mouse events use local widget coordinates
This commit is contained in:
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ clickHandler btn pos@(x,y) = do
case hits of
[] -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords [show btn ++ ":press on (",show x,",",show y,")"]
_ -> do
changes <- mapM (\uid -> do
changes <- mapM (\(uid, pos') -> do
let w = toGUIAny hMap uid
short = w ^. baseProperties.shorthand
bound <- w ^. baseProperties.boundary
@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ clickHandler btn pos@(x,y) = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "hitting(" ++ show btn ++ ") " ++ short ++ ": " ++ show bound ++ " "
++ show prio ++ " at [" ++ show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ "]"
case w ^. eventHandlers.(at MouseEvent) of
Just ma -> do w' <- fromJust (ma ^? onMousePress) btn pos w -- TODO unsafe fromJust
w'' <- fromJust (ma ^? onMouseRelease) btn pos True w' -- TODO unsafe fromJust
Just ma -> do w' <- fromJust (ma ^? onMousePress) btn pos' w -- TODO unsafe fromJust
w'' <- fromJust (ma ^? onMouseRelease) btn pos' True w' -- TODO unsafe fromJust
return $ Just (uid, w'')
Nothing -> return Nothing
) hits
@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ f >: (x, y) = (f x, f y)
(*:) = merge (*)
{-# INLINABLE (*:) #-}
infixl 7 *:
infixl 6 +:, -:
infixl 5 >:
-- |Id to reference a specific widget, must be unique.
newtype UIId = UIId Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Ix, Hashable, Show, Read)
@ -275,13 +279,25 @@ buttonMouseActions a = MouseHandler press' release'
emptyGraphics :: (Monad m) => GUIGraphics m
emptyGraphics = Graphics (return 3)
isInsideRect :: (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> Pixel -> Bool
isInsideRect (x,y,w,h) (x',y') = (x' - x <= w) && (x' - x >= 0) && (y' - y <= h) && (y' - y >= 0)
-- |Extracts width and height from a '_boundary' property of a 'GUIBaseProperties'.
extractExtent :: (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit)
extractExtent (_,_,w,h) = (w,h)
{-# INLINABLE extractExtent #-}
-- |Calculates whether a point's value exceed the given width and height.
isInsideExtent :: (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> Pixel -> Bool
isInsideExtent (w,h) (x',y') = (x' <= w) && (x' >= 0) && (y' <= h) && (y' >= 0)
-- |Calculates whether a point is within a given rectangle.
isInsideRect :: (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> Pixel -> Bool
isInsideRect (x,y,w,h) px = isInsideExtent (w, h) $ px -: (x, y)
-- |@GUIBaseProperties@ with a rectangular base that fills the bounds.
rectangularBase :: (Monad m) => (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> [UIId] -> Int -> String -> GUIBaseProperties m
rectangularBase bnd chld prio short =
BaseProperties (return bnd) (return chld)
(\w p -> liftM (`isInsideRect` p) (w ^. baseProperties.boundary)) -- isInside
(\w p -> liftM (flip isInsideExtent p . extractExtent) (w ^. baseProperties.boundary)) -- isInside
(return prio) short
debugShowWidget' :: (Monad m) => GUIWidget m -> m String
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ toGUIAnys m = mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` m)
-- |The function 'getInsideId' returns child widgets that overlap with a
-- specific screen position.
-- specific screen position and the pixel's local coordinates.
-- A screen position may be inside the bounding box of a widget but not
-- considered part of the component. The function returns all hit widgets that
@ -30,17 +30,18 @@ toGUIAnys m = mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` m)
getInsideId :: Map.HashMap UIId (GUIWidget Pioneers) -- ^map containing ui widgets
-> Pixel -- ^screen position
-> UIId -- ^the parent widget
-> Pioneers [UIId]
-> Pioneers [(UIId, Pixel)]
getInsideId hMap px uid = do
let wg = toGUIAny hMap uid
let wg = toGUIAny hMap uid
bnd@(bX, bY, _, _) <- wg ^. baseProperties.boundary
inside <- liftM (isInsideRect bnd px &&) $ (wg ^. baseProperties.isInside) wg px
let px' = px -: (bX, bY)
inside <- liftM (isInsideRect bnd px &&) $ (wg ^. baseProperties.isInside) wg px'
if inside -- test inside parent's bounding box
then do
childrenIds <- wg ^. baseProperties.children
hitChildren <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId hMap (px -: (bX, bY))) childrenIds
hitChildren <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId hMap px') childrenIds
case hitChildren of
[] -> return [uid]
[] -> return [(uid, px')]
_ -> return hitChildren
else return []
--TODO: Priority queue?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user