- scaled map correctly by factor 10 - fixed whacky camera (vorzeichenfehler -.-) - adapted view-distance - adapted scroll-speed - adapted model-position
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111 lines
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module Map.Map where
import Map.Types
import Map.Graphics (unitLength)
import Data.Array (bounds, (!))
import Data.List (sort, group)
import Debug.Trace
-- WARNING: Does NOT Check for neighbours exceeding maximum map coordinates yet.
unsafeGiveNeighbours :: (Int, Int) -- ^ original coordinates
-> [(Int,Int)] -- ^ list of neighbours
unsafeGiveNeighbours (x,z) = filter (not . negative) allNs
allNs = if even z then [(x+1,z), (x-1,z), (x,z+1), (x,z-1), (x+1,z+1), (x+1,z-1)]
else [(x+1,z), (x-1,z), (x,z+1), (x,z-1), (x-1,z+1), (x-1,z-1)]
negative :: (Int, Int) -> Bool
negative (a,b) = a < 0 || b < 0
giveNeighbours :: PlayMap -- ^ Map on which to find neighbours
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ original coordinates
-> [(Int, Int)] -- ^ list of neighbours
giveNeighbours mp (x,z) = filter (not . outOfBounds mp) allNs
allNs = if even z then [(x+1,z), (x-1,z), (x,z+1), (x,z-1), (x+1,z+1), (x+1,z-1)]
else [(x+1,z), (x-1,z), (x,z+1), (x,z-1), (x-1,z+1), (x-1,z-1)]
outOfBounds :: PlayMap -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
outOfBounds mp' (a,b) = let (lo,hi) = bounds mp' in
a < fst lo || b < snd lo || a > fst hi || b > snd hi
giveNeighbourhood :: PlayMap -- ^ map on which to find neighbourhood
-> Int -- ^ iterative
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ original coordinates
-> [(Int, Int)] -- ^ neighbourhood
giveNeighbourhood _ 0 (a,b) = [(a,b)]
giveNeighbourhood mp n (a,b) = let ns = giveNeighbours mp (a,b) in
remdups . concat $ ns : map (giveNeighbourhood mp (n-1)) ns
-- | Calculates the height of any given point on the map.
-- Does not add camera distance to ground to that.
giveMapHeight :: PlayMap
-> (Double, Double)
-> Double
giveMapHeight mop (x, z)
| outsideMap (x/unitLength,z'/unitLength) = 0.0
| otherwise = height' --sum $ map (\(p,d) -> hlu p * (d / totald)) tups
z' = z * 2/ sqrt 3
rx = (x/unitLength) - (fromIntegral $ floor (x/unitLength ))
rz = (z'/unitLength) - (fromIntegral $ floor (z'/unitLength))
hoi = map (hlu . clmp . tadd (floor (x/unitLength), floor (z'/unitLength))) mods
mods = [(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)]
tadd (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
height' = height*unitLength
height = --trace (show [rx,rz] ++ show hoi)
(1-rz) * ((1-rx) * (hoi !! 0) + rx * (hoi !! 2))
+ rz * ((1-rx) * (hoi !! 1) + rx * (hoi !! 3))
outsideMap :: (Double, Double) -> Bool
outsideMap (mx, mz) = let ((a,b),(c,d)) = bounds mop
fr = fromIntegral
in mx < fr a || mx > fr c || mz < fr b || mz > fr d
-- Height LookUp on PlayMap
hlu :: (Int, Int) -> Double
hlu (k,j) = let (Node _ (_,_,y) _ _ _ _ _ _) = mop ! (k,j) in y
-- reference Points
refs :: [(Int, Int)]
refs = remdups $ map (clmp . tadd (floor x, floor z')) mods
mods = [(-1,-1),(-1,2),(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1),(2,-1),(2,2)]
tadd (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
-- tupels with reference point and distance
tups = zip refs weights --map (\t -> (t, dist (x,z') t)) refs
weights = [1,2,1,2,4,2,1,2,1]
-- total distance of all for reference point from the point in question
totald = sum $ map snd tups
-- clamp, as she is programmed
clamp :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> a
clamp mn mx = max mn . min mx
-- clamp for tupels
clmp :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
clmp (a,b) = let ((xmin,zmin),(xmax,zmax)) = bounds mop
in (clamp (xmin+2) (xmax-2) a,clamp (zmin+2) (zmax-2) b)
-- Real distance on PlayMap
dist :: (Double, Double) -> (Int, Int) -> Double
dist (x1,z1) pmp = let xf = x1 - realx
zf = z1 - realz
in sqrt $ xf*xf + zf*zf
realx = (\(Node _ (nx,_,_) _ _ _ _ _ _) -> nx) (mop ! pmp)
realz = (\(Node _ (_,nz,_) _ _ _ _ _ _) -> nz) (mop ! pmp)
-- removing duplicates in O(n log n), losing order and adding Ord requirement
remdups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
remdups = map head . group . sort