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2017-05-14 22:35:13 +00:00
module Main where
import GameTypes
import GameLogic
import GameConfig
import GameDraw
import Draw
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Linear.V2
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as M
{- ncurses view -}
main :: IO ()
main = play' opts 60 world renderWorld (\_ w -> w) handleEvent
where world = newWorldWithBoss (V2 10 1) (V2 10 16) (defaultConfig^.worldSize)
opts = defaultConfig^.ncursesOpts
handleEvent :: Event -> World -> World
handleEvent (EventCharacter c) w = fromMaybe w $ performAction w <$> getAction c
handleEvent _ w = w
{- Terminal view -}
main' :: IO ()
main' = gameLoop $ newWorldWithBoss (V2 10 1) (V2 10 16) (20, 32)
gameLoop :: World -> IO ()
gameLoop oldW = do
putStrLn ""
renderWorld' oldW
putStrLn "Use 'w', 'a', 's', 'd' to navigate through the world. Press ' ' to attack, 'p' to pause."
input <- getChar
let newW = fromMaybe oldW $ performAction oldW <$> getAction input
gameLoop newW
renderWorld' :: World -> IO ()
renderWorld' world = do
let graphics = map (map (renderEntity)) (layout $ M.toAscList $ world^.entities)
layout = groupBy (\(u,_) (v,_) -> u^._y /= v^._y)
mapM_ putStrLn graphics
renderEntity :: (V2 Integer, Entity) -> Char
renderEntity (p, Floor) = '-'
renderEntity (p, (Hero s)) = 'H'
renderEntity (p, (Boss s)) = 'M'
renderEntity (p, (Wall)) = '#'
renderEntity (p, (Bomb _)) = 'o'
renderEntity (p, (Fire s)) | s^.life < 2 = 'x'
| otherwise = 'X'
renderEntity _ = '?'
hide :: IO a -> IO a
hide action = bracket_
(hSetEcho stdin False)
(hSetEcho stdin True)