72 lines
1.6 KiB
72 lines
1.6 KiB
module Main where
import GameTypes
import GameLogic
import GameConfig
import GameDraw
import Draw
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Linear.V2
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as M
{- ncurses view -}
main :: IO ()
main = play' opts 60 world renderWorld (\_ w -> w) handleEvent
where world = newWorldWithBoss (V2 10 1) (V2 10 16) (defaultConfig^.worldSize)
opts = defaultConfig^.ncursesOpts
handleEvent :: Event -> World -> World
handleEvent (EventCharacter c) w = fromMaybe w $ performAction w <$> getAction c
handleEvent _ w = w
{- Terminal view -}
main' :: IO ()
main' = gameLoop $ newWorldWithBoss (V2 10 1) (V2 10 16) (20, 32)
gameLoop :: World -> IO ()
gameLoop oldW = do
putStrLn ""
renderWorld' oldW
putStrLn "Use 'w', 'a', 's', 'd' to navigate through the world. Press ' ' to attack, 'p' to pause."
input <- getChar
let newW = fromMaybe oldW $ performAction oldW <$> getAction input
gameLoop newW
renderWorld' :: World -> IO ()
renderWorld' world = do
let graphics = map (map (renderEntity)) (layout $ M.toAscList $ world^.entities)
layout = groupBy (\(u,_) (v,_) -> u^._y /= v^._y)
mapM_ putStrLn graphics
renderEntity :: (V2 Integer, Entity) -> Char
renderEntity (p, Floor) = '-'
renderEntity (p, (Hero s)) = 'H'
renderEntity (p, (Boss s)) = 'M'
renderEntity (p, (Wall)) = '#'
renderEntity (p, (Bomb _)) = 'o'
renderEntity (p, (Fire s)) | s^.life < 2 = 'x'
| otherwise = 'X'
renderEntity _ = '?'
hide :: IO a -> IO a
hide action = bracket_
(hSetEcho stdin False)
(hSetEcho stdin True)