converted Types to Labels
- Types is converted to Lebles (monomorphic lenses) - Main initializes type now - All other stuff in Main still calls old syntax. refs #467 @3h
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ executable Pioneers
lens >=3.10.1 && <3.11,
SDL2 >= 0.1.0,
time >=1.4.0 && <1.5,
SDL2-ttf >=0.1.0 && <0.2
fclabels >=2.0.0 && <3
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Linear as L
-- GUI
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF as TTF
import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF.Types
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL hiding (Position)
--import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF as TTF
--import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF.Types
-- Render
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ main = do
,WindowInputGrabbed-- never let go of input (KB/Mouse)
] $ \window -> do
withOpenGL window $ do
TTF.withInit $ do
--TTF.withInit $ do
(Size fbWidth fbHeight) <- glGetDrawableSize window
--generate map vertices
@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ main = do
putStrLn "foo"
now <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn "foo"
font <- TTF.openFont "fonts/ttf-04B_03B_/04B_03B_.TTF" 10
TTF.setFontStyle font TTFNormal
TTF.setFontHinting font TTFHNormal
--font <- TTF.openFont "fonts/ttf-04B_03B_/04B_03B_.TTF" 10
--TTF.setFontStyle font TTFNormal
--TTF.setFontHinting font TTFHNormal
let zDistClosest = 1
zDistFarthest = zDistClosest + 30
@ -82,50 +82,72 @@ main = do
ratio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
frust = createFrustum fov near far ratio
aks = ArrowKeyState {
arrowUp = False
,arrowDown = False
,arrowLeft = False
,arrowRight = False
_up = False
, _down = False
, _left = False
, _right = False
glMap = GLMapState
{ _shdrVertexIndex = vi
, _shdrNormalIndex = ni
, _shdrColorIndex = ci
, _shdrProjMatIndex = pri
, _shdrViewMatIndex = vii
, _shdrModelMatIndex = mi
, _shdrNormalMatIndex = nmi
, _shdrTessInnerIndex = tli
, _shdrTessOuterIndex = tlo
, _stateTessellationFactor = 4
, _stateMap = mapBuffer
, _mapVert = vert
env = Env
{ envEventsChan = eventQueue
, envWindow = window
, envZDistClosest = zDistClosest
, envZDistFarthest = zDistFarthest
, envFont = font
{ _eventsChan = eventQueue
, _windowObject = window
, _zDistClosest = zDistClosest
, _zDistFarthest = zDistFarthest
--, envFont = font
state = State
{ stateWindowWidth = fbWidth
, stateWindowHeight = fbHeight
, stateXAngle = pi/6
, stateYAngle = pi/2
, stateZDist = 10
, statePositionX = 5
, statePositionY = 5
, stateCursorPosX = 0
, stateCursorPosY = 0
, stateMouseDown = False
, stateDragging = False
, stateDragStartX = 0
, stateDragStartY = 0
, stateDragStartXAngle = 0
, stateDragStartYAngle = 0
, shdrVertexIndex = vi
, shdrNormalIndex = ni
, shdrColorIndex = ci
, shdrProjMatIndex = pri
, shdrViewMatIndex = vii
, shdrModelMatIndex = mi
, shdrNormalMatIndex = nmi
, shdrTessInnerIndex = tli
, shdrTessOuterIndex = tlo
, stateMap = mapBuffer
, mapVert = vert
, stateFrustum = frust
, stateWinClose = False
, stateClock = now
, stateArrowsPressed = aks
, stateTessellationFactor = 4
{ _window = WindowState
{ _width = fbWidth
, _height = fbHeight
, _shouldClose = False
, _camera = CameraState
{ _xAngle = pi/6
, _yAngle = pi/2
, _zDist = 10
, _frustum = frust
, _camPosition = Position
{ Types._x = 5
, Types._y = 5
, _io = IOState
{ _clock = now
, _mouse = MouseState
{ _isDown = False
, _isDragging = False
, _dragStartX = 0
, _dragStartY = 0
, _dragStartXAngle = 0
, _dragStartYAngle = 0
, _mousePosition = Position
{ Types._x = 5
, Types._y = 5
, _keyboard = KeyboardState
{ _arrowsPressed = aks
, _gl = GLState
{ _glMap = glMap
, _game = GameState
putStrLn "init done."
@ -138,7 +160,7 @@ main = do
draw :: Pioneers ()
draw = do
state <- get
let xa = stateXAngle state
let xa = get (camera . xAngle) state --stateXAngle state
ya = stateYAngle state
(GL.UniformLocation proj) = shdrProjMatIndex state
(GL.UniformLocation nmat) = shdrNormalMatIndex state
@ -1,71 +1,109 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Types where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL (Event, Window)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Linear.Matrix (M44)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST)
import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF.Types as TTF
--import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF.Types as TTF
import Control.Lens
import Data.Label
data ArrowKeyState = ArrowKeyState {
arrowUp :: !Bool
,arrowDown :: !Bool
,arrowLeft :: !Bool
,arrowRight :: !Bool
--Static Read-Only-State
data Env = Env
{ envEventsChan :: TQueue Event
, envWindow :: !Window
, envZDistClosest :: !Double
, envZDistFarthest :: !Double
{ _eventsChan :: TQueue Event
, _windowObject :: !Window
, _zDistClosest :: !Double
, _zDistFarthest :: !Double
--, envGLContext :: !GLContext
, envFont :: TTF.TTFFont
--, envFont :: TTF.TTFFont
--Mutable State
data State = State
{ stateWindowWidth :: !Int
, stateWindowHeight :: !Int
, stateWinClose :: !Bool
, stateClock :: !UTCTime
--- IO
, stateXAngle :: !Double
, stateYAngle :: !Double
, stateZDist :: !Double
, stateMouseDown :: !Bool
, stateDragging :: !Bool
, stateDragStartX :: !Double
, stateDragStartY :: !Double
, stateDragStartXAngle :: !Double
, stateDragStartYAngle :: !Double
, statePositionX :: !Double
, statePositionY :: !Double
, stateCursorPosX :: !Double
, stateCursorPosY :: !Double
, stateArrowsPressed :: !ArrowKeyState
, stateFrustum :: !(M44 CFloat)
--- pointer to bindings for locations inside the compiled shader
--- mutable because shaders may be changed in the future.
, shdrVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrColorIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrNormalIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrProjMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrViewMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrModelMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrNormalMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrTessInnerIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrTessOuterIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, stateTessellationFactor :: !Int
--- the map
, stateMap :: !GL.BufferObject
, mapVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices
data Position = Position
{ _x :: !Double
, _y :: !Double
data WindowState = WindowState
{ _width :: !Int
, _height :: !Int
, _shouldClose :: !Bool
data CameraState = CameraState
{ _xAngle :: !Double
, _yAngle :: !Double
, _zDist :: !Double
, _frustum :: !(M44 CFloat)
, _camPosition :: !Position --TODO: Get rid of cam-prefix
data IOState = IOState
{ _clock :: !UTCTime
data GameState = GameState
data MouseState = MouseState
{ _isDown :: !Bool
, _isDragging :: !Bool
, _dragStartX :: !Double
, _dragStartY :: !Double
, _dragStartXAngle :: !Double
, _dragStartYAngle :: !Double
, _mousePosition :: !Position --TODO: Get rid of mouse-prefix
data ArrowKeyState = ArrowKeyState {
_up :: !Bool
,_down :: !Bool
,_left :: !Bool
,_right :: !Bool
data KeyboardState = KeyboardState
{ _arrowsPressed :: !ArrowKeyState
data GLMapState = GLMapState
{ _shdrVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrColorIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrNormalIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrProjMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrViewMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrModelMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrNormalMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrTessInnerIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrTessOuterIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _stateTessellationFactor :: !Int
, _stateMap :: !GL.BufferObject
, _mapVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices
data GLState = GLState
{ _glMap :: !GLMapState
data State = State
{ _window :: !WindowState
, _camera :: !CameraState
, _io :: !IOState
, _mouse :: !MouseState
, _keyboard :: !KeyboardState
, _gl :: !GLState
, _game :: !GameState
$(mkLabels [''State, ''GLState, ''GLMapState, ''KeyboardState, ''ArrowKeyState,
''MouseState, ''GameState, ''IOState, ''CameraState, ''WindowState,
''Position, ''Env])
type Pioneers = RWST Env () State IO
Reference in New Issue
Block a user