2018-06-27 13:02:02 +02:00

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Chemodiversity A short overview of this project Stefan Dresselhaus BSD Theoretic Biology Group<br> Bielefeld University Attempt to find indications for chemodiversity in the plant secondary metabolism according to the screening hypothesis \today a4 10pt scrartcl 0.2 true
  • It was observed, that many plants seem to produce many compounds with no obvious purpose
  • Using resources to produce such compounds (instead of i.e. growing) should yield a fitness-disadvantage
  • one expects evolution to eliminate such behavior

Question: Why is this behavior observed?

  • Are these compounds necessary for some unresearched reason?
    • unknown environmental effects?
    • unknown intermediate products for necessary defenses?
    • speculative diversity because they could be useful after genetic mutations?

Screening Hypothesis

  • First suggested by Jones & Firn (1991)
  • new (random) compounds are rarely biologically active
  • plants have a higher chance finding an active compound if they diversify
  • many (inactive) compounds are sustained for a while because they may be precursors to biologically active substances

. . .

There are indications for and against this hypothesis by various groups.

Setting up a simulation

If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe

  • Carl Sagan

Defining Chemistry

  • First of all we define the chemistry of our environment, so we know all possible interactions and can manipulate them at will.
  • We differentiate between Substrate{.haskell} and Products{.haskell}:
    • Substrate{.haskell } can just be used (i.e. real substrates if the whole metabolism should be simulated, PPM{.haskell}^[1]^ in our simplified case)
    • Products{.haskell } are nodes in our chemistry environment.
  • In Code:
    data Compound = Substrate Nutrient
                  | Produced Component
                  | GenericCompound Int

::: footer ^[1]^: plants primary metabolism :::

Usage in the current Model

  • The Model used for evaluation just has one Substrate{.haskell}:
    PPM{.haskell} with a fixed Amount to account for effects of sucking primary-metabolism-products out of the primary metabolic cycle
  • This is used to simulate i.e. worse growth, fertility and other things affecting the fitness of a plant.
  • We are not using named Compounds, but restrict to generic Compound 1{.haskell}, Compound 2{.haskell} ...
  • Not done, but worth exploring:
    • Take a "real-world" snapshot of Nutrients and Compounds and recreate them
    • See if the simulation follows the real world

Defining a Metabolism

  • We define Enzyme{.haskell}s as

    • having a recipe for a chemical reaction
    • are reversible
    • may have dependencies on catalysts to be present
    • may have higher dominance over other enzymes with the same reaction
  • Input can be Substrate{.haskell} and/or Products{.haskell}

  • Outputs can only be Products{.haskell}

  • \Rightarrow This makes them to Edges in a graph combining the chemical compounds

Usage in the current Model

  • Enzyme{.haskell}s all
    • only map 1{.haskell} input to 1{.haskell} Output with a production rate of 1{.haskell} per Enzyme{.haskell}
      (i.e. -1 Compound 2 -> +1 Compound 5{.haskell})
    • are equally dominant
    • need no catalysts

Defining Predators

  • Predator{.haskell}s consist of
    • a list of Compound{.haskell}s that can kill them
    • a fitness impact ([0..1]) as the probability of killing the plant
    • an expected number of attacks per generation
    • a probability ([0..1]) of appearing in a single generation
  • Predator{.haskell} need not necessary be biologically motivated
    • i.e. rare, nearly devastating attacks (floods, droughts, ...) with realistic probabilities

Example Environment

:::::::::::::: {.columns}

::: {.column width=37%}

  • The complete environment now consists of
    • Compound{.haskell}s:
    • Enzyme{.haskell}s:
    • Predator{.haskell}s:


::: {.column width=63% .fragment}

Our default test-environment{width=75%}

Additional rules:

  • Every "subtree" from the marked PPM{.haskell} is treated as a separate species (fungi, animals, ...)
    \Rightarrow Every predator can only be affected by toxins in the same part of the tree
  • Trees can be automatically generated in a decent manner to search for environmens where specific effects may arise :::


::::: notes :::::

CTRL+Click for zoom!

  • All starts at PPM (Plant Primary Metabolism)
  • Red = Toxic
  • Blue = Predators



A Plant{.haskell} consists of

  • a Genome{.haskell}, a simple list of genes
    • Triple of (Enzyme, Quantity, Activation){.haskell}
    • without order or locality (i.e. interference of neighboring genes)
    • Quantity{.haskell} is just an optimization (=Int) to group identical Activation{.haskell}s
    • Activation{.haskell} is a float \in [0..1] to regulate the activity of the Enzyme{.haskell} genetically
  • an absorbNutrients{.haskell}-Function to simulate various effects when absorbing nutrients out of the environment, depending on the environment (i.e. can use informations about chemistry, predators, etc.)
    • Not used in our simulation, as we only have PPM{.haskell} as "nutrient" and we take everything given to us.

Metabolism simulation

Creation of compounds from the given resources is an iterative process:

  • First of all we create a conversion Matrix \Delta_c with corresponding startvector s_0.

  • We now iterate s_i = (\mathbb{1} + \Delta_c) \cdot s_{i-1} for a fixed number of times (currently: 100) to simulate the metabolism^[2]^.

    ::: footer ::: ^[2]^: Thats a 'lie', we calculate (\mathbb{1} + \Delta_c)^{100} efficiently via lapack-internals :::

  • Entries in the matrix come from the Genome{.haskell}: an Enzyme{.haskell} which converts i to j with quantity q and activity a yield

    \Delta_c[i,j] &\mathrel{+}=& q\cdot a,\\
    \Delta_c[j,i] &\mathrel{+}=& q\cdot a, \\
    \Delta_c[i,i] &\mathrel{-}=& q\cdot a, \\
    \Delta_c[j,j] &\mathrel{-}=& q\cdot a
    - This makes the Enzyme-reaction invertible as both ways get treated equally.


  • Given a simple Metabolism with 1 nutrient (first row/column) and 2 Enzymes in sequence, we have given \Delta_c wtih corresponding startvector s_0:

    \Delta_c = 0.01 \cdot \begin{pmatrix}
    -1 & 1  & 0 \\
     1  & -2 & 1 \\
     0  & 1  & -1 \\
    \end{pmatrix}, s_0 = \begin{pmatrix}\text{PPM:} & 3 \\ \text{Compound1:} & 0 \\ \text{Compound2:} & 0\end{pmatrix}.$$
  • In the simulation this yields us

    s_{100} \approx \begin{pmatrix}\text{PPM:} & 1 \\ \text{Compound1:} & 1 \\ \text{Compound2:} & 1\end{pmatrix},

    which is the expected outcome for an equilibrium.

Assumptions for metabolism simulation

  • All Enzymes are there from the beginning
  • All Enzyme-reactions are reversible without loss
  • static conversion-matrix for fast calculations (unsuited, if i.e. enzymes depend on catalysts)
  • One genetic enzyme corresponds to (infinitely) many real (proportional weaker) enzymes in the plant, which get controlled via the "activation" parameter


  • We handle fitness as \text{survival-probability} \in [0..1] and model each detrimental effect as probability which get multiplied together.
  • To calculate the fitness of an individual we take three distinct effects into consideration:
    • Static costs of enzymes
      • Creating enzymes weakens the primary cycle and thus possibly beneficial traits (growth, attraction of beneficial organisms, ...)
        F_s := \text{static_cost_factor} \cdot \sum_i q_i \cdot a_i \quad | \quad (e_i,q_i, a_i) \in \text{Genome}
      • limits the amount of dormant enzymes
    • Cost of active enzymes
      • Cost of using up nutrients
        F_e := \text{active_cost_factor} \cdot \frac{\text{Nutrients used}}{\text{Nutrients available}}
    • Deterrence of attackers F_d (next slide)


  • Predators are modeled after Svennungsen et al. (2007)

  • Each predator has an expected number of attacks P_a, that are poisson-distributed with impact P_i.

  • Plants can defend themselves via

    • toxins that the predator is affected by with impact-probability D_t(P_i)
    • herd-immunity via effects like automimicry: D_{pop} = \mathbb{E}[D_t(P_i)]
  • All this yields the formula:

    F_d := 1 - e^{- (D_{pop} \cdot P_a) (1-D_t(P_i))}
  • The attacker-model is only valid for many reasonable assumptions

    • equilibrium population dynamics
    • equal dense population
    • which individual to attack is independently chosen
    • etc. (Details in the paper linked above)

Haploid mating

  • We hold the population-size fixed at 100

  • Each plant has a reproduction-probability of

    p(\textrm{reproduction}) = \frac{\textrm{plant-fitness}}{\textrm{total fitness in population}}

    yielding a fitness-weighted distribution from that 100 new offspring are drawn

  • in inheritance each gene of the parent goes through different steps (with given default-values)^[3]^

    ::::: footer ^[3]^: in case of quantity q > 1 the process is repeated q times independently. ::::

    • mutation: with p_{mut} = 0.01 another random enzyme is produced, but activation kept
    • duplication: with p_{dup} = 0.05 the gene gets duplicated (quantity +1)
    • deletion: with p_{del} = p_{dup} the gene get deleted (or quantity -1)
    • addition: with p_{add} = 0.005 an additional gene producing a random enzyme with activation 0.5 gets added as mutation from genes we do not track (i.e. primary cycle)
    • activation-noise: activation is changed by c_{noise} = \pm 0.01 drawn from a uniform distribution, clamped to [0..1]

:::: notes

  • Default values not motivated in any way!
  • finding out how these values influence is core! ::::


  • Overall question: What parameters are necessary for chemodiversity?
    • How can we see chemodiversity?
    • We define an Enzyme E as divers, if the average of this Enzyme in the population stays below 0.5, so E_i \in E_{div} \text{iff.} \mathbb{E}[E_i] < 0.5
    • We can then count the number of diverse Enzymes per plant $E_{d,p_i} = |\left\lbrace E_i | E_i \in E_{div}, E_{i,p_i} > 0.5, \right\rbrace|$
  • To get an insight into how this behaves we observe several other parameters every generation:
    • Fitness \in [0..1]
    • Number of different compounds created
    • Amount of compounds created
    • Number of Plants theoretically resistant to predator i (i.e. can produce a toxin to defend themselves, albeit not to 100\%.

Simulations (cont.)

  • General setup of the simulation:
    • All using the example-environment shown before
      • 27 different compounds, 1 Nutrient (simulating the primary metabolism)
      • 7 of 27 compounds are toxic
      • at least 3 compounds are needed for total immunity
      • 4 predators set to AlwaysAttack{.haskell}
    • Duration of 2000 generations
    • \text{static_enzyme_cost} = 0.02
    • \text{nutrient_impact} = 0.1
  • Different setups tested:
    • Behavior of predators (AlwaysAttack{.haskell}, AttackRandom{.haskell}, AttackInterval 10{.haskell}, AttackInterval 100{.haskell})
    • varying \text{static_enzyme_cost} from 0.0 to 0.20 in steps of 0.02
      • effectively limits the amount of maximal enzymes to \frac{1}{\text{static_enzyme_cost}}
    • varying \text{nutrient_impact} from 0.0 to 1.0 in steps of 0.1
      • makes toxins less/more costly to produce


It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.

  • Richard P. Feynman

Effect of Predator-Behavior onto chemodiversity


Effect of static enzyme cost


Effect of static enzyme cost (cont.)


Effect of static enzyme cost (cont.)


Effect of nutrient-impact


Effect of nutrient-impact (cont.)


Effect of nutrient-impact (cont.)
