should work - but GL crashes internally somewhere with unlimited allocation of memory
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ executable Pioneers
distributive >=0.3.2 && <0.4,
linear >=1.3.1 && <1.4,
lens >=3.10.1 && <3.11,
SDL2 >= 0.1.0
SDL2 >= 0.1.0,
time >=1.4.0 && <1.5
@ -5,14 +5,19 @@ module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
-- data consistency
-- data consistency/conversion
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue, atomically,
writeTQueue, isEmptyTQueue,
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST, ask, asks,
evalRWST, get, liftIO,
modify, put)
import Data.Distributive (distribute, collect)
-- FFI
import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
@ -22,11 +27,12 @@ import Control.Lens (transposeOf, (^.))
import Linear as L
-- GUI
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
-- Render
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, UTCTime, diffUTCTime)
-- Our modules
import Map.Map
@ -36,6 +42,8 @@ import Render.Misc (checkError,
import Render.Render (initRendering,
import qualified Debug.Trace as D (trace)
--Static Read-Only-State
data Env = Env
{ envEventsChan :: TQueue Event
@ -49,6 +57,7 @@ data State = State
{ stateWindowWidth :: !Int
, stateWindowHeight :: !Int
, stateWinClose :: !Bool
, stateClock :: !UTCTime
--- IO
, stateXAngle :: !Double
, stateYAngle :: !Double
@ -81,21 +90,24 @@ type Pioneers = RWST Env () State IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
SDL.withInit [InitEverything] $ do --also: InitNoParachute -> faster, without parachute!
window <- SDL.createWindow "Pioneers" (Position 100 100) (Size 1024 768) [WindowOpengl -- we want openGL
SDL.withInit [InitVideo, InitAudio] $ do --also: InitNoParachute -> faster, without parachute!
window <- SDL.createWindow "Pioneers" (Position 1500 100) (Size 1024 768) [WindowOpengl -- we want openGL
,WindowShown -- window should be visible
,WindowResizable -- and resizable
,WindowInputFocus -- focused (=> active)
,WindowMouseFocus -- Mouse into it
--,WindowInputGrabbed-- never let go of input (KB/Mouse)
(Size fbWidth fbHeight) <- glGetDrawableSize window
--generate map vertices
(mapBuffer, vert) <- getMapBufferObject
(ci, ni, vi, pri, vii, mi, nmi) <- initShader
putStrLn "foo"
eventQueue <- newTQueueIO :: IO (TQueue Event)
putStrLn "foo"
now <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn "foo"
let zDistClosest = 10
zDistFarthest = zDistClosest + 20
@ -135,23 +147,83 @@ main = do
, mapVert = vert
, stateFrustum = frust
, stateWinClose = False
, stateClock = now
putStrLn "init done."
void $ evalRWST (adjustWindow >> run) env state
destroyWindow window
-- Render-Pipeline
draw :: Pioneers ()
draw = do
env <- ask
state <- get
let xa = stateXAngle state
ya = stateYAngle state
(GL.UniformLocation proj) = shdrProjMatIndex state
(GL.UniformLocation nmat) = shdrNormalMatIndex state
(GL.UniformLocation vmat) = shdrViewMatIndex state
vi = shdrVertexIndex state
ni = shdrNormalIndex state
ci = shdrColorIndex state
numVert = mapVert state
map' = stateMap state
frust = stateFrustum state
camX = statePositionX state
camY = statePositionY state
zDist = stateZDist state
liftIO $ do
--(vi,GL.UniformLocation proj) <- initShader
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
checkError "foo"
--set up projection (= copy from state)
with (distribute $ frust) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv proj 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M44 CFloat)))
checkError "foo"
--set up camera
let ! cam = getCam (camX,camY) zDist xa ya
with (distribute $ cam) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv vmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M44 CFloat)))
checkError "foo"
--set up normal--Mat transpose((model*camera)^-1)
let normal = (case inv33 ((fmap (^._xyz) cam) ^. _xyz) of
(Just a) -> a
Nothing -> eye3) :: M33 CFloat
nmap = (collect (fmap id) normal) :: M33 CFloat --transpose...
with (distribute $ nmap) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix3fv nmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M33 CFloat)))
checkError "nmat"
GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer GL.$= Just map'
GL.vertexAttribPointer ci GL.$= fgColorIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray ci GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.vertexAttribPointer ni GL.$= fgNormalIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray ni GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.vertexAttribPointer vi GL.$= fgVertexIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray vi GL.$= GL.Enabled
checkError "beforeDraw"
GL.drawArrays GL.Triangles 0 numVert
checkError "draw"
-- Main game loop
run :: Pioneers ()
run = do
win <- asks envWindow
events <- asks envEventsChan
-- draw Scene
liftIO $ do
glSwapWindow win
submitEvents events
-- getEvents & process
@ -209,9 +281,19 @@ run = do
unless (stateWinClose state) run
mt <- liftIO $ do
now <- getCurrentTime
diff <- return $ diffUTCTime now (stateClock state) -- get time-diffs
sleepAmount <- return $ floor (max 0 (0.04 - diff))*1000000 -- get time until next frame in microseconds
threadDelay sleepAmount
return now
-- set state with new clock-time
modify $ \s -> s
stateClock = mt
shouldClose <- return $ stateWinClose state
unless shouldClose run
adjustWindow :: Pioneers ()
adjustWindow = do
@ -229,16 +311,15 @@ adjustWindow = do
-- | Writes all Events atomically to global Queue for further processing.
submitEvents :: TQueue Event -> IO ()
submitEvents q = do
event <- pollEvent
case event of
Nothing -> return ()
Just e -> do
atomically $ writeTQueue q e
submitEvents q
processEvents :: Pioneers ()
processEvents = do
return ()
me <- liftIO pollEvent
case me of
Just e -> do
processEvent e
Nothing -> return ()
processEvent :: Event -> Pioneers ()
processEvent e = do
liftIO $ putStrLn (show e)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user