGB8
render w h s index = trace (show (x,y)) PixelRGB8 255 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
y = index `mod` w
x = index `div` w
data Ray = Ray (V3 Float) (V3 Float)
data Collision = Collision (V3 Float) Float Collidable
intersect :: Ray -> Collidable -> Maybe Collision
intersect (Ray ro rd) (S (Sphere sc sr _) = undefined
intersect _ = undefined
main :: IO ()
main = do
f <- B.readFile "scenes/test.sce"
rawScene <- return $ parseScene f
case rawScene of
Left error -> putStrLn $ "error Parsing: " ++ error
Right raw -> do
scene <- return $ validateScene raw
case scene of
Left error -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ error
Right s -> do
print s
im <- return $ render s
writePng "out.png" im
case validateAndParseScene f of
Left error -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ error
Right s -> do
let (w,h) = (width . sceneCamera $ s, height . sceneCamera $ s)
imdata = map (render w h s) [0..w*h-1]
imvec = fromList imdata
im = generateImage (\x y -> imvec ! (x*w+y)) w h
print s
print (w,h)
writePng "out.png" im
Reference in New Issue
Block a user