refined button handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ getGUI :: [GUIAny]
getGUI = [ toGUIAny $ GUIContainer 0 0 120 80 [] 1
, toGUIAny $ GUIPanel $ GUIContainer 0 0 0 0
[toGUIAny $ GUIContainer 0 80 100 200 [] 4
,GUIAnyB (GUIButton 50 400 200 175 2 (testMessage) defaultUIState)
,toGUIAny $GUIButton 50 400 200 175 2 defaultUIState testMessage
] 3
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ clickHandler (Pixel x y) = case concatMap (isInside x y) getGUI of
hit -> liftIO $ do
_ <- sequence $ map (\w ->
case w of
(GUIAnyB b) -> do
(GUIAnyB b h) -> do
putStrLn $ "hitting " ++ getShorthand w ++ ": " ++ show (getBoundary w) ++ " " ++ show (getPriority w)
++ " at ["++show x++","++show y++"]"
(b', _) <- onMousePressed x y b b
_ <- onMouseReleased x y b' b'
(b', h') <- onMousePressed x y b h
_ <- onMouseReleased x y b' h'
return ()
_ -> putStrLn $ "hitting " ++ getShorthand w ++ ": " ++ show (getBoundary w) ++ " " ++ show (getPriority w)
++ " at ["++show x++","++show y++"]"
@ -21,23 +21,23 @@ data Viewport = Viewport
, _viewportHeight :: !ScreenUnit -- ^viewport height in window
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data UIState = UIState
{ _uistateIsFiring :: Bool
data UIButtonState = UIButtonState
{ _buttonstateIsFiring :: Bool
-- ^firing if pressed but not confirmed
, _uistateIsFiringAlt :: Bool
, _buttonstateIsFiringAlt :: Bool
-- ^firing if pressed but not confirmed (secondary mouse button)
, _uistateIsDeferred :: Bool -- ^ deferred if e. g. dragging but outside component
, _uistateIsDeferredAlt :: Bool
, _buttonstateIsDeferred :: Bool -- ^ deferred if e. g. dragging but outside component
, _buttonstateIsDeferredAlt :: Bool
-- ^deferred if e. g. dragging but outside component (secondary mouse button)
, _uistateIsReady :: Bool
, _buttonstateIsReady :: Bool
-- ^ready if mouse is above component
, _uistateIsActivated :: Bool
, _buttonstateIsActivated :: Bool
-- ^in activated state (e. g. toggle button)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
defaultUIState :: UIState
defaultUIState = UIState False False False False False False
defaultUIState :: UIButtonState
defaultUIState = UIButtonState False False False False False False
class GUIAnyMap w where
guiAnyMap :: (w -> b) -> GUIAny -> b
@ -94,6 +94,16 @@ class (GUIAnyMap uiw) => GUIWidget uiw where
-- The shorthand should be unique for each instance.
getShorthand :: uiw -> String
-- |A 'GUIClickable' represents a widget with a 'UIButtonState'.
-- Minimal complete definition: 'getButtonState' and either 'updateButtonState' or 'setButtonState'.
class GUIClickable w where
updateButtonState :: (UIButtonState -> UIButtonState) -> w -> w
updateButtonState f w = setButtonState (f $ getButtonState w) w
setButtonState :: UIButtonState -> w -> w
setButtonState s = updateButtonState (\_ -> s)
getButtonState :: w -> UIButtonState
class MouseHandler a w where
-- |The function 'onMousePressed' is called when the primary button is pressed
-- while inside a screen coordinate within the widget ('isInside').
@ -191,52 +201,52 @@ instance (MouseHandler h w) => MouseHandler (MouseHandlerSwitch w h) w where
-- !!Important: one handler can only handle one single widget!!
data ButtonHandler w = ButtonHandler
{ _action :: (w -> ScreenUnit -> ScreenUnit -> IO w)
, _handlerState :: UIState
instance (Show w) => Show (ButtonHandler w) where
show (ButtonHandler _ w) = "ButtonHandler [" ++ show w ++ "] " ++ "[action]"
instance MouseHandler (ButtonHandler w) w where
-- |Change 'UIState's '_uistateIsFiring' to @True@.
onMousePressed _ _ wg h@(ButtonHandler _ s) = do
return (wg, h {_handlerState = s {_uistateIsFiring = True}})
{ _action :: (w -> ScreenUnit -> ScreenUnit -> IO w) }
instance Show (ButtonHandler w) where
show _ = "ButtonHandler ***"
instance (GUIClickable w) => MouseHandler (ButtonHandler w) w where
-- |Change 'UIButtonState's '_buttonstateIsFiring' to @True@.
onMousePressed _ _ wg h = do
return (updateButtonState (\s -> s {_buttonstateIsFiring = True}) wg, h)
-- |Change 'UIState's '_uistateIsFiring' to @False@ and
-- |Change 'UIButtonState's '_buttonstateIsFiring' to @False@ and
-- call 'action' if inside the widget or
-- set '_uistateIsDeferred' to false otherwise.
onMouseReleased x y wg h@(ButtonHandler f s) = if _uistateIsFiring s
-- set '_buttonstateIsDeferred' to false otherwise.
onMouseReleased x y wg h@(ButtonHandler action) = if _buttonstateIsFiring $ getButtonState wg
then do
wg' <- f wg x y
return (wg', h {_handlerState = s {_uistateIsFiring = False}})
else return (wg, h {_handlerState = s {_uistateIsDeferred = False}})
wg' <- action wg x y
return (updateButtonState (\s -> s {_buttonstateIsFiring = False}) wg', h)
else return (updateButtonState (\s -> s {_buttonstateIsDeferred = False}) wg, h)
-- |Do nothing.
onMouseMove _ _ wg h = return (wg, h)
-- |Set 'UIState's '_uistateIsReady' to @True@ and
-- |Set 'UIButtonState's '_buttonstateIsReady' to @True@ and
-- update dragging state (only drag if inside widget).
-- In detail, change 'UIState's '_uistateIsDeferred' to '_uistateIsFiring's current value
-- and set '_uistateIsFiring' to @False@.
onMouseEnter _ _ wg h@(ButtonHandler _ s) = return
(wg, h {_handlerState = s { _uistateIsFiring = _uistateIsDeferred s
, _uistateIsDeferred = False
, _uistateIsReady = True
-- In detail, change 'UIButtonState's '_buttonstateIsDeferred' to '_buttonstateIsFiring's current value
-- and set '_buttonstateIsFiring' to @False@.
onMouseEnter _ _ wg h = return
(updateButtonState (\s -> s { _buttonstateIsFiring = _buttonstateIsDeferred s
, _buttonstateIsDeferred = False
, _buttonstateIsReady = True
}) wg
, h)
-- |Set 'UIState's 'uistateIsReady' to @False@ and
-- |Set 'UIButtonState's 'buttonstateIsReady' to @False@ and
-- update dragging state (only drag if inside widget).
-- In detail, change 'UIState's '_uistateIsFiring' to '_uistateIsDeferred's current value
-- and set '_uistateIsDeferred's' to @False@.
onMouseLeave _ _ wg h@(ButtonHandler _ s) = return
(wg, h {_handlerState = s { _uistateIsFiring = False
, _uistateIsDeferred = _uistateIsFiring s
, _uistateIsReady = False
-- In detail, change 'UIButtonState's '_buttonstateIsFiring' to '_buttonstateIsDeferred's current value
-- and set '_buttonstateIsDeferred's' to @False@.
onMouseLeave _ _ wg h = return
(updateButtonState (\s -> s { _buttonstateIsFiring = False
, _buttonstateIsDeferred = _buttonstateIsFiring s
, _buttonstateIsReady = False
}) wg
, h)
data GUIAny = GUIAnyC GUIContainer
| GUIAnyP GUIPanel
| GUIAnyB GUIButton
| GUIAnyB GUIButton (ButtonHandler GUIButton)
deriving (Show)
instance GUIAnyMap GUIAny where
guiAnyMap f w = f w
@ -246,22 +256,22 @@ instance GUIAnyMap GUIAny where
instance GUIWidget GUIAny where
getBoundary (GUIAnyC w) = getBoundary w
getBoundary (GUIAnyP w) = getBoundary w
getBoundary (GUIAnyB w) = getBoundary w
getBoundary (GUIAnyB w _) = getBoundary w
getChildren (GUIAnyC w) = getChildren w
getChildren (GUIAnyP w) = getChildren w
getChildren (GUIAnyB w) = getChildren w
getChildren (GUIAnyB w _) = getChildren w
isInsideSelf x y (GUIAnyC w) = (isInsideSelf x y) w
isInsideSelf x y (GUIAnyP w) = (isInsideSelf x y) w
isInsideSelf x y (GUIAnyB w) = (isInsideSelf x y) w
isInsideSelf x y (GUIAnyB w _) = (isInsideSelf x y) w
isInside x y (GUIAnyC w) = (isInside x y) w
isInside x y (GUIAnyP w) = (isInside x y) w
isInside x y (GUIAnyB w) = (isInside x y) w
isInside x y (GUIAnyB w _) = (isInside x y) w
getPriority (GUIAnyC w) = getPriority w
getPriority (GUIAnyP w) = getPriority w
getPriority (GUIAnyB w) = getPriority w
getPriority (GUIAnyB w _) = getPriority w
getShorthand (GUIAnyC w) = "A" ++ getShorthand w
getShorthand (GUIAnyP w) = "A" ++ getShorthand w
getShorthand (GUIAnyB w) = "A" ++ getShorthand w
getShorthand (GUIAnyB w _) = "A" ++ getShorthand w
-- |A 'GUIContainer' is a widget that may contain additional widgets but does not have a
-- functionality itself.
@ -315,8 +325,8 @@ instance GUIWidget GUIPanel where
data GUIButton = GUIButton { _screenXB :: ScreenUnit, _screenYB :: ScreenUnit
, _widthB :: ScreenUnit, _heightB :: ScreenUnit
, _priorityB :: Int
, _actionB :: (GUIButton -> ScreenUnit -> ScreenUnit -> IO GUIButton)
, _handlerStateB :: UIState
, _buttonState :: UIButtonState
, _buttonAction :: (GUIButton -> ScreenUnit -> ScreenUnit -> IO GUIButton)
} deriving ()
instance Show GUIButton where
@ -325,59 +335,18 @@ instance Show GUIButton where
++ " _widthB = " ++ show (_widthB w)
++ " _heightB = " ++ show (_heightB w)
++ " _priorityB = " ++ show (_screenYB w)
++ " _actionB = " ++ "***"
++ " _handlerStateB = " ++ show (_handlerStateB w)
++ " _buttonState = " ++ show (_buttonState w)
++ " _buttonAction = " ++ "***"
++ "}"
instance MouseHandler GUIButton GUIButton where
-- |Change 'UIState's '_uistateIsFiring' to @True@.
onMousePressed _ _ _ h = let
h' = h {_handlerStateB = (_handlerStateB h) {_uistateIsFiring = True}}
in return (h', h')
-- |Change 'UIState's '_uistateIsFiring' to @False@ and
-- call '_actionB' if inside the widget or
-- set '_uistateIsDeferred' to false otherwise.
onMouseReleased x y wg h =
if _uistateIsFiring (_handlerStateB h) then do
wg' <- _actionB h wg x y
wg'' <- return wg' {_handlerStateB = (_handlerStateB wg') {_uistateIsFiring = False}}
return (wg'', wg'')
else let
wg' = wg {_handlerStateB = (_handlerStateB wg) {_uistateIsDeferred = False}}
in return (wg', wg')
-- |Do nothing.
onMouseMove _ _ wg h = return (wg, h)
-- |Set 'UIState's '_uistateIsReady' to @True@ and
-- update dragging state (only drag if inside widget).
-- In detail, change 'UIState's '_uistateIsDeferred' to '_uistateIsFiring's current value
-- and set '_uistateIsFiring' to @False@.
onMouseEnter _ _ _ h = let
s = _handlerStateB h
h' = h {_handlerStateB = s { _uistateIsFiring = _uistateIsDeferred s
, _uistateIsDeferred = False
, _uistateIsReady = True
in return (h', h')
-- |Set 'UIState's 'uistateIsReady' to @False@ and
-- update dragging state (only drag if inside widget).
-- In detail, change 'UIState's 'uistateIsFiring' to 'uistateIsDeferred's current value
-- and set 'uistateIsDeferred's' to @False@.
onMouseLeave _ _ _ h = let
s = _handlerStateB h
h' = h {_handlerStateB = s { _uistateIsFiring = False
, _uistateIsDeferred = _uistateIsFiring s
, _uistateIsReady = False
in return (h', h')
instance GUIAnyMap GUIButton where
guiAnyMap f (GUIAnyB btn) = f btn
guiAnyMap f (GUIAnyB btn _) = f btn
guiAnyMap _ _ = error "invalid types in guiAnyMap"
toGUIAny btn = GUIAnyB btn
fromGUIAny (GUIAnyB btn) = btn
toGUIAny btn = GUIAnyB btn $ ButtonHandler $ _buttonAction btn
fromGUIAny (GUIAnyB btn _) = btn
fromGUIAny _ = error "invalid GUIAny type"
instance GUIClickable GUIButton where
getButtonState = _buttonState
updateButtonState f btn = btn {_buttonState = f $ _buttonState btn}
instance GUIWidget GUIButton where
getBoundary btn = (_screenXB btn, _screenYB btn, _widthB btn, _heightB btn)
getChildren _ = []
Reference in New Issue
Block a user