mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 02:12:44 +00:00
Add imageButton (#97)
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ data Texture = Texture
, textureWidth :: GLsizei
, textureHeight :: GLsizei
deriving (Show)
textureSize :: Texture -> ImVec2
textureSize texture =
@ -69,17 +70,20 @@ bindTexture texture dataPtr = do
(castPtr dataPtr)
fill :: Integral size => size -> size -> VS.Vector GLubyte
fill width height =
fill :: Texture -> (GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte) -> VS.Vector GLubyte
fill texture (r, g, b) =
(3 * fromIntegral width * fromIntegral height)
(3 * width * height)
(\i ->
case i `mod` 3 of
0 -> 0x00
1 -> 0x7F
2 -> 0xFF
0 -> r
1 -> g
2 -> b
_ -> error "assert: 3-byte pitch"
width = fromIntegral (textureWidth texture)
height = fromIntegral (textureHeight texture)
main :: IO ()
@ -109,34 +113,47 @@ main = do
liftIO do
let width = 320
height = 240
texture <- create2DTexture width height
VS.unsafeWith (fill width height) $
bindTexture texture
blueish <- create2DTexture 320 240
VS.unsafeWith (fill blueish (0x00, 0x7F, 0xFF)) $
bindTexture blueish
pinkish <- create2DTexture 240 320
VS.unsafeWith (fill pinkish (0xFF, 0x00, 0x7F)) $
bindTexture pinkish
err <- glGetError
putStrLn $ "Error-code: " ++ show err
mainLoop window texture
print (blueish, pinkish)
mainLoop window (blueish, pinkish) False
mainLoop :: SDL.Window -> Texture -> IO ()
mainLoop window texture = unlessQuit do
mainLoop :: SDL.Window -> (Texture, Texture) -> Bool -> IO ()
mainLoop window textures flag = unlessQuit do
-- Tell ImGui we're starting a new frame
-- Build the GUI
withWindowOpen "Image example" $ runManaged do
-- Drawing images require some backend-specific code.
-- Meanwhile, we have to deal with raw binding.
let openGLtextureID = intPtrToPtr $ fromIntegral $ textureID texture
sizePtr <- managed $ Foreign.with (textureSize texture)
uv0Ptr <- managed $ Foreign.with (ImVec2 0 0)
uv1Ptr <- managed $ Foreign.with (ImVec2 1 1)
tintColPtr <- managed $ Foreign.with (ImVec4 1 1 1 1)
borderColPtr <- managed $ Foreign.with (ImVec4 0 1 0 0)
Raw.image openGLtextureID sizePtr uv0Ptr uv1Ptr tintColPtr borderColPtr
clicked <- withWindow "Image example" \open ->
if open then do
text "That's an image, click it"
let texture = if flag then fst textures else snd textures
-- Drawing images require some backend-specific code.
-- Meanwhile, we have to deal with raw binding.
let openGLtextureID = intPtrToPtr $ fromIntegral $ textureID texture
Foreign.with (textureSize texture) \sizePtr ->
Foreign.with (ImVec2 0 0) \uv0Ptr ->
Foreign.with (ImVec2 1 1) \uv1Ptr ->
Foreign.with (ImVec4 1 1 1 1) \tintColPtr ->
Foreign.with (ImVec4 1 1 1 1) \bgColPtr ->
Raw.imageButton openGLtextureID sizePtr uv0Ptr uv1Ptr (-1) bgColPtr tintColPtr
pure False
-- Render
@ -146,7 +163,7 @@ mainLoop window texture = unlessQuit do
SDL.glSwapWindow window
mainLoop window texture
mainLoop window textures (flag /= clicked)
unlessQuit action = do
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ module DearImGui.Raw
, invisibleButton
, arrowButton
, image
, imageButton
, checkbox
, progressBar
, bullet
@ -568,16 +569,39 @@ arrowButton strIdPtr dir = liftIO do
-- Wraps @ImGui::Image()@.
image :: (MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr ImVec2 -> Ptr ImVec2 -> Ptr ImVec2 -> Ptr ImVec4 -> Ptr ImVec4 -> m ()
image userTextureIDPtr sizePtr uv0Ptr uv1Ptr tintColPtr borderColPtr = liftIO do
[C.exp| void {
$(void* userTextureIDPtr),
*$(ImVec2* sizePtr),
*$(ImVec2* uv0Ptr),
*$(ImVec2* uv1Ptr),
*$(ImVec4* tintColPtr),
*$(ImVec4* borderColPtr)
} |]
void {
$(void* userTextureIDPtr),
*$(ImVec2* sizePtr),
*$(ImVec2* uv0Ptr),
*$(ImVec2* uv1Ptr),
*$(ImVec4* tintColPtr),
*$(ImVec4* borderColPtr)
-- | Clickable Image Area.
-- Negative @frame_padding@ uses default frame padding settings. Set to 0 for no padding.
-- Wraps @ImGui::ImageButton()@.
imageButton :: (MonadIO m) => Ptr () -> Ptr ImVec2 -> Ptr ImVec2 -> Ptr ImVec2 -> CInt -> Ptr ImVec4 -> Ptr ImVec4 -> m Bool
imageButton userTextureIDPtr sizePtr uv0Ptr uv1Ptr framePadding bgColPtr tintColPtr = liftIO do
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp|
bool {
$(void* userTextureIDPtr),
*$(ImVec2* sizePtr),
*$(ImVec2* uv0Ptr),
*$(ImVec2* uv1Ptr),
$(int framePadding),
*$(ImVec4* bgColPtr),
*$(ImVec4* tintColPtr)
-- | Wraps @ImGui::Checkbox()@.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user