isolated error. Map Rendering is missing Depth-Comp
- refactored a bit
This commit is contained in:
@ -308,11 +308,13 @@ adjustWindow = do
textureFilter Texture2D GL.$= ((Linear', Nothing), Linear')
texImage2D Texture2D GL.NoProxy 0 RGBA8 (GL.TextureSize2D fbCWidth fbCHeight) 0
(GL.PixelData GL.RGBA GL.UnsignedByte ptr)
textureBinding Texture2D GL.$= Nothing
-- MAP
textureBinding Texture2D GL.$= Just maptexid
textureFilter Texture2D GL.$= ((Linear', Nothing), Linear')
texImage2D Texture2D GL.NoProxy 0 RGBA8 (GL.TextureSize2D fbCWidth fbCHeight) 0
(GL.PixelData GL.RGBA GL.UnsignedByte ptr)
textureBinding Texture2D GL.$= Nothing
allocaBytes (2048*2048) $ \ptr -> do
let smapdata = genColorData (2048*2048) [0]
pokeArray ptr smapdata
@ -320,6 +322,7 @@ adjustWindow = do
textureFilter Texture2D GL.$= ((Nearest,Nothing), Nearest)
texImage2D Texture2D GL.NoProxy 0 GL.DepthComponent16 (GL.TextureSize2D 2048 2048) 0
(GL.PixelData GL.DepthComponent GL.UnsignedByte ptr)
textureBinding Texture2D GL.$= Nothing
checkError "setting up HUD-Tex"
return renderBuffer
modify $ gl.glRenderbuffer .~ rb
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StringQueries
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.Errors
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexArrayObjects
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexArrays
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BufferObjects
import Graphics.UI.SDL.Types (Texture)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
@ -180,3 +182,10 @@ withVBO b t a = do
ret <- a
bindBuffer t $= Nothing
return ret
withVAA :: [AttribLocation] -> IO a -> IO a
withVAA atts action = do
mapM_ (\a -> vertexAttribArray a $= Enabled) atts
ret <- action
mapM_ (\a -> vertexAttribArray a $= Disabled) atts
return ret
@ -287,18 +287,16 @@ initRendering = do
renderIQM :: IQM -> L.V3 CFloat -> L.V3 CFloat -> IO ()
renderIQM m p@(L.V3 x y z) s@(L.V3 sx sy sz) = do
withVAO (vertexArrayObject m) $ do
vertexAttribArray (AttribLocation 0) $= Enabled
vertexAttribArray (AttribLocation 1) $= Enabled
checkError "setting array to enabled"
bindBuffer ElementArrayBuffer $= Just (triangleBufferObject m)
checkError "bindBuffer"
let n = fromIntegral.(*3).num_triangles.header $ m
--print $ concat ["drawing ", show n," triangles"]
drawElements Triangles n UnsignedInt nullPtr
checkError "drawing model"
bindBuffer ElementArrayBuffer $= Nothing
vertexAttribArray (AttribLocation 0) $= Disabled
checkError "unbind buffer"
withVAA [(AttribLocation 0),(AttribLocation 1)] $ do
checkError "setting array to enabled"
bindBuffer ElementArrayBuffer $= Just (triangleBufferObject m)
checkError "bindBuffer"
let n = fromIntegral.(*3).num_triangles.header $ m
--print $ concat ["drawing ", show n," triangles"]
drawElements Triangles n UnsignedInt nullPtr
checkError "drawing model"
bindBuffer ElementArrayBuffer $= Nothing
checkError "unbind buffer"
return ()
renderObject :: MapObject -> IO ()
@ -322,27 +320,21 @@ drawMap = do
glUniform1f tli (fromIntegral tessFac)
glUniform1f tlo (fromIntegral tessFac)
bindBuffer ArrayBuffer $= Just map'
vertexAttribPointer ci $= fgColorIndex
vertexAttribArray ci $= Enabled
vertexAttribPointer ni $= fgNormalIndex
vertexAttribArray ni $= Enabled
vertexAttribPointer vi $= fgVertexIndex
vertexAttribArray vi $= Enabled
checkError "beforeDraw"
withVBO map' ArrayBuffer $ do
vertexAttribPointer ci $= fgColorIndex
vertexAttribPointer ni $= fgNormalIndex
vertexAttribPointer vi $= fgVertexIndex
withVAA [ci,ni,vi] $ do
checkError "beforeDraw"
glPatchParameteri gl_PATCH_VERTICES 3
glPatchParameteri gl_PATCH_VERTICES 3
cullFace $= Just Front
polygonMode $= (Fill,Fill)
cullFace $= Just Front
polygonMode $= (Fill,Fill)
glDrawArrays gl_PATCHES 0 (fromIntegral numVert)
glDrawArrays gl_PATCHES 0 (fromIntegral numVert)
checkError "draw map"
bindBuffer ArrayBuffer $= Nothing
vertexAttribArray ci $= Disabled
vertexAttribArray ni $= Disabled
vertexAttribArray vi $= Disabled
checkError "draw map"
-- set sample 1 as target in renderbuffer
@ -405,16 +397,16 @@ render = do
(state ^. gl.glRenderbuffer)-}
---- RENDER SHADOWMAP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
{- liftIO $ do
textureBinding Texture2D $= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.shadowMapTexture)
liftIO $ do
-- textureBinding Texture2D $= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.shadowMapTexture)
{- framebufferTexture2D
(state ^. gl.glMap.shadowMapTexture)
drawBuffer $= NoBuffers --color-buffer is not needed but must(?) be set up
-- drawBuffer $= NoBuffers --color-buffer is not needed but must(?) be set up
checkError "setup Render-Target"
clear [DepthBuffer]
@ -432,9 +424,9 @@ render = do
--TODO: needed?
mat33ToGPU sunnmap nmat "nmat"
-- drawMap
liftIO $ do
{- liftIO $ do
---- RENDER MAPOBJECTS --------------------------------------------
currentProgram $= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.objectProgram)
checkError "setting up shadowmap-program"
@ -454,7 +446,7 @@ render = do
mapM_ renderObject (state ^. gl.glMap.mapObjects)
checkError "draw mapobjects"
checkError "draw ShadowMap"-}
checkError "draw ShadowMap"--}
---- RENDER MAP IN TEXTURE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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