2014-05-20 20:38:02 +02:00

244 lines
7.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Types where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL (Event, Window)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Linear.Matrix (M44)
import Linear (V3)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST)
import Control.Lens
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (TextureObject)
import Render.Types
import Importer.IQM.Types
import UI.UIBase
data Coord3D a = Coord3D a a a
--Static Read-Only-State
data Env = Env
{ _eventsChan :: TQueue Event
, _windowObject :: !Window
, _zDistClosest :: !Double
, _zDistFarthest :: !Double
--, envGLContext :: !GLContext
--, envFont :: TTF.TTFFont
-- , _renderer :: !Renderer
--Mutable State
data Position = Position
{ __x :: !Double
, __y :: !Double
data WindowState = WindowState
{ _width :: !Int
, _height :: !Int
, _shouldClose :: !Bool
data CameraState = CameraState
{ _xAngle :: !Double
, _yAngle :: !Double
, _zDist :: !Double
, _frustum :: !(M44 CFloat)
, _camObject :: !Camera
data IOState = IOState
{ _clock :: !UTCTime
, _tessClockFactor :: !Double
data GameState = GameState
data MouseState = MouseState
{ _isDown :: !Bool
, _isDragging :: !Bool
, _dragStartX :: !Double
, _dragStartY :: !Double
, _dragStartXAngle :: !Double
, _dragStartYAngle :: !Double
, _mousePosition :: !Position --TODO: Get rid of mouse-prefix
data ArrowKeyState = ArrowKeyState {
_up :: !Bool
,_down :: !Bool
,_left :: !Bool
,_right :: !Bool
data KeyboardState = KeyboardState
{ _arrowsPressed :: !ArrowKeyState
-- | State in which all map-related Data is stored
-- The map itself is rendered with mapProgram and the shaders given here directly
-- This does not include any objects on the map - only the map itself
-- _mapTextures must contain the following Textures (in this ordering) after initialisation:
-- 1. Grass
-- 2. Sand
-- 3. Water
-- 4. Stone
-- 5. Snow
-- 6. Dirt (blended on grass)
data GLMapState = GLMapState
{ _shdrVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrColorIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrNormalIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, _shdrProjMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrViewMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrModelMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrNormalMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrTessInnerIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _shdrTessOuterIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, _stateTessellationFactor :: !Int
, _stateMap :: !GL.BufferObject
, _mapVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices
, _mapProgram :: !GL.Program
, _renderedMapTexture :: !TextureObject --TODO: Probably move to UI?
, _overviewTexture :: !TextureObject
, _mapTextures :: ![TextureObject] --TODO: Fix size on list?
, _objectProgram :: !GL.Program
, _mapObjects :: ![MapObject]
data MapObject = MapObject !IQM !MapCoordinates !MapObjectState
data MapObjectState = MapObjectState ()
type MapCoordinates = V3 CFloat
data GLHud = GLHud
{ _hudTexture :: !TextureObject -- ^ HUD-Texture itself
, _hudTexIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation -- ^ Position of Overlay-Texture in Shader
, _hudBackIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation -- ^ Position of Background-Texture in Shader
, _hudVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation -- ^ Position of Vertices in Shader
, _hudVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices -- ^ Number of Vertices to draw
, _hudVBO :: !GL.BufferObject -- ^ Vertex-Buffer-Object
, _hudEBO :: !GL.BufferObject -- ^ Element-Buffer-Object
, _hudProgram :: !GL.Program -- ^ Program for rendering HUD
data GLState = GLState
{ _glMap :: !GLMapState
, _glHud :: !GLHud
, _glRenderbuffer :: !GL.RenderbufferObject
, _glFramebuffer :: !GL.FramebufferObject
data UIState = UIState
{ _uiHasChanged :: !Bool
, _uiMap :: !(Map.HashMap UIId (GUIWidget Pioneers))
, _uiRoots :: !([UIId])
, _uiButtonState :: !UIButtonState
data State = State
{ _window :: !WindowState
, _camera :: !CameraState
, _io :: !IOState
, _mouse :: !MouseState
, _keyboard :: !KeyboardState
, _gl :: !GLState
, _game :: !GameState
, _ui :: !UIState
type Pioneers = RWST Env () State IO
-- when using TemplateHaskell order of declaration matters
$(makeLenses ''State)
$(makeLenses ''GLState)
$(makeLenses ''GLMapState)
$(makeLenses ''GLHud)
$(makeLenses ''KeyboardState)
$(makeLenses ''ArrowKeyState)
$(makeLenses ''MouseState)
$(makeLenses ''GameState)
$(makeLenses ''IOState)
$(makeLenses ''CameraState)
$(makeLenses ''WindowState)
$(makeLenses ''Position)
$(makeLenses ''Env)
$(makeLenses ''UIState)
data Structure = Flag -- Flag
| Woodcutter -- Huts
| Forester
| Stonemason
| Fisher
| Hunter
| Barracks
| Guardhouse
| LookoutTower
| Well
| Sawmill -- Houses
| Slaughterhouse
| Mill
| Bakery
| IronSmelter
| Metalworks
| Armory
| Mint
| Shipyard
| Brewery
| Storehouse
| Watchtower
| Catapult
| GoldMine -- Mines
| IronMine
| GraniteMine
| CoalMine
| Farm -- Castles
| PigFarm
| DonkeyBreeder
| Harbor
| Fortress
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Amount = Infinite -- Neverending supply
| Finite Int -- Finite supply
-- Extremely preliminary, expand when needed
data Commodity = WoodPlank
| Sword
| Fish
deriving Eq
data Resource = Coal
| Iron
| Gold
| Granite
| Water
| Fishes
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Show Amount where
show (Infinite) = "inexhaustable supply"
show (Finite n) = show n ++ " left"
instance Show Commodity where
show WoodPlank = "wooden plank"
show Sword = "sword"
show Fish = "fish"