Merge branch 'tessallation' of into tessallation
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ author: sdressel
executable Pioneers
executable Pioneers
hs-source-dirs: src
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall
ghc-options: -Wall -Odph -rtsopts -threaded -fno-liberate-case -funfolding-use-threshold1000 -funfolding-keeness-factor1000 -optlo-O3 -fllvm
main-is: Main.hs
main-is: Main.hs
base >=4.6,
base >=4.6,
@ -29,5 +31,6 @@ executable Pioneers
linear >=1.3.1 && <1.4,
linear >=1.3.1 && <1.4,
lens >=3.10.1 && <3.11,
lens >=3.10.1 && <3.11,
SDL2 >= 0.1.0,
SDL2 >= 0.1.0,
time >=1.4.0 && <1.5
time >=1.4.0 && <1.5,
SDL2-ttf >=0.1.0 && <0.2
@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ else
cd ..
cd ..
if [ ! -d "hsSDL2-ttf" ]
git clone hsSDL2-ttf
cd hsSDL2-ttf
git pull
cd ..
echo "trying to build"
echo "trying to build"
cabal install haddock
cabal install haddock
@ -79,7 +88,7 @@ do
cabal configure
cabal configure
cabal build
cabal build
cabal haddock --hyperlink-source
cabal haddock --hyperlink-source
cabal install
cabal install --force-reinstalls
cd ..
cd ..
@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DoAndIfThenElse #-}
module Main where
module Main where
-- Monad-foo and higher functional stuff
-- Monad-foo and higher functional stuff
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (unless, void, when, join)
import Control.Monad (unless, void, when, join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
-- data consistency/conversion
-- data consistency/conversion
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue, atomically,
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue,
writeTQueue, isEmptyTQueue,
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST, ask, asks,
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST, ask, asks,
evalRWST, get, liftIO,
evalRWST, get, liftIO,
modify, put)
modify, put)
@ -24,11 +20,13 @@ import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
-- Math
-- Math
import Control.Lens (transposeOf, (^.))
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Linear as L
import Linear as L
-- GUI
-- GUI
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF as TTF
import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF.Types
-- Render
-- Render
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
@ -40,69 +38,14 @@ import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.ARB.TessellationShader
import Map.Map
import Map.Map
import Render.Misc (checkError,
import Render.Misc (checkError,
createFrustum, getCam,
createFrustum, getCam,
lookAt, up, curb)
import Render.Render (initRendering,
import Render.Render (initRendering,
import UI.Callbacks
import Types
import qualified Debug.Trace as D (trace)
import qualified Debug.Trace as D (trace)
data ArrowKeyState = ArrowKeyState {
arrowUp :: !Bool
,arrowDown :: !Bool
,arrowLeft :: !Bool
,arrowRight :: !Bool
--Static Read-Only-State
data Env = Env
{ envEventsChan :: TQueue Event
, envWindow :: !Window
, envZDistClosest :: !Double
, envZDistFarthest :: !Double
--, envGLContext :: !GLContext
--Mutable State
data State = State
{ stateWindowWidth :: !Int
, stateWindowHeight :: !Int
, stateWinClose :: !Bool
, stateClock :: !UTCTime
--- IO
, stateXAngle :: !Double
, stateYAngle :: !Double
, stateZDist :: !Double
, stateMouseDown :: !Bool
, stateDragging :: !Bool
, stateDragStartX :: !Double
, stateDragStartY :: !Double
, stateDragStartXAngle :: !Double
, stateDragStartYAngle :: !Double
, statePositionX :: !Double
, statePositionY :: !Double
, stateCursorPosX :: !Double
, stateCursorPosY :: !Double
, stateArrowsPressed :: !ArrowKeyState
, stateFrustum :: !(M44 CFloat)
--- pointer to bindings for locations inside the compiled shader
--- mutable because shaders may be changed in the future.
, shdrVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrColorIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrNormalIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrProjMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrViewMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrModelMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrNormalMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrTessInnerIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrTessOuterIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, stateTessellationFactor :: !Int
--- the map
, stateMap :: !GL.BufferObject
, mapVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices
type Pioneers = RWST Env () State IO
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
@ -112,9 +55,10 @@ main = do
,WindowResizable -- and resizable
,WindowResizable -- and resizable
,WindowInputFocus -- focused (=> active)
,WindowInputFocus -- focused (=> active)
,WindowMouseFocus -- Mouse into it
,WindowMouseFocus -- Mouse into it
--,WindowInputGrabbed-- never let go of input (KB/Mouse)
,WindowInputGrabbed-- never let go of input (KB/Mouse)
] $ \window -> do
] $ \window -> do
withOpenGL window $ do
withOpenGL window $ do
TTF.withInit $ do
(Size fbWidth fbHeight) <- glGetDrawableSize window
(Size fbWidth fbHeight) <- glGetDrawableSize window
--generate map vertices
--generate map vertices
@ -125,9 +69,13 @@ main = do
putStrLn "foo"
putStrLn "foo"
now <- getCurrentTime
now <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn "foo"
putStrLn "foo"
font <- TTF.openFont "fonts/ttf-04B_03B_/04B_03B_.TTF" 10
TTF.setFontStyle font TTFNormal
TTF.setFontHinting font TTFHNormal
let zDistClosest = 1
let zDistClosest = 1
zDistFarthest = zDistClosest + 30
zDistFarthest = zDistClosest + 30
--TODO: Move near/far/fov to state for runtime-changability & central storage
fov = 90 --field of view
fov = 90 --field of view
near = 1 --near plane
near = 1 --near plane
far = 100 --far plane
far = 100 --far plane
@ -144,6 +92,7 @@ main = do
, envWindow = window
, envWindow = window
, envZDistClosest = zDistClosest
, envZDistClosest = zDistClosest
, envZDistFarthest = zDistFarthest
, envZDistFarthest = zDistFarthest
, envFont = font
state = State
state = State
{ stateWindowWidth = fbWidth
{ stateWindowWidth = fbWidth
@ -188,7 +137,6 @@ main = do
draw :: Pioneers ()
draw :: Pioneers ()
draw = do
draw = do
env <- ask
state <- get
state <- get
let xa = stateXAngle state
let xa = stateXAngle state
ya = stateYAngle state
ya = stateYAngle state
@ -212,23 +160,23 @@ draw = do
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
checkError "foo"
checkError "foo"
--set up projection (= copy from state)
--set up projection (= copy from state)
with (distribute $ frust) $ \ptr ->
with (distribute frust) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv proj 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M44 CFloat)))
glUniformMatrix4fv proj 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M44 CFloat)))
checkError "foo"
checkError "foo"
--set up camera
--set up camera
let ! cam = getCam (camX,camY) zDist xa ya
let ! cam = getCam (camX,camY) zDist xa ya
with (distribute $ cam) $ \ptr ->
with (distribute cam) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv vmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M44 CFloat)))
glUniformMatrix4fv vmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M44 CFloat)))
checkError "foo"
checkError "foo"
--set up normal--Mat transpose((model*camera)^-1)
--set up normal--Mat transpose((model*camera)^-1)
let normal = (case inv33 ((fmap (^._xyz) cam) ^. _xyz) of
let normal = (case inv33 (fmap (^. _xyz) cam ^. _xyz) of
(Just a) -> a
(Just a) -> a
Nothing -> eye3) :: M33 CFloat
Nothing -> eye3) :: M33 CFloat
nmap = (collect (fmap id) normal) :: M33 CFloat --transpose...
nmap = collect id normal :: M33 CFloat --transpose...
with (distribute $ nmap) $ \ptr ->
with (distribute nmap) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix3fv nmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M33 CFloat)))
glUniformMatrix3fv nmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M33 CFloat)))
checkError "nmat"
checkError "nmat"
@ -260,8 +208,7 @@ run = do
-- draw Scene
-- draw Scene
liftIO $ do
liftIO $ glSwapWindow win
glSwapWindow win
-- getEvents & process
-- getEvents & process
@ -292,7 +239,7 @@ run = do
-- get cursor-keys - if pressed
-- get cursor-keys - if pressed
--TODO: Add sin/cos from stateYAngle
--TODO: Add sin/cos from stateYAngle
(kxrot, kyrot) <- fmap ((join (***)) fromIntegral) getArrowMovement
(kxrot, kyrot) <- fmap (join (***) fromIntegral) getArrowMovement
modify $ \s ->
modify $ \s ->
multc = cos $ stateYAngle s
multc = cos $ stateYAngle s
@ -315,8 +262,8 @@ run = do
mt <- liftIO $ do
mt <- liftIO $ do
now <- getCurrentTime
now <- getCurrentTime
diff <- return $ diffUTCTime now (stateClock state) -- get time-diffs
diff <- return $ diffUTCTime now (stateClock state) -- get time-diffs
title <- return $ unwords ["Pioneers @ ",show $ ((round .fromRational.toRational $ 1/diff)::Int),"fps"]
title <- return $ unwords ["Pioneers @ ",show ((round .fromRational.toRational $ 1.0/diff)::Int),"fps"]
setWindowTitle win $ title
setWindowTitle win title
sleepAmount <- return $ floor (max 0 (0.04 - diff))*1000000 -- get time until next frame in microseconds
sleepAmount <- return $ floor (max 0 (0.04 - diff))*1000000 -- get time until next frame in microseconds
threadDelay sleepAmount
threadDelay sleepAmount
return now
return now
@ -369,84 +316,110 @@ processEvents = do
processEvent :: Event -> Pioneers ()
processEvent :: Event -> Pioneers ()
processEvent e = do
processEvent e = do
case eventData e of
case eventData e of
Window _ winEvent ->
Window _ winEvent ->
case winEvent of
case winEvent of
Closing -> modify $ \s -> s {
Closing ->
stateWinClose = True
modify $ \s -> s {
stateWinClose = True
_ -> return ()
Keyboard movement _ repeat key -> --up/down window(ignored) true/false actualKey
-- need modifiers? use "keyModifiers key" to get them
case keyScancode key of
Escape -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateWinClose = True
SDL.Left -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowLeft = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Right -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowRight = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Up -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowUp = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Down -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowDown = movement == KeyDown
SDL.KeypadPlus -> when (movement == KeyDown) $ do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateTessellationFactor = min ((stateTessellationFactor s)+1) 5
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ stateTessellationFactor state]
SDL.KeypadMinus -> when (movement == KeyDown) $ do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateTessellationFactor = max ((stateTessellationFactor s)-1) 1
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ stateTessellationFactor state]
_ -> return ()
MouseMotion _ id st (Position x y) xrel yrel -> do
state <- get
when (stateMouseDown state && not (stateDragging state)) $
put $ state
{ stateDragging = True
, stateDragStartX = fromIntegral x
, stateDragStartY = fromIntegral y
, stateDragStartXAngle = stateXAngle state
, stateDragStartYAngle = stateYAngle state
Resized {windowResizedTo=size} -> do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateWindowWidth = sizeWidth size
,stateWindowHeight = sizeHeight size
SizeChanged ->
_ ->
return ()
--liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Unhandled Window-Event:",show e]
Keyboard movement _ isRepeated key -> --up/down window(ignored) true/false actualKey
-- need modifiers? use "keyModifiers key" to get them
case keyScancode key of
Escape ->
modify $ \s -> s {
modify $ \s -> s {
stateCursorPosX = fromIntegral x
stateWinClose = True
, stateCursorPosY = fromIntegral y
MouseButton _ id button state (Position x y) ->
SDL.Left ->
case button of
modify $ \s -> s {
LeftButton -> do
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
let pressed = state == Pressed
arrowLeft = movement == KeyDown
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateMouseDown = pressed
unless pressed $
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateDragging = False
_ -> return ()
MouseWheel _ id hscroll vscroll -> do
env <- ask
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateZDist =
let zDist' = stateZDist s + realToFrac (negate $ vscroll)
in curb (envZDistClosest env) (envZDistFarthest env) zDist'
Quit -> modify $ \s -> s {stateWinClose = True}
SDL.Right ->
-- there is more (joystic, touchInterface, ...), but currently ignored
modify $ \s -> s {
_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Not processing Event:",(show e)]
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowRight = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Up ->
modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowUp = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Down ->
modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowDown = movement == KeyDown
SDL.KeypadPlus ->
when (movement == KeyDown) $ do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateTessellationFactor = min (stateTessellationFactor s + 1) 5
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ stateTessellationFactor state]
SDL.KeypadMinus ->
when (movement == KeyDown) $ do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateTessellationFactor = max (stateTessellationFactor s - 1) 1
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ stateTessellationFactor state]
_ ->
return ()
MouseMotion _ mouseId st (Position x y) xrel yrel -> do
state <- get
when (stateMouseDown state && not (stateDragging state)) $
put $ state
{ stateDragging = True
, stateDragStartX = fromIntegral x
, stateDragStartY = fromIntegral y
, stateDragStartXAngle = stateXAngle state
, stateDragStartYAngle = stateYAngle state
modify $ \s -> s {
stateCursorPosX = fromIntegral x
, stateCursorPosY = fromIntegral y
MouseButton _ mouseId button state (Position x y) ->
case button of
LeftButton -> do
let pressed = state == Pressed
modify $ \s -> s {
stateMouseDown = pressed
unless pressed $ do
st <- get
if stateDragging st then
modify $ \s -> s {
stateDragging = False
clickHandler (UI.Callbacks.Pixel x y)
RightButton -> do
when (state == Released) $ alternateClickHandler (UI.Callbacks.Pixel x y)
_ ->
return ()
MouseWheel _ mouseId hscroll vscroll -> do
env <- ask
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateZDist =
let zDist' = stateZDist s + realToFrac (negate vscroll)
in curb (envZDistClosest env) (envZDistFarthest env) zDist'
Quit -> modify $ \s -> s {stateWinClose = True}
-- there is more (joystic, touchInterface, ...), but currently ignored
_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Not processing Event:", show e]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
module Types where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Linear.Matrix (M44)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST)
import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF.Types as TTF
data ArrowKeyState = ArrowKeyState {
arrowUp :: !Bool
,arrowDown :: !Bool
,arrowLeft :: !Bool
,arrowRight :: !Bool
--Static Read-Only-State
data Env = Env
{ envEventsChan :: TQueue Event
, envWindow :: !Window
, envZDistClosest :: !Double
, envZDistFarthest :: !Double
--, envGLContext :: !GLContext
, envFont :: TTF.TTFFont
--Mutable State
data State = State
{ stateWindowWidth :: !Int
, stateWindowHeight :: !Int
, stateWinClose :: !Bool
, stateClock :: !UTCTime
--- IO
, stateXAngle :: !Double
, stateYAngle :: !Double
, stateZDist :: !Double
, stateMouseDown :: !Bool
, stateDragging :: !Bool
, stateDragStartX :: !Double
, stateDragStartY :: !Double
, stateDragStartXAngle :: !Double
, stateDragStartYAngle :: !Double
, statePositionX :: !Double
, statePositionY :: !Double
, stateCursorPosX :: !Double
, stateCursorPosY :: !Double
, stateArrowsPressed :: !ArrowKeyState
, stateFrustum :: !(M44 CFloat)
--- pointer to bindings for locations inside the compiled shader
--- mutable because shaders may be changed in the future.
, shdrVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrColorIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrNormalIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrProjMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrViewMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrModelMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrNormalMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrTessInnerIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrTessOuterIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, stateTessellationFactor :: !Int
--- the map
, stateMap :: !GL.BufferObject
, mapVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices
type Pioneers = RWST Env () State IO
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module UI.Callbacks where
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Types
data Pixel = Pixel Int Int
-- | Handler for UI-Inputs.
-- Indicates a primary click on something (e.g. left-click, touch on Touchpad, fire on Gamepad, ...
clickHandler :: Pixel -> Pioneers ()
clickHandler (Pixel x y) = liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["button press on (",show x,",",show y,")"]
-- | Handler for UI-Inputs.
-- Indicates an alternate click on something (e.g. right-click, touch&hold on Touchpad, ...
alternateClickHandler :: Pixel -> Pioneers ()
alternateClickHandler (Pixel x y) = liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["alternate press on (",show x,",",show y,")"]
--TODO: Add scroll-Handler, return (Pioneers Bool) to indicate event-bubbling etc.
--TODO: Maybe queues are better?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user