upper bound of 0.001s for frame diff time (Main.hs), added second viewport widget to GUI (currently just an empty shell)
This commit is contained in:
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ run = do
targetFrametime = 1.0/targetFramerate
--targetFrametimeμs = targetFrametime * 1000000.0
now <- getCurrentTime
let diff = diffUTCTime now (state ^. io.clock) -- get time-diffs
let diff = max 0.001 $ diffUTCTime now (state ^. io.clock) -- get time-diffs
updatediff = diffUTCTime now (state ^. io.tessClockTime) -- get diff to last update
title = unwords ["Pioneers @ ",show ((round . double $ 1.0/diff)::Int),"fps"]
ddiff = double diff
@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ import UI.UIOperations
createGUI :: ScreenUnit -> ScreenUnit -> UIState
createGUI w h = UIState
{ _uiHasChanged = True
, _uiMap = Map.fromList [ (UIId 0, createViewport LeftButton (0, 0, w, h) [UIId 1, UIId 2] 0) -- TODO: automatic resize
, (UIId 1, createContainer (30, 215, 100, 80) [] 1)
, (UIId 2, createPanel (50, 40, 0, 0) [UIId 3, UIId 4] 3)
, _uiMap = Map.fromList [ (UIId 0, createViewport LeftButton (0, 0, w, h) [UIId 1, UIId 2, UIId 5] 0) -- TODO: automatic resize
, (UIId 1, createContainer (30, 415, 100, 80) [] 1)
, (UIId 2, createPanel (50, 240, 0, 0) [UIId 3, UIId 4] 3)
, (UIId 3, createContainer (80, 15, 130, 90) [] 4 )
, (UIId 4, createButton (10, 40, 60, 130) 2 testMessage)
, (UIId 5, createViewport LeftButton (10, 10, 300, 200) [] 0)
, _uiObserverEvents = Map.fromList [(WindowEvent, [resizeToScreenHandler (UIId 0)])]
, _uiRoots = [UIId 0]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user