{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} module Render.Misc where import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString) import Data.Int (Int8) import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Shaders import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StringQueries import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.Errors import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31 import Graphics.UI.SDL.Types (Texture) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Linear import Foreign.C (CFloat) up :: V3 CFloat up = V3 0 1 0 checkError :: String -> IO () checkError functionName = get errors >>= mapM_ reportError where reportError e = hPutStrLn stderr (showError e ++ " detected in " ++ functionName) showError (Error category message) = "GL error " ++ show category ++ " (" ++ message ++ ")" dumpInfo :: IO () dumpInfo = do let dump message var = putStrLn . ((message ++ ": ") ++) =<< get var dump "Vendor" vendor dump "Renderer" renderer dump "Version" glVersion dump "GLSL" shadingLanguageVersion checkError "dumpInfo" checked :: (t -> IO ()) -> (t -> GettableStateVar Bool) -> (t -> GettableStateVar String) -> String -> t -> IO () checked action getStatus getInfoLog message object = do action object status <- get (getStatus object) unless status $ hPutStrLn stderr . ((message ++ " log: ") ++) =<< get (getInfoLog object) compileAndCheck :: Shader -> IO () compileAndCheck = checked compileShader compileStatus shaderInfoLog "compile" compileShaderSource :: ShaderType -> B.ByteString -> IO Shader compileShaderSource st source = do shader <- createShader st shaderSourceBS shader $= source compileAndCheck shader return shader linkAndCheck :: Program -> IO () linkAndCheck = checked linkProgram linkStatus programInfoLog "link" createProgramUsing :: [Shader] -> IO Program createProgramUsing shaders = do program <- createProgram attachedShaders program $= shaders linkAndCheck program return program createFrustum :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> M44 CFloat createFrustum fov n' f' rat = let f = realToFrac f' n = realToFrac n' s = realToFrac $ recip (tan $ fov*0.5 * pi / 180) (ratw,rath) = if rat > 1 then (1,1/realToFrac rat) else (realToFrac rat,1) in V4 (V4 (s/ratw) 0 0 0) (V4 0 (s/rath) 0 0) (V4 0 0 (-((f+n)/(f-n))) (-((2*f*n)/(f-n)))) (V4 0 0 (-1) 0) -- from vmath.h lookAt :: V3 CFloat -> V3 CFloat -> V3 CFloat -> M44 CFloat lookAt eye@(V3 ex ey ez) center up = V4 (V4 xx xy xz (-dot x eye)) (V4 yx yy yz (-dot y eye)) (V4 zx zy zz (-dot z eye)) (V4 0 0 0 1) where z@(V3 zx zy zz) = normalize (eye ^-^ center) x@(V3 xx xy xz) = normalize (cross up z) y@(V3 yx yy yz) = normalize (cross z x) getCam :: (Double, Double) -- ^ Target in x/z-Plane -> Double -- ^ Distance from Target -> Double -- ^ Angle around X-Axis (angle down/up) -> Double -- ^ Angle around Y-Axis (angle left/right) -> M44 CFloat getCam (x',z') dist' xa' ya' = lookAt (cpos ^+^ at') at' up where at' = V3 x 0 z cpos = crot !* (V3 0 0 (-dist)) crot = ( (fromQuaternion $ axisAngle upmap (xa::CFloat)) !*! (fromQuaternion $ axisAngle (V3 0 1 0) (ya::CFloat)) ) ::M33 CFloat upmap = ((fromQuaternion $ axisAngle (V3 0 1 0) (ya::CFloat)) :: M33 CFloat) !* (V3 1 0 0) x = realToFrac x' z = realToFrac z' dist = realToFrac dist' xa = realToFrac xa' ya = realToFrac ya' curb :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a curb l h x | x < l = l | x > h = h | otherwise = x tryWithTexture :: Maybe Texture -> (Texture -> a) -> a -> a tryWithTexture t f fail' = case t of Just tex -> f tex _ -> fail' genColorData :: Int -- ^ Amount -> [Int8] -- ^ [r,g,b,a], [r,g,b] - whatever should be repeatet. -> [Int8] genColorData n c = take ((length c)*n) (cycle c)