nub -> ordNub (O(n^2) -> O(n log n))
- included submodule with different approaches to perform nub in various surroundings. DOES NOT NEED TO BE COMPILED - copied nubOrdBy to Util
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ executable hgraph
text -any,
transformers >=0.3.0,
vector >=0.7,
mtl >=2.1 && <3
mtl >=2.1 && <3,
containers >=0.5.0 && <0.6
main-is: Main.hs
buildable: True
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -37,9 +38,11 @@ executable hgraph
test-suite test-hgraph
build-depends: QuickCheck -any, Stream -any, accelerate -any,
QuickCheck -any, Stream -any, accelerate -any,
base -any, bytestring -any, deepseq -any, ghc -any,
monad-par >=0.3.4, parallel -any, repa >=3.2, text -any
monad-par >=0.3.4, parallel -any, repa >=3.2, text -any,
containers >=0.5.0 && <0.6
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
buildable: True
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ import DCB.IO
import Prelude hiding ((++))
import qualified Prelude as P ((++))
import Control.Monad.Par
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.Monad.Par
import Control.Parallel.Strategies hiding (parMap)
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Array.Repa ((:.) (..), Array, (!), (*^), (++), (+^),
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Data.Int
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
--import Debug.Trace
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ instance (A.Shape sh, V.Unbox e) => NFData (Array A.U sh e) where
--TODO: Do we have to filter?
step :: [Graph] -> Adj -> Attr -> Density -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> [Graph]
step gs@((ind,_,_):_) a b c d e = --trace ("step from " P.++ show (A.extent ind) ) $
step gs@((ind,_,_):_) a b c d e = traceEvent ("step from " P.++ show (A.extent ind) ) $
filterLayer $ concat $ map (expand a b c d e ) gs
+|| (parBuffer 75 rdeepseq)
+|| (parBuffer 1000 rdeepseq)
@ -103,15 +103,16 @@ preprocess :: Adj -- ^ original adjacency matrix
-> (Adj, [Graph])
preprocess adj attr div req =
! (Z:.nNodes:._) = A.extent adj
! results = map (initGraph attr div req) [(i, j) | i <- [0..(nNodes-1)], j <- [(i+1)..(nNodes-1)], adj!(ix2 i j) /= 0]
+|| (parBuffer 25 rdeepseq)
! finalGraphs = lefts results
! mask = A.fromUnboxed (A.extent adj) $V.replicate (nNodes*nNodes) False V.//
(Z:.nNodes:._) = A.extent adj
results = map (initGraph attr div req) [(i, j) | i <- [0..(nNodes-1)], j <- [(i+1)..(nNodes-1)], adj!(ix2 i j) /= 0]
-- +|| (parBuffer 25 rdeepseq)
finalGraphs = lefts results
mask = A.fromUnboxed (A.extent adj) $V.replicate (nNodes*nNodes) False V.//
((map (\(i,j) -> (i*nNodes + (mod j nNodes), True)) $rights results)
P.++ (map (\(i,j) -> (j*nNodes + (mod i nNodes), True)) $rights results))
! adj' = runIdentity $ A.computeUnboxedP $A.fromFunction (A.extent adj) (\sh -> if mask!sh then 0 else adj!sh)
adj' = runIdentity $ A.computeUnboxedP $A.fromFunction (A.extent adj) (\sh -> if mask!sh then 0 else adj!sh)
in (adj', finalGraphs)
+|| parTuple2 rdeepseq rseq
-- | Initializes a seed 'Graph' if it fulfills the constraints, returns the input nodes
-- otherwise. It is assumed that the given nodes are connected.
@ -137,13 +138,11 @@ constraintInit ! attr ! div req i j =
! (Z:._:.nAttr) = A.extent attr
fConstr (Z:.a:.c) =
! col = A.slice attr (A.Any:.a)
in case c of
case c of
0 -> min (attr!(ix2 i a)) (attr!(ix2 j a))
1 -> max (attr!(ix2 i a)) (attr!(ix2 j a))
(constr, fulfill, nrHit) = runIdentity $
(!constr, !fulfill, !nrHit) = runIdentity $
! constr <- return $ A.computeUnboxedS $A.fromFunction (ix2 nAttr 2) fConstr
! fulfill <- return $ A.computeUnboxedS $ A.zipWith (\thediv dist -> if abs dist <= thediv then 1 else 0) div
$A.foldS (-) 0 constr
@ -152,8 +151,12 @@ constraintInit ! attr ! div req i j =
in if nrHit >= req then Just (fulfill, constr) else Nothing
-- | removes all duplicate graphs
-- nub has O(n^2) complexity.
-- with this variant of ordNubBy we need a simple bucket-extractor (first function) obeying Ord
-- and a second equality-check function for edge-cases (lin-search).
filterLayer :: [Graph] -> [Graph]
filterLayer gs = L.nubBy filter gs
filterLayer gs = ordNubBy (\g@(ind,_,_) -> L.sort (A.toList ind)) filter gs
filter :: Graph -> Graph -> Bool
filter (ind,_,_) (ind',_,_) = and [V.any (==i) (A.toUnboxed ind) | i <- A.toList ind']
@ -223,8 +226,8 @@ updateDensity adj nodes newNode dens =
fromIntegral $adj!(ix2 i newNode)
(Z:.n') = A.extent nodes
n = fromIntegral n'
! (Z:.n') = A.extent nodes
! n = fromIntegral n'
newdens = (dens * ((n)*(n-1)) / 2 + fromIntegral neighbours) * 2 / ((n+1)*(n))
in newdens
{-+ trace (
@ -47,7 +47,11 @@ instance Ord Graph where
s2 = (A.size $ A.extent nodes)
if s1 == s2 then
(A.sumAllS const') `compare` (A.sumAllS const)
const1 = (A.sumAllS const')
const2 = (A.sumAllS const)
const1 `compare` const2
s1 `compare` s2
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Util where
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | Move first argument to first place (for style uniformity)
flip1 :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
@ -84,3 +86,19 @@ a +|| b = a `using` b
appendS :: (Show a) => String -> String -> a -> String
appendS sep a b = (a ++ show b) ++ sep
-- When removing duplicates, the first function assigns the input to a bucket,
-- the second function checks whether it is already in the bucket (linear search).
ordNubBy :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
ordNubBy p f l = go Map.empty l
go _ [] = []
go m (x:xs) = let b = p x in case b `Map.lookup` m of
Nothing -> x : go (Map.insert b [x] m) xs
Just bucket
| elem_by f x bucket -> go m xs
| otherwise -> x : go (Map.insert b (x:bucket) m) xs
-- From the Data.List source code.
elem_by :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> Bool
elem_by _ _ [] = False
elem_by eq y (x:xs) = y `eq` x || elem_by eq y xs
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