accelerated reading and parsing of adjacency matrix by directly creating a
vector for each row
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,10 +58,9 @@ data Params = Params { density :: Double
instance NFData Params
-- What could be improved: In case of an error the full ByteString is reduced nonetheless because of
-- the use of fold. It would be better to be able to skip the parsing when an error occurs.
-- | Parses a row of the adjacency matrix of a graph. The consistancy of line lengths is not tested
-- by this function! In case of a successfull parse a 'Left [a]' is returned, otherwise a
-- by this function! In case of a successfull parse a 'Left' ('Vector' a) is returned, otherwise a
-- 'Right ByteString' containing an error message.
-- > 10101
-- > 01010
@ -69,22 +68,31 @@ instance NFData Params
-- > 01010
-- > 10101
-- * whitespace in between is ignored (including '\\t', '\\n' and '\\r')
-- * Valid Values: '0', '1'
-- * any invalid value which is not a whitespace character raises an error
parseAdjMat :: (Integral a) => ByteString -> Either [a] ByteString
parseAdjMat input = B.foldr' foldf (Left []) input -- important to use *right* fold to keep ordering
where --foldf :: Char -> Either [a] ByteString -> Either [a] ByteString
foldf _ (r@(Right _)) = r
foldf c (l@(Left row)) =
case c of
'0' -> Left $! 0:row
'1' -> Left $! 1:row
_ -> if isSpace c then l else Right (B.pack $ "(adjacency)cannot parse '" ++ c:"'")
-- * Valid Values: @0@, @1@
-- * any invalid value raises an error
parseAdjMat :: (Num a, Unbox a) => ByteString -> Either (V.Vector a) ByteString
parseAdjMat input =
size = B.length input
result = V.unfoldrN size parseAdjMat' input
if size == V.length result then Left result
else Right $ B.append (B.pack "(adjecency)cannot parse ") input
--parseAdjMat' :: ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
parseAdjMat' input =
let c = B.head input in
case c of
'0' -> Just (0, B.tail input)
'1' -> Just (1, B.tail input)
_ -> if isSpace c then parseAdjMat' (B.tail input)
else Nothing
-- | Tests if a parse result is considered valid.
testParse :: Maybe (a, ByteString) -> Maybe a
testParse Nothing = Nothing
testParse (Just (a, rem)) = if emptyLine rem then Just a else Nothing
-- What could be improved: In case of an error the full ByteString is reduced nonetheless because of
-- the use of fold. It would be better to be able to skip the parsing when an error occurs.
-- | Parses a row of the attribute matrix of a graph. The consistancy of line lengths is not tested
-- by this function! In case of a successfull parse a 'Left [a]' is returned, otherwise a
-- 'Right ByteString' containing an error message.
@ -94,27 +102,8 @@ parseAdjMat input = B.foldr' foldf (Left []) input -- important to use *right* f
-- > 2.2 -3e-4
-- > 3 2.3
-- * Valid: Doubles
-- * whitespace between two values is ignored
-- * any invalid value which is not a whitespace character raises an error
parseAttr :: Char -> ByteString -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr delim input
| B.null input = Left []
| B.head input == delim = parseAttr delim (B.tail input)
| otherwise =
case B.readDouble input of
Just (d, rem) -> case parseAttr delim rem of
Left l -> Left $! d:l
r -> r
_ -> if B.head input == '\r' && B.length input == 1 then Left []
else Right $ B.append (B.pack "(attr)cannot parse ") input
testParse :: Maybe (a, ByteString) -> Maybe a
testParse Nothing = Nothing
testParse (Just (a, rem)) = if emptyLine rem then Just a else Nothing
-- * Valid: Doubles divided by specified delimter
-- * any invalid value raises an error
parseAttr :: Char -> ByteString -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr delim input = parseAttr' (B.split delim input)
where parseAttr' :: [ByteString] -> Either [Double] ByteString
@ -126,6 +115,10 @@ parseAttr delim input = parseAttr' (B.split delim input)
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(attr)cannot parse ") row
parseAttr' [] = Left []
-- | Parses parameter file.
-- First line: Density (Double)
-- Second line: requied matches (Int)
-- Third line is the tolerance for each attribute (Double values)
parseParams :: Char -> [ByteString] -> Either Params ByteString
parseParams delim input
| length input /= 3 = Right $ B.pack ("(params)amount of lines does not match (expected 3, got "
@ -172,13 +165,19 @@ doCalculation adj attr p =
doAll' [] _ _ _ _ _ = []
doAll' gs a b c d e = gs ++ doAll' (step gs a b c d e) a b c d e
-- | gets the length of the Left a.
-- | gets the length of the 'Left a'.
-- 0 if Left a empty or no valid constructor.
-- @0@ if Left a empty or no valid constructor.
getLength :: Either [a] b -> Int
getLength (Left a) = length a
getLength (Right _) = 0
-- | gets the length of the Left ('Vector a').
-- @0@ if Left a empty or no valid constructor.
getLengthV :: (Unbox a) => Either (V.Vector a) b -> Int
getLengthV (Left a) = V.length a
getLengthV (Right _) = 0
-- | prints the Help and exits
showHelp :: IO ()
@ -209,6 +208,12 @@ checkError a
-- changed to return () to disable Debug.
debug a = return () --putStrLn a
-- | Removes one trailing carriage return character @\\r@ if existant.
removeCarriageReturn :: ByteString -> ByteString
removeCarriageReturn input =
if B.last input == '\r' then B.init input
else input
-- | The main-function to bootstrap our application
main = do
@ -222,9 +227,9 @@ main = do
_ -> error "Error: Wrong number of Arguments given. Try --help for more information."
-- read file and clean
adjMat <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head input))
attrMat <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head $ tail input))
paramRef <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head $ tail $ tail input))
adjMat <- return $ removeCarriageReturn $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head input))
attrMat <- return $ removeCarriageReturn $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head $ tail input))
paramRef <- return $ removeCarriageReturn $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head $ tail $ tail input))
unrefined_graph <- return $ ( (parseAdjMat) adjMat)
@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ main = do
adjLines <- return $ length adjMat
attrLines <- return $ length attrMat
adjNum <- return $ getLength (head unrefined_graph)
adjNum <- return $ getLengthV (head unrefined_graph)
attrNum <- return $ getLength (head unrefined_attr)
debug $ show (adjLines, attrLines, attrNum)
@ -270,13 +275,20 @@ main = do
else return ()
graph <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. adjLines :. adjLines) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_graph)) -- concatenated graph
graph <- return $ A.fromUnboxed (Z :. adjLines :. adjLines) (V.concat (lefts unrefined_graph)) -- concatenated graph
attr <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. attrLines :. attrNum) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_attr)) -- concatenated attr
--t1 <- getCurrentTime
evaluate graph
--t2 <- getCurrentTime
--putStrLn ("graph: " ++ show (diffUTCTime t2 t1))
evaluate attr
--t3 <- getCurrentTime
--putStrLn ("attr: " ++ show (diffUTCTime t3 t2))
evaluate paramsFinal
--t4 <- getCurrentTime
--putStrLn ("param: " ++ show (diffUTCTime t4 t3))
timeEndParse <- getCurrentTime
@ -286,8 +298,8 @@ main = do
calculation <- return $!! doCalculation graph attr paramsFinal
timeEndCalc <- getCurrentTime
B.putStr calculation
putStrLn ("read/parse CPU time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime timeEndParse timeStartProg) ++ "s")
putStrLn ("calculation CPU time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime timeEndCalc timeStartCalc) ++ "s")
putStrLn ("read/parse CPU time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime timeEndParse timeStartProg))
putStrLn ("calculation CPU time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime timeEndCalc timeStartCalc))
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