Movement works now.
- Movement works. Keys are read out by KeyCode thus independent from Keyboard-Layout On a normal quertz-layout they map like so: * e, s, d, f for movement * r, w for rotation * space/caps for up/down
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ executable Pioneers
random >=1.0.1 && <1.1,
random >=1.0.1 && <1.1,
text >=0.11.3 && <0.12,
stm >=2.4.2 && <2.5
stm >=2.4.2 && <2.5,
transformers >=0.3.0 && <0.4,
List >=0.5.1 && <0.6,
List >=0.5.1 && <0.6
ghc-options: -Wall
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Graphics.UI.Gtk (AttrOp((:=)))
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.OpenGL as GtkGL
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as Event
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM as Event
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as A
import Map.Coordinates
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ import Prelude as P
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import GHC.Conc.Sync (unsafeIOToSTM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
data ProgramState = PS { keysPressed :: IntSet
, px :: GLfloat
@ -29,14 +32,18 @@ data ProgramState = PS { keysPressed :: IntSet
, heading :: GLfloat
, pitch :: GLfloat
, dx :: GLfloat
, dy :: GLfloat
, dz :: GLfloat
, dheading :: GLfloat
, dpitch :: GLfloat }
deriving (Show)
animationWaitTime = 3 :: Int
canvasWidth = 640 :: Int
canvasHeight = 480 :: Int
canvasWidth = 1024 :: Int
canvasHeight = 768 :: Int
deltaV = 0.10
deltaH = 0.5
deltaP = 0.15
-- TODO: Put render-stuff in render-module
@ -79,7 +86,7 @@ drawSphere = do
(Sphere 1.0 48 48)
-- OpenGL polygon-function for drawing stuff.
display :: TVar ProgramState -> PlayMap -> IO ()
display :: MVar ProgramState -> PlayMap -> IO ()
display state t =
tiles = (prepareRenderTile t) (A.assocs t)
@ -91,7 +98,7 @@ display state t =
, pz = pz
, pitch = pitch
, heading = heading }
<- readTVarIO state
<- readMVar state
GL.rotate pitch (Vector3 1.0 0.0 0.0 :: Vector3 GLfloat)
GL.rotate heading (Vector3 0.0 1.0 0.0 :: Vector3 GLfloat)
@ -104,6 +111,50 @@ display state t =
mapM_ renderTile tiles
return ()
updateCamera :: MVar ProgramState -> IO ()
updateCamera state = do
ps@PS { dx = dx
, dy = dy
, dz = dz
, px = px
, py = py
, pz = pz
, pitch = pitch
, heading = heading
, dpitch = dpitch
, dheading = dheading }
<- takeMVar state
d@((dx,dy,dz),(heading',pitch')) <-
if any (/= 0.0) [dx,dy,dz,dpitch,dheading] then
preservingMatrix $ do
putStrLn $ unwords $ show [dx,dy,dz,dpitch,dheading]
-- in direction of current heading and pitch
rotate (-heading) (Vector3 0.0 1.0 0.0 :: Vector3 GLfloat)
rotate (-pitch) (Vector3 1.0 0.0 0.0 :: Vector3 GLfloat)
-- perform motion
translate (Vector3 (-dx) (-dy) (-dz))
-- get changes in location components
mat <- get (matrix Nothing) :: IO (GLmatrix GLfloat)
comps <- getMatrixComponents ColumnMajor mat
putStrLn $ show $ comps
let [dx', dy', dz', _] = drop 12 comps
(heading', pitch') = (heading + dheading, pitch + dpitch)
return ((dx',dy',dz'),(heading',pitch'))
return ((0,0,0),(heading, pitch))
putMVar state ps { px = px + dx
, py = py + dy
, pz = pz + dz
, pitch = pitch'
, heading = heading'
--Adjust size to given dimensions
reconfigure :: Int -> Int -> IO (Int, Int)
reconfigure w h = do
@ -133,17 +184,77 @@ reshape dims = do
matrixMode $= Modelview 0
keyEvent state press = do
code <- Event.eventHardwareKeycode
val <- Event.eventKeyVal
mods <- Event.eventModifier
name <- Event.eventKeyName
liftIO $ do
ps@PS { keysPressed = kp
, dx = dx
, dy = dy
, dz = dz
, px = px
, py = py
, pz = pz
, pitch = pitch
, heading = heading
, dpitch = dpitch
, dheading = dheading }
<- takeMVar state
-- Only process the key event if it is not a repeat
(ps',ret) <- if (fromIntegral code `member` kp && not press) ||
(fromIntegral code `notMember` kp && press)
then let
accept a = return (a, True)
deny a = return (a, False)
in do
-- keep list of pressed keys up2date
ps <- if not press
then return ps { keysPressed = fromIntegral code `IS.delete` kp }
else return ps { keysPressed = fromIntegral code `IS.insert` kp }
putStrLn $ unwords [name , show val, show code, show ps] -- trace (unwords [name , show val]) -- debugging
-- process keys
case press of
-- on PRESS only
| code == 9 -> Gtk.mainQuit >> deny ps
| code == 26 -> accept $ ps { dz = dz + deltaV }
| code == 40 -> accept $ ps { dz = dz - deltaV }
| code == 39 -> accept $ ps { dx = dx + deltaV }
| code == 41 -> accept $ ps { dx = dx - deltaV }
| code == 65 -> accept $ ps { dy = dy - deltaV }
| code == 66 -> accept $ ps { dy = dy + deltaV }
| code == 25 -> accept $ ps { dheading = dheading - deltaH }
| code == 27 -> accept $ ps { dheading = dheading + deltaH }
| otherwise -> deny ps
-- on RELEASE only
| code == 26 -> accept $ ps { dz = dz - deltaV }
| code == 40 -> accept $ ps { dz = dz + deltaV }
| code == 39 -> accept $ ps { dx = dx - deltaV }
| code == 41 -> accept $ ps { dx = dx + deltaV }
| code == 65 -> accept $ ps { dy = dy + deltaV }
| code == 66 -> accept $ ps { dy = dy - deltaV }
| code == 25 -> accept $ ps { dheading = dheading + deltaH }
| code == 27 -> accept $ ps { dheading = dheading - deltaH }
| otherwise -> deny ps
else return (ps, False)
putMVar state ps'
return ret
main :: IO ()
main = do
! terrain <- testmap
-- create TVar using unsafePerformIO -> currently no other thread -> OK
state <- newTVarIO $ PS { keysPressed = IS.empty
state <- newMVar $ PS { keysPressed = IS.empty
, px = 7.5
, py = 20
, pz = 15
, heading = 0
, pitch = 60
, dx = 0
, dy = 0
, dz = 0
, dheading = 0
, dpitch = 0}
@ -207,6 +318,7 @@ main = do
-- Setup the animation
Gtk.timeoutAddFull (do
updateCamera state
Gtk.widgetQueueDraw canvas
return True)
Gtk.priorityDefaultIdle animationWaitTime
@ -224,34 +336,25 @@ main = do
--Wrench them together
Gtk.set window [ Gtk.containerBorderWidth := 10,
Gtk.containerChild := vbox,
Gtk.windowTitle := "Pioneer" ]
Gtk.set button [ Gtk.buttonLabel := "Hello World" ]
Gtk.set exitButton [ Gtk.buttonLabel := "Quit" ]
Gtk.set vbox [
Gtk.containerChild := canvas,
Gtk.containerChild := button,
Gtk.containerChild := exitButton,
Gtk.containerChild := label
Gtk.windowTitle := "Pioneer" ]
-- Events
Gtk.afterClicked button (putStrLn "Hello World")
Gtk.afterClicked exitButton Gtk.mainQuit
Gtk.onDestroy window Gtk.mainQuit
Gtk.on window Gtk.keyPressEvent $ keyEvent state True
Gtk.on window Gtk.keyReleaseEvent $ keyEvent state False
-- "reshape" event handler
Gtk.onConfigure canvas $ \ (Event.Configure _ _ _ w h) -> do
(w', h') <- reconfigure w h
{- texW <- Gtk.pixbufGetWidth pb
texH <- Gtk.pixbufGetHeight pb
texBPS <- Gtk.pixbufGetBitsPerSample pb
texRS <- Gtk.pixbufGetRowstride pb
texNCh <- Gtk.pixbufGetNChannels pb-}
Gtk.labelSetText label $ unwords ["Width:",show w',"Height:",show h'{- ,
"TexW:",show texW,"TexH:",show texH,
"BPS:",show texBPS,"RS:",show texRS,
"NCh:",show texNCh-}]
return True
Gtk.on canvas Gtk.configureEvent $ Event.tryEvent $ do
(w, h) <- Event.eventSize
(w', h') <- liftIO $ reconfigure w h
liftIO $ Gtk.labelSetText label $ unwords ["Width:",show w',"Height:",show h']
Gtk.widgetShowAll window
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ parseTemplate (r:rs) t =
(case T.head t of
'~' -> (0, Water)
'S' -> (0, Sand)
'G' -> (fromIntegral (r `mod` 3) / 3,Grass)
'M' -> (fromIntegral (r `mod` 3 + 2) / 3, Mountain)
'G' -> (fromIntegral (r `mod` 3)/2.0,Grass)
'M' -> (fromIntegral (r `mod` 3 + 2)/2.0, Mountain)
_ -> error "invalid template format for map"
):parseTemplate rs (T.tail t)
parseTemplate [] _ = error "out of randoms.."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user