Vorverarbeitung vollendet (ungetestet): unerfüllbare Kanten entfernen, Start-Seeds heraussuchen
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ import qualified Prelude ((++))
import Data.Array.Repa (Array,(:.)(..),(!),(++),(+^),(-^),(*^),(/^))
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as A
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Either
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
type Vector r e = Array r DIM1 e
type Matrix r e = Array r DIM2 e
@ -46,25 +46,37 @@ expand :: Adj -> Attr -> [Graph] -> [Graph]
expand adj attr g = undefined -- addablePoints -> for each: addPoint -> filterLayer
preprocess :: Adj -> Attr -> Density -> MaxDivergence -> (Adj, Vector A.U Graph)
preprocess adj attr d div = undefined
-- let
-- (Z:.nNodes:._) = A.extract adj
-- pairs = A.fromFunction (ix1 (((nNodes-1)*(nNodes-2)) / 2)) (\(Z:.i) -> (i % nNodes))
-- finalGraphs = foo
-- in (adj, A.computeS finalGraphs)
-- TODO for all pairs (i, j) with adj(i,j) != 0: if initGraph add, else discard and update adjacancy matrix
preprocess :: Adj -> Attr -> Density -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> (Adj, [Graph])
preprocess adj attr d div req =
(Z:.nNodes:._) = A.extent adj
results = map (initGraph attr div req) [(i, j) | i <- [0..nNodes], j <- [(i+1)..nNodes], adj!(ix2 i j) /= 0]
finalGraphs = lefts results
mask = A.fromListUnboxed (A.extent adj) $reverse $createMask [] 0 0 $rights results
createMask :: [Bool] -> Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [Bool]
createMask acc i j tpl =
nextJ = j `mod` (nNodes-1)
nextI = if nextJ == 0 then i+1 else i
accV = case tpl of [] -> False; _ -> i == (fst $head tpl) && j == (snd $head tpl)
nextList = if accV then tail tpl else tpl
in case i > nNodes of
True -> acc
False -> createMask (accV:acc) nextI nextJ nextList
-- TODO : nicht schön, da aus den Tupeln (i,j) auf hässliche Weise eine Matrix erzeugt wird,
-- die dann mit adj gefiltert wird. etwas schöner wäre es mit selectP statt fromFunction
adj' = A.computeS $A.fromFunction (A.extent adj) (\sh -> if mask!sh then 0 else adj!sh)
in (adj', finalGraphs)
-- initGraph initializes a seed graph if it fulfills the constraints
-- assumption: given nodes i, j are connected
initGraph :: Attr -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Graph
initGraph attr div req i j =
initGraph :: Attr -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Either Graph (Int, Int)
initGraph attr div req (i, j) =
constr = constraintInit attr div req i j
in case constr of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c -> Just (A.computeS $A.fromFunction (ix1 2)
Nothing -> Right (i, j)
Just c -> Left $(A.computeS $A.fromFunction (ix1 2)
(\(Z:.i) -> if i == 0 then i else j), c, 1)
-- constraintInit checks the contraints for an initializin seed
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