added computation time measurement, parsing evaluated before calculating
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ data-dir: ""
executable hgraph
QuickCheck -any,
base -any,
bytestring -any,
bytestring-lexing -any,
deepseq -any,
ghc -any,
time >=1.2,
monad-par >=0.3.4,
parallel -any,
repa >=3.2,
@ -37,8 +38,8 @@ executable hgraph
test-suite test-hgraph
QuickCheck -any,
base -any, bytestring -any, deepseq -any, ghc -any,
QuickCheck -any, bytestring -any, bytestring-lexing -any,
deepseq -any, ghc -any, time >=1.2,
monad-par >=0.3.4, parallel -any, repa >=3.2,
containers >=0.5.0 && <0.6,
base >=4.6.0 && <4.7
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import DCB.IO
import Util
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception.Base
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.Trace
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
@ -35,11 +36,13 @@ import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Unboxed
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Vector
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.ByteString.Lex.Double as B
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
--import Debug.Trace
import System.CPUTime
@ -73,16 +76,12 @@ parseAdjMat :: (Integral a) => ByteString -> Either [a] ByteString
parseAdjMat input = B.foldr' foldf (Left []) input -- important to use *right* fold to keep ordering
where --foldf :: Char -> Either [a] ByteString -> Either [a] ByteString
foldf _ (r@(Right _)) = r
foldf c (l@(Left row))
| c == '0' = Left (0:row)
| c == '1' = Left (1:row)
| isSpace c = l
| otherwise = Right (B.pack $ "(adjacency)cannot parse '" ++ c:"'")
foldf c (l@(Left row)) =
case c of
'0' -> Left $! 0:row
'1' -> Left $! 1:row
_ -> if isSpace c then l else Right (B.pack $ "(adjacency)cannot parse '" ++ c:"'")
testParse :: [(a,String)] -> Maybe a
testParse [] = Nothing
testParse [(a,s)] = if isWhitespace s then Just a else Nothing
testParse _ = Nothing
-- What could be improved: In case of an error the full ByteString is reduced nonetheless because of
-- the use of fold. It would be better to be able to skip the parsing when an error occurs.
@ -98,30 +97,47 @@ testParse _ = Nothing
-- * Valid: Doubles
-- * whitespace between two values is ignored
-- * any invalid value which is not a whitespace character raises an error
parseAttr :: Char -> ByteString -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr delim input
| B.null input = Left []
| B.head input == delim = parseAttr delim (B.tail input)
| otherwise =
case B.readDouble input of
Just (d, rem) -> case parseAttr delim rem of
Left l -> Left $! d:l
r -> r
_ -> if B.head input == '\r' && B.length input == 1 then Left []
else Right $ B.append (B.pack "(attr)cannot parse ") input
testParse :: Maybe (a, ByteString) -> Maybe a
testParse Nothing = Nothing
testParse (Just (a, rem)) = if emptyLine rem then Just a else Nothing
parseAttr :: Char -> ByteString -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr delim input = parseAttr' (B.split delim input)
where parseAttr' :: [ByteString] -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr' (row:rem) =
case testParse $ B.readDouble row of
Just d -> case parseAttr' rem of
Left l -> Left $! d:l
r -> r
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(attr)cannot parse ") row
parseAttr' [] = Left []
parseAttr' (t:ts) =
case testParse (reads (B.unpack t) :: [(Double, String)]) of
Just d -> case isNaN d of
False -> case parseAttr' ts of
Left fs -> Left (d:fs)
Right msg -> Right msg
True -> Right $ B.pack ("(attr)invalid value " ++ show d)
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(attr)cannot parse ") t
parseParams :: Char -> [ByteString] -> Either Params ByteString
parseParams delim input
| length input /= 3 = Right $ B.pack ("(params)amount of lines does not match (expected 3, got "
++ show (length input) ++ ")")
| otherwise =
case testParse ((reads . B.unpack) (head input) :: [(Double, String)]) of -- parse density
Just dens -> case testParse ((reads . B.unpack) (head $ tail input) :: [(Int, String)]) of -- parse matches
Just match -> case parseAttr delim (head $ tail $ tail input) of --parse range line
Left range -> Left $ Params dens match range
Right msg -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - range)") msg
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - match)cannot parse ") (head $ tail input)
case testParse $ B.readDouble (head input) of -- parse density
Just dens -> case testParse $ B.readInt (head $ tail input) of -- parse matches
Just match
-> case parseAttr delim (head $ tail $ tail input) of --parse range line
Left range -> Left $ Params dens match range
Right msg -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - range)") msg
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - match)cannot parse ") (head $ tail input)
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - density)cannot parse ") (head input)
@ -196,7 +212,7 @@ debug a = return () --putStrLn a
-- | The main-function to bootstrap our application
main = do
timeStartProg <- getCPUTime
timeStartProg <- getCurrentTime
args <- getArgs
input <- case args of
[] -> Prelude.mapM B.readFile ["sampledata.adj","sampledata.adj.atr","sampledata.p"]
@ -211,9 +227,9 @@ main = do
paramRef <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head $ tail $ tail input))
unrefined_graph <- return $!! ( (parseAdjMat) adjMat)
unrefined_graph <- return $ ( (parseAdjMat) adjMat)
-- +|| (parBuffer 25 rseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
unrefined_attr <- return $!! ( (parseAttr '\t') attrMat)
unrefined_attr <- return $ ( (parseAttr '\t') attrMat)
-- +|| (parBuffer 25 rseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
paramsParsed <- return $ parseParams '\t' paramRef
@ -230,7 +246,7 @@ main = do
checkError $ B.intercalate (B.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_attr)
checkError $ either (\a -> B.empty) (\b -> b) $ paramsParsed
paramsFinal <- return $!! case paramsParsed of Left a -> a
paramsFinal <- return $ case paramsParsed of Left a -> a
attrParams <- return $ length (range paramsFinal)
-- attribute-errors
@ -257,17 +273,21 @@ main = do
graph <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. adjLines :. adjLines) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_graph)) -- concatenated graph
attr <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. attrLines :. attrNum) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_attr)) -- concatenated attr
timeEndParse <- getCPUTime
evaluate graph
evaluate attr
evaluate paramsFinal
timeEndParse <- getCurrentTime
--debug $ "Before: " ++ show (sumAllS graph)
--timeStartCalc <- getCPUTime -- (total) CPU time is not what we need
timeStartCalc <- getCurrentTime
calculation <- return $!! doCalculation graph attr paramsFinal
--timeEndCalc <- getCPUTime
timeEndCalc <- getCurrentTime
B.putStr calculation
--putStrLn ("read/parse CPU time: " ++ show (fromIntegral (timeEndParse - timeStartProg) / 1000000000) ++ "ms")
--putStrLn ("calculation CPU time: " ++ show (fromIntegral (timeEndCalc - timeStartCalc) / 1000000000) ++ "ms")
putStrLn ("read/parse CPU time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime timeEndParse timeStartProg) ++ "s")
putStrLn ("calculation CPU time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime timeEndCalc timeStartCalc) ++ "s")
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