removed debug-output

This commit is contained in:
Nicole Dresselhaus 2013-12-29 18:32:10 +01:00
parent f3b218c44e
commit e1cad5786e

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@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ updateCamera state = do
d@((dx,dy,dz),(heading',pitch')) <-
if any (/= 0.0) [dx,dy,dz,dpitch,dheading] then
preservingMatrix $ do
putStrLn $ unwords $ show [dx,dy,dz,dpitch,dheading]
-- putStrLn $ unwords $ show [dx,dy,dz,dpitch,dheading]
-- in direction of current heading and pitch
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ updateCamera state = do
-- get changes in location components
mat <- get (matrix Nothing) :: IO (GLmatrix GLfloat)
comps <- getMatrixComponents ColumnMajor mat
putStrLn $ show $ comps
-- putStrLn $ show $ comps
let [dx', dy', dz', _] = drop 12 comps
(heading', pitch') = (heading + dheading, pitch + dpitch)
return ((dx',dy',dz'),(heading',pitch'))
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ keyEvent state press = do
ps <- if not press
then return ps { keysPressed = fromIntegral code `IS.delete` kp }
else return ps { keysPressed = fromIntegral code `IS.insert` kp }
putStrLn $ unwords [name , show val, show code, show ps] -- trace (unwords [name , show val]) -- debugging
-- putStrLn $ unwords [name , show val, show code, show ps] -- trace (unwords [name , show val]) -- debugging
-- process keys
case press of
-- on PRESS only