mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 02:12:44 +00:00
Add support for SDL2 Renderer backend (#193)
* Add DearImGui.Raw.framerate * Add DearImGui.withCloseableWindow * Closes #191: Add support for SDL2 Renderer backend * Add sdl-renderer flag to protect against older SDL versions that do not have SDL_RenderGeometry
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,6 +94,15 @@ flag sdl
flag sdl-renderer
Enable SDL Renderer backend (requires the SDL_RenderGeometry function available in SDL 2.0.18+).
The sdl configuration flag must also be enabled when using this flag.
flag glfw
Enable GLFW backend.
@ -260,6 +269,12 @@ library
if flag(sdl-renderer)
if flag(glfw)
@ -358,6 +373,14 @@ executable image
if (!flag(examples) || !flag(sdl) || !flag(opengl3))
buildable: False
executable sdlrenderer
import: common, exe-flags
main-is: Renderer.hs
hs-source-dirs: examples/sdl
build-depends: sdl2, dear-imgui, managed, text
if (!flag(examples) || !flag(sdl) || !flag(sdl-renderer))
buildable: False
executable vulkan
import: common, exe-flags
main-is: Main.hs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Port of [example_sdl2_sdlrenderer2](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/54c1bdecebf3c9bb9259c07c5f5666bb4bd5c3ea/examples/example_sdl2_sdlrenderer2/main.cpp).
-- Minor differences:
-- - No changing of the clear color via @ImGui::ColorEdit3@ as a Haskell binding
-- doesn't yet exist for this function.
-- - No high DPI renderer scaling as this seems to be in flux [upstream](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/6065)
module Main ( main ) where
import Control.Exception (bracket, bracket_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Managed (managed, managed_, runManaged)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef)
import Data.Text (pack)
import DearImGui
import DearImGui.SDL (pollEventWithImGui, sdl2NewFrame, sdl2Shutdown)
import DearImGui.SDL.Renderer
( sdl2InitForSDLRenderer, sdlRendererInit, sdlRendererNewFrame, sdlRendererRenderDrawData
, sdlRendererShutdown
import SDL (V4(V4), ($=), ($~), get)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified SDL
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Initialize SDL2
runManaged do
-- Create a window using SDL2
window <- do
let title = "ImGui + SDL2 Renderer"
let config = SDL.defaultWindow
{ SDL.windowInitialSize = SDL.V2 1280 720
, SDL.windowResizable = True
, SDL.windowPosition = SDL.Centered
managed $ bracket (SDL.createWindow title config) SDL.destroyWindow
-- Create an SDL2 renderer
renderer <- managed do
(SDL.createRenderer window (-1) SDL.defaultRenderer)
-- Create an ImGui context
_ <- managed $ bracket createContext destroyContext
-- Initialize ImGui's SDL2 backend
_ <- managed_ do
bracket_ (sdl2InitForSDLRenderer window renderer) sdl2Shutdown
-- Initialize ImGui's SDL2 renderer backend
_ <- managed_ $ bracket_ (sdlRendererInit renderer) sdlRendererShutdown
liftIO $ mainLoop renderer
mainLoop :: SDL.Renderer -> IO ()
mainLoop renderer = do
refs <- newRefs
go refs
go refs = unlessQuit do
-- Tell ImGui we're starting a new frame
-- Show the ImGui demo window
get (refsShowDemoWindow refs) >>= \case
False -> pure ()
True -> showDemoWindow
withWindowOpen "Hello, world!" do
text "This is some useful text."
_ <- checkbox "Demo Window" $ refsShowDemoWindow refs
_ <- checkbox "Another Window" $ refsShowAnotherWindow refs
_ <- sliderFloat "float" (refsFloat refs) 0 1
button "Button" >>= \case
False -> pure ()
True -> refsCounter refs $~ succ
counter <- get $ refsCounter refs
text $ "counter = " <> pack (show counter)
fr <- framerate
$ pack
$ printf "Application average %.3f ms/frame (%.1f FPS)" (1000 / fr) fr
get (refsShowAnotherWindow refs) >>= \case
False -> pure ()
True ->
withCloseableWindow "Another Window" (refsShowAnotherWindow refs) do
text "Hello from another window!"
button "Close Me" >>= \case
False -> pure ()
True -> refsShowAnotherWindow refs $= False
-- Render
SDL.rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 0 0 0 255
SDL.clear renderer
sdlRendererRenderDrawData =<< getDrawData
SDL.present renderer
go refs
-- Process the event loop
unlessQuit action = do
shouldQuit <- checkEvents
if shouldQuit then pure () else action
checkEvents = do
pollEventWithImGui >>= \case
Nothing ->
return False
Just event ->
(isQuit event ||) <$> checkEvents
isQuit event =
SDL.eventPayload event == SDL.QuitEvent
data Refs = Refs
{ refsShowDemoWindow :: IORef Bool
, refsShowAnotherWindow :: IORef Bool
, refsFloat :: IORef Float
, refsCounter :: IORef Int
newRefs :: IO Refs
newRefs =
<$> newIORef True
<*> newIORef False
<*> newIORef 0
<*> newIORef 0
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ module DearImGui
-- * Windows
, withWindow
, withWindowOpen
, withCloseableWindow
, withFullscreen
, fullscreenFlags
@ -335,6 +336,7 @@ module DearImGui
, Raw.getBackgroundDrawList
, Raw.getForegroundDrawList
, Raw.imCol32
, Raw.framerate
-- * Types
, module DearImGui.Enums
@ -415,6 +417,26 @@ withWindowOpen :: MonadUnliftIO m => Text -> m () -> m ()
withWindowOpen name action =
withWindow name (`when` action)
-- | Append items to a closeable window unless it is collapsed or fully clipped.
-- You may append multiple times to the same window during the same frame
-- by calling 'withWindowOpen' in multiple places.
-- The 'Bool' state variable will be set to 'False' when the window's close
-- button is pressed.
withCloseableWindow :: (HasSetter ref Bool, MonadUnliftIO m) => Text -> ref -> m () -> m ()
withCloseableWindow name ref action = bracket open close (`when` action)
open = liftIO do
with 1 \boolPtr -> do
Text.withCString name \namePtr -> do
isVisible <- Raw.begin namePtr (Just boolPtr) Nothing
isOpen <- peek boolPtr
when (isOpen == 0) $ ref $=! False
pure isVisible
close = liftIO . const Raw.end
-- | Append items to a fullscreen window.
-- The action runs inside a window that is set to behave as a backdrop.
@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ module DearImGui.Raw
, getBackgroundDrawList
, getForegroundDrawList
, imCol32
, framerate
-- * Types
, module DearImGui.Enums
@ -1779,6 +1780,12 @@ wantCaptureKeyboard :: MonadIO m => m Bool
wantCaptureKeyboard = liftIO do
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { GetIO().WantCaptureKeyboard } |]
-- | Estimate of application framerate (rolling average over 60 frames), in
-- frame per second. Solely for convenience.
framerate :: MonadIO m => m Float
framerate = liftIO do
realToFrac <$> [C.exp| float { GetIO().Framerate } |]
-- | This draw list will be the first rendering one.
-- Useful to quickly draw shapes/text behind dear imgui contents.
@ -120,14 +120,11 @@ setUserData ptr = liftIO do
{- TODO:
bool WantCaptureMouse; // Set when Dear ImGui will use mouse inputs, in this case do not dispatch them to your main game/application (either way, always pass on mouse inputs to imgui). (e.g. unclicked mouse is hovering over an imgui window, widget is active, mouse was clicked over an imgui window, etc.).
bool WantCaptureKeyboard; // Set when Dear ImGui will use keyboard inputs, in this case do not dispatch them to your main game/application (either way, always pass keyboard inputs to imgui). (e.g. InputText active, or an imgui window is focused and navigation is enabled, etc.).
bool WantTextInput; // Mobile/console: when set, you may display an on-screen keyboard. This is set by Dear ImGui when it wants textual keyboard input to happen (e.g. when a InputText widget is active).
bool WantSetMousePos; // MousePos has been altered, backend should reposition mouse on next frame. Rarely used! Set only when ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos flag is enabled.
bool WantSaveIniSettings; // When manual .ini load/save is active (io.IniFilename == NULL), this will be set to notify your application that you can call SaveIniSettingsToMemory() and save yourself. Important: clear io.WantSaveIniSettings yourself after saving!
bool NavActive; // Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is currently allowed (will handle ImGuiKey_NavXXX events) = a window is focused and it doesn't use the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs flag.
bool NavVisible; // Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is visible and allowed (will handle ImGuiKey_NavXXX events).
float Framerate; // Rough estimate of application framerate, in frame per second. Solely for convenience. Rolling average estimation based on io.DeltaTime over 120 frames.
int MetricsRenderVertices; // Vertices output during last call to Render()
int MetricsRenderIndices; // Indices output during last call to Render() = number of triangles * 3
int MetricsRenderWindows; // Number of visible windows
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
Module: DearImGUI.SDL.Renderer
Initialising the SDL2 renderer backend for Dear ImGui.
module DearImGui.SDL.Renderer
( sdl2InitForSDLRenderer
, sdlRendererInit
, sdlRendererShutdown
, sdlRendererNewFrame
, sdlRendererRenderDrawData
-- inline-c
import qualified Language.C.Inline as C
-- inline-c-cpp
import qualified Language.C.Inline.Cpp as Cpp
-- sdl2
import SDL.Internal.Types
( Renderer(..), Window(..) )
-- transformers
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
( MonadIO, liftIO )
-- DearImGui
import DearImGui
( DrawData(..) )
C.context (Cpp.cppCtx <> C.bsCtx)
C.include "imgui.h"
C.include "backends/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer2.h"
C.include "backends/imgui_impl_sdl2.h"
C.include "SDL.h"
Cpp.using "namespace ImGui"
-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplSDL2_InitForSDLRenderer@.
sdl2InitForSDLRenderer :: MonadIO m => Window -> Renderer -> m Bool
sdl2InitForSDLRenderer (Window windowPtr) (Renderer renderPtr) = liftIO do
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { ImGui_ImplSDL2_InitForSDLRenderer((SDL_Window*)$(void* windowPtr), (SDL_Renderer*)$(void* renderPtr)) } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer2_Init@.
sdlRendererInit :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> m Bool
sdlRendererInit (Renderer renderPtr) = liftIO do
(0 /=) <$> [C.exp| bool { ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer2_Init((SDL_Renderer*)$(void* renderPtr)) } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer2_Shutdown@.
sdlRendererShutdown :: MonadIO m => m ()
sdlRendererShutdown = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer2_Shutdown(); } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer2_NewFrame@.
sdlRendererNewFrame :: MonadIO m => m ()
sdlRendererNewFrame = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer2_NewFrame(); } |]
-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer2_RenderDrawData@.
sdlRendererRenderDrawData :: MonadIO m => DrawData -> m ()
sdlRendererRenderDrawData (DrawData ptr) = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui_ImplSDLRenderer2_RenderDrawData((ImDrawData*) $( void* ptr )) } |]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user