mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 02:12:44 +00:00
Add withXxx and withXxxOpen wrappers for begin/end pairs (#49)
Adds dependency on unliftio for monad-preserving brackets. Fixes #32
This commit is contained in:
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ library
, inline-c
, inline-c-cpp
, StateVar
, unliftio
if flag(opengl2)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ mainLoop w = do
-- Build the GUI
bracket_ (begin "Hello, ImGui!") end do
withWindowOpen "Hello, ImGui!" do
-- Add a text widget
text "Hello, ImGui!"
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ module DearImGui
, Raw.styleColorsClassic
-- * Windows
, withWindow
, withWindowOpen
, begin
, Raw.end
, setNextWindowPos
@ -51,6 +53,8 @@ module DearImGui
, setNextWindowBgAlpha
-- * Child Windows
, withChild
, withChildOpen
, beginChild
, Raw.endChild
@ -71,8 +75,11 @@ module DearImGui
, setNextItemWidth
, pushItemWidth
, Raw.popItemWidth
, withGroup
, Raw.beginGroup
, Raw.endGroup
, setCursorPos
, Raw.alignTextToFramePadding
@ -89,6 +96,8 @@ module DearImGui
, Raw.bullet
-- ** Combo Box
, withCombo
, withComboOpen
, beginCombo
, Raw.endCombo
, combo
@ -127,30 +136,52 @@ module DearImGui
, plotHistogram
-- ** Menus
, withMenuBar
, withMenuBarOpen
, Raw.beginMenuBar
, Raw.endMenuBar
, withMainMenuBar
, withMainMenuBarOpen
, Raw.beginMainMenuBar
, Raw.endMainMenuBar
, withMenu
, withMenuOpen
, beginMenu
, Raw.endMenu
, menuItem
-- ** Tabs, tab bar
, withTabBar
, withTabBarOpen
, beginTabBar
, Raw.endTabBar
, withTabItem
, withTabItemOpen
, beginTabItem
, Raw.endTabItem
, tabItemButton
, setTabItemClosed
-- * Tooltips
, withTooltip
, Raw.beginTooltip
, Raw.endTooltip
-- * Popups/Modals
, withPopup
, withPopupOpen
, beginPopup
, withPopupModal
, withPopupModalOpen
, beginPopupModal
, Raw.endPopup
, openPopup
, Raw.closeCurrentPopup
@ -185,6 +216,10 @@ import Data.StateVar
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
( MonadIO, liftIO )
-- unliftio
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO)
import UnliftIO.Exception (bracket, bracket_)
import qualified DearImGui.Raw as Raw
@ -206,12 +241,42 @@ begin :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
begin name = liftIO do
withCString name Raw.begin
-- | Append items to a window.
-- Action will get 'False' if the window is collapsed or fully clipped.
-- You may append multiple times to the same window during the same frame
-- by calling 'withWindow' in multiple places.
withWindow :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withWindow name = bracket (begin name) (const Raw.end)
-- | Append items to a window unless it is collapsed or fully clipped.
-- You may append multiple times to the same window during the same frame
-- by calling 'withWindowOpen' in multiple places.
withWindowOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> m () -> m ()
withWindowOpen name action =
withWindow name (`when` action)
-- | Wraps @ImGui::BeginChild()@.
beginChild :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
beginChild name = liftIO do
withCString name Raw.beginChild
-- | Child windows used for self-contained independent scrolling/clipping regions
-- within a host window. Child windows can embed their own child.
-- Action will get 'False' if the child region is collapsed or fully clipped.
withChild :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withChild name = bracket (beginChild name) (const Raw.endChild)
-- | Child windows used for self-contained independent scrolling/clipping regions
-- within a host window. Child windows can embed their own child.
-- Action will be skipped if the child region is collapsed or fully clipped.
withChildOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> m () -> m ()
withChildOpen name action =
withChild name (`when` action)
-- | Formatted text.
@ -272,6 +337,8 @@ progressBar progress overlay = liftIO do
-- Returns 'True' if the combo box is open. In this state, you should populate
-- the contents of the combo box - for example, by calling 'selectable'.
-- Only call 'endCombo' if 'beginCombo' returns 'True'!
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginCombo()@.
beginCombo :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> m Bool
beginCombo label previewValue = liftIO $
@ -279,6 +346,21 @@ beginCombo label previewValue = liftIO $
withCString previewValue \previewValuePtr ->
Raw.beginCombo labelPtr previewValuePtr
-- | Create a combo box with a given label and preview value.
-- Action will get 'True' if the combo box is open.
-- In this state, you should populate the contents of the combo box - for example, by calling 'selectable'.
withCombo :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> String -> (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withCombo label previewValue =
bracket (beginCombo label previewValue) (`when` Raw.endCombo)
-- | Create a combo box with a given label and preview value.
-- Action will be called if the combo box is open to populate the contents
-- of the combo box - for example, by calling 'selectable'.
withComboOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> String -> m () -> m ()
withComboOpen label previewValue action =
withCombo label previewValue (`when` action)
-- | Wraps @ImGui::Combo()@.
combo :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref Int, HasSetter ref Int) => String -> ref -> [String] -> m Bool
@ -513,6 +595,31 @@ plotHistogram label values = liftIO $
withCString label \labelPtr ->
Raw.plotHistogram labelPtr valuesPtr (fromIntegral len)
-- | Create a menu bar at the top of the screen and append to it.
-- The action will get 'False' if the menu is not visible.
withMainMenuBar :: MonadUnliftIO m => (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withMainMenuBar = bracket Raw.beginMainMenuBar (`when` Raw.endMainMenuBar)
-- | Create a menu bar at the top of the screen and append to it.
-- The action will be skipped if the menu is not visible.
withMainMenuBarOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => m () -> m ()
withMainMenuBarOpen action =
withMainMenuBar (`when` action)
-- | Append items to a window with MenuBar flag.
-- The action will get 'False' if the menu is not visible.
withMenuBar :: MonadUnliftIO m => (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withMenuBar = bracket Raw.beginMenuBar (`when` Raw.endMenuBar)
-- | Append items to a window with MenuBar flag.
-- The action will be skipped if the menu is not visible.
withMenuBarOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => m () -> m ()
withMenuBarOpen action =
withMenuBar (`when` action)
-- | Create a sub-menu entry.
@ -521,6 +628,18 @@ beginMenu :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
beginMenu label = liftIO do
withCString label Raw.beginMenu
-- | Create a sub-menu entry.
-- The action will get 'False' if the entry is not visible.
withMenu :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withMenu label = bracket (beginMenu label) (`when` Raw.endMenu)
-- | Create a sub-menu entry.
-- The action will be skipped if the entry is not visible.
withMenuOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> m () -> m ()
withMenuOpen label action =
withMenu label (`when` action)
-- | Return true when activated. Shortcuts are displayed for convenience but not
-- processed by ImGui at the moment
@ -539,11 +658,24 @@ beginTabBar tabBarID flags = liftIO do
withCString tabBarID \ptr ->
Raw.beginTabBar ptr flags
-- | Create a @TabBar@ and start appending to it.
-- The action will get 'False' if the Tab bar is not visible.
withTabBar :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> ImGuiTabBarFlags -> (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withTabBar tabBarID flags =
bracket (beginTabBar tabBarID flags) (`when` Raw.endTabBar)
-- | Create a @TabBar@ and start appending to it.
-- The action will be skipped if the Tab bar is not visible.
withTabBarOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> ImGuiTabBarFlags -> m () -> m ()
withTabBarOpen tabBarID flags action =
withTabBar tabBarID flags (`when` action)
-- | Create a new tab. Returns @True@ if the tab is selected.
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginTabItem@.
beginTabItem :: ( MonadIO m, HasGetter ref Bool, HasSetter ref Bool ) => String -> ref -> ImGuiTabBarFlags -> m Bool
beginTabItem :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref Bool, HasSetter ref Bool) => String -> ref -> ImGuiTabBarFlags -> m Bool
beginTabItem tabName ref flags = liftIO do
currentValue <- get ref
with (bool 0 1 currentValue) \refPtr -> do
@ -556,6 +688,19 @@ beginTabItem tabName ref flags = liftIO do
pure open
-- | Create a new tab.
-- The action will get 'True' if the tab is selected.
withTabItem :: (MonadUnliftIO m, HasGetter ref Bool, HasSetter ref Bool) => String -> ref -> ImGuiTabBarFlags -> (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withTabItem tabName ref flags =
bracket (beginTabItem tabName ref flags) (`when` Raw.endTabItem)
-- | Create a new tab.
-- The action will be skipped unless the tab is selected.
withTabItemOpen :: (MonadUnliftIO m, HasGetter ref Bool, HasSetter ref Bool) => String -> ref -> ImGuiTabBarFlags -> m () -> m ()
withTabItemOpen tabName ref flags action =
withTabItem tabName ref flags (`when` action)
-- | Create a tab that behaves like a button. Returns @True@ when clicked. Cannot be selected in the tab bar.
@ -574,6 +719,12 @@ setTabItemClosed :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
setTabItemClosed tabName = liftIO do
withCString tabName Raw.setTabItemClosed
-- | Create a tooltip.
-- Those are windows that follow a mouse and don't take focus away.
-- Can contain any kind of items.
withTooltip :: MonadUnliftIO m => m a -> m a
withTooltip = bracket_ Raw.beginTooltip Raw.endTooltip
-- | Returns 'True' if the popup is open, and you can start outputting to it.
@ -582,6 +733,28 @@ beginPopup :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
beginPopup popupId = liftIO do
withCString popupId Raw.beginPopup
-- | Append intems to a non-modal Popup.
-- Non-modal popups can be closed by clicking anywhere outside them,
-- or by pressing ESCAPE.
-- Visibility state is held internally instead of being held by the programmer.
-- The action will get 'True' if the popup is open.
withPopup :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withPopup popupId = bracket (beginPopup popupId) (`when` Raw.endPopup)
-- | Append intems to a non-modal Popup.
-- Non-modal popups can be closed by clicking anywhere outside them,
-- or by pressing ESCAPE.
-- Visibility state is held internally instead of being held by the programmer.
-- The action will be called only if the popup is open.
withPopupOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> m () -> m ()
withPopupOpen popupId action =
withPopup popupId (`when` action)
-- | Returns 'True' if the modal is open, and you can start outputting to it.
@ -590,6 +763,26 @@ beginPopupModal :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
beginPopupModal popupId = liftIO do
withCString popupId Raw.beginPopupModal
-- | Append intems to a modal Popup.
-- Modal popups can be closed only with 'closeCurrentPopup'.
-- Visibility state is held internally instead of being held by the programmer.
-- The action will get 'True' if the popup is open.
withPopupModal :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> (Bool -> m a) -> m a
withPopupModal popupId = bracket (beginPopupModal popupId) (`when` Raw.endPopup)
-- | Append intems to a modal Popup.
-- Modal popups can be closed only with 'closeCurrentPopup'.
-- Visibility state is held internally instead of being held by the programmer.
-- The action will be called only if the popup is open.
withPopupModalOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => String -> m () -> m ()
withPopupModalOpen popupId action =
withPopupModal popupId (`when` action)
-- | Call to mark popup as open (don't call every frame!).
@ -704,6 +897,12 @@ pushItemWidth itemWidth = liftIO do
Raw.pushItemWidth (CFloat itemWidth)
-- | Lock horizontal starting position
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginGroup()@ and @ImGui::EndGroup()@
withGroup :: MonadUnliftIO m => m a -> m a
withGroup = bracket_ Raw.beginGroup Raw.endGroup
-- | Set cursor position in window-local coordinates
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetCursorPos()@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user