module UI.Callbacks where import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL import Control.Lens ((^.), (.~), (%~)) import Control.Monad (liftM, when, unless) import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (ask, get, modify) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe import Foreign.Marshal.Array (pokeArray) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes) import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL import Render.Misc (genColorData) import Types import Render.Misc (curb) import UI.UIBaseData import UI.UIClasses import UI.UIOperations createGUI :: (Map.HashMap UIId (GUIAny Pioneers), [UIId]) createGUI = (Map.fromList [ (UIId 0, GUIAnyP $ GUIPanel $ GUIContainer 0 0 0 0 [UIId 1, UIId 2] 0) , (UIId 1, GUIAnyC $ GUIContainer 20 50 120 80 [] 1) , (UIId 2, GUIAnyP $ GUIPanel $ GUIContainer 100 140 0 0 [UIId 3, UIId 4] 3) , (UIId 3, GUIAnyC $ GUIContainer 100 140 130 200 [] 4 ) , (UIId 4, GUIAnyB (GUIButton 30 200 60 175 2 defaultUIState ) (ButtonHandler testMessage)) ], [UIId 0]) getGUI :: Map.HashMap UIId (GUIAny Pioneers) -> [GUIAny Pioneers] getGUI = Map.elems {-# INLINE getGUI #-} getRootIds :: Pioneers [UIId] getRootIds = do state <- get return $ state ^. ui.uiRoots getRoots :: Pioneers [GUIAny Pioneers] getRoots = do state <- get rootIds <- getRootIds let hMap = state ^. ui.uiMap return $ toGUIAnys hMap rootIds testMessage :: w -> Pixel -> Pioneers w testMessage w (x, y) = do liftIO $ putStrLn ("\tclick on " ++ show x ++ "," ++ show y) return w eventCallback :: SDL.Event -> Pioneers () eventCallback e = do env <- ask case SDL.eventData e of SDL.Window _ winEvent -> -- windowID event -- TODO: resize GUI return () SDL.Keyboard movement _ _ key -> -- keyMovement windowID keyRepeat keySym -- need modifiers? use "keyModifiers key" to get them let aks = keyboard.arrowsPressed in case SDL.keyScancode key of SDL.R -> liftIO $ do r <- SDL.getRenderer $ env ^. windowObject putStrLn $ unwords ["Renderer: ",show r] SDL.Escape -> modify $ window.shouldClose .~ True SDL.Left -> modify $ aks.left .~ (movement == SDL.KeyDown) SDL.Right -> modify $ aks.right .~ (movement == SDL.KeyDown) SDL.Up -> modify $ aks.up .~ (movement == SDL.KeyDown) SDL.Down -> modify $ aks.down .~ (movement == SDL.KeyDown) SDL.KeypadPlus -> when (movement == SDL.KeyDown) $ do modify $ (gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor) %~ ((min 5) . (+1)) state <- get liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ state ^. gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor] SDL.KeypadMinus -> when (movement == SDL.KeyDown) $ do modify $ (gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor) %~ ((max 1) . (+(-1))) state <- get liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ state ^. gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor] _ -> return () SDL.MouseMotion _ _ _ (SDL.Position x y) _ _ -> -- windowID mouseID motionState motionPosition xrel yrel do state <- get when (state ^. mouse.isDown && not (state ^. mouse.isDragging)) $ modify $ (mouse.isDragging .~ True) . (mouse.dragStartX .~ (fromIntegral x)) . (mouse.dragStartY .~ (fromIntegral y)) . (mouse.dragStartXAngle .~ (state ^. camera.xAngle)) . (mouse.dragStartYAngle .~ (state ^. camera.yAngle)) modify $ (mouse.mousePosition. Types._x .~ (fromIntegral x)) . (mouse.mousePosition. Types._y .~ (fromIntegral y)) SDL.MouseButton _ _ button state (SDL.Position x y) -> -- windowID mouseID button buttonState buttonAt case button of SDL.LeftButton -> do let pressed = state == SDL.Pressed modify $ mouse.isDown .~ pressed unless pressed $ do st <- get if st ^. mouse.isDragging then modify $ mouse.isDragging .~ False else clickHandler (x, y) SDL.RightButton -> do when (state == SDL.Released) $ alternateClickHandler (x, y) _ -> return () SDL.MouseWheel _ _ _ vscroll -> -- windowID mouseID hScroll vScroll do state <- get let zDist' = (state ^. camera.zDist) + realToFrac (negate vscroll) in modify $ camera.zDist .~ (curb (env ^. zDistClosest) (env ^. zDistFarthest) zDist') -- there is more (joystic, touchInterface, ...), but currently ignored SDL.Quit -> modify $ window.shouldClose .~ True _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Not processing Event:", show e] -- | Handler for UI-Inputs. -- Indicates a primary click on something (e.g. left-click, touch on Touchpad, fire on Gamepad, ... clickHandler :: Pixel -> Pioneers () clickHandler pos@(x,y) = do state <- get let hMap = state ^. ui.uiMap roots <- getRootIds hits <- liftM concat $ mapM (getInsideId hMap pos) roots case hits of [] -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["button press on (",show x,",",show y,")"] _ -> do changes <- mapM (\uid -> do let w = toGUIAny hMap uid short <- getShorthand w bound <- getBoundary w prio <- getPriority w liftIO $ putStrLn $ "hitting " ++ short ++ ": " ++ show bound ++ " " ++ show prio ++ " at [" ++ show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ "]" case w of (GUIAnyB b h) -> do (b', h') <- onMousePressed pos b h (b'', h'') <- onMouseReleased pos b' h' return $ Just (uid, GUIAnyB b'' h'') _ -> return Nothing ) $ hits let newMap :: Map.HashMap UIId (GUIAny Pioneers) newMap = foldl' (\hm (uid, w') -> Map.insert uid w' hm) hMap $ catMaybes changes modify $ ui.uiMap .~ newMap return () -- | Handler for UI-Inputs. -- Indicates an alternate click on something (e.g. right-click, touch&hold on Touchpad, ... alternateClickHandler :: Pixel -> Pioneers () alternateClickHandler (x,y) = liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["alternate press on (",show x,",",show y,")"] -- | informs the GUI to prepare a blitting of state ^. gl.glHud.hudTexture -- --TODO: should be done asynchronously at one point. -- -> can't. if 2 Threads bind Textures its not sure -- on which one the GPU will work. -- "GL.textureBinding GL.Texture2D" is a State set -- to the texture all following works on. -- -- for copy prepareGUI :: Pioneers () prepareGUI = do state <- get roots <- getRoots let tex = (state ^. gl.glHud.hudTexture) liftIO $ do -- bind texture - all later calls work on this one. GL.textureBinding GL.Texture2D GL.$= Just tex mapM_ (copyGUI tex) roots modify $ ui.uiHasChanged .~ False --TODO: Perform border-checking ... is xoff + width and yoff+height inside the screen-coordinates.. copyGUI :: GL.TextureObject -> GUIAny Pioneers -> Pioneers () copyGUI tex widget = do (xoff, yoff, wWidth, wHeight) <- getBoundary widget state <- get let hMap = state ^. ui.uiMap int = fromInteger.toInteger --conversion between Int8, GLInt, Int, ... --temporary color here. lateron better some getData-function to --get a list of pixel-data or a texture. color = case widget of (GUIAnyC _) -> [255,0,0,128] (GUIAnyB _ _) -> [255,255,0,255] (GUIAnyP _) -> [128,128,128,128] liftIO $ allocaBytes (wWidth*wHeight*4) $ \ptr -> do --copy data into C-Array pokeArray ptr (genColorData (wWidth*wHeight) color) GL.texSubImage2D GL.Texture2D 0 (GL.TexturePosition2D (int xoff) (int yoff)) (GL.TextureSize2D (int wWidth) (int wHeight)) (GL.PixelData GL.RGBA GL.UnsignedByte ptr) nextChildrenIds <- getChildren widget mapM_ (copyGUI tex) $ toGUIAnys hMap $ nextChildrenIds --TODO: Add scroll-Handler, return (Pioneers Bool) to indicate event-bubbling etc. --TODO: Maybe queues are better?