![Example of Basis-Functions for degree $2$. [Brunet, 2010]<br/> Note, that Brunet starts his index at $-d$ opposed to our definition, where we start at $0$.](../arbeit/img/unity.png)
- $xy$-plane to $xyz$-model, where only the $z$-coordinate changes
- can be solved analytically with known global optimum
- 3-dimensional fit
- fit a parametrized sphere into a face
- cannot be solved analytically
- number of vertices differ between models
# 1D-Scenario
![Left: A regular $7 \times 4$--grid<br/>Right: The same grid after a
random distortion to generate a testcase.](../arbeit/img/example1d_grid.png)
![The target--shape for our 1--dimensional optimization--scenario including a wireframe--overlay of the vertices.](../arbeit/img/1dtarget.png){width=70%}
# 3D-Scenarios
![\newline Left: The sphere we start from with 10807 vertices<br />Right: The face we want to deform the sphere into with 12024 vertices.](../arbeit/img/3dtarget.png)
# Outline
- What is FFD?
- What is evolutionary optimization?
- How to measure evolvability?
- Scenarios
- **Results**
# Variability 1D
- Should measure Degrees of Freedom and thus quality
![The squared error for the various grids we examined.<br /> Note that $7 \times 4$ and $4 \times 7$ have the same number of control--points.](../arbeit/img/evolution1d/variability_boxplot.png)
- $5 \times 5$, $7 \times 7$ and $10 \times 10$ have *very strong* correlation ($-r_S = 0.94, p = 0$) between the *variability* and the evolutionary error.
# Variability 3D
- Should measure Degrees of Freedom and thus quality
![The fitting error for the various grids we examined.<br />Note that the number of control--points is a product of the resolution, so $X \times 4 \times 4$ and $4 \times 4 \times X$ have the same number of control--points.](../arbeit/img/evolution3d/variability_boxplot.png)
- $4 \times 4 \times 4$, $5 \times 5 \times 5$ and $6 \times 6 \times 6$ have *very strong* correlation ($-r_S = 0.91, p = 0$) between the *variability* and the evolutionary error.
# Varying Variability
## 1 1
![A high resolution ($10 \times 10$) of control--points over a circle. Yellow/green points contribute to the parametrization, red points don't.<br />An Example--point (blue) is solely determined by the position of the green control--points.](../arbeit/img/enoughCP.png)
![Histogram of ranks of various $10 \times 10 \times 10$ grids with $1000$ control--points each showing in this case how many control--points are actually used in the calculations.](../arbeit/img/evolution3d/variability2_boxplot.png)
# Regularity 1D
- Should measure convergence speed
![Left: *Improvement potential* against number of iterations until convergence<br/>Right: *Regularity* against number of iterations until convergence<br/>Coloured by their grid--resolution, both with a linear fit over the whole
- Not in our scenarios - maybe due to the fact that a better solution simply
takes longer to converge, thus dominating.
# Regularity 3D
- Should measure convergence speed
![Plots of *regularity* against number of iterations for various scenarios together
with a linear fit to indicate trends.](../arbeit/img/evolution3d/regularity_montage.png){width=70%}
- Only *very weak* correlation
- Point that contributes the worst dominates regularity by lowering the least
right singular value towards 0.
# Improvement Potential in 1D
- Should measure expected quality given a gradient
![*Improvement potential* plotted against the error yielded by the evolutionary optimization for different grid--resolutions](../arbeit/img/evolution1d/55_to_1010_improvement-vs-evo-error.png){width=70%}
- *very strong* correlation of $- r_S = 1.0, p = 0$.
- Even with a distorted gradient
# Improvement Potential in 3D
- Should measure expected quality given a gradient
![Plots of *improvement potential* against error given by our *fitness--function* after convergence together with a linear fit of each of the plotted data to indicate trends.](../arbeit/img/evolution3d/improvement_montage.png){width=70%}
- *weak* to *moderate* correlation within each group.
# Summary
- *Variability* and *Improvement Potential* are good measurements in our cases
- *Regularity* does not work well because of small singular right values
- But optimizing for regularity *could* still lead to a better grid-setup
(not shown, but likely)
- Effect can be dominated by other factors (i.e. better solutions just take
# Outlook / Further research
- Only focused on FFD, but will DM-FFD perform better?
- for RBF the indirect manipulation also performed worse than the direct one
- Do grids with high regularity indeed perform better?