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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
module Types where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL (Event, Window)
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Linear.Matrix (M44)
import Linear (V3)
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST)
import Control.Lens
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (TextureObject)
2014-04-21 19:46:24 +02:00
import Render.Types
2014-05-02 16:15:58 +02:00
import Importer.IQM.Types
import UI.UIBase
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
2014-05-02 16:15:58 +02:00
data Coord3D a = Coord3D a a a
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
--Static Read-Only-State
data Env = Env
{ _eventsChan :: TQueue Event
, _windowObject :: !Window
, _zDistClosest :: !Double
, _zDistFarthest :: !Double
--, envGLContext :: !GLContext
--, envFont :: TTF.TTFFont
2014-04-04 11:18:42 +02:00
-- , _renderer :: !Renderer
--Mutable State
data Position = Position
{ __x :: !Double
, __y :: !Double
data WindowState = WindowState
{ _width :: !Int
, _height :: !Int
, _shouldClose :: !Bool
data CameraState = CameraState
{ _xAngle :: !Double
, _yAngle :: !Double
, _zDist :: !Double
, _frustum :: !(M44 CFloat)
2014-04-21 19:46:24 +02:00
, _camObject :: !Camera
data IOState = IOState
{ _clock :: !UTCTime
, _tessClockFactor :: !Double
data GameState = GameState
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
data MouseState = MouseState
{ _isDown :: !Bool
, _isDragging :: !Bool
, _dragStartX :: !Double
, _dragStartY :: !Double
, _dragStartXAngle :: !Double
, _dragStartYAngle :: !Double
, _mousePosition :: !Position --TODO: Get rid of mouse-prefix
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
data ArrowKeyState = ArrowKeyState {
_up :: !Bool
,_down :: !Bool
,_left :: !Bool
,_right :: !Bool
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
data KeyboardState = KeyboardState
{ _arrowsPressed :: !ArrowKeyState
-- | State in which all map-related Data is stored
-- The map itself is rendered with mapProgram and the shaders given here directly
-- This does not include any objects on the map - only the map itself
-- _mapTextures must contain the following Textures (in this ordering) after initialisation:
-- 1. Grass
-- 2. Sand
-- 3. Water
-- 4. Stone
-- 5. Snow
-- 6. Dirt (blended on grass)
data GLMapState = GLMapState
{ _shdrVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrColorIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrNormalIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrProjMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrViewMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrModelMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrNormalMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrTessInnerIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrTessOuterIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _stateTessellationFactor :: !Int
, _stateMap :: !GL.BufferObject
, _mapVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices
2014-03-24 08:21:30 +01:00
, _mapProgram :: !GL.Program
, _renderedMapTexture :: !TextureObject --TODO: Probably move to UI?
2014-04-22 16:25:29 +02:00
, _overviewTexture :: !TextureObject
, _mapTextures :: ![TextureObject] --TODO: Fix size on list?
2014-05-02 16:15:58 +02:00
, _objectProgram :: !GL.Program
, _mapObjects :: ![MapObject]
data MapObject = MapObject !IQM !MapCoordinates !MapObjectState
data MapObjectState = MapObjectState ()
type MapCoordinates = V3 CFloat
2014-05-02 16:15:58 +02:00
data GLHud = GLHud
{ _hudTexture :: !TextureObject -- ^ HUD-Texture itself
, _hudTexIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation -- ^ Position of Overlay-Texture in Shader
, _hudBackIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation -- ^ Position of Background-Texture in Shader
, _hudVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation -- ^ Position of Vertices in Shader
, _hudVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices -- ^ Number of Vertices to draw
, _hudVBO :: !GL.BufferObject -- ^ Vertex-Buffer-Object
, _hudEBO :: !GL.BufferObject -- ^ Element-Buffer-Object
, _hudProgram :: !GL.Program -- ^ Program for rendering HUD
data GLState = GLState
{ _glMap :: !GLMapState
, _glHud :: !GLHud
, _glRenderbuffer :: !GL.RenderbufferObject
, _glFramebuffer :: !GL.FramebufferObject
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
2014-03-24 08:21:30 +01:00
data UIState = UIState
2014-04-05 23:09:57 +02:00
{ _uiHasChanged :: !Bool
, _uiMap :: Map.HashMap UIId (GUIWidget Pioneers)
, _uiRoots :: [UIId]
, _uiButtonState :: UIButtonState
2014-03-24 08:21:30 +01:00
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
data State = State
{ _window :: !WindowState
, _camera :: !CameraState
, _io :: !IOState
, _mouse :: !MouseState
, _keyboard :: !KeyboardState
, _gl :: !GLState
, _game :: !GameState
2014-03-24 08:21:30 +01:00
, _ui :: !UIState
2014-02-05 21:06:19 +01:00
type Pioneers = RWST Env () State IO
-- when using TemplateHaskell order of declaration matters
2014-03-05 14:42:26 +01:00
$(makeLenses ''State)
$(makeLenses ''GLState)
$(makeLenses ''GLMapState)
$(makeLenses ''GLHud)
2014-03-05 14:42:26 +01:00
$(makeLenses ''KeyboardState)
$(makeLenses ''ArrowKeyState)
$(makeLenses ''MouseState)
$(makeLenses ''GameState)
$(makeLenses ''IOState)
$(makeLenses ''CameraState)
$(makeLenses ''WindowState)
$(makeLenses ''Position)
$(makeLenses ''Env)
2014-03-24 08:21:30 +01:00
$(makeLenses ''UIState)
2014-03-05 14:42:26 +01:00
2014-04-23 12:11:45 +02:00
data Structure = Flag -- Flag
| Woodcutter -- Huts
| Forester
| Stonemason
| Fisher
| Hunter
| Barracks
| Guardhouse
| LookoutTower
| Well
| Sawmill -- Houses
| Slaughterhouse
| Mill
| Bakery
| IronSmelter
| Metalworks
| Armory
| Mint
| Shipyard
| Brewery
| Storehouse
| Watchtower
| Catapult
| GoldMine -- Mines
| IronMine
| GraniteMine
| CoalMine
| Farm -- Castles
| PigFarm
| DonkeyBreeder
| Harbor
| Fortress
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Amount = Infinite -- Neverending supply
| Finite Int -- Finite supply
-- Extremely preliminary, expand when needed
data Commodity = WoodPlank
| Sword
| Fish
deriving Eq
data Resource = Coal
| Iron
| Gold
| Granite
| Water
| Fishes
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Show Amount where
show (Infinite) = "inexhaustable supply"
show (Finite n) = show n ++ " left"
instance Show Commodity where
show WoodPlank = "wooden plank"
show Sword = "sword"
show Fish = "fish"