dumb error in fitness-function
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ exampleEnvironment addedC es pred tox =
, maxCompound = maxCompoundWithoutGeneric + addedC
, toxicCompounds = tox --[(Produced FPP,0.1)] ++ tox
, possibleEnzymes = es -- [pps,fpps] ++ es
, settings = Settings { automimicry = False
, settings = Settings { automimicry = True
, predatorsRandom = False
, numPlants = 150
@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ loop loopAmount ps env = loop' loopAmount 0 ps env
toxins = toxicCompounds env
padded i str = take i $ str ++ repeat ' '
printEvery = 10
addedConstFitness = 0.1
loop' :: Int -> Int -> [Plant] -> Environment -> IO ()
loop' loopAmount curLoop plants e = unless (loopAmount+1 == curLoop) $ do
when (curLoop `mod` printEvery == 0) $ do
@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ loop loopAmount ps env = loop' loopAmount 0 ps env
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "Generation " ++ show curLoop ++ " of " ++ show loopAmount ++ ":"
newPlants <- flip runReaderT e $ do
(!fs,cs) <- unzip . fmap (\(f,c) -> (f,c)) <$> fitness plants
(!fs,cs) <- unzip <$> fitness plants
let fps = zip plants fs -- gives us plants & their fitness in a tuple
sumFitness = sum fs
when (curLoop `mod` printEvery == 0) $ liftIO $ do
@ -126,16 +125,16 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
--hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
randomCompounds <- makeHead (Substrate PPM) <$> generateTreeFromList 20 (toEnum <$> [(maxCompoundWithoutGeneric+1)..] :: [Compound]) -- generate roughly x compounds
randomCompounds <- makeHead (Substrate PPM) <$> generateTreeFromList 40 (toEnum <$> [(maxCompoundWithoutGeneric+1)..] :: [Compound]) -- generate roughly x compounds
ds <- randoms <$> newStdGen
probs <- randomRs (0.2,0.7) <$> newStdGen
let poisonedTree = poisonTree ds randomCompounds
poisonCompounds = foldMap (\(a,b) -> [(b,a) | a > 0.2]) poisonedTree
poisonCompounds = foldMap (\(a,b) -> [(b,a) | a > 0.5]) poisonedTree
predators <- generatePredators 0.5 poisonedTree
let env = exampleEnvironment (getTreeSize randomCompounds) (generateEnzymeFromTree randomCompounds) (zip predators probs) poisonCompounds
emptyPlants = replicate (numPlants . settings $ env) emptyPlant
enzs <- randomRs (0,length (possibleEnzymes env) - 1) <$> newStdGen
let startPlants = randomGenome 10 enzs (possibleEnzymes env) emptyPlants
let startPlants = randomGenome 1 enzs (possibleEnzymes env) emptyPlants
printEnvironment env
writeFile "poison.twopi" $ generateDotFromPoisonTree "poison" 0.5 poisonedTree
putStr "\ESC[?1049h"
@ -221,3 +220,6 @@ generateEnzymeFromTree t = (makeSimpleEnzyme c . getElement <$> sts)
c = getElement t
sts = getSubTrees t
stepDebug a = liftIO $ print a >> void getChar
@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ fitness ps = do
return $ repeat 1
dieRate <- mapM (dieToPredators (zip appearingPredators popDefense)) products -- defeat predators with produced compounds
let sumEnzymes = sum . fmap (\(_,q,a) -> fromIntegral q*a) . genome <$> ps -- amount of enzymes * activation = resources "wasted"
staticCostOfEnzymes = (\x -> 1 - 0.01*x) <$> sumEnzymes -- static cost of creating enzymes
staticCostOfEnzymes = (\x -> 1 - 0.02*x) <$> sumEnzymes -- static cost of creating enzymes
nutrientsAvailable <- fmap snd <$> asks soil
let nutrientsLeft = (\p -> [p ! i | i <- [0..fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient)]]) <$> products
nutrientRatio = minimum . zipWith (flip (/)) nutrientsAvailable <$> nutrientsLeft
costOfEnzymes = max 0 <$> zipWith (\s n -> s-n*0.01) staticCostOfEnzymes nutrientRatio -- cost to keep enzymes are static costs + amount of nutrient sucked out of the primary cycle
costOfEnzymes = max 0 <$> zipWith (\s n -> s-n*0.1) staticCostOfEnzymes nutrientRatio -- cost to keep enzymes are static costs + amount of nutrient sucked out of the primary cycle
survivalRate = (1-) <$> dieRate
return $ (,) <$> zipWith (*) survivalRate costOfEnzymes
<*> products
return $ zip (zipWith (*) survivalRate costOfEnzymes)
produceCompounds :: Plant -> [(Nutrient, Amount)] -> World (Vector Amount)
produceCompounds (Plant genes _) substrate = do
@ -210,9 +210,10 @@ dieToPredators :: [(Predator, Double)] -> Vector Amount -> World Probability
dieToPredators [] _ = return 0 -- if no predator, no dying.
dieToPredators appearingPredators compounds = do
deters <- forM appearingPredators $ \(p,ahat) -> do
myDeter <- dieToPredator p compounds
return $ ahat * myDeter -- exp due to assumption that number of attacks are poisson-distributed.
return $ product deters
myDieRate <- dieToPredator p compounds
return $ exp $ -(ahat*numAttacks p) * myDieRate -- exp due to assumption that number of attacks are poisson-distributed.
-- myDieRate = 1 - Survival = 1 - S(D) in the paper
return $ 1 - product deters
dieToPredator :: Predator -> Vector Amount -> World Double
Reference in New Issue
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