mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 00:32:44 +00:00
Tables: moved TableHeadersRow(), TableHeader() to their own section.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2172,6 +2172,232 @@ void ImGui::TablePopBackgroundChannel()
table->DrawSplitter.SetCurrentChannel(window->DrawList, column->DrawChannelCurrent);
// Note that the NoSortAscending/NoSortDescending flags are processed in TableSortSpecsSanitize(), and they may change/revert
// the value of SortDirection. We could technically also do it here but it would be unnecessary and duplicate code.
void ImGui::TableSetColumnSortDirection(int column_n, ImGuiSortDirection sort_direction, bool append_to_sort_specs)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
if (!(table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_MultiSortable))
append_to_sort_specs = false;
ImS8 sort_order_max = 0;
if (append_to_sort_specs)
for (int other_column_n = 0; other_column_n < table->ColumnsCount; other_column_n++)
sort_order_max = ImMax(sort_order_max, table->Columns[other_column_n].SortOrder);
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
column->SortDirection = (ImS8)sort_direction;
if (column->SortOrder == -1 || !append_to_sort_specs)
column->SortOrder = append_to_sort_specs ? sort_order_max + 1 : 0;
for (int other_column_n = 0; other_column_n < table->ColumnsCount; other_column_n++)
ImGuiTableColumn* other_column = &table->Columns[other_column_n];
if (other_column != column && !append_to_sort_specs)
other_column->SortOrder = -1;
table->IsSettingsDirty = true;
table->IsSortSpecsDirty = true;
// Return NULL if no sort specs (most often when ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable is not set)
// You can sort your data again when 'SpecsChanged == true'. It will be true with sorting specs have changed since
// last call, or the first time.
// Lifetime: don't hold on this pointer over multiple frames or past any subsequent call to BeginTable()!
ImGuiTableSortSpecs* ImGui::TableGetSortSpecs()
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
IM_ASSERT(table != NULL);
if (!(table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable))
return NULL;
// Require layout (in case TableHeadersRow() hasn't been called) as it may alter IsSortSpecsDirty in some paths.
if (!table->IsLayoutLocked)
if (table->IsSortSpecsDirty)
return table->SortSpecs.SpecsCount ? &table->SortSpecs : NULL;
bool ImGui::TableGetColumnIsSorted(int column_n)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
if (!table)
return false;
if (column_n < 0)
column_n = table->CurrentColumn;
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
return (column->SortOrder != -1);
// Return -1 when table is not hovered. return columns_count if the unused space at the right of visible columns is hovered.
int ImGui::TableGetHoveredColumn()
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
if (!table)
return -1;
return (int)table->HoveredColumnBody;
void ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget bg_target, ImU32 color, int column_n)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
IM_ASSERT(bg_target != ImGuiTableBgTarget_None);
if (color == IM_COL32_DISABLE)
color = 0;
// We cannot draw neither the cell or row background immediately as we don't know the row height at this point in time.
switch (bg_target)
case ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg:
if (table->RowPosY1 > table->InnerClipRect.Max.y) // Discard
if (column_n == -1)
column_n = table->CurrentColumn;
if ((table->EnabledUnclippedMaskByIndex & ((ImU64)1 << column_n)) == 0)
if (table->RowCellDataCurrent < 0 || table->RowCellData[table->RowCellDataCurrent].Column != column_n)
ImGuiTableCellData* cell_data = &table->RowCellData[table->RowCellDataCurrent];
cell_data->BgColor = color;
cell_data->Column = (ImS8)column_n;
case ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg0:
case ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1:
if (table->RowPosY1 > table->InnerClipRect.Max.y) // Discard
IM_ASSERT(column_n == -1);
int bg_idx = (bg_target == ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1) ? 1 : 0;
table->RowBgColor[bg_idx] = color;
// [SECTION] Tables: Sorting
// - TableGetSortSpecs()
// - TableGetColumnIsSorted()
// - TableFixColumnSortDirection() [Internal]
// - TableSetColumnSortDirection() [Internal]
// - TableSortSpecsSanitize() [Internal]
// - TableSortSpecsBuild() [Internal]
void ImGui::TableSortSpecsSanitize(ImGuiTable* table)
IM_ASSERT(table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable);
// Clear SortOrder from hidden column and verify that there's no gap or duplicate.
int sort_order_count = 0;
ImU64 sort_order_mask = 0x00;
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
if (column->SortOrder != -1 && !column->IsEnabled)
column->SortOrder = -1;
if (column->SortOrder == -1)
sort_order_mask |= ((ImU64)1 << column->SortOrder);
IM_ASSERT(sort_order_count < (int)sizeof(sort_order_mask) * 8);
const bool need_fix_linearize = ((ImU64)1 << sort_order_count) != (sort_order_mask + 1);
const bool need_fix_single_sort_order = (sort_order_count > 1) && !(table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_MultiSortable);
if (need_fix_linearize || need_fix_single_sort_order)
ImU64 fixed_mask = 0x00;
for (int sort_n = 0; sort_n < sort_order_count; sort_n++)
// Fix: Rewrite sort order fields if needed so they have no gap or duplicate.
// (e.g. SortOrder 0 disappeared, SortOrder 1..2 exists --> rewrite then as SortOrder 0..1)
int column_with_smallest_sort_order = -1;
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
if ((fixed_mask & ((ImU64)1 << (ImU64)column_n)) == 0 && table->Columns[column_n].SortOrder != -1)
if (column_with_smallest_sort_order == -1 || table->Columns[column_n].SortOrder < table->Columns[column_with_smallest_sort_order].SortOrder)
column_with_smallest_sort_order = column_n;
IM_ASSERT(column_with_smallest_sort_order != -1);
fixed_mask |= ((ImU64)1 << column_with_smallest_sort_order);
table->Columns[column_with_smallest_sort_order].SortOrder = (ImS8)sort_n;
// Fix: Make sure only one column has a SortOrder if ImGuiTableFlags_MultiSortable is not set.
if (need_fix_single_sort_order)
sort_order_count = 1;
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
if (column_n != column_with_smallest_sort_order)
table->Columns[column_n].SortOrder = -1;
// Fallback default sort order (if no column had the ImGuiTableColumnFlags_DefaultSort flag)
if (sort_order_count == 0)
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
if (column->IsEnabled && !(column->Flags & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort))
sort_order_count = 1;
column->SortOrder = 0;
table->SortSpecsCount = (ImS8)sort_order_count;
void ImGui::TableSortSpecsBuild(ImGuiTable* table)
// Write output
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
if (column->SortOrder == -1)
ImGuiTableSortSpecsColumn* sort_spec = &table->SortSpecsData[column->SortOrder];
sort_spec->ColumnUserID = column->UserID;
sort_spec->ColumnIndex = (ImU8)column_n;
sort_spec->SortOrder = (ImU8)column->SortOrder;
sort_spec->SortDirection = column->SortDirection;
table->SortSpecs.Specs = table->SortSpecsData.Data;
table->SortSpecs.SpecsCount = table->SortSpecsData.Size;
table->SortSpecs.SpecsDirty = true; // Mark as dirty for user
table->IsSortSpecsDirty = false; // Mark as not dirty for us
// [SECTION] Tables: Headers
// - TableHeadersRow()
// - TableHeader()
// This is a helper to output TableHeader() calls based on the column names declared in TableSetupColumn().
// The intent is that advanced users willing to create customized headers would not need to use this helper
// and can create their own! For example: TableHeader() may be preceeded by Checkbox() or other custom widgets.
@ -2379,214 +2605,6 @@ void ImGui::TableHeader(const char* label)
// Note that the NoSortAscending/NoSortDescending flags are processed in TableSortSpecsSanitize(), and they may change/revert
// the value of SortDirection. We could technically also do it here but it would be unnecessary and duplicate code.
void ImGui::TableSetColumnSortDirection(int column_n, ImGuiSortDirection sort_direction, bool append_to_sort_specs)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
if (!(table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_MultiSortable))
append_to_sort_specs = false;
ImS8 sort_order_max = 0;
if (append_to_sort_specs)
for (int other_column_n = 0; other_column_n < table->ColumnsCount; other_column_n++)
sort_order_max = ImMax(sort_order_max, table->Columns[other_column_n].SortOrder);
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
column->SortDirection = (ImS8)sort_direction;
if (column->SortOrder == -1 || !append_to_sort_specs)
column->SortOrder = append_to_sort_specs ? sort_order_max + 1 : 0;
for (int other_column_n = 0; other_column_n < table->ColumnsCount; other_column_n++)
ImGuiTableColumn* other_column = &table->Columns[other_column_n];
if (other_column != column && !append_to_sort_specs)
other_column->SortOrder = -1;
table->IsSettingsDirty = true;
table->IsSortSpecsDirty = true;
// Return NULL if no sort specs (most often when ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable is not set)
// You can sort your data again when 'SpecsChanged == true'. It will be true with sorting specs have changed since
// last call, or the first time.
// Lifetime: don't hold on this pointer over multiple frames or past any subsequent call to BeginTable()!
ImGuiTableSortSpecs* ImGui::TableGetSortSpecs()
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
IM_ASSERT(table != NULL);
if (!(table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable))
return NULL;
// Require layout (in case TableHeadersRow() hasn't been called) as it may alter IsSortSpecsDirty in some paths.
if (!table->IsLayoutLocked)
if (table->IsSortSpecsDirty)
return table->SortSpecs.SpecsCount ? &table->SortSpecs : NULL;
bool ImGui::TableGetColumnIsSorted(int column_n)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
if (!table)
return false;
if (column_n < 0)
column_n = table->CurrentColumn;
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
return (column->SortOrder != -1);
// Return -1 when table is not hovered. return columns_count if the unused space at the right of visible columns is hovered.
int ImGui::TableGetHoveredColumn()
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
if (!table)
return -1;
return (int)table->HoveredColumnBody;
void ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget bg_target, ImU32 color, int column_n)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiTable* table = g.CurrentTable;
IM_ASSERT(bg_target != ImGuiTableBgTarget_None);
if (color == IM_COL32_DISABLE)
color = 0;
// We cannot draw neither the cell or row background immediately as we don't know the row height at this point in time.
switch (bg_target)
case ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg:
if (table->RowPosY1 > table->InnerClipRect.Max.y) // Discard
if (column_n == -1)
column_n = table->CurrentColumn;
if ((table->EnabledUnclippedMaskByIndex & ((ImU64)1 << column_n)) == 0)
if (table->RowCellDataCurrent < 0 || table->RowCellData[table->RowCellDataCurrent].Column != column_n)
ImGuiTableCellData* cell_data = &table->RowCellData[table->RowCellDataCurrent];
cell_data->BgColor = color;
cell_data->Column = (ImS8)column_n;
case ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg0:
case ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1:
if (table->RowPosY1 > table->InnerClipRect.Max.y) // Discard
IM_ASSERT(column_n == -1);
int bg_idx = (bg_target == ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1) ? 1 : 0;
table->RowBgColor[bg_idx] = color;
void ImGui::TableSortSpecsSanitize(ImGuiTable* table)
IM_ASSERT(table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable);
// Clear SortOrder from hidden column and verify that there's no gap or duplicate.
int sort_order_count = 0;
ImU64 sort_order_mask = 0x00;
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
if (column->SortOrder != -1 && !column->IsEnabled)
column->SortOrder = -1;
if (column->SortOrder == -1)
sort_order_mask |= ((ImU64)1 << column->SortOrder);
IM_ASSERT(sort_order_count < (int)sizeof(sort_order_mask) * 8);
const bool need_fix_linearize = ((ImU64)1 << sort_order_count) != (sort_order_mask + 1);
const bool need_fix_single_sort_order = (sort_order_count > 1) && !(table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_MultiSortable);
if (need_fix_linearize || need_fix_single_sort_order)
ImU64 fixed_mask = 0x00;
for (int sort_n = 0; sort_n < sort_order_count; sort_n++)
// Fix: Rewrite sort order fields if needed so they have no gap or duplicate.
// (e.g. SortOrder 0 disappeared, SortOrder 1..2 exists --> rewrite then as SortOrder 0..1)
int column_with_smallest_sort_order = -1;
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
if ((fixed_mask & ((ImU64)1 << (ImU64)column_n)) == 0 && table->Columns[column_n].SortOrder != -1)
if (column_with_smallest_sort_order == -1 || table->Columns[column_n].SortOrder < table->Columns[column_with_smallest_sort_order].SortOrder)
column_with_smallest_sort_order = column_n;
IM_ASSERT(column_with_smallest_sort_order != -1);
fixed_mask |= ((ImU64)1 << column_with_smallest_sort_order);
table->Columns[column_with_smallest_sort_order].SortOrder = (ImS8)sort_n;
// Fix: Make sure only one column has a SortOrder if ImGuiTableFlags_MultiSortable is not set.
if (need_fix_single_sort_order)
sort_order_count = 1;
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
if (column_n != column_with_smallest_sort_order)
table->Columns[column_n].SortOrder = -1;
// Fallback default sort order (if no column had the ImGuiTableColumnFlags_DefaultSort flag)
if (sort_order_count == 0)
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
if (column->IsEnabled && !(column->Flags & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort))
sort_order_count = 1;
column->SortOrder = 0;
table->SortSpecsCount = (ImS8)sort_order_count;
void ImGui::TableSortSpecsBuild(ImGuiTable* table)
// Write output
for (int column_n = 0; column_n < table->ColumnsCount; column_n++)
ImGuiTableColumn* column = &table->Columns[column_n];
if (column->SortOrder == -1)
ImGuiTableSortSpecsColumn* sort_spec = &table->SortSpecsData[column->SortOrder];
sort_spec->ColumnUserID = column->UserID;
sort_spec->ColumnIndex = (ImU8)column_n;
sort_spec->SortOrder = (ImU8)column->SortOrder;
sort_spec->SortDirection = column->SortDirection;
table->SortSpecs.Specs = table->SortSpecsData.Data;
table->SortSpecs.SpecsCount = table->SortSpecsData.Size;
table->SortSpecs.SpecsDirty = true; // Mark as dirty for user
table->IsSortSpecsDirty = false; // Mark as not dirty for us
// [SECTION] Tables: Context Menu
Reference in New Issue
Block a user