onceupon 394ef7c772
add variable
remove first leading zero
2018-04-12 14:05:49 +08:00

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Raw Blame History

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# Bash-Oneliner
Hi bash learners and bioinformaticans, welcome to Bash Oneliner. I started studying bioinformatics data four years ago (recently started working on cloud computing), and was amazed by those single-word bash commands which are much faster than my dull scripts, so much time can be saved through knowing command-line shortcuts and scripting. Not all the code here is oneliner (if the ';' counts..), but i put effort on making them brief and fast. I am mainly using Ubuntu, RedHat and Linux Mint, sorry if the commands dont work on your system.
This blog will focus on simple bash commands for parsing data, most of which are for tsv files (tab-separated values); some of them are for Linux system maintenance. I apologize that there won't be any citation for the codes, but they are probably from dear Google and Stackoverflow.
English and bash are not my first language, so... correct me anytime, thank you!
And if you know any cool command that are not included here, Please Teach Me.
In case you would like to check and vote up my questions on Stackoverflow, here's my page:
Here's a more stylish version of Bash-Oneliner~
## Handy Bash oneliner commands
- [Grep](#grep)
- [Sed](#sed)
- [Awk](#awk)
- [Xargs](#xargs)
- [Find](#find)
- [Loops](#loops)
- [Variable](#variable)
- [Math](#math)
- [Download](#download)
- [Random](#random)
- [Xwindow](#xwindow)
- [System](#system)
- [Hardware](#hardware)
- [Others](#others)
## Grep
##### Grep string starting with (e.g. 'S')
grep -o 'S.*'
##### Extract text bewteen words (e.g. w1,w2)
grep -o -P '(?<=w1).*(?=w2)'
##### Grep only integer
grep -o '[0-9]*'
##### Grep lines without word (e.g. bbo)
grep -v bbo filename
##### Grep lines not begin with string (e.g. #)
grep -v '^#' file.txt
##### Grep variables with space within it (e.g. bbo="some strings")
grep "$boo" filename
#remember to quote the variable!
##### Grep only one/first match (e.g. bbo)
grep -m 1 bbo filename
##### Grep and count (e.g. bbo)
grep -c bbo filename
##### Insensitive grep (e.g. bbo/BBO/Bbo)
grep -i "bbo" filename
##### Count occurrence (e.g. three times a line count three times)
grep -o bbo filename
##### COLOR the match (e.g. bbo)!
grep --color bbo filename
##### Grep search all files in a directory(e.g. bbo)
grep -R bbo /path/to/directory
grep -r bbo /path/to/directory
##### Search all files in directory, only output file names with matches(e.g. bbo)
grep -Rh bbo /path/to/directory
grep -rh bbo /path/to/directory
or only list filename with match
grep -rl bbo /path/to/directory
##### Grep OR (e.g. A or B or C or D)
grep 'A\|B\|C\|D'
##### Grep AND (e.g. A and B)
grep 'A.*B'
##### Grep all content of a fileA from fileB
grep -f fileA fileB
##### Grep a tab
grep $'\t'
##### Grep variable from variable
$echo "$long_str"|grep -q "$short_str"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo 'found'; fi
#grep -q will output 0 if match found
#remember to add space between []!
##### Grep strings between a bracket()
grep -oP '\(\K[^\)]+'
##### Grep number of characters with known strings in between(e.g. AAEL000001-RA)
grep -o -w "\w\{10\}\-R\w\{1\}"
# \w word character [0-9a-zA-Z_] \W not word character
##### A lot examples here
## Sed
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Remove the 1st line
sed 1d filename
##### Remove the first 100 lines (remove line 1-100)
sed 1,100d filename
##### Remove lines with string (e.g. bbo)
sed "/bbo/d" filename
- case insensitive:
sed "/bbo/Id" filename
##### Remove lines whose nth character not equal to a value (e.g. 5th character not equal to 2)
sed -E '/^.{5}[^2]/d'
#aaaa2aaa (you can stay)
#aaaa1aaa (delete!)
##### Edit infile (edit and save)
sed -i "/bbo/d" filename
##### When using variable (e.g. $i), use double quotes " "
e.g. add >$i to the first line (to make a FASTA file)
sed "1i >$i"
# notice the double quotes! in other examples, you can use a single quote, but here, no way!
# '1i' means insert to first line
##### Delete/remove empty lines
sed '/^\s*$/d'
sed 's/^$/d'
##### Delete/remove last line
sed '$d'
##### Delete/remove last character from end of file
sed -i '$ s/.$//' filename
##### Add string to end of file (e.g. "]")
sed '$s/$/]/' filename
##### Add newline to the end
sed '$a\'
##### Add string to beginning of every line (e.g. bbo)
sed -e 's/^/bbo/' file
##### Add string to end of each line (e.g. "}")
sed -e 's/$/\}\]/' filename
##### Add \n every nth character (e.g. every 4th character)
sed 's/.\{4\}/&\n/g'
##### Concatenate/combine/join files with a seperator and next line (e.g seperate by ",")
sed -s '$a,' *.json > all.json
##### Substitution (e.g. replace A by B)
sed 's/A/B/g' filename
##### Substitution with wildcard (e.g. replace a line start with aaa= by aaa=/my/new/path)
sed "s/aaa=.*/aaa=\/my\/new\/path/g"
##### Select lines start with string (e.g. bbo)
sed -n '/^@S/p'
##### Delete lines with string (e.g. bbo)
sed '/bbo/d' filename
##### Print/get/trim a range of line (e.g. line 500-5000)
sed -n 500,5000p filename
##### Print every nth lines
sed -n '0~3p' filename
# catch 0: start; 3: step
##### Print every odd # lines
sed -n '1~2p'
##### Print every third line including the first line
sed -n '1p;0~3p'
##### Remove leading whitespace and tabs
sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
//notice a whitespace before '\t'!!
##### Remove only leading whitespace
sed 's/ *//'
# notice a whitespace before '*'!!
##### Remove ending commas
sed 's/,$//g'
##### Add a column to the end
sed "s/$/\t$i/"
# $i is the valuable you want to add
# e.g. add the filename to every last column of the file
for i in $(ls);do sed -i "s/$/\t$i/" $i;done
##### Add extension of filename to last column
for i in T000086_1.02.n T000086_1.02.p;do sed "s/$/\t${i/*./}/" $i;done >
##### Remove newline\ nextline
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g'
##### Print a particular line (e.g. 123th line)
sed -n -e '123p'
##### Print a number of lines (e.g. line 10th to line 33 rd)
sed -n '10,33p' <filename
##### Change delimiter
sed 's=/=\\/=g'
##### Replace with wildcard (e.g A-1-e or A-2-e or A-3-e....)
sed 's/A-.*-e//g' filename
##### Remove last character of file
sed '$ s/.$//'
##### Insert character at specified position of file (e.g. AAAAAA --> AAA#AAA)
sed -r -e 's/^.{3}/&#/' file
## Awk
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Set tab as field separator
awk -F $'\t'
##### Output as tab separated (also as field separator)
awk -v OFS='\t'
##### Pass variable
awk -v a="$a" -v b="$b" "$1==a && $10=b" filename
##### Print line number and number of characters on each line
awk '{print NR,length($0);}' filename
##### Find number of columns
awk '{print NF}'
##### Reverse column order
awk '{print $2, $1}'
##### Check if there is a comma in a column (e.g. column $1)
awk '$1~/,/ {print}'
##### Split and do for loop
awk '{split($2, a,",");for (i in a) print $1"\t"a[i]}' filename
##### Print all lines before nth occurence of a string (e.g stop print lines when bbo appears 7 times)
awk -v N=7 '{print}/bbo/&& --N<=0 {exit}'
##### Print filename and last line of all files in directory
ls|xargs -n1 -I file awk '{s=$0};END{print FILENAME,s}' file
##### Add string to the beginning of a column (e.g add "chr" to column $3)
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}$3="chr"$3'
##### Remove lines with string (e.g. bbo)
awk '!/bbo/' file
##### Remove last column
awk 'NF{NF-=1};1' file
##### Usage and meaning of NR and FNR
awk 'print FILENAME, NR,FNR,$0}' fileA fileB
fileA 1 1 a
fileA 2 2 b
fileA 3 3 c
fileB 4 1 d
fileB 5 2 e
##### AND gate
1 0
2 1
3 1
4 0
1 0
2 1
3 0
4 1
awk -v OFS='\t' 'NR=FNR{a[$1]=$2;next} NF {print $1,((a[$1]=$2)? $2:"0")}' fileA fileB
1 0
2 1
3 0
4 0
##### Round all numbers of file (e.g. 2 significant figure)
awk '{while (match($0, /[0-9]+\[0-9]+/)){
\printf "%s%.2f", substr($0,0,RSTART-1),substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)
\$0=substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH)
##### Give number/index to every row
awk '{printf("%s\t%s\n",NR,$0)}'
##### Break combine column data into rows
David cat,dog
David cat
David dog
detail here:
awk '{split($2,a,",");for(i in a)print $1"\t"a[i]}' file
##### Average a file (each line in file contains only one number)
awk '{s+=$1}END{print s/NR}'
##### Print field start with string (e.g Linux)
awk '$1 ~ /^Linux/'
##### Sort a row (e.g. 1 40 35 12 23 --> 1 12 23 35 40)
awk ' {split( $0, a, "\t" ); asort( a ); for( i = 1; i <= length(a); i++ ) printf( "%s\t", a[i] ); printf( "\n" ); }'
##### Subtract previous row values (add column6 which equal to column4 minus last column5)
awk '{$6 = $4 - prev5; prev5 = $5; print;}'
## Xargs
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Set tab as delimiter (default:space)
xargs -d\t
##### Display 3 items per line
echo 1 2 3 4 5 6| xargs -n 3
# 1 2 3
# 4 5 6
##### Prompt before execution
echo a b c |xargs -p -n 3
##### Print command along with output
xargs -t abcd
# bin/echo abcd
# abcd
##### With find and rm
find . -name "*.html"|xargs rm -rf
##### Delete fiels with whitespace in filename (e.g. "hello 2001")
find . -name "*.c" -print0|xargs -0 rm -rf
##### Show limits
xargs --show-limits
##### Move files to folder
find . -name "*.bak" -print 0|xargs -0 -I {} mv {} ~/old
find . -name "*.bak" -print 0|xargs -0 -I file mv file ~/old
##### Move first 100th files to a directory (e.g. d1)
ls |head -100|xargs -I {} mv {} d1
##### Parallel
time echo {1..5} |xargs -n 1 -P 5 sleep
a lot faster than
time echo {1..5} |xargs -n1 sleep
##### Copy all files from A to B
find /dir/to/A -type f -name "*.py" -print 0| xargs -0 -r -I file cp -v -p file --target-directory=/path/to/B
# v: verbose|
# p: keep detail (e.g. owner)
##### With sed
ls |xargs -n1 -I file sed -i '/^Pos/d' filename
##### Add the file name to the first line of file
ls |sed 's/.txt//g'|xargs -n1 -I file sed -i -e '1 i\>file\' file.txt
##### Count all files
ls |xargs -n1 wc -l
##### Turn output into a single line
ls -l| xargs
##### Count files within directories
echo mso{1..8}|xargs -n1 bash -c 'echo -n "$1:"; ls -la "$1"| grep -w 74 |wc -l' --
# "--" signals the end of options and display further option processing
##### Download dependencies files and install (e.g. requirements.txt)
cat requirements.txt| xargs -n1 sudo pip install
##### Count lines in all file, also count total lines
ls|xargs wc -l
##### Xargs and grep
cat grep_list |xargs -I{} grep {} filename
##### Xargs and sed (replace all old ip address with new ip address under /etc directory)
grep -rl '' /etc | xargs sed -i 's/'
## Find
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### List all sub directory/file in the current directory
find .
##### List all files under the current directory
find . -type f
##### List all directories under the current directory
find . -type d
##### Edit all files under current directory (e.g. replace 'www' with 'ww')
find . name '*.php' -exec sed -i 's/www/w/g' {} \;
if no subdirectory
replace "www" "w" -- *
# a space before *
##### Find and output only filename (e.g. "mso")
find mso*/ -name M* -printf "%f\n"
##### Find and delete file with size less than (e.g. 74 byte)
find . -name "*.mso" -size -74c -delete
# M for MB, etc
## Loops
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### While loop, column subtraction of a file (e.g. a 3 columns file)
while read a b c; do echo $(($c-$b));done < <(head filename)
#there is a space between the two '<'s
##### While loop, sum up column subtraction
i=0; while read a b c; do ((i+=$c-$b)); echo $i; done < <(head filename)
##### While loop, keep checking a running process (e.g. perl) and start another new process (e.g. python) immetiately after it. (BETTER use the wait command! Ctrl+F 'wait')
while [[ $(pidof perl) ]];do echo f;sleep 10;done && python
##### If loop
if (($j==$u+2))
#(( )) use for arithmetic operation
if [[$age >21]]
#[[ ]] use for comparison
##### Test if file exist
if [ -e 'filename' ]
echo -e "file exists!"
##### if else Test if file exist
if [ -e $filename ]; then echo -e "file exists!"; else mkdir $filename; fi
##### For loop
for i in $(ls); do echo file $i;done
##### for loop, press any key to continue each loop
for i in $(cat tpc_stats_0925.log |grep failed|grep -o '\query\w\{1,2\}');do cat ${i}.log; read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key;done
##### for loop, print a file line by line when a key is pressed
for line in $(cat myfile); do echo $line; read -n1; done
## Variable
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### variable substitution within quotes
# foo=bar
echo "'$foo'"
# double/single quotes around single quotes make the inner single quotes expand variables
##### get the length of variable
var="some string"
echo ${#var}
# 11
##### replacement (e.g. remove the first leading 0 )
##### replacement (e.g. replace 'a' with ',')
##### replace all (e.g. replace all 'a' with ',')
#with grep
test="god the father"
grep ${test// /\\\|} file.txt
# turning the space into 'or' (\|) in grep
##### To change the case of the string stored in the variable to lower case (Parameter Expansion)
echo ${var,,}
## Math
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Print out the prime factors of a number (e.g. 50)
factor 50
##### Sum up input list (e.g. seq 10)
seq 10|paste -sd+|bc
##### Sum up a file (each line in file contains only one number)
awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' filename
##### Column subtraction
cat file| awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN {SUM=0}{SUM+=$3-$2}END{print SUM}'
##### Simple math with expr
expr 10+20 #30
expr 10\*20 #600
expr 30 \> 20 #1 (true)
##### More math with bc
- Number of decimal digit/ significant figure
echo "scale=2;2/3" | bc
- Exponent operator
echo "10^2" | bc
- Using variables
echo "var=5;--var"| bc
## Download
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Download all from a page
wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A mp3 -e robots=off
# -r: recursive and download all links on page
# -l1: only one level link
# -H: span host, visit other hosts
# -t1: numbers of retries
# -nd: don't make new directories, download to here
# -N: turn on timestamp
# -nd: no parent
# -A: type (seperate by ,)
# -e robots=off: ignore the robots.txt file which stop wget from crashing the site, sorry
##### Upload a file to web and download (
--> upload:
curl --upload-file ./filename.txt
(the above command will return a URL, e.g:
--> download:
curl -o filename.txt
##### Download file if necessary
if [! -s $data];then
echo "downloading test data..."
wget $url
##### Wget to a filename (when a long name)
wget -O filename ""
##### Wget files to a folder
wget -P /path/to/directory ""
## Random
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Random pick 100 lines from a file
shuf -n 100 filename
##### Random order (lucky draw)
for i in a b c d e; do echo $i; done| shuf
##### Echo series of random numbers between a range (e.g. shuffle numbers from 0-100, then pick 15 of them randomly)
shuf -i 0-100 -n 15
##### Echo a random number
echo $RANDOM
##### Random from 0-9
echo $((RANDOM % 10))
##### Random from 1-10
echo $(((RANDOM %10)+1))
## Xwindow
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
X11 GUI applications! Here are some GUI tools for you if you get bored by the text-only environment.
##### Enable X11 forwarding,in order to use graphical application on servers
ssh -X user_name@ip_address
or setting through xhost
--> Install the following for Centos:
##### Little xwindow tools
##### Open pictures/images from ssh server
1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address
2. apt-get install eog
3. eog picture.png
##### Use gedit on server (GUI editor)
1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address
2. apt-get install gedit
3. gedit filename.txt
##### Open PDF file from ssh server
1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address
2. apt-get install evince
3. evince filename.pdf
##### Use google-chrome browser from ssh server
1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address
2. apt-get install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7
3. wget
4. sudo apt-get install -f
5. dpkg -i google-chrome*.deb
6. google-chrome
## System
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Snapshot of the current processes
##### Check graphics card
##### Show IP address
$ip add show
##### Check system version
cat /etc/*-release
##### Linux Programmer's Manuel: hier- description of the filesystem hierarchy
man hier
##### List job
jobs -l
##### Export PATH
export PATH=$PATH:~/path/you/want
##### Make file execuable
chmod +x filename
# you can now ./filename to execute it
##### List screen
screen -d -r
##### Echo screen name
screen -ls
##### Check system (x86-64)
uname -i
##### Surf the net
##### Add user, set passwd
useradd username
passwd username
##### Edit variable for bash, (e.g. displaying the whole path)
1. joe ~/.bash_profile
2. export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$'
# $PS1 is a variable that defines the makeup and style of the command prompt
3. source ~/.bash_profile
##### Edit environment setting (e.g. alias)
1. joe ~/.bash_profile
2. alias pd="pwd" //no more need to type that 'w'!
3. source ~/.bash_profile
##### List environment variables (e.g. PATH)
$echo $PATH
# list of directories separated by a colon
##### List all environment variables for current user
##### Show partition format
##### Soft link program to bin
ln -s /path/to/program /home/usr/bin
# must be the whole path to the program
##### Show hexadecimal view of data
hexdump -C filename.class
##### Jump to different node
rsh node_name
##### Check port (active internet connection)
netstat -tulpn
##### Find whick link to a file
readlink filename
##### Check where a command link to (e.g. python)
which python
##### List total size of a directory
du -hs .
du -sb
##### Copy directory with permission setting
cp -rp /path/to/directory
##### Store current directory
pushd . $popd ;dirs -l
##### Show disk usage
df -h
du -h
du -sk /var/log/* |sort -rn |head -10
##### Show current runlevel
##### Switch runlevel
init 3
telinit 3
##### Permanently modify runlevel
1. edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf
##### Become root
##### Become somebody
su somebody
##### Report user quotes on device
requota -auvs
##### Get entries in a number of important databases
getent database_name
(e.g. the 'passwd' database)
getent passwd
# list all user account (all local and LDAP)
# (e.g. fetch list of grop accounts)
getent group
# store in database 'group'
##### Change owner of file
chown user_name filename
chown -R user_name /path/to/directory/
# chown user:group filename
##### List current mount detail
##### List current usernames and user-numbers
cat /etc/passwd
##### Get all username
getent passwd| awk '{FS="[:]"; print $1}'
##### Show all users
compgen -u
##### Show all groups
compgen -g
##### Show group of user
group username
##### Show uid, gid, group of user
id username
##### Check if it's root
if [$(id -u) -ne 0];then
echo "You are not root!"
# 'id -u' output 0 if it's not root
##### Find out CPU information
more /proc/cpuinfo
##### Set quota for user (e.g. disk soft limit: 120586240; hard limit: 125829120)
setquota username 120586240 125829120 0 0 /home
##### Show quota for user
quota -v username
##### Fork bomb
# dont try this at home
##### Check user login
##### Edit path for all users
joe /etc/environment
# edit this file
##### Show running processes
ps aux
##### Find maximum number of processes
cat /proc/sys/kernal/pid_max
##### Show and set user limit
ulimit -u
##### Which ports are listening for TCP connections from the network
nmap -sT -O localhost
#notice that some commpanies might not like you using nmap
##### Print out number of cores/ processors
nproc --all
##### Check status of each core
1. top
2. press '1'
##### Show jobs and PID
jobs -l
##### List all running services
service --status-all
##### Schedule shutdown server
shutdown -r +5 "Server will restart in 5 minutes. Please save your work."
##### Cancel scheduled shutdown
shutdown -c
##### Boardcast to all users
wall -n hihi
##### Kill all process of a user
pkill -U user_name
##### Set gedit preference on server
-->you might have to install the following:
apt-get install libglib2.0-bin;
yum install dconf dconf-editor;
yum install dbus dbus-x11;
-->Check list
gsettings list-recursively
-->Change setting
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor highlight-current-line true
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor scheme 'cobalt'
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor use-default-font false
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor editor-font 'Cantarell Regular 12'
##### Find out who has logged in on your system
--> [Quick] Printing out only the names:
--> [Detail] Printing out login time, load average, etc
##### Add user to a group (e.g add user 'nice' to the group 'docker', so that he can run docker without sudo)
sudo gpasswd -a nice docker
##### pip install python package without root
1. pip install --user package_name
2. You might need to export ~/.local/bin/ to PATH: export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/
##### Removing old linux kernels (when /boot almost full...)
1. uname -a #check current kernel, which should NOT be removed
2. sudo apt-get purge linux-image-X.X.X-X-generic #replace old version
##### Change hostname
sudo hostname your-new-name
if not working, do also:
hostnamectl set-hostname your-new-hostname
then run:
check /etc/hostname
if still not working..., edit:
add HOSTNAME="your-new-hostname"
##### List installed packages
apt list --installed
or Red Hat:
yum list installed
##### Check which file make the device busy on umount
lsof /mnt/dir
##### When sound not working
killall pulseaudio
then press Alt-F2 and type in pulseaudio
##### When sound not working
killall pulseaudio
##### List information about SCSI devices
##### Tutorial for setting up your own DNS server
##### Tutorial for creating a simple daemon
##### Tutorial for using your gmail to send email
##### Using telnet to test open ports, test if you can connect to a port (e.g 53) of a server (e.g
telnet 53
##### change network maximum transmission unit (mtu) (e.g. change to 9000)
ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000
##### get pid of a running process (e.g python)
pidof python
ps aux|grep python
##### ntp
start ntp:
check ntp:
ntpq -p
##### remove unnecessary files to clean your server
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean
sudo rm -rf ~/.cache/thumbnails/*
Remove old kernal:
sudo dpkg --list 'linux-image*'
sudo apt-get remove linux-image-OLDER_VERSION
##### Increase/ resize root partition (root partition is an LVM logical volume)
lvextend -L +130G /dev/rhel/root -r
#Adding -r will grow filesystem after resizing the volume.
##### Create a UEFI Bootable USB drive (e.g. /dev/sdc1)
sudo dd if=~/path/to/isofile.iso of=/dev/sdc1 oflag=direct bs=1048576
##### Locate and remove a package
sudo dpkg -l | grep <package_name>
sudo dpkg --purge <package_name>
##### Create a ssh tunnel
ssh -f -L 9000:targetservername:8088 root@ -N
#-f: run in background; -L: Listen; -N: do nothing
#the 9000 of your computer is now connected to the 8088 port of the targetservername through
#so that you can see the content of targetservername:8088 by entering localhost:9000 from your browser.
##### Log out your account after a certain period of time (e.g 10 seconds)
#once you set this variable, logout timer start running!
##### Get process ID of a process (e.g. sublime_text)
pidof sublime_text
#pgrep, you dont have to type the whole program name
pgrep sublim
#top, takes longer time
top|grep sublime_text
## Hardware
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Finding Out memory device detail
sudo dmidecode -t memory
##### Print detail of CPU hardware
dmidecode -t 4
# Type Information
# 0 BIOS
# 1 System
# 2 Base Board
# 3 Chassis
# 4 Processor
# 5 Memory Controller
# 6 Memory Module
# 7 Cache
# 8 Port Connector
# 9 System Slots
# 11 OEM Strings
# 13 BIOS Language
# 15 System Event Log
# 16 Physical Memory Array
# 17 Memory Device
# 18 32-bit Memory Error
# 19 Memory Array Mapped Address
# 20 Memory Device Mapped Address
# 21 Built-in Pointing Device
# 22 Portable Battery
# 23 System Reset
# 24 Hardware Security
# 25 System Power Controls
# 26 Voltage Probe
# 27 Cooling Device
# 28 Temperature Probe
# 29 Electrical Current Probe
# 30 Out-of-band Remote Access
# 31 Boot Integrity Services
# 32 System Boot
# 34 Management Device
# 35 Management Device Component
# 36 Management Device Threshold Data
# 37 Memory Channel
# 38 IPMI Device
# 39 Power Supply
##### Count the number of Segate hard disks
lsscsi|grep SEAGATE|wc -l
sg_map -i -x|grep SEAGATE|wc -l
##### Print detail of all hard disks
#where ROTA means rotational device / spinning hard disks (1 if true, 0 if false)
##### List information about NIC
lsscsi|grep -i 'ethernet'
##### Found out power status of the server
ipmitool -U your_bmc_username -P your_bmc_userpassword -I lanplus -H your_bmc_ip_address power status
##### Found out server sensor temperature
ipmitool sensors |grep -i Temp
## Others
[[back to top](#handy-bash-oneliner-commands-for-tsv-file-editing)]
##### Remove newline / nextline
tr --delete '\n' <input.txt >output.txt
##### Replace newline
tr '\n' ' ' <filename
##### To uppercase/lowercase
tr /a-z/ /A-Z/
##### Compare files (e.g. fileA, fileB)
diff fileA fileB
# a: added; d:delete; c:changed
sdiff fileA fileB
# side-to-side merge of file differences
##### Number a file (e.g. fileA)
nl fileA
nl -nrz fileA
# add leading zeros
nl -w1 -s ' '
# making it simple, blank seperated
##### Combine/ paste two files (e.g. fileA, fileB)
paste fileA fileB
# default tab seperated
##### Reverse string
echo 12345| rev
##### Read .gz file without extracting
zmore filename
zless filename
##### Run in background, output error file
some_commands &>log &
some_commands 2>log &
some_commands 2>&1| tee logfile
some_commands 2>&1 >>outfile
#0: standard input; 1: standard output; 2: standard error
##### Send mail
echo 'heres the content'| mail -a /path/to/attach_file.txt -s 'mail.subject'
# use -a flag to set send from (-a "From: some@mail.tld")
##### .xls to csv
xls2csv filename
##### Append to file (e.g. hihi)
echo 'hihi' >>filename
##### Make BEEP sound
speaker-test -t sine -f 1000 -l1
##### Set beep duration
(speaker-test -t sine -f 1000) & pid=$!;sleep 0.1s;kill -9 $pid
##### History edit/ delete
history -d [line_number]
##### Get last history/record filename
head !$
##### Clean screen
##### Send data to last edited file
cat /directory/to/file
echo 100>!$
##### Run history number (e.g. 53)
##### Run last command
##### Run last command that began with (e.g. cat filename)
# run cat filename again
##### Extract .xf
1.unxz filename.tar.xz
2.tar -xf filename.tar
##### Install python package
pip install packagename
##### Delete current bash command
# to make it to history
##### Add something to history (e.g. "addmetohistory")
#just add a "#" before~~
##### Sleep awhile or wait for a moment or schedule a job
sleep 5;echo hi
##### Count the time for executing a command
time echo hi
##### Backup with rsync
rsync -av filename filename.bak
rsync -av directory directory.bak
rsync -av --ignore_existing directory/ directory.bak
rsync -av --update directory directory.bak
rsync -av directory user@ip_address:/path/to/directory.bak
//skip files that are newer on receiver (i prefer this one!)
##### Make all directories at one time!
mkdir -p project/{lib/ext,bin,src,doc/{html,info,pdf},demo/stat}
# -p: make parent directory
# this will create project/doc/html/; project/doc/info; project/lib/ext ,etc
##### Run command only if another command returns zero exit status (well done)
cd tmp/ && tar xvf ~/a.tar
##### Run command only if another command returns non-zero exit status (not finish)
cd tmp/a/b/c ||mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c
##### Extract to a path
tar xvf -C /path/to/directory filename.gz
##### Use backslash "\" to break long command
cd tmp/a/b/c \
> || \
>mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c
##### Get pwd
VAR=$PWD; cd ~; tar xvf -C $VAR file.tar
# PWD need to be capital letter
##### List file type of file (e.g. /tmp/)
file /tmp/
# tmp/: directory
##### Bash script
# remove string before a "."
# remove string after a "."
##### Search from history
##### Python simple HTTP Server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
##### Read user input
read input
echo $input
##### Generate sequence 1-10
seq 10
##### Find average of input list/file
i=`wc -l filename|cut -d ' ' -f1`; cat filename| echo "scale=2;(`paste -sd+`)/"$i|bc
##### Generate all combination (e.g. 1,2)
echo {1,2}{1,2}
# 1 1, 1 2, 2 1, 2 2
##### Generate all combination (e.g. A,T,C,G)
set = {A,T,C,G}
group= 5
for ((i=0; i<$group; i++));do
bash -c "echo "$repetition""
##### Read file content to variable
##### Echo size of variable
echo ${#foo}
##### Echo tab
echo -e ' \t '
##### Array
declare -A array=()
##### Send a directory
scp -r directoryname user@ip:/path/to/send
##### Split file into lines (e.g. 1000 lines/smallfile)
$ split -d -l 1000 bigfilename
##### Create a large amount of dummy files (e.g 100000 files, 10 bytes each):
#1. Create a big file
dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=1 count=1000000
#2. Split the big file to 100000 10-bytes files
split -b 10 -a 10 bigfile
##### Rename all files (e.g. remove ABC from all .gz files)
rename 's/ABC//' *.gz
##### Remove extention (e.g remove .gz from filename.gz)
basename filename.gz .gz
zcat filename.gz> $(basename filename.gz .gz).unpacked
##### Use the squeeze repeat option (e.g. /t/t --> /t)
tr -s "/t" < filename
##### Do not print nextline with echo
echo -e 'text here \c'
##### Use the last argument
##### Check last exit code
echo $?
##### View first 50 characters of file
head -c 50 file
##### Group/combine rows into one row
cat filename|paste - -
cat filename|paste - - - -
##### Fastq to fasta
cat file.fastq | paste - - - - | sed 's/^@/>/g'| cut -f1-2 | tr '\t' '\n' >file.fa
##### Cut and get last column
cat file|rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev
##### Add one to variable/increment/ i++ a numeric variable (e.g. $var)
##### Some handy environment variables
$0 :name of shell or shell script.
$1, $2, $3, ... :positional parameters.
$# :number of positional parameters.
$? :most recent foreground pipeline exit status.
$- :current options set for the shell.
$$ :pid of the current shell (not subshell).
$! :is the PID of the most recent background command.
##### Clear the contents of a file (e.g. filename)
##### Unzip tar.bz2 file (e.g. file.tar.bz2)
tar xvfj file.tar.bz2
##### Unzip tar.xz file (e.g. file.tar.xz)
unxz file.tar.xz
tar xopf file.tar
##### Output a y/n repeatedly until killed
or 'n':
yes n
or 'anything':
yes anything
For example:
yes | rm -r large_directory
##### Create dummy file of certain size instantly (e.g. 200mb)
dd if=/dev/zero of=//dev/shm/200m bs=1024k count=200
dd if=/dev/zero of=//dev/shm/200m bs=1M count=200
Standard output:
200+0 records in
200+0 records out
209715200 bytes (210 MB) copied, 0.0955679 s, 2.2 GB/s
##### Cat to a file
cat >myfile
let me add sth here
exit by control + c
##### Keep /repeatedly executing the same command (e.g Repeat 'wc -l filename' every 1 second)
watch -n 1 wc -l filename
##### Print commands and their arguments when execute (e.g. echo `expr 10 + 20 `)
set -x; echo `expr 10 + 20 `
##### Print some meaningful sentences to you (install fortune first)
##### Colorful (and useful) version of top (install htop first)
##### Press any key to continue
read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
##### Run sql-like command on files from terminal
q -d "," "select c3,c4,c5 from /path/to/file.txt where c3='foo' and c5='boo'"
##### Sreen and tmux
create session and attach:
create detached session foo:
screen -S foo -d -m
tmux new -s foo -d
detached session foo:
screen: ^a^d
tmux: ^bd
list sessions:
screen -ls
tmux ls
screen -r
tmux attach
attach to session foo:
screen -r foo
tmux attach -t foo
kill session foo:
screen -r foo -X quit
tmux kill-session -t foo
Hit your screen prefix combination (C-a / control+A), then hit Escape.
Move up/down with the arrow keys (↑ and ↓).
Send command to all panes in tmux:
Ctrl-B :
setw synchronize-panes
##### Cut the last column
cat filename|rev|cut -f1|rev
##### pass password to ssh
sshpass -p mypassword ssh root@ "df -h"
##### wait for a pid (job) to complete
wait %1
wait $PID
wait ${!}
#wait ${!} to wait till the last background process ($! is the PID of the last background process)
##### pdf to txt
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
pdftotext example.pdf example.txt
##### list only directory
ls -ld -- */
##### Capture/record/save terminal output (capture everything you type and output)
script output.txt
#start using terminal
#to logout the screen session (stop saving the contents), type exit.
##### list contents of directories in a tree-like format.
#go to the directory you want to list, and type tree (sudo apt-get install tree)
#└── two
# ├── 1
# ├── 2
# ├── 3
# ├── 4
# └── 5
##### set up virtualenv(sandbox) for python
#1. install virtualenv.
sudo apt-get install virtualenv
#2. Creat a directory (name it .venv or whatever name your want) for your new shiny isolated environment.
virtualenv .venv
#3. source virtual bin
source .venv/bin/activate
#4. you can check check if you are now inside a sandbox.
type pip
#5. Now you can install your pip package, here requirements.txt is simply a txt file containing all the packages you want. (e.g tornado==4.5.3).
pip install -r requirements.txt
##### working with json data
#install the useful jq package
#sudo apt-get install jq
#e.g. to get all the values of the 'url' key, simply pipe the json to the following jq command(you can use .[]. to select inner json, i.e jq '.[].url')
jq '.url'
=-=-=-=-=-A lot more coming!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=waitwait-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-