Merge branch 'tessallation' into iqm
This commit is contained in:
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ main =
{ _uiHasChanged = True
, _uiMap = guiMap
, _uiRoots = guiRoots
, _uiButtonState = UI.UIButtonState 0 Nothing
, _uiButtonState = UI.UIButtonState 0 Nothing False
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ run = do
let double = fromRational.toRational :: (Real a) => a -> Double
targetFramerate = 60.0
targetFrametime = 1.0/targetFramerate
targetFrametimeμs = targetFrametime * 1000000.0
--targetFrametimeμs = targetFrametime * 1000000.0
now <- getCurrentTime
let diff = diffUTCTime now (state ^. io.clock) -- get time-diffs
title = unwords ["Pioneers @ ",show ((round . double $ 1.0/diff)::Int),"fps"]
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
module UI.Callbacks where
@ -102,28 +103,34 @@ eventCallback e = do
SDL.MouseMotion _ _ _ (SDL.Position x y) _ _ -> -- windowID mouseID motionState motionPosition xrel yrel
state <- get
when (state ^. mouse.isDown && not (state ^. mouse.isDragging)) $
if state ^. mouse.isDown && not (state ^. mouse.isDragging)
modify $ (mouse.isDragging .~ True)
. (mouse.dragStartX .~ fromIntegral x)
. (mouse.dragStartY .~ fromIntegral y)
. (mouse.dragStartXAngle .~ (state ^. camera.xAngle))
. (mouse.dragStartYAngle .~ (state ^. camera.yAngle))
else mouseMoveHandler (x, y)
modify $ (mouse.mousePosition. Types._x .~ fromIntegral x)
. (mouse.mousePosition. Types._y .~ fromIntegral y)
SDL.MouseButton _ _ button state (SDL.Position x y) -> -- windowID mouseID button buttonState buttonAt
case button of
SDL.LeftButton -> do
let pressed = state == SDL.Pressed
modify $ mouse.isDown .~ pressed
unless pressed $ do
st <- get
if st ^. mouse.isDragging then
modify $ mouse.isDragging .~ False
clickHandler LeftButton (x, y)
_ -> when (state == SDL.Released)
$ maybe (return ()) (`clickHandler` (x, y)) $ transformButton button
SDL.LeftButton -> do
let pressed = state == SDL.Pressed
modify $ mouse.isDown .~ pressed
if pressed
then mouseReleaseHandler LeftButton (x, y)
else do
st <- get
if st ^. mouse.isDragging then
modify $ mouse.isDragging .~ False
else do
mousePressHandler LeftButton (x, y)
_ -> case state of
SDL.Pressed -> maybe (return ()) (`mousePressHandler` (x, y)) $ transformButton button
SDL.Released -> maybe (return ()) (`mouseReleaseHandler` (x, y)) $ transformButton button
_ -> return ()
SDL.MouseWheel _ _ _ vscroll -> -- windowID mouseID hScroll vScroll
state <- get
@ -137,17 +144,16 @@ eventCallback e = do
mouseButtonHandler :: (EventHandler Pioneers -> MouseButton -> Pixel -> GUIWidget Pioneers -> Pioneers (GUIWidget Pioneers))
-> MouseButton -> Pixel -> Pioneers ()
mouseButtonHandler transFunc btn px = do
modify $ ui.uiButtonState %~ (mousePressed %~ (+1)) -- TODO: what happens if released outside window? not reset properly?
state <- get
let hMap = state ^. ui.uiMap
currentWidget = state ^. ui.uiButtonState.mouseCurrentWidget
case currentWidget of
Just (wui, px') -> do
let target = toGUIAny hMap wui
Just (wid, px') -> do
let target = toGUIAny hMap wid
target' <- case target ^. eventHandlers.(at MouseEvent) of
Just ma -> transFunc ma btn (px -: px') target -- TODO unsafe fromJust
Just ma -> transFunc ma btn (px -: px') target
Nothing -> return target
modify $ ui.uiMap %~ Map.insert wui target'
modify $ ui.uiMap %~ Map.insert wid target'
return ()
Nothing -> return ()
@ -160,24 +166,112 @@ mouseReleaseHandler :: MouseButton -> Pixel -> Pioneers ()
mouseReleaseHandler btn px = do
modify $ ui.uiButtonState %~ (mousePressed %~ flip (-) 1) -- TODO: what happens if pressed outside window? not set properly?
mouseButtonHandler (\ma -> fromJust (ma ^? onMouseRelease)) btn px
-- TODO: trigger move/enter/leave
state <- get
unless (state ^. ui.uiButtonState.mousePressed > 0) $ do
case state ^. ui.uiButtonState.mouseCurrentWidget of
Just (wid, px') -> do
let target = toGUIAny (state ^. ui.uiMap) wid
-- debug
let short = target ^. baseProperties.shorthand
bound <- target ^. baseProperties.boundary
prio <- target ^. baseProperties.priority
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "releasing(" ++ show btn ++ ") " ++ short ++ ": " ++ show bound ++ " "
++ show prio ++ " at [" ++ show (fst px) ++ "," ++ show (snd px) ++ "]"
-- /debug
target' <- case target ^. eventHandlers.(at MouseMotionEvent) of --existing handler?
Just ma -> do
target_ <- fromJust (ma ^? onMouseEnter) px' target -- TODO unsafe fromJust
fromJust (ma ^? onMouseMove) px' target_ -- TODO unsafe fromJust
Nothing -> return target
modify $ ui.uiMap %~ Map.insert wid target'
Nothing -> return ()
mouseSetMouseActive px -- TODO leave current
mouseSetMouseActiveTargeted :: (UIId, Pixel) -- ^ (target widget, local coorinates)
-> Pixel -- ^ global coordinates
-> Pioneers ()
mouseSetMouseActiveTargeted (wid, px') px = do
state <- get
--liftIO $ putStrLn $ "new target: " ++ show wid
let hMap = state ^. ui.uiMap
target = toGUIAny hMap wid
modify $ ui.uiButtonState %~ (mouseCurrentWidget .~ Just (wid, px -: px')) . (mouseInside .~ True)
target' <- case target ^. eventHandlers.(at MouseMotionEvent) of --existing handler?
Just ma -> do
target_ <- fromJust (ma ^? onMouseEnter) px' target -- TODO unsafe fromJust
fromJust (ma ^? onMouseMove) px' target_ -- TODO unsafe fromJust
Nothing -> return target
modify $ ui.uiMap %~ Map.insert wid target'
mouseSetMouseActive :: Pixel -- ^global coordinates
-> Pioneers ()
mouseSetMouseActive px = do
roots <- getRootIds
hits <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId px) roots
leading <- getLeadingWidget hits
case leading of
Just hit -> mouseSetMouseActiveTargeted hit px
Nothing -> modify $ ui.uiButtonState %~ (mouseCurrentWidget .~ Nothing) . (mouseInside .~ False)
mouseSetLeaving :: UIId -> Pixel -> Pioneers ()
mouseSetLeaving wid px = do
state <- get
let target = toGUIAny (state ^. ui.uiMap) wid
modify $ ui.uiButtonState.mouseInside .~ False
case target ^. eventHandlers.(at MouseMotionEvent) of --existing handler?
Just ma -> do
target' <- fromJust (ma ^? onMouseLeave) px target --TODO unsafe fromJust
modify $ ui.uiMap %~ Map.insert wid target'
Nothing -> return ()
mouseMoveHandler :: Pixel -> Pioneers ()
mouseMoveHandler px = undefined
mouseMoveHandler px = do
state <- get
--liftIO $ print $ state ^. ui.uiButtonState
case state ^. ui.uiButtonState.mouseCurrentWidget of -- existing mouse-active widget?
Just (wid, px') -> do
let target = toGUIAny (state ^. ui.uiMap) wid
inTest <- isHittingChild (px -: px') target
case inTest of
Left b -> -- no child hit
if b == state ^. ui.uiButtonState.mouseInside then -- > moving inside or outside
case target ^. eventHandlers.(at MouseMotionEvent) of --existing handler?
Just ma -> do target' <- fromJust (ma ^? onMouseMove) px' target
modify $ ui.uiMap %~ Map.insert wid target'
Nothing -> return ()
else if b then -- && not mouseInside --> entering
do modify $ ui.uiButtonState.mouseInside .~ True
case target ^. eventHandlers.(at MouseMotionEvent) of --existing handler?
Just ma -> do
target_ <- fromJust (ma ^? onMouseEnter) (px -: px') target --TODO unsafe fromJust
target' <- fromJust (ma ^? onMouseMove) (px -: px') target_ --TODO unsafe fromJust
modify $ ui.uiMap %~ Map.insert wid target'
Nothing -> return ()
else -- not b && mouseInside --> leaving
do mouseSetLeaving wid (px -: px')
when (state ^. ui.uiButtonState.mousePressed <= 0) -- change mouse-active widget?
$ mouseSetMouseActive px
Right childHit -> do
mouseSetLeaving wid (px -: px')
when (state ^. ui.uiButtonState.mousePressed <= 0) -- change mouse-active widget?
$ mouseSetMouseActiveTargeted childHit px
Nothing -> do
mouseSetMouseActive px
-- | Handler for UI-Inputs.
-- Indicates a primary click on something (e.g. left-click, touch on Touchpad, fire on Gamepad, ...
clickHandler :: MouseButton -> Pixel -> Pioneers ()
clickHandler btn pos@(x,y) = do
state <- get
let hMap = state ^. ui.uiMap
roots <- getRootIds
hits <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId hMap pos) roots
hits <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId pos) roots
case hits of
[] -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords [show btn ++ ":press on (",show x,",",show y,")"]
_ -> do
changes <- mapM (\(uid, pos') -> do
let w = toGUIAny hMap uid
state <- get
let w = toGUIAny (state ^. ui.uiMap) uid
short = w ^. baseProperties.shorthand
bound <- w ^. baseProperties.boundary
prio <- w ^. baseProperties.priority
@ -189,7 +283,8 @@ clickHandler btn pos@(x,y) = do
return $ Just (uid, w'')
Nothing -> return Nothing
) hits
let newMap :: Map.HashMap UIId (GUIWidget Pioneers)
state <- get
let hMap = state ^. ui.uiMap
newMap = foldl' (\hm (uid, w') -> Map.insert uid w' hm) hMap $ catMaybes changes
modify $ ui.uiMap .~ newMap
return ()
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ data UIButtonState = UIButtonState
-- ^the current mouse-active widget and its global coordinates.
-- If @_mousePressed == 0@: widget the mouse is hovering over,
-- otherwise: widget the first button has been pressed on.
, _mouseInside :: Bool -- ^@True@ if the mouse is currently within the mouse-active widget
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |The button dependant state of a 'MouseState'.
@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ data GUIBaseProperties m = BaseProperties
-- The default implementations tests if the point is within the rectangle specified by the
-- 'getBoundary' function.
_isInside :: GUIWidget m
-> Pixel -- ^screen position
-> Pixel -- ^local coordinates
-> m Bool
-- |The @_getPriority@ function returns the priority score of a @GUIWidget@.
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module UI.UIOperations where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad (liftM)
--import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (get)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
@ -19,6 +21,14 @@ toGUIAnys m = mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` m)
{-# INLINABLE toGUIAnys #-}
-- TODO: check for missing components?
-- | Tests whether a point is inside a widget by testing its bounding box first.
isInsideFast :: Monad m => GUIWidget m
-> Pixel -- ^ local coordinates
-> m Bool
isInsideFast wg px = do
(_, _, w, h) <- wg ^. baseProperties.boundary
liftM (isInsideExtent (w, h) px &&) $ (wg ^. baseProperties.isInside) wg px
-- |The function 'getInsideId' returns child widgets that overlap with a
-- specific screen position and the pixel's local coordinates.
@ -27,27 +37,49 @@ toGUIAnys m = mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` m)
-- considered part of the component. The function returns all hit widgets that
-- have no hit children, which may be the input widget itself,
-- or @[]@ if the point does not hit the widget.
getInsideId :: Map.HashMap UIId (GUIWidget Pioneers) -- ^map containing ui widgets
-> Pixel -- ^screen position
getInsideId :: Pixel -- ^parent’s local coordinates
-> UIId -- ^the parent widget
-> Pioneers [(UIId, Pixel)]
getInsideId hMap px uid = do
let wg = toGUIAny hMap uid
bnd@(bX, bY, _, _) <- wg ^. baseProperties.boundary
getInsideId px uid = do
state <- get
let wg = toGUIAny (state ^. ui.uiMap) uid
(bX, bY, _, _) <- wg ^. baseProperties.boundary
let px' = px -: (bX, bY)
inside <- liftM (isInsideRect bnd px &&) $ (wg ^. baseProperties.isInside) wg px'
inside <- isInsideFast wg px'
if inside -- test inside parent's bounding box
then do
childrenIds <- wg ^. baseProperties.children
hitChildren <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId hMap px') childrenIds
hitChildren <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId px') childrenIds
case hitChildren of
[] -> return [(uid, px')]
_ -> return hitChildren
else return []
--TODO: Priority queue?
--TODO: only needs to return single target if non-overlapping-child convention applies
-- TODO not needed if non-overlapping-child convention applies
getLeadingWidget :: [(UIId, Pixel)] -- ^widgets and their screen positions
-> Pioneers (Maybe (UIId, Pixel)) -- ^the leading widget
getLeadingWidget [] = return Nothing
getLeadingWidget (x:_) = return $ Just x
-- |The function 'isHittingChild' tests if a pixel is hitting a child of the given widget.
-- @'Left' 'False'@ is returned if the point is outside the widget,
-- @'Left' 'True'@ is returned if the point is inside the widget and hits no child and
-- 'Right' in combination with both the innermost hit child and the position’s local coordinates
-- is returned otherwise.
isHittingChild :: Pixel -- ^parent’s local coordinates
-> GUIWidget Pioneers -- ^parent widget
-> Pioneers (Either Bool (UIId, Pixel))
isHittingChild px wg = do
isIn <- isInsideFast wg px
if isIn
then do
chld <- wg ^. baseProperties.children
hitChld <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId px) chld
hitLead <- getLeadingWidget hitChld
case hitLead of
Nothing -> return $ Left True
Just h -> return $ Right h
else return $ Left False
Reference in New Issue
Block a user