{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, InstanceSigs, ExistentialQuantification #-} module Render.Render where import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArray) import Foreign.Storable import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BufferObjects import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Framebuffer (clearColor) import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.ObjectName import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PerFragment import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Shaders import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (TextureObject) import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexArrays (Capability (..), vertexAttribArray) import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31 import Render.Misc import Types import Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects (makeBuffer) mapVertexShaderFile :: String mapVertexShaderFile = "shaders/map/vertex.shader" mapTessControlShaderFile :: String mapTessControlShaderFile = "shaders/map/tessControl.shader" mapTessEvalShaderFile :: String mapTessEvalShaderFile = "shaders/map/tessEval.shader" mapFragmentShaderFile :: String mapFragmentShaderFile = "shaders/map/fragment.shader" uiVertexShaderFile :: String uiVertexShaderFile = "shaders/ui/vertex.shader" uiFragmentShaderFile :: String uiFragmentShaderFile = "shaders/ui/fragment.shader" initBuffer :: [GLfloat] -> IO BufferObject initBuffer varray = let sizeOfVarray = length varray * sizeOfComponent sizeOfComponent = sizeOf (head varray) in do bufferObject <- genObjectName bindBuffer ArrayBuffer $= Just bufferObject withArray varray $ \buffer -> bufferData ArrayBuffer $= (fromIntegral sizeOfVarray, buffer, StaticDraw) checkError "initBuffer" return bufferObject initMapShader :: IO ( Program -- ^ the GLSL-Program , AttribLocation -- ^ color , AttribLocation -- ^ normal , AttribLocation -- ^ vertex , UniformLocation -- ^ ProjectionMat , UniformLocation -- ^ ViewMat , UniformLocation -- ^ ModelMat , UniformLocation -- ^ NormalMat , UniformLocation -- ^ TessLevelInner , UniformLocation -- ^ TessLevelOuter , TextureObject -- ^ Texture where to draw into ) initMapShader = do ! vertexSource <- B.readFile mapVertexShaderFile ! tessControlSource <- B.readFile mapTessControlShaderFile ! tessEvalSource <- B.readFile mapTessEvalShaderFile ! fragmentSource <- B.readFile mapFragmentShaderFile vertexShader <- compileShaderSource VertexShader vertexSource checkError "compile Vertex" tessControlShader <- compileShaderSource TessControlShader tessControlSource checkError "compile TessControl" tessEvalShader <- compileShaderSource TessEvaluationShader tessEvalSource checkError "compile TessEval" fragmentShader <- compileShaderSource FragmentShader fragmentSource checkError "compile Frag" program <- createProgramUsing [vertexShader, tessControlShader, tessEvalShader, fragmentShader] checkError "compile Program" currentProgram $= Just program projectionMatrixIndex <- get (uniformLocation program "ProjectionMatrix") checkError "projMat" viewMatrixIndex <- get (uniformLocation program "ViewMatrix") checkError "viewMat" modelMatrixIndex <- get (uniformLocation program "ModelMatrix") checkError "modelMat" normalMatrixIndex <- get (uniformLocation program "NormalMatrix") checkError "normalMat" tessLevelInner <- get (uniformLocation program "TessLevelInner") checkError "TessLevelInner" tessLevelOuter <- get (uniformLocation program "TessLevelOuter") checkError "TessLevelOuter" vertexIndex <- get (attribLocation program "Position") vertexAttribArray vertexIndex $= Enabled checkError "vertexInd" normalIndex <- get (attribLocation program "Normal") vertexAttribArray normalIndex $= Enabled checkError "normalInd" colorIndex <- get (attribLocation program "Color") vertexAttribArray colorIndex $= Enabled checkError "colorInd" att <- get (activeAttribs program) putStrLn $ unlines $ "Attributes: ":map show att putStrLn $ unlines $ ["Indices: ", show (colorIndex, normalIndex, vertexIndex)] tex <- genObjectName checkError "initShader" return (program, colorIndex, normalIndex, vertexIndex, projectionMatrixIndex, viewMatrixIndex, modelMatrixIndex, normalMatrixIndex, tessLevelInner, tessLevelOuter, tex) initHud :: IO GLHud initHud = do ! vertexSource <- B.readFile "shaders/ui/vertex.shader" ! fragmentSource <- B.readFile "shaders/ui/fragment.shader" vertexShader <- compileShaderSource VertexShader vertexSource checkError "compile UI-Vertex" fragmentShader <- compileShaderSource FragmentShader fragmentSource checkError "compile UI-Fragment" program <- createProgramUsing [vertexShader, fragmentShader] checkError "compile Program" tex <- genObjectName currentProgram $= Just program backIndex <- get (uniformLocation program "tex[0]") texIndex <- get (uniformLocation program "tex[1]") checkError "ui-tex" -- | simple triangle over the whole screen. let vertexBufferData = reverse [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1] :: [GLfloat] vertexIndex <- get (attribLocation program "position") vertexAttribArray vertexIndex $= Enabled checkError "vertexInd" ebo <- makeBuffer ElementArrayBuffer ([0..3] :: [GLuint]) vbo <- makeBuffer ArrayBuffer vertexBufferData att <- get (activeAttribs program) putStrLn $ unlines $ "Attributes: ":map show att putStrLn $ unlines $ ["Indices: ", show (texIndex)] checkError "initHud" return GLHud { _hudTexture = tex , _hudTexIndex = texIndex , _hudBackIndex = backIndex , _hudVertexIndex = vertexIndex , _hudVert = 4 , _hudVBO = vbo , _hudEBO = ebo , _hudProgram = program } initRendering :: IO () initRendering = do clearColor $= Color4 0 0 0 0 depthFunc $= Just Less glCullFace gl_BACK checkError "initRendering"