ported to stack-project, iterated fitness.
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- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- hmatrix
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@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Environment where
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.List (permutations, subsequences)
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
type Probability = Double
type Quantity = Int
type Activation = Double
type Amount = Double
-- | Nutrients are the basis for any reaction and are found in the environment of the plant.
data Nutrient = Sulfur
| Phosphor
| Nitrate
| Photosynthesis
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq)
-- | Fixed, non-generic Components
data Component = PP
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq)
-- | Compounds are either direct nutrients, already processed components or GenericEnzymes
data Compound = Substrate Nutrient
| Produced Component
| GenericEnzyme Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Enum Compound where
toEnum x
| x <= maxS = Substrate . toEnum $ x
| x - (maxS+1) <= maxP = Produced . toEnum $ x - (maxS + 1)
| otherwise = GenericEnzyme $ x - (maxS + 1) - (maxP + 1)
maxS = fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient)
maxP = fromEnum (maxBound :: Component)
fromEnum (Substrate x) = fromEnum x
fromEnum (Produced x) = fromEnum x + maxS + 1
maxS = fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient)
fromEnum (GenericEnzyme x) = x + maxS + maxP + 2
maxS = fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient)
maxP = fromEnum (maxBound :: Component)
-- | Enzymes are the main reaction-driver behind synthesis of intricate compounds.
-- They are assumed to be reversible.
data Enzyme = Enzyme
{ enzymeName :: String
-- ^ Name of the Enzyme.
, substrateRequirements :: [(Compound,Amount)]
-- ^ needed for reaction to take place
, synthesis :: ((Compound,Amount),(Compound,Amount))
-- ^ given x in amount -a, this will produce y in amount b
, dominance :: Maybe Amount
-- ^ in case of competition for nutrients this denotes the priority
-- Nothing = max possible
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | conviniently make an Enzyme using 1 of the first compund to produce 1 of the second
makeSimpleEnzyme :: Compound -> Compound -> Enzyme
makeSimpleEnzyme a b = Enzyme (show a ++ " -> " ++ show b) [] ((a,-1),(b,1)) Nothing
--Example "enzymes" could be:
pps :: Enzyme -- uses Phosphor from Substrate to produce PP
pps = Enzyme "PPS" [(Substrate Phosphor,1)] ((Substrate Phosphor,(-1)),(Produced PP,1)) Nothing
fpps :: Enzyme -- PP -> FPP
fpps = makeSimpleEnzyme (Produced PP) (Produced FPP)
-- Evironment
-- ----------
-- | In the environment we have predators that impact the fitness of our plants and
-- may be resistant to some compounds the plant produces. They can also differ in
-- their intensity.
data Predator = Predator { resistance :: [Compound]
-- ^ list of components this predator is resistant to
, fitnessImpact :: Amount
-- ^ impact on the fitness of a plant
-- (~ agressiveness of the herbivore)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Exemplatory:
greenfly :: Predator -- 20% of plants die to greenfly, but the fly is
greenfly = Predator [Produced PP] 0.2 -- killed by any Component not being PP
-- The environment itself is just the soil and the predators. Extensions would be possible.
data Environment =
{ soil :: [(Nutrient, Amount)]
-- ^ soil is a list of nutrients available to the plant.
, predators :: [(Predator, Probability)]
-- ^ Predators with the probability of appearance in this generation.
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Example:
exampleEnvironment :: Environment
exampleEnvironment =
{ soil = [ (Nitrate, 2)
, (Phosphor, 3)
, (Photosynthesis, 10)
, predators = [ (greenfly, 0.1) ]
-- Plants
-- ------
-- Plants consist of a Genome responsible for creation of the PSM and also an
-- external state how many nutrients and compounds are currently inside the plant.
type Genome = [(Enzyme, Quantity, Activation)]
data Plant = Plant
{ genome :: Genome
-- ^ the genetic characteristic of the plant
, absorbNutrients :: Environment -> [(Nutrient,Amount)]
-- ^ the capability to absorb nutrients given an environment
instance Show Plant where
show p = "Plant with Genome " ++ show (genome p)
instance Eq Plant where
a == b = genome a == genome b
-- | The following example yields in the example-environment this population:
-- >>> printPopulation [pps, fpps] plants
-- Population:
-- PPS ______oöö+++______oöö+++____________oöö+++oöö+++
-- FPPS ____________oöö+++oöö+++______oöö+++______oöö+++
plants :: [Plant]
plants = (\g -> Plant g defaultAbsorption) <$> genomes
enzymes = [pps, fpps]
quantity = [1,2] :: [Quantity]
activation = [0.7, 0.9, 1]
genomes = do
e <- permutations enzymes
e' <- subsequences e
q <- quantity
a <- activation
return $ (,,) <$> e' <*> [q] <*> [a]
defaultAbsorption (Environment s _) = limit Phosphor 2
. limit Nitrate 1
. limit Sulfur 0
<$> s
-- custom absorbtion with helper-function:
limit :: Nutrient -> Amount -> (Nutrient, Amount) -> (Nutrient, Amount)
limit n a (n', a')
| n == n' = (n, min a a') -- if we should limit, then we do ;)
| otherwise = (n', a')
-- Fitness
-- -------
-- The fitness-measure is central for the generation of offspring and the
-- simulation. It evaluates the probability for passing on genes given a plant in
-- an environment.
type Fitness = Double
fitness :: Environment -> Plant -> Fitness
fitness e p = survivalRate
nutrients = absorbNutrients p e
products = produceCompounds p nutrients
survivalRate = deterPredators (predators e) products
produceCompounds :: Plant -> [(Nutrient, Amount)] -> Vector Amount
produceCompounds (Plant genes _) substrate = final
initialAmount = assoc 10 0 ((\(n,a) -> (fromEnum $ Substrate n,a)) <$> substrate)
enzymes = (\(e,q,a) -> (synthesis e,(fromIntegral q)*a)) <$> genes -- [(((Component,Amount),(Component,Amount)),q*a)], Amount got * by quantity & activation
positions = concat $ (\(((i,ia),(o,oa)),f) -> [((fromEnum i,fromEnum i),ia),((fromEnum o,fromEnum i),oa)]) <$> enzymes -- [((row,column),amount)]
mat = accum (konst 0 (10::Int,10::Int)) (+) positions --accumulate all entries into one matrix.
(l,v) = eig ((*0.01) `cmap` mat)
final = (realPart `cmap` (v <> ((^100) `cmap` diag l) <> (tr v))) #> initialAmount
deterPredators :: [(Predator, Probability)] -> Vector Amount -> Probability
deterPredators ps cs' = sum $ do
(c,a) <- cs -- for every compound
(p,prob) <- ps -- and every predator
return (if c `elem` (resistance p) -- if the plant cannot deter the predator
then prob * fitnessImpact p -- impact it weighted by probability
else 0)
cs = (zip (toEnum <$> [1..]) (toList cs')) :: [(Compound,Amount)]
-- Mating & Creation of diversity
-- ------------------------------
-- Running the simulation
-- ----------------------
main = do
putStrLn "Environment:"
print exampleEnvironment
putStrLn "Example population:"
printPopulation [pps, fpps] plants
-- Utility Functions
-- -----------------
getAmountOf :: Compound -> [(Compound, Amount)] -> Amount
getAmountOf c = sum . fmap snd . filter ((== c) . fst)
printPopulation :: [Enzyme] -> [Plant] -> IO ()
printPopulation es ps = do
let padded i str = take i $ str ++ repeat ' '
putStrLn "Population:"
forM_ es $ \e -> do
putStr $ padded 8 (show e)
forM_ ps $ \(Plant g _) -> do
let curE = sum $ map (\(_,q,a) -> (fromIntegral q)*a)
. filter (\(e',_,_) -> e == e')
$ g
plot x
| x > 2 = "O"
| x > 1 = "+"
| x > 0.7 = "ö"
| x > 0.5 = "o"
| x > 0 = "."
| otherwise = "_"
putStr (plot curE)
putStrLn ""
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