mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 16:32:45 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 2015-04-indexed-rendering
Conflicts: imgui.cpp
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Demo
You should be able to build the examples from sources (tested on Windows/Mac/Linux). If you don't, let me know! If you want to have a quick look at the features of ImGui, you can download binaries of the demo app here.
- [imgui-demo-binaries-20150321.zip](http://www.miracleworld.net/imgui/binaries/imgui-demo-binaries-20150321.zip) (Windows binaries, ImGui 1.37 WIP 2015/03/31, 4 executables, 391 KB)
- [imgui-demo-binaries-20150531.zip](http://www.miracleworld.net/imgui/binaries/imgui-demo-binaries-20150531.zip) (Windows binaries, ImGui 1.40 WIP 2015/05/31, 4 executables, 432 KB)
@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ Gallery







ImGui can load TTF fonts. UTF-8 is supported for text display and input. Here using Arial Unicode font to display Japanese. Initialize custom font with:
@ -127,13 +129,13 @@ Embeds [stb_textedit.h, stb_truetype.h, stb_rectpack.h](https://github.com/nothi
Inspiration, feedback, and testing for early versions: Casey Muratori, Atman Binstock, Mikko Mononen, Emmanuel Briney, Stefan Kamoda, Anton Mikhailov, Matt Willis. And everybody posting feedback, questions and patches on the GitHub.
ImGui is financially supported on [**Patreon**](http://www.patreon.com/imgui).
ImGui development is financially supported on [**Patreon**](http://www.patreon.com/imgui).
Special supporters
- Jetha Chan, Mārtiņš Možeiko, Alex Evans, Pastagames, Wild Sheep Studio
Special supporters:
- Jetha Chan, Wild Sheep Studio, Pastagames, Mārtiņš Možeiko, Daniel Collin, Stefano Cristiano.
- Dale Kim, Michel Courtine, Paul Patrashcu, Rui Figueira
- Michel Courtine, César Leblic, Dale Kim, Alex Evans, Rui Figueira, Paul Patrashcu, Jerome Lanquetot, Ctrl Alt Ninja, Paul Fleming, Neil Henning, Stephan Dilly.
And other supporters; thanks!
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
//---- Don't implement help and test window functionality (ShowUserGuide()/ShowStyleEditor()/ShowTestWindow() methods will be empty)
//---- Don't define obsolete functions names
//---- Implement STB libraries in a namespace to avoid conflicts
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// ImGui library v1.39 WIP
// ImGui library v1.40 WIP
// See .cpp file for documentation.
// See ImGui::ShowTestWindow() for sample code.
// Read 'Programmer guide' in .cpp for notes on how to setup ImGui in your codebase.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h> // NULL, malloc, free, qsort, atoi
#include <string.h> // memset, memmove, memcpy, strlen, strchr, strcpy, strcmp
#define IMGUI_VERSION "1.39 WIP"
#define IMGUI_VERSION "1.40 WIP"
// Define assertion handler.
#ifndef IM_ASSERT
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ struct ImVec4
// - struct ImGuiTextBuffer // Text buffer for logging/accumulating text
// - struct ImGuiStorage // Custom key value storage (if you need to alter open/close states manually)
// - struct ImGuiTextEditCallbackData // Shared state of ImGui::InputText() when using custom callbacks
// - struct ImGuiListClipper // Helper to manually clip large list of items.
// - struct ImColor // Helper functions to created packed 32-bit RGBA color values
// - struct ImDrawList // Draw command list
// - struct ImFontAtlas // Bake multiple fonts into a single texture, TTF font loader, bake glyphs into bitmap
@ -115,10 +116,10 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API ImFont* GetWindowFont();
IMGUI_API float GetWindowFontSize(); // size (also height in pixels) of current font with current scale applied
IMGUI_API void SetWindowFontScale(float scale); // per-window font scale. Adjust IO.FontGlobalScale if you want to scale all windows
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetWindowPos(); // you should rarely need/care about the window position, but it can be useful if you want to do your own drawing
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetWindowSize(); // get current window position
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetWindowPos(); // get current window position in screen space (useful if you want to do your own drawing via the DrawList api)
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetWindowSize(); // get current window size
IMGUI_API float GetWindowWidth();
IMGUI_API bool GetWindowCollapsed();
IMGUI_API bool IsWindowCollapsed();
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowPos(const ImVec2& pos, ImGuiSetCond cond = 0); // set next window position - call before Begin()
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowSize(const ImVec2& size, ImGuiSetCond cond = 0); // set next window size. set to ImVec2(0,0) to force an auto-fit
@ -157,6 +158,8 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void PopAllowKeyboardFocus();
IMGUI_API void PushTextWrapPos(float wrap_pos_x = 0.0f); // word-wrapping for Text*() commands. < 0.0f: no wrapping; 0.0f: wrap to end of window (or column); > 0.0f: wrap at 'wrap_pos_x' position in window local space
IMGUI_API void PopTextWrapPos();
IMGUI_API void PushButtonRepeat(bool repeat); // in 'repeat' mode, Button*() functions return true multiple times as you hold them (uses io.KeyRepeatDelay/io.KeyRepeatRate for now)
IMGUI_API void PopButtonRepeat();
// Tooltip
IMGUI_API void SetTooltip(const char* fmt, ...); // set tooltip under mouse-cursor, typically use with ImGui::IsHovered(). last call wins
@ -165,15 +168,21 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void EndTooltip();
// Popup
IMGUI_API void BeginPopup(bool* p_opened);
IMGUI_API void OpenPopup(const char* str_id); // mark popup as open. popup identifiers are relative to the current ID-stack (so OpenPopup and BeginPopup needs to be at the same level). close childs popups if any. will close popup when user click outside, or activate a pressable item, or CloseCurrentPopup() is called within a BeginPopup()/EndPopup() block.
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopup(const char* str_id); // return true if popup if opened and start outputting to it. only call EndPopup() if BeginPopup() returned true!
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextItem(const char* str_id, int mouse_button = 1); // open and begin popup when clicked on last item
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextWindow(bool also_over_items = true, const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // open and begin popup when clicked on current window
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextVoid(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // open and begin popup when clicked in void (no window)
IMGUI_API void EndPopup();
IMGUI_API void CloseCurrentPopup(); // close the popup we have begin-ed into. clicking on a MenuItem or Selectable automatically close the current popup.
// Layout
IMGUI_API void BeginGroup();
// Cursor / Layout
IMGUI_API void BeginGroup(); // once closing a group it is seen as a single item (so you can use IsItemHovered() on a group, SameLine() between groups, etc.
IMGUI_API void EndGroup();
IMGUI_API void Separator(); // horizontal line
IMGUI_API void SameLine(int column_x = 0, int spacing_w = -1); // call between widgets or groups to layout them horizontally
IMGUI_API void Spacing(); // add vertical spacing
IMGUI_API void Spacing(); // add spacing
IMGUI_API void Dummy(const ImVec2& size); // add a dummy item of given size
IMGUI_API void Indent(); // move content position toward the right by style.IndentSpacing pixels
IMGUI_API void Unindent(); // move content position back to the left (cancel Indent)
IMGUI_API void Columns(int count = 1, const char* id = NULL, bool border=true); // setup number of columns. use an identifier to distinguish multiple column sets. close with Columns(1).
@ -193,7 +202,8 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void SetCursorScreenPos(const ImVec2& pos); // cursor position in absolute screen coordinates [0..io.DisplaySize]
IMGUI_API void AlignFirstTextHeightToWidgets(); // call once if the first item on the line is a Text() item and you want to vertically lower it to match subsequent (bigger) widgets
IMGUI_API float GetTextLineHeight(); // height of font == GetWindowFontSize()
IMGUI_API float GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing(); // spacing (in pixels) between 2 consecutive lines of text == GetWindowFontSize() + GetStyle().ItemSpacing.y
IMGUI_API float GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing(); // distance (in pixels) between 2 consecutive lines of text == GetWindowFontSize() + GetStyle().ItemSpacing.y
IMGUI_API float GetItemsLineHeightWithSpacing(); // distance (in pixels) between 2 consecutive lines of standard height widgets == GetWindowFontSize() + GetStyle().FramePadding.y*2 + GetStyle().ItemSpacing.y
// ID scopes
// If you are creating widgets in a loop you most likely want to push a unique identifier so ImGui can differentiate them
@ -212,7 +222,9 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void TextV(const char* fmt, va_list args);
IMGUI_API void TextColored(const ImVec4& col, const char* fmt, ...); // shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, col); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();
IMGUI_API void TextColoredV(const ImVec4& col, const char* fmt, va_list args);
IMGUI_API void TextWrapped(const char* fmt, ...); // shortcut for PushTextWrapPos(0.0f); Text(fmt, ...); PopTextWrapPos();
IMGUI_API void TextDisabled(const char* fmt, ...); // shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled]); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();
IMGUI_API void TextDisabledV(const char* fmt, va_list args);
IMGUI_API void TextWrapped(const char* fmt, ...); // shortcut for PushTextWrapPos(0.0f); Text(fmt, ...); PopTextWrapPos();. Note that this won't work on an auto-resizing window if there's no other widgets to extend the window width, yoy may need to set a size using SetNextWindowSize().
IMGUI_API void TextWrappedV(const char* fmt, va_list args);
IMGUI_API void TextUnformatted(const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL); // doesn't require null terminated string if 'text_end' is specified. no copy done to any bounded stack buffer, recommended for long chunks of text
IMGUI_API void LabelText(const char* label, const char* fmt, ...); // display text+label aligned the same way as value+label widgets
@ -220,7 +232,7 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void Bullet();
IMGUI_API void BulletText(const char* fmt, ...);
IMGUI_API void BulletTextV(const char* fmt, va_list args);
IMGUI_API bool Button(const char* label, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0,0), bool repeat_when_held = false);
IMGUI_API bool Button(const char* label, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0,0));
IMGUI_API bool SmallButton(const char* label);
IMGUI_API bool InvisibleButton(const char* str_id, const ImVec2& size);
IMGUI_API void Image(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& size, const ImVec2& uv0 = ImVec2(0,0), const ImVec2& uv1 = ImVec2(1,1), const ImVec4& tint_col = ImVec4(1,1,1,1), const ImVec4& border_col = ImVec4(0,0,0,0));
@ -242,19 +254,6 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void PlotHistogram(const char* label, const float* values, int values_count, int values_offset = 0, const char* overlay_text = NULL, float scale_min = FLT_MAX, float scale_max = FLT_MAX, ImVec2 graph_size = ImVec2(0,0), size_t stride = sizeof(float));
IMGUI_API void PlotHistogram(const char* label, float (*values_getter)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int values_count, int values_offset = 0, const char* overlay_text = NULL, float scale_min = FLT_MAX, float scale_max = FLT_MAX, ImVec2 graph_size = ImVec2(0,0));
// Widgets: Sliders (tip: ctrl+click on a slider to input text)
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f); // adjust display_format to decorate the value with a prefix or a suffix. Use power!=1.0 for logarithmic sliders
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool SliderAngle(const char* label, float* v_rad, float v_degrees_min = -360.0f, float v_degrees_max = +360.0f);
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt(const char* label, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt2(const char* label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt3(const char* label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt4(const char* label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
IMGUI_API bool VSliderFloat(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool VSliderInt(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
// Widgets: Drags (tip: ctrl+click on a drag box to input text)
IMGUI_API bool DragFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f); // If v_min >= v_max we have no bound
IMGUI_API bool DragFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
@ -276,6 +275,19 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API bool InputInt3(const char* label, int v[3], ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputInt4(const char* label, int v[4], ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags = 0);
// Widgets: Sliders (tip: ctrl+click on a slider to input text)
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f); // adjust display_format to decorate the value with a prefix or a suffix. Use power!=1.0 for logarithmic sliders
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool SliderAngle(const char* label, float* v_rad, float v_degrees_min = -360.0f, float v_degrees_max = +360.0f);
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt(const char* label, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt2(const char* label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt3(const char* label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt4(const char* label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
IMGUI_API bool VSliderFloat(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* display_format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API bool VSliderInt(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* display_format = "%.0f");
// Widgets: Trees
IMGUI_API bool TreeNode(const char* str_label_id); // if returning 'true' the node is open and the user is responsible for calling TreePop
IMGUI_API bool TreeNode(const char* str_id, const char* fmt, ...); // "
@ -297,11 +309,16 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void ListBoxFooter(); // terminate the scrolling region
// Widgets: Menus
// FIXME-WIP: v1.39 in development
IMGUI_API bool MenuItem(const char* label, const char* shortcut = NULL, bool selected = false); // bool enabled = true
IMGUI_API bool MenuItem(const char* label, const char* shortcut, bool* p_selected); // bool enabled = true
IMGUI_API bool BeginMainMenuBar(); // create and append to a full screen menu-bar. only call EndMainMenuBar() if this returns true!
IMGUI_API void EndMainMenuBar();
IMGUI_API bool BeginMenuBar(); // append to menu-bar of current window (requires ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar flag set). only call EndMenuBar() if this returns true!
IMGUI_API void EndMenuBar();
IMGUI_API bool BeginMenu(const char* label, bool enabled = true); // create a sub-menu entry. only call EndMenu() if this returns true!
IMGUI_API void EndMenu();
IMGUI_API bool MenuItem(const char* label, const char* shortcut = NULL, bool selected = false, bool enabled = true); // return true when activated. shortcuts are displayed for convenience but not processed by ImGui at the moment
IMGUI_API bool MenuItem(const char* label, const char* shortcut, bool* p_selected, bool enabled = true); // return true when activated + toggle (*p_selected) if p_selected != NULL
// Widgets: Value() Helpers. Output single value in "name: value" format (tip: freely declare your own within the ImGui namespace!)
// Widgets: Value() Helpers. Output single value in "name: value" format (tip: freely declare more in your code to handle your types. you can add functions to the ImGui namespace)
IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, bool b);
IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, int v);
IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, unsigned int v);
@ -321,15 +338,16 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API bool IsItemHovered(); // was the last item hovered by mouse?
IMGUI_API bool IsItemHoveredRect(); // was the last item hovered by mouse? even if another item is active while we are hovering this
IMGUI_API bool IsItemActive(); // was the last item active? (e.g. button being held, text field being edited- items that don't interact will always return false)
IMGUI_API bool IsAnyItemActive(); //
IMGUI_API bool IsItemVisible();
IMGUI_API bool IsAnyItemHovered();
IMGUI_API bool IsAnyItemActive();
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetItemRectMin(); // get bounding rect of last item in screen space
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetItemRectMax(); // "
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetItemRectSize(); // "
IMGUI_API bool IsWindowFocused(); // is current window focused (differentiate child windows from each others)
IMGUI_API bool IsRootWindowFocused(); // is current root window focused
IMGUI_API bool IsRootWindowFocused(); // is current root window focused (top parent window in case of child windows)
IMGUI_API bool IsRootWindowOrAnyChildFocused(); // is current root window or any of its child (including current window) focused
IMGUI_API bool IsRectClipped(const ImVec2& size); // test if rectangle of given size starting from cursor pos is out of clipping region. to perform coarse clipping on user's side (as an optimization)
IMGUI_API bool IsRectVisible(const ImVec2& size); // test if rectangle of given size starting from cursor pos is visible (not clipped). to perform coarse clipping on user's side (as an optimization)
IMGUI_API bool IsKeyDown(int key_index); // key_index into the keys_down[512] array, imgui doesn't know the semantic of each entry
IMGUI_API bool IsKeyPressed(int key_index, bool repeat = true); // "
IMGUI_API bool IsMouseDown(int button);
@ -350,7 +368,7 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API const char* GetStyleColName(ImGuiCol idx);
IMGUI_API ImVec2 CalcItemRectClosestPoint(const ImVec2& pos, bool on_edge = false, float outward = +0.0f); // utility to find the closest point the last item bounding rectangle edge. useful to visually link items
IMGUI_API ImVec2 CalcTextSize(const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL, bool hide_text_after_double_hash = false, float wrap_width = -1.0f);
IMGUI_API void CalcListClipping(int items_count, float items_height, int* out_items_display_start, int* out_items_display_end); // helper to manually clip large list of items. see comments in implementation
IMGUI_API void CalcListClipping(int items_count, float items_height, int* out_items_display_start, int* out_items_display_end); // calculate coarse clipping for large list of evenly sized items. Prefer using the ImGuiListClipper higher-level helper if you can.
IMGUI_API void BeginChildFrame(ImGuiID id, const ImVec2& size); // helper to create a child window / scrolling region that looks like a normal widget frame
IMGUI_API void EndChildFrame();
@ -359,24 +377,28 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(float r, float g, float b, float& out_h, float& out_s, float& out_v);
IMGUI_API void ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(float h, float s, float v, float& out_r, float& out_g, float& out_b);
// Proxy functions to access the MemAllocFn/MemFreeFn pointers in ImGui::GetIO()
// Helpers functions to access the MemAllocFn/MemFreeFn pointers in ImGui::GetIO()
IMGUI_API void* MemAlloc(size_t sz);
IMGUI_API void MemFree(void* ptr);
// Internal state access - if you want to share ImGui state between modules (e.g. DLL) or allocate it yourself
// Internal state/context access - if you want to use multiple ImGui context, or share context between modules (e.g. DLL), or allocate the memory yourself
IMGUI_API const char* GetVersion();
IMGUI_API void* GetInternalState();
IMGUI_API size_t GetInternalStateSize();
IMGUI_API void SetInternalState(void* state, bool construct = false);
// Obsolete (will be removed)
IMGUI_API void GetDefaultFontData(const void** fnt_data, unsigned int* fnt_size, const void** png_data, unsigned int* png_size); // OBSOLETE
static inline void OpenNextNode(bool open) { ImGui::SetNextTreeNodeOpened(open, 0); } // OBSOLETE
static inline bool GetWindowIsFocused() { return ImGui::IsWindowFocused(); } // OBSOLETE
static inline ImVec2 GetItemBoxMin() { return GetItemRectMin(); } // OBSOLETE
static inline ImVec2 GetItemBoxMax() { return GetItemRectMax(); } // OBSOLETE
static inline bool IsClipped(const ImVec2& size) { return IsRectClipped(size); } // OBSOLETE
static inline bool IsMouseHoveringBox(const ImVec2& rect_min, const ImVec2& rect_max) { return IsMouseHoveringRect(rect_min, rect_max); } // OBSOLETE
IMGUI_API void GetDefaultFontData(const void** fnt_data, unsigned int* fnt_size, const void** png_data, unsigned int* png_size); // OBSOLETE 1.30+
static inline void OpenNextNode(bool open) { ImGui::SetNextTreeNodeOpened(open, 0); } // OBSOLETE 1.34+
static inline bool GetWindowIsFocused() { return ImGui::IsWindowFocused(); } // OBSOLETE 1.36+
static inline bool GetWindowCollapsed() { return ImGui::IsWindowCollapsed(); } // OBSOLETE 1.39+
static inline ImVec2 GetItemBoxMin() { return GetItemRectMin(); } // OBSOLETE 1.36+
static inline ImVec2 GetItemBoxMax() { return GetItemRectMax(); } // OBSOLETE 1.36+
static inline bool IsClipped(const ImVec2& size) { return !IsRectVisible(size); } // OBSOLETE 1.38+
static inline bool IsRectClipped(const ImVec2& size) { return !IsRectVisible(size); } // OBSOLETE 1.39+
static inline bool IsMouseHoveringBox(const ImVec2& rect_min, const ImVec2& rect_max) { return IsMouseHoveringRect(rect_min, rect_max); } // OBSOLETE 1.36+
} // namespace ImGui
@ -393,13 +415,15 @@ enum ImGuiWindowFlags_
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize = 1 << 6, // Resize every window to its content every frame
ImGuiWindowFlags_ShowBorders = 1 << 7, // Show borders around windows and items
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings = 1 << 8, // Never load/save settings in .ini file
ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar = 1 << 9, // Has a menu-bar
// [Internal]
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow = 1 << 9, // For internal use by BeginChild()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindowAutoFitX = 1 << 10, // For internal use by BeginChild()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindowAutoFitY = 1 << 11, // For internal use by BeginChild()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ComboBox = 1 << 12, // For internal use by ComboBox()
ImGuiWindowFlags_Tooltip = 1 << 13, // For internal use by BeginTooltip()
ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup = 1 << 14 // For internal use by BeginPopup()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow = 1 << 20, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginChild()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindowAutoFitX = 1 << 21, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginChild()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindowAutoFitY = 1 << 22, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginChild()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ComboBox = 1 << 23, // Don't use! For internal use by ComboBox()
ImGuiWindowFlags_Tooltip = 1 << 24, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginTooltip()
ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup = 1 << 25, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginPopup()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildMenu = 1 << 26 // Don't use! For internal use by BeginMenu()
// Flags for ImGui::InputText()
@ -445,6 +469,7 @@ enum ImGuiKey_
enum ImGuiCol_
@ -454,6 +479,7 @@ enum ImGuiCol_
@ -493,6 +519,7 @@ enum ImGuiStyleVar_
ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, // float
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, // ImVec2
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowRounding, // float
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowMinSize, // ImVec2
ImGuiStyleVar_ChildWindowRounding, // float
ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, // ImVec2
ImGuiStyleVar_FrameRounding, // float
@ -507,7 +534,9 @@ enum ImGuiAlign_
ImGuiAlign_Left = 1 << 0,
ImGuiAlign_Center = 1 << 1,
ImGuiAlign_Right = 1 << 2,
ImGuiAlign_Default = ImGuiAlign_Left,
ImGuiAlign_Top = 1 << 3,
ImGuiAlign_VCenter = 1 << 4,
ImGuiAlign_Default = ImGuiAlign_Left | ImGuiAlign_Top,
// Enumeration for ColorEditMode()
@ -586,6 +615,8 @@ struct ImGuiIO
float MouseDoubleClickMaxDist; // = 6.0f // Distance threshold to stay in to validate a double-click, in pixels.
float MouseDragThreshold; // = 6.0f // Distance threshold before considering we are dragging
int KeyMap[ImGuiKey_COUNT]; // <unset> // Map of indices into the KeysDown[512] entries array
float KeyRepeatDelay; // = 0.250f // When holding a key/button, time before it starts repeating, in seconds. (for actions where 'repeat' is active)
float KeyRepeatRate; // = 0.020f // When holding a key/button, rate at which it repeats, in seconds.
void* UserData; // = NULL // Store your own data for retrieval by callbacks.
ImFontAtlas* Fonts; // <auto> // Load and assemble one or more fonts into a single tightly packed texture. Output to Fonts array.
@ -641,6 +672,7 @@ struct ImGuiIO
bool WantCaptureMouse; // Mouse is hovering a window or widget is active (= ImGui will use your mouse input)
bool WantCaptureKeyboard; // Widget is active (= ImGui will use your keyboard input)
float Framerate; // Framerate estimation, in frame per second. Rolling average estimation based on IO.DeltaTime over 120 frames
int MetricsAllocs; // Number of active memory allocations
int MetricsRenderVertices; // Vertices processed during last call to Render()
int MetricsRenderIndices; //
int MetricsActiveWindows; // Number of visible windows (exclude child windows)
@ -707,7 +739,9 @@ public:
inline const value_type& back() const { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[Size-1]; }
inline void swap(ImVector<T>& rhs) { const size_t rhs_size = rhs.Size; rhs.Size = Size; Size = rhs_size; const size_t rhs_cap = rhs.Capacity; rhs.Capacity = Capacity; Capacity = rhs_cap; value_type* rhs_data = rhs.Data; rhs.Data = Data; Data = rhs_data; }
inline void resize(size_t new_size) { if (new_size > Capacity) reserve(new_size); Size = new_size; }
inline size_t _grow_capacity(size_t new_size) { size_t new_capacity = Capacity ? (Capacity + Capacity/2) : 8; return new_capacity > new_size ? new_capacity : new_size; }
inline void resize(size_t new_size) { if (new_size > Capacity) reserve(_grow_capacity(new_size)); Size = new_size; }
inline void reserve(size_t new_capacity)
if (new_capacity <= Capacity) return;
@ -718,7 +752,7 @@ public:
Capacity = new_capacity;
inline void push_back(const value_type& v) { if (Size == Capacity) reserve(Capacity ? Capacity * 2 : 4); Data[Size++] = v; }
inline void push_back(const value_type& v) { if (Size == Capacity) reserve(_grow_capacity(Size+1)); Data[Size++] = v; }
inline void pop_back() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); Size--; }
inline iterator erase(const_iterator it) { IM_ASSERT(it >= begin() && it < end()); const ptrdiff_t off = it - begin(); memmove(Data + off, Data + off + 1, (Size - (size_t)off - 1) * sizeof(value_type)); Size--; return Data + off; }
@ -871,6 +905,38 @@ struct ImColor
static ImColor HSV(float h, float s, float v, float a = 1.0f) { float r,g,b; ImGui::ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, r, g, b); return ImColor(r,g,b,a); }
// Helper: Manually clip large list of items.
// If you are displaying thousands of even spaced items and you have a random access to the list, you can perform clipping yourself to save on CPU.
// Usage:
// ImGuiListClipper clipper(count, ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing());
// for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++) // display only visible items
// ImGui::Text("line number %d", i);
// clipper.End();
struct ImGuiListClipper
float ItemsHeight;
int ItemsCount, DisplayStart, DisplayEnd;
ImGuiListClipper() { ItemsHeight = 0.0f; ItemsCount = DisplayStart = DisplayEnd = -1; }
ImGuiListClipper(int count, float height) { ItemsCount = -1; Begin(count, height); }
~ImGuiListClipper() { IM_ASSERT(ItemsCount == -1); } // user forgot to call End()
void Begin(int count, float height) // items_height: generally pass GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() or GetItemsLineHeightWithSpacing()
IM_ASSERT(ItemsCount == -1);
ItemsCount = count;
ItemsHeight = height;
ImGui::CalcListClipping(ItemsCount, ItemsHeight, &DisplayStart, &DisplayEnd); // calculate how many to clip/display
ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ImGui::GetCursorPosY() + DisplayStart * ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
void End()
IM_ASSERT(ItemsCount >= 0);
ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ImGui::GetCursorPosY() + (ItemsCount - DisplayEnd) * ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
ItemsCount = -1;
// Draw List
// Hold a series of drawing commands. The user provides a renderer for ImDrawList.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// [ImGui] this is a slightly modified version of stb_truetype.h 1.02
// [ImGui] this is a slightly modified version of stb_truetype.h 1.05
// [ImGui] we added stbtt_PackFontRangesGatherRects() and stbtt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects() and modified stbtt_PackBegin()
// stb_truetype.h - v1.02 - public domain
// stb_truetype.h - v1.05 - public domain
// authored from 2009-2014 by Sean Barrett / RAD Game Tools
// This library processes TrueType files:
@ -37,12 +37,20 @@
// Johan Duparc
// Hou Qiming
// Fabian "ryg" Giesen
// Martins Mozeiko
// Cap Petschulat
// Omar Cornut
// github:aloucks
// Peter LaValle
// Misc other:
// Ryan Gordon
// 1.05 (2015-04-15) fix misplaced definitions for STBTT_STATIC
// 1.04 (2015-04-15) typo in example
// 1.03 (2015-04-12) STBTT_STATIC, fix memory leak in new packing, various fixes
// 1.02 (2014-12-10) fix various warnings & compile issues w/ stb_rect_pack, C++
// 1.01 (2014-12-08) fix subpixel position when oversampling to exactly match
// non-oversampled; STBTT_POINT_SIZE for packed case only
@ -86,6 +94,9 @@
// before the #include of this file. This expands out the actual
// implementation into that C/C++ file.
// To make the implementation private to the file that generates the implementation,
// #define STBTT_STATIC
// Simple 3D API (don't ship this, but it's fine for tools and quick start)
// stbtt_BakeFontBitmap() -- bake a font to a bitmap for use as texture
// stbtt_GetBakedQuad() -- compute quad to draw for a given char
@ -225,16 +236,16 @@
#define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION // force following include to generate implementation
#include "stb_truetype.h"
char ttf_buffer[1<<20];
unsigned char ttf_buffer[1<<20];
unsigned char temp_bitmap[512*512];
stbtt_bakedchar cdata[96]; // ASCII 32..126 is 95 glyphs
GLstbtt_uint ftex;
GLuint ftex;
void my_stbtt_initfont(void)
fread(ttf_buffer, 1, 1<<20, fopen("c:/windows/fonts/times.ttf", "rb"));
stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(data,0, 32.0, temp_bitmap,512,512, 32,96, cdata); // no guarantee this fits!
stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(ttf_buffer,0, 32.0, temp_bitmap,512,512, 32,96, cdata); // no guarantee this fits!
// can free ttf_buffer at this point
glGenTextures(1, &ftex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ftex);
@ -246,6 +257,7 @@ void my_stbtt_initfont(void)
void my_stbtt_print(float x, float y, char *text)
// assume orthographic projection with units = screen pixels, origin at top left
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ftex);
while (*text) {
@ -379,12 +391,6 @@ int main(int arg, char **argv)
typedef char stbtt__check_size32[sizeof(stbtt_int32)==4 ? 1 : -1];
typedef char stbtt__check_size16[sizeof(stbtt_int16)==2 ? 1 : -1];
#define STBTT_DEF static
#define STBTT_DEF extern
// #define your own STBTT_sort() to override this to avoid qsort
#ifndef STBTT_sort
#include <stdlib.h>
@ -437,6 +443,12 @@ int main(int arg, char **argv)
#define STBTT_DEF static
#define STBTT_DEF extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -1059,7 +1071,6 @@ STBTT_DEF int stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codep
stbtt_uint16 searchRange = ttUSHORT(data+index_map+8) >> 1;
stbtt_uint16 entrySelector = ttUSHORT(data+index_map+10);
stbtt_uint16 rangeShift = ttUSHORT(data+index_map+12) >> 1;
stbtt_uint16 item, offset, start, end;
// do a binary search of the segments
stbtt_uint32 endCount = index_map + 14;
@ -1076,8 +1087,8 @@ STBTT_DEF int stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codep
// now decrement to bias correctly to find smallest
search -= 2;
while (entrySelector) {
stbtt_uint16 end;
searchRange >>= 1;
start = ttUSHORT(data + search + searchRange*2 + segcount*2 + 2);
end = ttUSHORT(data + search + searchRange*2);
if (unicode_codepoint > end)
search += searchRange*2;
@ -1085,19 +1096,21 @@ STBTT_DEF int stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(const stbtt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codep
search += 2;
item = (stbtt_uint16) ((search - endCount) >> 1);
stbtt_uint16 offset, start;
stbtt_uint16 item = (stbtt_uint16) ((search - endCount) >> 1);
STBTT_assert(unicode_codepoint <= ttUSHORT(data + endCount + 2*item));
start = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*2 + 2 + 2*item);
end = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + 2 + 2*item);
if (unicode_codepoint < start)
return 0;
STBTT_assert(unicode_codepoint <= ttUSHORT(data + endCount + 2*item));
start = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*2 + 2 + 2*item);
if (unicode_codepoint < start)
return 0;
offset = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*6 + 2 + 2*item);
if (offset == 0)
return (stbtt_uint16) (unicode_codepoint + ttSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*4 + 2 + 2*item));
offset = ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*6 + 2 + 2*item);
if (offset == 0)
return (stbtt_uint16) (unicode_codepoint + ttSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*4 + 2 + 2*item));
return ttUSHORT(data + offset + (unicode_codepoint-start)*2 + index_map + 14 + segcount*6 + 2 + 2*item);
return ttUSHORT(data + offset + (unicode_codepoint-start)*2 + index_map + 14 + segcount*6 + 2 + 2*item);
} else if (format == 12 || format == 13) {
stbtt_uint32 ngroups = ttULONG(data+index_map+12);
stbtt_int32 low,high;
@ -2054,8 +2067,8 @@ STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetBakedQuad(stbtt_bakedchar *chardata, int pw, int ph, int
float d3d_bias = opengl_fillrule ? 0 : -0.5f;
float ipw = 1.0f / pw, iph = 1.0f / ph;
stbtt_bakedchar *b = chardata + char_index;
int round_x = STBTT_ifloor((*xpos + b->xoff) + 0.5);
int round_y = STBTT_ifloor((*ypos + b->yoff) + 0.5);
int round_x = STBTT_ifloor((*xpos + b->xoff) + 0.5f);
int round_y = STBTT_ifloor((*ypos + b->yoff) + 0.5f);
q->x0 = round_x + d3d_bias;
q->y0 = round_y + d3d_bias;
@ -2209,7 +2222,7 @@ static void stbtt__h_prefilter(unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int stride_i
for (j=0; j < h; ++j) {
int i;
unsigned int total;
memset(buffer, 0, kernel_width);
STBTT_memset(buffer, 0, kernel_width);
total = 0;
@ -2263,7 +2276,7 @@ static void stbtt__v_prefilter(unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int stride_i
for (j=0; j < w; ++j) {
int i;
unsigned int total;
memset(buffer, 0, kernel_width);
STBTT_memset(buffer, 0, kernel_width);
total = 0;
@ -2333,7 +2346,7 @@ STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(stbtt_pack_context *spc, stbtt_fon
for (j=0; j < ranges[i].num_chars_in_range; ++j) {
int x0,y0,x1,y1;
int glyph = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(info,ranges[i].first_unicode_char_in_range + j);
if (glyph) {
if (glyph) {
scale * spc->h_oversample,
scale * spc->v_oversample,
@ -2341,10 +2354,10 @@ STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(stbtt_pack_context *spc, stbtt_fon
rects[k].w = (stbrp_coord) (x1-x0 + spc->padding + spc->h_oversample-1);
rects[k].h = (stbrp_coord) (y1-y0 + spc->padding + spc->v_oversample-1);
} else {
} else {
rects[k].w = rects[k].h = 1;
@ -2453,6 +2466,7 @@ STBTT_DEF int stbtt_PackFontRanges(stbtt_pack_context *spc, unsigned char *fontd
return_value = stbtt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects(spc, &info, ranges, num_ranges, rects);
STBTT_free(rects, spc->user_allocator_context);
return return_value;
@ -2473,8 +2487,8 @@ STBTT_DEF void stbtt_GetPackedQuad(stbtt_packedchar *chardata, int pw, int ph, i
stbtt_packedchar *b = chardata + char_index;
if (align_to_integer) {
float x = (float) STBTT_ifloor((*xpos + b->xoff) + 0.5);
float y = (float) STBTT_ifloor((*ypos + b->yoff) + 0.5);
float x = (float) STBTT_ifloor((*xpos + b->xoff) + 0.5f);
float y = (float) STBTT_ifloor((*ypos + b->yoff) + 0.5f);
q->x0 = x;
q->y0 = y;
q->x1 = x + b->xoff2 - b->xoff;
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 23 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.2 KiB |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user