cleared not needed dependencies, improved parseAttr (it now checks for NaN as
well and is thus slower), added strict evaluation of parsed data structures
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ data-dir: ""
executable hgraph
QuickCheck -any,
Stream -any,
accelerate -any,
base -any,
bytestring -any,
deepseq -any,
@ -19,11 +17,11 @@ executable hgraph
monad-par >=0.3.4,
parallel -any,
repa >=3.2,
text -any,
transformers >=0.3.0,
vector >=0.7,
mtl >=2.1 && <3,
containers >=0.5.0 && <0.6
containers >=0.5.0 && <0.6,
base >=4.6.0 && <4.7
main-is: Main.hs
buildable: True
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -39,10 +37,11 @@ executable hgraph
test-suite test-hgraph
QuickCheck -any, Stream -any, accelerate -any,
QuickCheck -any,
base -any, bytestring -any, deepseq -any, ghc -any,
monad-par >=0.3.4, parallel -any, repa >=3.2, text -any,
containers >=0.5.0 && <0.6
monad-par >=0.3.4, parallel -any, repa >=3.2,
containers >=0.5.0 && <0.6,
base >=4.6.0 && <4.7
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
buildable: True
@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.Trace
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Array.Repa as A hiding ((++))
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as A hiding ((++))
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Array.Repa.Eval (Elt)
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Unboxed
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Vector
@ -39,132 +40,99 @@ import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Stream as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
--import Debug.Trace
import System.CPUTime
import System.Environment
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
--import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
data Params = Params { density :: Double
, matches :: Int
, range :: [Double]
} deriving (Show)
} deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | Parses the graph
-- a graph consists of NxN chars layouted like
-- > 10101
-- > 01010
-- > 00100
-- > 01010
-- > 10101
-- * Valid Chars: 0, 1, \\n
-- * Invalid: \\r
instance NFData Params
createGraph :: (Elt a, Integral a) => T.Text -> Either [a] T.Text
createGraph (!input) = createGraph' input (Left [])
createGraph' :: (Elt a, Integral a) => T.Text -> Either [a] T.Text -> Either [a] T.Text
createGraph' a r
| T.null a = r
| otherwise =
case T.head a of
'0' -> createGraph'' 0 (T.tail a) r
'1' -> createGraph'' 1 (T.tail a) r
_ -> Right $ T.append (T.pack "cannot parse ") a
-- call recursion as last resort -> ensure not much happens on the heap
createGraph'' :: (Elt a, Integral a) => a -> T.Text -> Either [a] T.Text -> Either [a] T.Text
createGraph'' x cs r =
case createGraph' cs r of
Left xs -> Left (x:xs)
Right errstr ->
Right errstr
-- What could be improved: In case of an error the full ByteString is reduced nonetheless because of
-- the use of fold. It would be better to be able to skip the parsing when an error occurs.
-- | Parses a row of the adjacency matrix of a graph. The consistancy of line lengths is not tested
-- by this function! In case of a successfull parse a 'Left [a]' is returned, otherwise a
-- 'Right ByteString' containing an error message.
-- > 10101
-- > 01010
-- > 00100
-- > 01010
-- > 10101
-- * whitespace in between is ignored (including '\\t', '\\n' and '\\r')
-- * Valid Values: '0', '1'
-- * any invalid value which is not a whitespace character raises an error
parseAdjMat :: (Integral a) => ByteString -> Either [a] ByteString
parseAdjMat input = B.foldr' foldf (Left []) input -- important to use *right* fold to keep ordering
where --foldf :: Char -> Either [a] ByteString -> Either [a] ByteString
foldf _ (r@(Right _)) = r
foldf c (l@(Left row))
| c == '0' = Left (0:row)
| c == '1' = Left (1:row)
| isSpace c = l
| otherwise = Right (B.pack $ "(adjacency)cannot parse '" ++ c:"'")
-- | Parses the attribute-Matrix
-- the matrix consists of NxM tab-delimeted double-lines like
-- > 1 2.3
-- > -1 2.1
-- > 4 2.7
-- > 2.2 -3e-4
-- > 3 2.3
-- * Valid: Doubles, Tabs (\\t)
testParse :: [(a,String)] -> Maybe a
testParse [] = Nothing
testParse [(a,s)] = if isWhitespace s then Just a else Nothing
testParse _ = Nothing
createAttr :: T.Text -> Either [Double] T.Text
createAttr (!input) = createAttr' (T.split (=='\t') input) (Left [])
createAttr' :: [T.Text] -> Either [Double] T.Text -> Either [Double] T.Text
createAttr' [] r = r
createAttr' (a:as) r =
let this = read (T.unpack a) :: Double in
(if isNaN this then
Right $ T.append (T.pack "cannot parse ") a
(let next = (createAttr' as r) in
case next of
Left rs -> Left (this : rs)
_ -> next))
-- What could be improved: In case of an error the full ByteString is reduced nonetheless because of
-- the use of fold. It would be better to be able to skip the parsing when an error occurs.
-- | Parses a row of the attribute matrix of a graph. The consistancy of line lengths is not tested
-- by this function! In case of a successfull parse a 'Left [a]' is returned, otherwise a
-- 'Right ByteString' containing an error message.
-- > 1 2.3
-- > -1 2.1
-- > 4 2.7
-- > 2.2 -3e-4
-- > 3 2.3
-- * Valid: Doubles
-- * whitespace between two values is ignored
-- * any invalid value which is not a whitespace character raises an error
parseAttr :: Char -> ByteString -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr delim input = parseAttr' (B.split delim input)
where parseAttr' :: [ByteString] -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr' [] = Left []
parseAttr' (t:ts) =
case testParse (reads (B.unpack t) :: [(Double, String)]) of
Just d -> case isNaN d of
False -> case parseAttr' ts of
Left fs -> Left (d:fs)
Right msg -> Right msg
True -> Right $ B.pack ("(attr)invalid value " ++ show d)
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(attr)cannot parse ") t
parseParams :: Char -> [ByteString] -> Either Params ByteString
parseParams delim input
| length input /= 3 = Right $ B.pack ("(params)amount of lines does not match (expected 3, got "
++ show (length input) ++ ")")
| otherwise =
case testParse ((reads . B.unpack) (head input) :: [(Double, String)]) of -- parse density
Just dens -> case testParse ((reads . B.unpack) (head $ tail input) :: [(Int, String)]) of -- parse matches
Just match -> case parseAttr delim (head $ tail $ tail input) of --parse range line
Left range -> Left $ Params dens match range
Right msg -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - range)") msg
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - match)cannot parse ") (head $ tail input)
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - density)cannot parse ") (head input)
createParams :: Char -> [T.Text] -> Either Params T.Text
createParams delim t =
if length t < 3 then
Right $ T.pack "parsing parameter file: less parameters than expected"
-- parse (=reads) successful if String is empty, otherwise error
densLine = head t
matchLine = head $ tail t
rangeLine = head $ drop 2 t
densR = reads (T.unpack $ densLine) :: [(Double, String)]
matchR = reads (T.unpack $ matchLine) :: [(Int, String)]
in -- general test of input
if (L.length t > 3 && T.empty /= (T.concat $ drop 3 t)) then
Right $T.pack "parsing parameter file: more parameter lines than expected"
-- test density part
case not (L.null densR) && L.null (snd $ head densR) && not (isNaN $ fst $ head densR) of
True ->
-- test match part
case matchR of -- parse successful
[(m, "")] ->
range = parseRange $ rangeLine
errors = rights range
-- test and parse range line
-- some "rights" may be empty entries, they can be ignored
case T.null (T.concat errors) of
True -> Left $ Params (fst $ head densR) m (lefts range)
False -> Right $ T.append (T.pack "parsing parameter file: cannot parse ") (T.concat errors)
_ -> Right $ T.append (T.pack ("parsing parameter file: cannot parse ")) $ T.append matchLine $ T.pack "::Int"
False -> Right $ T.append (T.pack ("parsing parameter file: cannot parse ")) $ T.append densLine $ T.pack "::Double"
-- parses the line of attribute ranges
parseRange :: T.Text -> [Either Double T.Text]
parseRange t = parseRange' (T.split (== delim) t)
-- parses each number in line seperated by 'delim'
parseRange' s = case reads (T.unpack s) :: [(Double, String)] of
[(d,"")] -> Left d
-- empty entries caused by duplicated delimiter are ignored
_ -> Right (if T.null s then T.empty
else T.append (T.pack ("cannot parse ")) $ T.append s $ T.pack "::Double,")
-- | checks if a given Text is empty (Empty String, whitespaces)
emptyLine :: T.Text -> Bool
emptyLine :: ByteString -> Bool
emptyLine a
| T.null a = True
| T.all isSpace a = True
| B.null a = True
| B.all isSpace a = True
| otherwise = False
-- | Starts the calculation of a given DCB problem.
doCalculation :: Adj -> Attr -> Params -> B.ByteString
doCalculation adj attr p =
@ -191,7 +159,7 @@ doCalculation adj attr p =
-- | gets the length of the Left a.
-- 0 if Left a empty or no valid constructor.
getLength :: Either [a] T.Text -> Int
getLength :: Either [a] b -> Int
getLength (Left a) = length a
getLength (Right _) = 0
@ -214,11 +182,11 @@ showHelp = do
-- | checks if the submitted Text is empty. If not it will be printed out and the program aborts
checkError :: T.Text -> IO ()
checkError :: ByteString -> IO ()
checkError a
| emptyLine a = return ()
| otherwise = do
B.putStr $ encodeUtf8 $ T.append (T.append (T.pack "Error detected:\n") a) (T.pack "\n\n")
B.putStr $ B.append (B.append (B.pack "Error detected:\n") a) (B.pack "\n\n")
-- | convinience debug-function. Needs to be
@ -228,6 +196,7 @@ debug a = return () --putStrLn a
-- | The main-function to bootstrap our application
main = do
timeStartProg <- getCPUTime
args <- getArgs
input <- case args of
[] -> Prelude.mapM B.readFile ["sampledata.adj","sampledata.adj.atr","sampledata.p"]
@ -237,18 +206,19 @@ main = do
_ -> error "Error: Wrong number of Arguments given. Try --help for more information."
-- read file and clean
adjMat <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (T.lines (decodeUtf8 (head input)))
attrMat <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (T.lines (decodeUtf8 ((head . L.tail) input)))
paramRef <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (T.lines (decodeUtf8 ((head . L.tail . L.tail) input)))
adjMat <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head input))
attrMat <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head $ tail input))
paramRef <- return $ L.filter (not . emptyLine) (B.lines (head $ tail $ tail input))
unrefined_graph <- return $ ( (parseAdjMat) adjMat)
-- +|| (parBuffer 25 rseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
unrefined_attr <- return $ ( (parseAttr '\t') attrMat)
-- +|| (parBuffer 25 rseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
paramsParsed <- return $ parseParams '\t' paramRef
adjLines <- return $ length adjMat
attrLines <- return $ length attrMat
unrefined_graph <- return $ ( (createGraph) adjMat)
-- +|| (parBuffer 25 rseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
unrefined_attr <- return $ ( (createAttr) attrMat)
-- +|| (parBuffer 25 rseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
paramsFinal <- return $ createParams '\t' paramRef
adjNum <- return $ getLength (head unrefined_graph)
attrNum <- return $ getLength (head unrefined_attr)
debug $ show (adjLines, attrLines, attrNum)
@ -256,33 +226,48 @@ main = do
---- print out any read-errors and abort
-- parser-errors
checkError $ T.intercalate (T.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_graph)
checkError $ T.intercalate (T.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_attr)
checkError $ either (\a -> T.empty) (\b -> b) $ paramsFinal
checkError $ B.intercalate (B.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_graph)
checkError $ B.intercalate (B.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_attr)
checkError $ either (\a -> B.empty) (\b -> b) $ paramsParsed
paramsFinal <- return $!! case paramsParsed of Left a -> a
attrParams <- return $ length (range paramsFinal)
-- attribute-errors
if adjLines /= attrLines then
checkError $ T.pack $ "Adjacency-Matrix size "++ show adjLines ++
" differs from Attribute-Matrix " ++ show attrLines ++
checkError $ B.pack $ "Adjacency Matrix size "++ show adjLines ++
" differs from Attribute Matrix " ++ show attrLines ++
return ()
else return ()
if adjLines /= adjNum then
checkError $ T.pack $ "Adjacency-Matrix is not square.\n" ++
"Read format is " ++ show adjNum ++
"x" ++ show attrNum ++ ".\n"
return ()
checkError $ B.pack $ "Adjacency Matrix is not square.\n" ++
"Read format is " ++ show adjLines ++
"x" ++ show adjNum ++ ".\n"
else return ()
-- it is accaptable if the parameters file contains more attributes than the attribute matrix
if attrParams < attrNum then
checkError $ B.pack $ "Attribute Matrix format does not match Parameter.\n" ++
"Attribute Matrix has " ++ show attrNum ++ " attributes.\n" ++
"Parameters implicate" ++ show attrParams ++ " attributes.\n"
else return ()
graph <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. adjLines :. adjLines) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_graph)) -- concatenated graph
graph <- return $!! A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. adjLines :. adjLines) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_graph)) -- concatenated graph
attr <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. attrLines :. attrNum) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_attr)) -- concatenated attr
attr <- return $!! A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. attrLines :. attrNum) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_attr)) -- concatenated attr
timeEndParse <- getCPUTime
--debug $ "Before: " ++ show (sumAllS graph)
B.putStr $ doCalculation graph attr $ (\(Left a) -> a) paramsFinal
--timeStartCalc <- getCPUTime -- (total) CPU time is not what we need
calculation <- return $!! doCalculation graph attr paramsFinal
--timeEndCalc <- getCPUTime
B.putStr calculation
--putStrLn ("read/parse CPU time: " ++ show (fromIntegral (timeEndParse - timeStartProg) / 1000000000) ++ "ms")
--putStrLn ("calculation CPU time: " ++ show (fromIntegral (timeEndCalc - timeStartCalc) / 1000000000) ++ "ms")
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ a +|| b = a `using` b
appendS :: (Show a) => String -> String -> a -> String
appendS sep a b = (a ++ show b) ++ sep
-- I thought I needed those function... Whe I realised my mistake I
-- I thought I needed those function... When I realised my mistake I
-- did not want to remove them again ;-(
-- | Removes repetitions from a list. An element is only considered a
-- duplication if it equals the previous element. Special case of
@ -122,3 +122,17 @@ ordNubBy p f l = go Map.empty l
elem_by :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> Bool
elem_by _ _ [] = False
elem_by eq y (x:xs) = y `eq` x || elem_by eq y xs
-- | Returns weather a string only contains whitespace or not.
isWhitespace :: String -> Bool
isWhitespace "" = True
isWhitespace (a:as) = (a `elem` " \r\n\t") && isWhitespace as
-- | Tests whether an 'Either' type is 'Left'.
isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool
isLeft a = case a of Left _ -> True; _ -> False
-- | Tests whether an 'Either' type is 'Right'.
isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
isRight = not . isLeft
Reference in New Issue
Block a user