337 lines
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337 lines
15 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TemplateHaskell, DeriveGeneric #-}
-- widget data is separated into several modules to avoid cyclic dependencies with the Type module
-- TODO: exclude UIMouseState constructor from export?
module UI.UIBase where
import Control.Lens ((^.), (.~), (%~), (&), ix, mapped, makeLenses)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Array
import Data.Bits (xor)
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Ix ()
-- import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- |Unit of screen/window
type ScreenUnit = Int
-- | @x@ and @y@ position on screen.
type Pixel = (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit)
-- |Combines two tuples element-wise. Designed for use with 'Pixel'.
merge :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, a) -> (b, b) -> (c, c)
merge f (x, y) (x', y') = (f x x', f y y')
{-# INLINABLE merge #-}
-- |Maps the over the elements of a tuple. Designed for use with 'Pixel'.
(>:) :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
f >: (x, y) = (f x, f y)
{-# INLINABLE (>:) #-}
-- |Adds two numeric tuples component-wise.
(+:) :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
(+:) = merge (+)
{-# INLINABLE (+:) #-}
-- |Calculates the component-wise difference between two tuples.
(-:) :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
(-:) = merge (-)
{-# INLINABLE (-:) #-}
-- |Multiplies two numeric tuples component-wise.
(*:) :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
(*:) = merge (*)
{-# INLINABLE (*:) #-}
infixl 7 *:
infixl 6 +:, -:
infixl 5 >:
-- |Id to reference a specific widget, must be unique.
newtype UIId = UIId Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Ix, Hashable, Show, Read)
-- |Mouse buttons processed by the program.
data MouseButton = LeftButton | RightButton | MiddleButton | MouseX1 | MouseX2
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix, Bounded, Generic, Show, Read)
instance Hashable MouseButton where -- TODO: generic deriving creates functions that run forever
hash = fromEnum
hashWithSalt salt x = (salt * 16777619) `xor` hash x
--- widget state
-- |A key to reference a specific type of 'WidgetState'.
data WidgetStateKey = MouseStateKey
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix, Bounded, Generic, Show, Read)
instance Hashable WidgetStateKey where -- TODO: generic deriving creates functions that run forever
hash = fromEnum
hashWithSalt salt x = (salt * 16777619) `xor` hash x
-- |Global tracking of mouse actions to determine event handling.
data UIButtonState = UIButtonState
{ _mousePressed :: Int -- ^amount of currently pressed buttons
, _mouseCurrentWidget :: Maybe (UIId, Pixel)
-- ^the current mouse-active widget and its global coordinates.
-- If @_mousePressed == 0@: widget the mouse is hovering over,
-- otherwise: widget the first button has been pressed on.
, _mouseInside :: Bool -- ^@True@ if the mouse is currently within the mouse-active widget
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |The button dependant state of a 'MouseState'.
data MouseButtonState = MouseButtonState
{ _mouseIsDragging :: Bool -- ^firing if pressed but not confirmed
, _mouseIsDeferred :: Bool
-- ^deferred if e. g. dragging but outside component
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- |An applied state a widget may take, depending on its usage and event handlers.
data WidgetState =
-- |The state of a mouse reactive ui widget. Referenced by 'MouseStateKey'.
{ _mouseStates :: Array MouseButton MouseButtonState
, _mouseIsReady :: Bool -- ^ready if mouse is above component
, _mousePixel :: Pixel -- ^current local position of the mouse, only updated if widget is the mouse-active component
deriving (Eq, Show)
--- events
-- |A key to reference a specific 'EventHandler'.
data EventKey = MouseEvent | MouseMotionEvent
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix, Bounded, Generic, Show, Read)
instance Hashable EventKey where -- TODO: generic deriving creates functions that run forever
hash = fromEnum
hashWithSalt salt x = (salt * 16777619) `xor` hash x
--- event handlers
-- |A handler to react on certain events.
data EventHandler m =
-- |Handler to control the functionality of a 'GUIWidget' on mouse button events.
-- |The function 'onMousePressed' is called when a button is pressed
-- while the widget is mouse-active.
-- A widget becomes mouse-active if no other button is currently pressed and the mouse
-- coordinates are within the widget's extent ('isInside') until no button is pressed any
-- more.
_onMousePress :: MouseButton -- the pressed button
-> Pixel -- screen position
-> GUIWidget m -- widget the event is invoked on
-> m (GUIWidget m) -- widget after the event and the possibly altered mouse handler
-- |The function 'onMouseReleased' is called when a button is released
-- while the widget is mouse-active.
-- Thus, the mouse is either within the widget or outside while still dragging.
_onMouseRelease :: MouseButton -- the released button
-> Pixel -- screen position
-> GUIWidget m -- widget the event is invoked on
-> m (GUIWidget m) -- widget after the event and the altered handler
-- |Handler to control the functionality of a 'GUIWidget' on mouse movement.
-- |The function 'onMouseMove' is invoked when the mouse is moved inside the
-- widget's extent ('isInside') while no button is pressed or when the mouse is inside the
-- widget's extent while another button loses its mouse-active state. Triggered after
-- '_onMouseEnter'.
_onMouseMove :: Pixel -- screen position
-> GUIWidget m -- widget the event is invoked on
-> m (GUIWidget m) -- widget after the event and the altered handler
-- |The function 'onMouseMove' is invoked when the mouse enters the
-- widget's extent ('isInside') or when the mouse is inside the
-- widget's extent while another button loses its mouse-active state..
_onMouseEnter :: Pixel -- screen position
-> GUIWidget m -- widget the event is invoked on
-> m (GUIWidget m) -- widget after the event and the altered handler
-- |The function 'onMouseLeave' is invoked when the mouse leaves the
-- widget's extent ('isInside') while no other widget is mouse-active.
_onMouseLeave :: Pixel -- screen position
-> GUIWidget m -- widget the event is invoked on
-> m (GUIWidget m) -- widget after the event and the altered handler
deriving ()
--- widgets
-- |A @GUIWidget@ is a visual object the HUD is composed of.
data GUIWidget m = Widget
{_baseProperties :: GUIBaseProperties m
,_graphics :: GUIGraphics m
,_widgetStates :: Map.HashMap WidgetStateKey WidgetState -- TODO? unsave mapping
,_eventHandlers :: Map.HashMap EventKey (EventHandler m) -- no guarantee that data match key
-- |Base properties are fundamental settings of any 'GUIWidget'.
-- They mostly control positioning and widget hierarchy.
data GUIBaseProperties m = BaseProperties
-- |The @_getBoundary@ function gives the outer extents of the @GUIWidget@.
-- The bounding box wholly contains all children components.
_boundary :: m (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -- ^@(x, y, width, height)@ in pixels (screen coordinates)
-- |The @_getChildren@ function returns all children associated with this widget.
-- All children must be wholly inside the parent's bounding box specified by '_boundary'.
_children :: m [UIId]
-- |The function @_isInside@ tests whether a point is inside the widget itself.
-- A screen position may be inside the bounding box of a widget but not considered part of the
-- component.
-- The default implementations tests if the point is within the rectangle specified by the
-- 'getBoundary' function.
_isInside :: GUIWidget m
-> Pixel -- local coordinates
-> m Bool
-- |The @_getPriority@ function returns the priority score of a @GUIWidget@.
-- A widget with a high score is more in the front than a low scored widget.
_priority :: m Int
-- |The @_getShorthand@ function returns a descriptive 'String' mainly for debuggin prupose.
-- The shorthand should be unique for each instance.
_shorthand :: String
-- |@GUIGraphics@ functions define the look of a 'GUIWidget'.
data GUIGraphics m = Graphics
{temp :: m Int}
$(makeLenses ''UIButtonState)
$(makeLenses ''WidgetState)
$(makeLenses ''MouseButtonState)
$(makeLenses ''EventHandler)
$(makeLenses ''GUIWidget)
$(makeLenses ''GUIBaseProperties)
$(makeLenses ''GUIGraphics)
initialButtonState :: MouseButtonState
initialButtonState = MouseButtonState False False
{-# INLINE initialButtonState #-}
-- |Creates a @UIMouseState@ its @_mouseStates@ are valid 'UIMouseStateSingle' for any @MouseButton@
-- provided in the passed list.
initialMouseState :: WidgetState
initialMouseState = MouseState (array (minBound, maxBound) [(i, initialButtonState) | i <- range (minBound, maxBound)])
False (0, 0)
{-# INLINE initialMouseState #-}
-- TODO: combined mouse handler
-- TODO? breaks if button array not of sufficient size -- will be avoided by excluding constructor export
-- |Creates a 'MouseHandler' that sets a widget's 'MouseButtonState' properties if present,
-- only fully functional in conjunction with 'setMouseMotionStateActions'.
setMouseStateActions :: (Monad m) => EventHandler m
setMouseStateActions = MouseHandler press' release'
-- |Change 'MouseButtonState's '_mouseIsDragging' to @True@.
press' b _ w =
return $ w & widgetStates.(ix MouseStateKey).mouseStates.(ix b).mouseIsDragging .~ True
-- |Change 'MouseButtonState's '_mouseIsDragging' and '_mouseIsDeferred' to @False@.
release' b _ w =
return $ w & widgetStates.(ix MouseStateKey).mouseStates.(ix b) %~
(mouseIsDragging .~ False) . (mouseIsDeferred .~ False)
-- |Creates a 'MouseHandler' that sets a widget's 'WidgetState MouseState' properties if present,
-- only fully functional in conjunction with 'setMouseStateActions'.
setMouseMotionStateActions :: (Monad m) => EventHandler m
setMouseMotionStateActions = MouseMotionHandler move' enter' leave'
-- |Updates mouse position.
move' p w = return $ w & widgetStates.(ix MouseStateKey).mousePixel .~ p
-- |Sets '_mouseIsReady' to @True@, changes '_mouseIsDeferred' to '_mouseIsDragging's current
-- value and sets '_mouseIsDragging' to @False@.
enter' p w = return $ w & widgetStates.(ix MouseStateKey)
%~ (mouseIsReady .~ True) . (mousePixel .~ p)
. (mouseStates.mapped %~ (mouseIsDeferred .~ False)
-- following line executed BEFORE above line
. (\sState -> sState & mouseIsDragging .~ not (sState ^. mouseIsDeferred)))
-- |Sets '_mouseIsReady' to @False@, changes '_mouseIsDragging' to '_mouseIsDeferred's current
-- value and sets '_mouseIsDeferred' to @False@.
leave' p w = return $ w & widgetStates.(ix MouseStateKey)
%~ (mouseIsReady .~ False) . (mousePixel .~ p)
. (mouseStates.mapped %~ (mouseIsDragging .~ False)
-- following line executed BEFORE above line
. (\sState -> sState & mouseIsDeferred .~ not (sState ^. mouseIsDragging)))
-- TODO: make only fire if press started within widget
-- |Creates a MouseHandler that reacts on mouse clicks.
-- Does /not/ update 'WidgetState MouseState'!
buttonMouseActions :: (Monad m) => (MouseButton -> GUIWidget m -> Pixel -> m (GUIWidget m)) -- ^action on button press
-> EventHandler m
buttonMouseActions a = MouseHandler press' release'
press' _ _ = return
release' b p w = do fire <- (w ^. baseProperties.isInside) w p
if fire then a b w p else return w
-- TODO: make only fire if press started within widget
-- |Creates a MouseHandler that reacts on mouse clicks.
-- Does /not/ update 'WidgetState MouseState'!
buttonSingleMouseActions :: (Monad m) => (GUIWidget m -> Pixel -> m (GUIWidget m)) -- ^action on button press
-> MouseButton -> EventHandler m
buttonSingleMouseActions a btn = MouseHandler press' release'
press' _ _ = return
release' b p w = do fire <- liftM (b == btn &&) $ (w ^. baseProperties.isInside) w p
if fire then a w p else return w
emptyGraphics :: (Monad m) => GUIGraphics m
emptyGraphics = Graphics (return 3)
-- |Extracts width and height from a '_boundary' property of a 'GUIBaseProperties'.
extractExtent :: (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit)
extractExtent (_,_,w,h) = (w,h)
{-# INLINABLE extractExtent #-}
-- |Calculates whether a point's value exceed the given width and height.
isInsideExtent :: (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> Pixel -> Bool
isInsideExtent (w,h) (x',y') = (x' <= w) && (x' >= 0) && (y' <= h) && (y' >= 0)
-- |Calculates whether a point is within a given rectangle.
isInsideRect :: (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> Pixel -> Bool
isInsideRect (x,y,w,h) px = isInsideExtent (w, h) $ px -: (x, y)
-- |@GUIBaseProperties@ with a rectangular base that fills the bounds.
rectangularBase :: (Monad m) => (ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit, ScreenUnit) -> [UIId] -> Int -> String -> GUIBaseProperties m
rectangularBase bnd chld prio short =
BaseProperties (return bnd) (return chld)
(\w p -> liftM (flip isInsideExtent p . extractExtent) (w ^. baseProperties.boundary)) -- isInside
(return prio) short
debugShowWidget' :: (Monad m) => GUIWidget m -> m String
debugShowWidget' (Widget base _ _ handler) = do
bnd <- base ^. boundary
chld <- base ^. children
prio <- base ^. priority
let short = base ^. shorthand
return $ concat [short,"| boundary:", show bnd, ", children:", show chld,
",priority:",show prio, maybe "" (const ", with mouse handler") (Map.lookup MouseEvent handler)]