fixed compiler warnings.
most of them .. not all are my modules.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Graphics.UI.Gtk (AttrOp ((:=)))
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.OpenGL as GtkGL
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as A
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM as Event
import Map.Coordinates
import Map.Map
import Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr)
import GHC.Conc.Sync (unsafeIOToSTM)
import Prelude as P
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray)
import Render.Misc (dumpInfo)
data ProgramState = PS { keysPressed :: IntSet
, px :: GLfloat
, py :: GLfloat
, pz :: GLfloat
, heading :: GLfloat
, pitch :: GLfloat
, dx :: GLfloat
, dy :: GLfloat
, dz :: GLfloat
, dheading :: GLfloat
, dpitch :: GLfloat
, showShadowMap :: Bool }
deriving (Show)
type RenderObject = (Vector3 GLfloat, Color3 GLfloat, [Vertex3 GLfloat])
(Vertex4 a b c d) .+ (Vertex4 w x y z) = Vertex4 (a+w) (b+x) (c+y) (d+z)
(Vertex4 a b c d) .* e = Vertex4 (a*e) (b*e) (c*e) (d*e)
animationWaitTime = 3 :: Int
canvasWidth = 1024 :: Int
canvasHeight = 768 :: Int
deltaV = 0.10
deltaH = 0.5
deltaP = 0.15
black = Color3 0 0 0 :: Color3 GLfloat
shadowMapSize :: TextureSize2D
shadowMapSize = TextureSize2D 512 512
up :: Vector3 GLdouble
up = Vector3 0 1 0
origin :: Vertex3 GLdouble
origin = Vertex3 0 0 0
sun = Light 0
-- TODO: Put render-stuff in render-modul
--gets Sun position in given format
getSunPos :: (GLdouble -> GLdouble -> GLdouble -> a) -> IO a
getSunPos f = do
Vertex4 x y z _ <- get (position sun)
return $ f (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) (realToFrac z)
glTexCoord2f (x,y) = texCoord (TexCoord2 x y :: TexCoord2 GLfloat)
glVertex3f (x,y,z) = vertex (Vertex3 x y z :: Vertex3 GLfloat)
glNormal3f (x,y,z) = normal (Normal3 x y z :: Normal3 GLfloat)
prepareRenderTile :: PlayMap -> ((Int,Int),MapEntry) -> (Vector3 GLfloat, Color3 GLfloat, [Vertex3 GLfloat])
prepareRenderTile m (c@(cx,cz),(_,t)) =
Vector3 (1.5 * fromIntegral cx) 0.0
(if even cx then 2 * fromIntegral cz else
2 * fromIntegral cz - 1)
case t of
Water -> Color3 0.5 0.5 1 :: Color3 GLfloat
Grass -> Color3 0.3 0.9 0.1 :: Color3 GLfloat
Sand -> Color3 0.9 0.85 0.7 :: Color3 GLfloat
Mountain -> Color3 0.5 0.5 0.5 :: Color3 GLfloat
,getTileVertices m c)
renderTile :: RenderObject -> IO ()
renderTile (coord,c,ts) =
preservingMatrix $ do
translate coord
{-color black
lineWidth $= 4.0
lineSmooth $= Enabled
_ <- renderPrimitive LineLoop $ do
mapM vertex ts-}
color c
_ <- renderPrimitive Polygon $ do
mapM vertex ts
return ()
drawSphere :: IO ()
drawSphere = renderQuadric
(QuadricStyle (Just Smooth) GenerateTextureCoordinates Outside
(Sphere 2.0 48 48)
drawObjects :: [RenderObject] -> [RenderObject] -> Bool -> IO ()
drawObjects map ent shadowRender = do
textureOn <- get (texture Texture2D) --are textures enabled?
when shadowRender $
texture Texture2D $= Disabled --disable textures if we render shadows.
--draw something throwing shadows
preservingMatrix $ do
pos <- getSunPos Vector3
translate $ fmap (+ (-15.0)) pos
preservingMatrix $ do
pos <- getSunPos Vector3
translate $ fmap (+ (-10.0)) pos
--draw sun-indicator
{- preservingMatrix $ do
pos <- getSunPos Vector3
translate pos
color (Color4 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 :: Color4 GLfloat)
--putStrLn $ unwords ["sun at", show pos]
-- -}
--draw map
mapM_ renderTile map
when (shadowRender && textureOn == Enabled) $ --reset texture-rendering
texture Texture2D $= Enabled
-- OpenGL polygon-function for drawing stuff.
display :: MVar ProgramState -> PlayMap -> IO ()
display state t =
-- Todo: have tiles static somewhere .. dont calculate every frame
tiles = (prepareRenderTile t) (A.assocs t)
ps@PS {
px = px
, py = py
, pz = pz
, pitch = pitch
, heading = heading
, showShadowMap = showShadowMap }
<- readMVar state
GL.rotate pitch (Vector3 1.0 0.0 0.0 :: Vector3 GLfloat)
GL.rotate heading (Vector3 0.0 1.0 0.0 :: Vector3 GLfloat)
translate (Vector3 (-px) (-py) (-pz)::Vector3 GLfloat)
generateShadowMap tiles []
unless showShadowMap $ do
clear [ ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer ]
preservingMatrix $ do
drawObjects tiles [] False
return ()
updateCamera :: MVar ProgramState -> IO ()
updateCamera state = do
ps@PS { dx = dx
, dy = dy
, dz = dz
, px = px
, py = py
, pz = pz
, pitch = pitch
, heading = heading
, dpitch = dpitch
, dheading = dheading
<- takeMVar state
d@((dx,dy,dz),(heading',pitch')) <-
if any (/= 0.0) [dx,dy,dz,dpitch,dheading] then
preservingMatrix $ do
-- putStrLn $ unwords $ show [dx,dy,dz,dpitch,dheading]
-- in direction of current heading and pitch
rotate (-heading) (Vector3 0.0 1.0 0.0 :: Vector3 GLfloat)
rotate (-pitch) (Vector3 1.0 0.0 0.0 :: Vector3 GLfloat)
-- perform motion
translate (Vector3 (-dx) (-dy) (-dz))
-- get changes in location components
mat <- get (matrix Nothing) :: IO (GLmatrix GLfloat)
comps <- getMatrixComponents ColumnMajor mat
-- putStrLn $ show $ comps
let [dx', dy', dz', _] = drop 12 comps
(heading', pitch') = (heading + dheading, pitch + dpitch)
return ((dx',dy',dz'),(heading',pitch'))
return ((0,0,0),(heading, pitch))
putMVar state ps { px = px + dx
, py = py + dy
, pz = pz + dz
, pitch = pitch'
, heading = heading'
-- Note: preservingViewport is not exception safe, but it doesn't matter here
preservingViewport :: IO a -> IO a
preservingViewport act = do
v <- get viewport
x <- act
viewport $= v
return x
generateTextureMatrix :: IO ()
generateTextureMatrix = do
-- Set up projective texture matrix. We use the Modelview matrix stack and
-- OpenGL matrix commands to make the matrix.
m <- preservingMatrix $ do
-- resolve overloading, not needed in "real" programs
let translatef = translate :: Vector3 GLfloat -> IO ()
scalef = scale :: GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO ()
translatef (Vector3 0.5 0.5 0.0)
scalef 0.5 0.5 1.0
ortho (-20) 20 (-20) 20 1 100
lightPos' <- getSunPos Vertex3
lookAt lightPos' origin up
get (matrix (Just (Modelview 0)))
[ sx, sy, sz, sw,
tx, ty, tz, tw,
rx, ry, rz, rw,
qx, qy, qz, qw ] <- getMatrixComponents RowMajor (m :: GLmatrix GLdouble)
textureGenMode S $= Just (ObjectLinear (Plane sx sy sz sw))
textureGenMode T $= Just (ObjectLinear (Plane tx ty tz tw))
textureGenMode R $= Just (ObjectLinear (Plane rx ry rz rw))
textureGenMode Q $= Just (ObjectLinear (Plane qx qy qz qw))
generateShadowMap :: [RenderObject] -> [RenderObject] -> IO ()
generateShadowMap tiles obj = do
lightPos' <- getSunPos Vertex3
let (TextureSize2D shadowMapWidth shadowMapHeight) = shadowMapSize
shadowMapSize' = Size shadowMapWidth shadowMapHeight
preservingViewport $ do
viewport $= (Position 0 0, shadowMapSize')
clear [ ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer ]
cullFace $= Just Front -- only backsides cast shadows -> less polys
matrixMode $= Projection
preservingMatrix $ do
ortho (-20) 20 (-20) 20 10 100
matrixMode $= Modelview 0
preservingMatrix $ do
lookAt lightPos' origin up
drawObjects tiles obj True
matrixMode $= Projection
matrixMode $= Modelview 0
copyTexImage2D Texture2D 0 DepthComponent' (Position 0 0) shadowMapSize 0
cullFace $= Just Back
when True $ do
let numShadowMapPixels = fromIntegral (shadowMapWidth * shadowMapHeight)
allocaArray numShadowMapPixels $ \depthImage -> do
let pixelData fmt = PixelData fmt Float depthImage :: PixelData GLfloat
readPixels (Position 0 0) shadowMapSize' (pixelData DepthComponent)
(_, Size viewPortWidth _) <- get viewport
windowPos (Vertex2 (fromIntegral viewPortWidth / 2 :: GLfloat) 0)
drawPixels shadowMapSize' (pixelData Luminance)
--Adjust size to given dimensions
reconfigure :: Int -> Int -> IO (Int, Int)
reconfigure w h = do
-- maintain aspect ratio
let aspectRatio = fromIntegral canvasWidth / fromIntegral canvasHeight
(w1, h1) = (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral w / aspectRatio)
(w2, h2) = (fromIntegral h * aspectRatio, fromIntegral h)
(w', h') = if h1 <= fromIntegral h
then (floor w1, floor h1)
else (floor w2, floor h2)
reshape $ Just (w', h')
return (w', h')
-- Called by reconfigure to fix the OpenGL viewport according to the
-- dimensions of the widget, appropriately.
reshape :: Maybe (Int, Int) -> IO ()
reshape dims = do
let (width, height) = fromMaybe (canvasWidth, canvasHeight) dims
viewport $= (Position 0 0, Size (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))
matrixMode $= Projection
let (w, h) = if width <= height
then (fromIntegral height, fromIntegral width )
else (fromIntegral width, fromIntegral height)
-- open, aspect-ratio, near-plane, far-plane
perspective 60.0 (fromIntegral canvasWidth / fromIntegral canvasHeight) 1.0 100.0
matrixMode $= Modelview 0
keyEvent state press = do
code <- Event.eventHardwareKeycode
val <- Event.eventKeyVal
mods <- Event.eventModifier
name <- Event.eventKeyName
liftIO $ do
ps@PS { keysPressed = kp
, dx = dx
, dy = dy
, dz = dz
, px = px
, py = py
, pz = pz
, pitch = pitch
, heading = heading
, dpitch = dpitch
, dheading = dheading
, showShadowMap = showShadowMap }
<- takeMVar state
-- Only process the key event if it is not a repeat
(ps',ret) <- if (fromIntegral code `member` kp && not press) ||
(fromIntegral code `notMember` kp && press)
then let
accept a = return (a, True)
deny a = return (a, False)
in do
-- keep list of pressed keys up2date
ps <- return (if not press then
(ps{keysPressed = fromIntegral code `delete` kp})
(ps{keysPressed = fromIntegral code `insert` kp}))
putStrLn $ unwords [name , show val, show code, show ps] -- trace (unwords [name , show val]) -- debugging
-- process keys
case press of
-- on PRESS only
| code == 9 -> Gtk.mainQuit >> deny ps
| code == 26 -> accept $ ps { dz = dz + deltaV }
| code == 40 -> accept $ ps { dz = dz - deltaV }
| code == 39 -> accept $ ps { dx = dx + deltaV }
| code == 41 -> accept $ ps { dx = dx - deltaV }
| code == 65 -> accept $ ps { dy = dy - deltaV }
| code == 66 -> accept $ ps { dy = dy + deltaV }
| code == 25 -> accept $ ps { dheading = dheading - deltaH }
| code == 27 -> accept $ ps { dheading = dheading + deltaH }
| code == 42 -> accept $ ps { showShadowMap = not showShadowMap }
| code == 31 -> dumpInfo >> accept ps
| otherwise -> deny ps
-- on RELEASE only
| code == 26 -> accept $ ps { dz = dz - deltaV }
| code == 40 -> accept $ ps { dz = dz + deltaV }
| code == 39 -> accept $ ps { dx = dx - deltaV }
| code == 41 -> accept $ ps { dx = dx + deltaV }
| code == 65 -> accept $ ps { dy = dy + deltaV }
| code == 66 -> accept $ ps { dy = dy - deltaV }
| code == 25 -> accept $ ps { dheading = dheading + deltaH }
| code == 27 -> accept $ ps { dheading = dheading - deltaH }
| otherwise -> deny ps
else return (ps, False)
putMVar state ps'
return ret
main :: IO ()
main = do
! terrain <- testmap
-- create TVar using unsafePerformIO -> currently no other thread -> OK
state <- newMVar PS { keysPressed = IS.empty
, px = 7.5
, py = 20
, pz = 15
, heading = 0
, pitch = 60
, dx = 0
, dy = 0
, dz = 0
, dheading = 0
, dpitch = 0
, showShadowMap = False }
trace (show terrain) Gtk.initGUI
-- Initialise the Gtk+ OpenGL extension
-- (including reading various command line parameters)
-- We need a OpenGL frame buffer configuration to be able to create other
-- OpenGL objects.
glconfig <- GtkGL.glConfigNew [GtkGL.GLModeRGBA,
-- Create an OpenGL drawing area widget
canvas <- GtkGL.glDrawingAreaNew glconfig
Gtk.widgetSetSizeRequest canvas canvasWidth canvasHeight
-- Initialise some GL setting just before the canvas first gets shown
-- (We can't initialise these things earlier since the GL resources that
-- we are using wouldn't heve been setup yet)
Gtk.onRealize canvas $ GtkGL.withGLDrawingArea canvas $ \_ -> do
reconfigure canvasWidth canvasHeight
--set up shadow-map
texImage2D Texture2D NoProxy 0 DepthComponent' shadowMapSize 0
(PixelData DepthComponent UnsignedByte nullPtr)
materialAmbient Front $= Color4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0
materialDiffuse Front $= Color4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0
materialSpecular Front $= Color4 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0
materialShininess Front $= 25.0
ambient sun $= Color4 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0
diffuse sun $= Color4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
specular sun $= Color4 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0
lightModelAmbient $= Color4 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0
position sun $= (Vertex4 2.0 1.0 1.3 1.0 :: Vertex4 GLfloat) .* (1/2.5865) .* 45
spotDirection sun $= (Normal3 (2.0) (1.0) (1.3) :: Normal3 GLfloat)
--spotExponent sun $= 1.0
--attenuation sun $= (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
lighting $= Enabled
light sun $= Enabled
depthFunc $= Just Less
shadeModel $= Smooth
--lightModelLocalViewer $= Enabled
--vertexProgramTwoSide $= Enabled
clearColor $= Color4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
drawBuffer $= BackBuffers
colorMaterial $= Just (FrontAndBack, AmbientAndDiffuse)
frontFace $= CCW
cullFace $= Just Back
texture Texture2D $= Enabled
textureWrapMode Texture2D S $= (Repeated, ClampToEdge)
textureWrapMode Texture2D T $= (Repeated, ClampToEdge)
textureFilter Texture2D $= ((Linear', Nothing), Linear')
textureCompareMode Texture2D $= Just Lequal
depthTextureMode Texture2D $= Luminance'
shadeModel $= Smooth
fog $= Enabled
fogMode $= Linear 45.0 50.0
fogColor $= Color4 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0
fogDistanceMode $= EyeRadial
return ()
{-clearColor $= (Color4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
matrixMode $= Projection
ortho 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 (-1.0) 1.0
depthFunc $= Just Less
drawBuffer $= BackBuffers-}
-- Set the repaint handler
Gtk.onExpose canvas $ \_ -> do
GtkGL.withGLDrawingArea canvas $ \glwindow -> do
GL.clear [GL.DepthBuffer, GL.ColorBuffer]
display state terrain
GtkGL.glDrawableSwapBuffers glwindow
return True
-- Setup the animation
Gtk.timeoutAddFull (do
updateCamera state
Gtk.widgetQueueDraw canvas
return True)
Gtk.priorityDefaultIdle animationWaitTime
-- Setup the rest of the GUI:
-- Objects
window <- Gtk.windowNew
button <- Gtk.buttonNew
exitButton <- Gtk.buttonNew
label <- Gtk.labelNew (Just "Gtk2Hs using OpenGL via HOpenGL!")
vbox <- Gtk.vBoxNew False 4
--Wrench them together
Gtk.set window [ Gtk.containerBorderWidth := 10,
Gtk.containerChild := canvas,
Gtk.windowTitle := "Pioneer" ]
-- Events
Gtk.afterClicked button (putStrLn "Hello World")
Gtk.afterClicked exitButton Gtk.mainQuit
Gtk.onDestroy window Gtk.mainQuit
Gtk.on window Gtk.keyPressEvent $ keyEvent state True
Gtk.on window Gtk.keyReleaseEvent $ keyEvent state False
-- "reshape" event handler
Gtk.on canvas Gtk.configureEvent $ Event.tryEvent $ do
(w, h) <- Event.eventSize
(w', h') <- liftIO $ reconfigure w h
liftIO $ Gtk.labelSetText label $ unwords ["Width:",show w',"Height:",show h']
Gtk.widgetShowAll window
@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue, atomically,
import Control.Monad (unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST, ask, asks,
evalRWST, get, liftIO,
modify, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
import Data.Distributive (distribute, collect)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Linear as L
import Text.PrettyPrint
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import Map.Map
import Render.Misc (checkError,
createFrustum, getCam,
lookAt, up)
import Render.Render (initRendering,
import Control.Lens ((^.),transposeOf)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
--Static Read-Only-State
data Env = Env
{ envEventsChan :: TQueue Event
, envWindow :: !GLFW.Window
, envZDistClosest :: !Double
, envZDistFarthest :: !Double
--Mutable State
data State = State
{ stateWindowWidth :: !Int
, stateWindowHeight :: !Int
--- IO
, stateXAngle :: !Double
, stateYAngle :: !Double
, stateZDist :: !Double
, stateMouseDown :: !Bool
, stateDragging :: !Bool
, stateDragStartX :: !Double
, stateDragStartY :: !Double
, stateDragStartXAngle :: !Double
, stateDragStartYAngle :: !Double
, statePositionX :: !Double
, statePositionY :: !Double
, stateFrustum :: !(M44 CFloat)
--- pointer to bindings for locations inside the compiled shader
--- mutable because shaders may be changed in the future.
, shdrVertexIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrColorIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrNormalIndex :: !GL.AttribLocation
, shdrProjMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrViewMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrModelMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
, shdrNormalMatIndex :: !GL.UniformLocation
--- the map
, stateMap :: !GL.BufferObject
, mapVert :: !GL.NumArrayIndices
type Pioneer = RWST Env () State IO
data Event =
EventError !GLFW.Error !String
| EventWindowPos !GLFW.Window !Int !Int
| EventWindowSize !GLFW.Window !Int !Int
| EventWindowClose !GLFW.Window
| EventWindowRefresh !GLFW.Window
| EventWindowFocus !GLFW.Window !GLFW.FocusState
| EventWindowIconify !GLFW.Window !GLFW.IconifyState
| EventFramebufferSize !GLFW.Window !Int !Int
| EventMouseButton !GLFW.Window !GLFW.MouseButton !GLFW.MouseButtonState !GLFW.ModifierKeys
| EventCursorPos !GLFW.Window !Double !Double
| EventCursorEnter !GLFW.Window !GLFW.CursorState
| EventScroll !GLFW.Window !Double !Double
| EventKey !GLFW.Window !GLFW.Key !Int !GLFW.KeyState !GLFW.ModifierKeys
| EventChar !GLFW.Window !Char
deriving Show
main :: IO ()
main = do
let width = 640
height = 480
eventsChan <- newTQueueIO :: IO (TQueue Event)
withWindow width height "Pioneers" $ \win -> do
GLFW.setErrorCallback $ Just $ errorCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setWindowPosCallback win $ Just $ windowPosCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setWindowSizeCallback win $ Just $ windowSizeCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setWindowCloseCallback win $ Just $ windowCloseCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setWindowRefreshCallback win $ Just $ windowRefreshCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setWindowFocusCallback win $ Just $ windowFocusCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setWindowIconifyCallback win $ Just $ windowIconifyCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setFramebufferSizeCallback win $ Just $ framebufferSizeCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setMouseButtonCallback win $ Just $ mouseButtonCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setCursorPosCallback win $ Just $ cursorPosCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setCursorEnterCallback win $ Just $ cursorEnterCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setScrollCallback win $ Just $ scrollCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setKeyCallback win $ Just $ keyCallback eventsChan
GLFW.setCharCallback win $ Just $ charCallback eventsChan
GLFW.swapInterval 1
(fbWidth, fbHeight) <- GLFW.getFramebufferSize win
--generate map vertices
(mapBuffer, vert) <- getMapBufferObject
(ci, ni, vi, pri, vii, mi, nmi) <- initShader
let zDistClosest = 10
zDistFarthest = zDistClosest + 20
fov = 90 --field of view
near = 1 --near plane
far = 100 --far plane
ratio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
frust = createFrustum fov near far ratio
env = Env
{ envEventsChan = eventsChan
, envWindow = win
, envZDistClosest = zDistClosest
, envZDistFarthest = zDistFarthest
state = State
{ stateWindowWidth = fbWidth
, stateWindowHeight = fbHeight
, stateXAngle = pi/6
, stateYAngle = pi/2
, stateZDist = 10
, statePositionX = 5
, statePositionY = 5
, stateMouseDown = False
, stateDragging = False
, stateDragStartX = 0
, stateDragStartY = 0
, stateDragStartXAngle = 0
, stateDragStartYAngle = 0
, shdrVertexIndex = vi
, shdrNormalIndex = ni
, shdrColorIndex = ci
, shdrProjMatIndex = pri
, shdrViewMatIndex = vii
, shdrModelMatIndex = mi
, shdrNormalMatIndex = nmi
, stateMap = mapBuffer
, mapVert = vert
, stateFrustum = frust
runDemo env state
putStrLn "ended!"
-- GLFW-b is made to be very close to the C API, so creating a window is pretty
-- clunky by Haskell standards. A higher-level API would have some function
-- like withWindow.
withWindow :: Int -> Int -> String -> (GLFW.Window -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withWindow width height title f = do
GLFW.setErrorCallback $ Just simpleErrorCallback
r <- GLFW.init
when r $ do
m <- GLFW.createWindow width height title Nothing Nothing
case m of
(Just win) -> do
GLFW.makeContextCurrent m
f win
GLFW.setErrorCallback $ Just simpleErrorCallback
GLFW.destroyWindow win
Nothing -> return ()
simpleErrorCallback e s =
putStrLn $ unwords [show e, show s]
-- Each callback does just one thing: write an appropriate Event to the events
-- TQueue.
errorCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Error -> String -> IO ()
windowPosCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
windowSizeCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
windowCloseCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> IO ()
windowRefreshCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> IO ()
windowFocusCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> GLFW.FocusState -> IO ()
windowIconifyCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> GLFW.IconifyState -> IO ()
framebufferSizeCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
mouseButtonCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> GLFW.MouseButton -> GLFW.MouseButtonState -> GLFW.ModifierKeys -> IO ()
cursorPosCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
cursorEnterCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> GLFW.CursorState -> IO ()
scrollCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
keyCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> GLFW.Key -> Int -> GLFW.KeyState -> GLFW.ModifierKeys -> IO ()
charCallback :: TQueue Event -> GLFW.Window -> Char -> IO ()
errorCallback tc e s = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventError e s
windowPosCallback tc win x y = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventWindowPos win x y
windowSizeCallback tc win w h = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventWindowSize win w h
windowCloseCallback tc win = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventWindowClose win
windowRefreshCallback tc win = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventWindowRefresh win
windowFocusCallback tc win fa = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventWindowFocus win fa
windowIconifyCallback tc win ia = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventWindowIconify win ia
framebufferSizeCallback tc win w h = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventFramebufferSize win w h
mouseButtonCallback tc win mb mba mk = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventMouseButton win mb mba mk
cursorPosCallback tc win x y = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventCursorPos win x y
cursorEnterCallback tc win ca = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventCursorEnter win ca
scrollCallback tc win x y = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventScroll win x y
keyCallback tc win k sc ka mk = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventKey win k sc ka mk
charCallback tc win c = atomically $ writeTQueue tc $ EventChar win c
runDemo :: Env -> State -> IO ()
runDemo env state = void $ evalRWST (adjustWindow >> run) env state
run :: Pioneer ()
run = do
win <- asks envWindow
-- draw Scene
liftIO $ do
GLFW.swapBuffers win
-- getEvents & process
-- update State
state <- get
-- change in camera-angle
if stateDragging state
then do
let sodx = stateDragStartX state
sody = stateDragStartY state
sodxa = stateDragStartXAngle state
sodya = stateDragStartYAngle state
(x, y) <- liftIO $ GLFW.getCursorPos win
let myrot = (x - sodx) / 2
mxrot = (y - sody) / 2
newXAngle = curb (pi/12) (0.45*pi) newXAngle'
newXAngle' = sodxa + mxrot/100
| newYAngle' > pi = newYAngle' - 2 * pi
| newYAngle' < (-pi) = newYAngle' + 2 * pi
| otherwise = newYAngle'
newYAngle' = sodya + myrot/100
put $ state
{ stateXAngle = newXAngle
, stateYAngle = newYAngle
-- liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords $ map show $ [newXAngle, newYAngle]
else do
(jxrot, jyrot) <- liftIO $ getJoystickDirections GLFW.Joystick'1
put $ state
{ stateXAngle = stateXAngle state + (2 * jxrot)
, stateYAngle = stateYAngle state + (2 * jyrot)
-- get cursor-keys - if pressed
--TODO: Add sin/cos from stateYAngle
(kxrot, kyrot) <- liftIO $ getCursorKeyDirections win
modify $ \s ->
multc = cos $ stateYAngle s
mults = sin $ stateYAngle s
s {
statePositionX = statePositionX s - 0.2 * kxrot * multc
- 0.2 * kyrot * mults
, statePositionY = statePositionY s + 0.2 * kxrot * mults
- 0.2 * kyrot * multc
--modify the state with all that happened in mt time.
mt <- liftIO GLFW.getTime
modify $ \s -> s
q <- liftIO $ GLFW.windowShouldClose win
unless q run
processEvents :: Pioneer ()
processEvents = do
tc <- asks envEventsChan
me <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTQueue tc
case me of
Just e -> do
processEvent e
Nothing -> return ()
processEvent :: Event -> Pioneer ()
processEvent ev =
case ev of
(EventError e s) -> do
printEvent "error" [show e, show s]
win <- asks envWindow
liftIO $ GLFW.setWindowShouldClose win True
(EventWindowPos _ x y) ->
printEvent "window pos" [show x, show y]
(EventWindowSize _ width height) ->
printEvent "window size" [show width, show height]
(EventWindowClose _) ->
printEvent "window close" []
(EventWindowRefresh _) ->
printEvent "window refresh" []
(EventWindowFocus _ fs) ->
printEvent "window focus" [show fs]
(EventWindowIconify _ is) ->
printEvent "window iconify" [show is]
(EventFramebufferSize _ width height) -> do
printEvent "framebuffer size" [show width, show height]
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateWindowWidth = width
, stateWindowHeight = height
(EventMouseButton _ mb mbs mk) -> do
printEvent "mouse button" [show mb, show mbs, showModifierKeys mk]
when (mb == GLFW.MouseButton'1) $ do
let pressed = mbs == GLFW.MouseButtonState'Pressed
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateMouseDown = pressed
unless pressed $
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateDragging = False
(EventCursorPos _ x y) -> do
{-let x' = round x :: Int
y' = round y :: Int
printEvent "cursor pos" [show x', show y']-}
state <- get
when (stateMouseDown state && not (stateDragging state)) $
put $ state
{ stateDragging = True
, stateDragStartX = x
, stateDragStartY = y
, stateDragStartXAngle = stateXAngle state
, stateDragStartYAngle = stateYAngle state
(EventCursorEnter _ cs) ->
printEvent "cursor enter" [show cs]
(EventScroll _ x y) -> do
let x' = round x :: Int
y' = round y :: Int
printEvent "scroll" [show x', show y']
env <- ask
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateZDist =
let zDist' = stateZDist s + realToFrac (negate $ y)
in curb (envZDistClosest env) (envZDistFarthest env) zDist'
(EventKey win k scancode ks mk) -> do
when (ks == GLFW.KeyState'Pressed) $ do
-- Q, Esc: exit
when (k == GLFW.Key'Q || k == GLFW.Key'Escape) $
liftIO $ GLFW.setWindowShouldClose win True
-- i: print GLFW information
when (k == GLFW.Key'I) $
liftIO $ printInformation win
unless (elem k [GLFW.Key'Up
]) $ do
printEvent "key" [show k, show scancode, show ks, showModifierKeys mk]
(EventChar _ c) ->
printEvent "char" [show c]
adjustWindow :: Pioneer ()
adjustWindow = do
state <- get
let fbWidth = stateWindowWidth state
fbHeight = stateWindowHeight state
fov = 90 --field of view
near = 1 --near plane
far = 100 --far plane
ratio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
frust = createFrustum fov near far ratio
liftIO $ glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral fbWidth) (fromIntegral fbHeight)
put $ state {
stateFrustum = frust
draw :: Pioneer ()
draw = do
env <- ask
state <- get
let xa = stateXAngle state
ya = stateYAngle state
(GL.UniformLocation proj) = shdrProjMatIndex state
(GL.UniformLocation nmat) = shdrNormalMatIndex state
(GL.UniformLocation vmat) = shdrViewMatIndex state
vi = shdrVertexIndex state
ni = shdrNormalIndex state
ci = shdrColorIndex state
numVert = mapVert state
map' = stateMap state
frust = stateFrustum state
camX = statePositionX state
camY = statePositionY state
zDist = stateZDist state
liftIO $ do
--(vi,GL.UniformLocation proj) <- initShader
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
checkError "foo"
--set up projection (= copy from state)
with (distribute $ frust) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv proj 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M44 CFloat)))
checkError "foo"
--set up camera
let ! cam = getCam (camX,camY) zDist xa ya
with (distribute $ cam) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv vmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M44 CFloat)))
checkError "foo"
--set up normal--Mat transpose((model*camera)^-1)
let normal = (case inv33 ((fmap (^._xyz) cam) ^. _xyz) of
(Just a) -> a
Nothing -> eye3) :: M33 CFloat
nmap = (collect (fmap id) normal) :: M33 CFloat --transpose...
with (distribute $ nmap) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix3fv nmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (M33 CFloat)))
checkError "nmat"
GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer GL.$= Just map'
GL.vertexAttribPointer ci GL.$= fgColorIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray ci GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.vertexAttribPointer ni GL.$= fgNormalIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray ni GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.vertexAttribPointer vi GL.$= fgVertexIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray vi GL.$= GL.Enabled
checkError "beforeDraw"
GL.drawArrays GL.Triangles 0 numVert
checkError "draw"
getCursorKeyDirections :: GLFW.Window -> IO (Double, Double)
getCursorKeyDirections win = do
y0 <- isPress `fmap` GLFW.getKey win GLFW.Key'Up
y1 <- isPress `fmap` GLFW.getKey win GLFW.Key'Down
x0 <- isPress `fmap` GLFW.getKey win GLFW.Key'Left
x1 <- isPress `fmap` GLFW.getKey win GLFW.Key'Right
let x0n = if x0 then (-1) else 0
x1n = if x1 then 1 else 0
y0n = if y0 then (-1) else 0
y1n = if y1 then 1 else 0
return (x0n + x1n, y0n + y1n)
getJoystickDirections :: GLFW.Joystick -> IO (Double, Double)
getJoystickDirections js = do
maxes <- GLFW.getJoystickAxes js
return $ case maxes of
(Just (x:y:_)) -> (-y, x)
_ -> ( 0, 0)
isPress :: GLFW.KeyState -> Bool
isPress GLFW.KeyState'Pressed = True
isPress GLFW.KeyState'Repeating = True
isPress _ = False
printInformation :: GLFW.Window -> IO ()
printInformation win = do
version <- GLFW.getVersion
versionString <- GLFW.getVersionString
monitorInfos <- runMaybeT getMonitorInfos
joystickNames <- getJoystickNames
clientAPI <- GLFW.getWindowClientAPI win
cv0 <- GLFW.getWindowContextVersionMajor win
cv1 <- GLFW.getWindowContextVersionMinor win
cv2 <- GLFW.getWindowContextVersionRevision win
robustness <- GLFW.getWindowContextRobustness win
forwardCompat <- GLFW.getWindowOpenGLForwardCompat win
debug <- GLFW.getWindowOpenGLDebugContext win
profile <- GLFW.getWindowOpenGLProfile win
putStrLn $ render $
nest 4 (
text "------------------------------------------------------------" $+$
text "GLFW C library:" $+$
nest 4 (
text "Version:" <+> renderVersion version $+$
text "Version string:" <+> renderVersionString versionString
) $+$
text "Monitors:" $+$
nest 4 (
renderMonitorInfos monitorInfos
) $+$
text "Joysticks:" $+$
nest 4 (
renderJoystickNames joystickNames
) $+$
text "OpenGL context:" $+$
nest 4 (
text "Client API:" <+> renderClientAPI clientAPI $+$
text "Version:" <+> renderContextVersion cv0 cv1 cv2 $+$
text "Robustness:" <+> renderContextRobustness robustness $+$
text "Forward compatibility:" <+> renderForwardCompat forwardCompat $+$
text "Debug:" <+> renderDebug debug $+$
text "Profile:" <+> renderProfile profile
) $+$
text "------------------------------------------------------------"
renderVersion (GLFW.Version v0 v1 v2) =
text $ intercalate "." $ map show [v0, v1, v2]
renderVersionString =
text . show
renderMonitorInfos =
maybe (text "(error)") (vcat . map renderMonitorInfo)
renderMonitorInfo (name, (x,y), (w,h), vms) =
text (show name) $+$
nest 4 (
location <+> size $+$
fsep (map renderVideoMode vms)
location = int x <> text "," <> int y
size = int w <> text "x" <> int h <> text "mm"
renderVideoMode (GLFW.VideoMode w h r g b rr) =
brackets $ res <+> rgb <+> hz
res = int w <> text "x" <> int h
rgb = int r <> text "x" <> int g <> text "x" <> int b
hz = int rr <> text "Hz"
renderJoystickNames pairs =
vcat $ map (\(js, name) -> text (show js) <+> text (show name)) pairs
renderContextVersion v0 v1 v2 =
hcat [int v0, text ".", int v1, text ".", int v2]
renderClientAPI = text . show
renderContextRobustness = text . show
renderForwardCompat = text . show
renderDebug = text . show
renderProfile = text . show
type MonitorInfo = (String, (Int,Int), (Int,Int), [GLFW.VideoMode])
getMonitorInfos :: MaybeT IO [MonitorInfo]
getMonitorInfos =
getMonitors >>= mapM getMonitorInfo
getMonitors :: MaybeT IO [GLFW.Monitor]
getMonitors = MaybeT GLFW.getMonitors
getMonitorInfo :: GLFW.Monitor -> MaybeT IO MonitorInfo
getMonitorInfo mon = do
name <- getMonitorName mon
vms <- getVideoModes mon
MaybeT $ do
pos <- liftIO $ GLFW.getMonitorPos mon
size <- liftIO $ GLFW.getMonitorPhysicalSize mon
return $ Just (name, pos, size, vms)
getMonitorName :: GLFW.Monitor -> MaybeT IO String
getMonitorName mon = MaybeT $ GLFW.getMonitorName mon
getVideoModes :: GLFW.Monitor -> MaybeT IO [GLFW.VideoMode]
getVideoModes mon = MaybeT $ GLFW.getVideoModes mon
getJoystickNames :: IO [(GLFW.Joystick, String)]
getJoystickNames =
catMaybes `fmap` mapM getJoystick joysticks
getJoystick js =
fmap (maybe Nothing (\name -> Just (js, name)))
(GLFW.getJoystickName js)
printEvent :: String -> [String] -> Pioneer ()
printEvent cbname fields =
liftIO $ putStrLn $ cbname ++ ": " ++ unwords fields
showModifierKeys :: GLFW.ModifierKeys -> String
showModifierKeys mk =
"[mod keys: " ++ keys ++ "]"
keys = if null xs then "none" else unwords xs
xs = catMaybes ys
ys = [ if GLFW.modifierKeysShift mk then Just "shift" else Nothing
, if GLFW.modifierKeysControl mk then Just "control" else Nothing
, if GLFW.modifierKeysAlt mk then Just "alt" else Nothing
, if GLFW.modifierKeysSuper mk then Just "super" else Nothing
curb :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a
curb l h x
| x < l = l
| x > h = h
| otherwise = x
joysticks :: [GLFW.Joystick]
joysticks =
[ GLFW.Joystick'1
, GLFW.Joystick'2
, GLFW.Joystick'3
, GLFW.Joystick'4
, GLFW.Joystick'5
, GLFW.Joystick'6
, GLFW.Joystick'7
, GLFW.Joystick'8
, GLFW.Joystick'9
, GLFW.Joystick'10
, GLFW.Joystick'11
, GLFW.Joystick'12
, GLFW.Joystick'13
, GLFW.Joystick'14
, GLFW.Joystick'15
, GLFW.Joystick'16
@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DoAndIfThenElse #-}
module Main where
module Main where
import Data.Int (Int8)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Specification (texImage2D,TextureTarget2D(Texture2D))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Specification (TextureSize2D)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PixelRectangles.ColorTable (PixelInternalFormat(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PixelRectangles.ColorTable (PixelInternalFormat(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Specification (texImage2D)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Parameters (textureFilter)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Specification (TextureTarget2D(Texture2D))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (textureBinding)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (textureBinding)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Parameters (TextureFilter(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Parameters (TextureFilter(..),textureFilter)
-- Monad-foo and higher functional stuff
-- Monad-foo and higher functional stuff
import Control.Monad (unless, void, when, join, liftM)
import Control.Monad (unless, when, join)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
-- data consistency/conversion
-- data consistency/conversion
@ -19,10 +15,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue,
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue,
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST, ask, asks,
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (ask, evalRWST, get, liftIO, modify)
evalRWST, get, liftIO,
modify, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalStateT)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Distributive (distribute, collect)
import Data.Distributive (distribute, collect)
@ -31,10 +24,8 @@ import Data.Monoid (mappend)
-- FFI
-- FFI
import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with, sizeOf)
import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with, sizeOf)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (pokeArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (pokeArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
import Data.Word (Word8)
-- Math
-- Math
import Control.Lens ((^.), (.~), (%~))
import Control.Lens ((^.), (.~), (%~))
@ -42,8 +33,6 @@ import qualified Linear as L
-- GUI
-- GUI
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
--import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF as TTF
--import Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF.Types
-- Render
-- Render
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
@ -54,23 +43,18 @@ import Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects (offset0)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.ARB.TessellationShader
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.ARB.TessellationShader
-- Our modules
-- Our modules
import Map.Graphics
import Map.Graphics
import Render.Misc (checkError,
import Render.Misc (checkError, createFrustum, getCam, curb,
createFrustum, getCam,
curb, tryWithTexture,
import Render.Render (initRendering,
import Render.Render (initRendering,
import UI.Callbacks
import UI.Callbacks
import UI.GUIOverlay
import Types
import Types
import Importer.IQM.Parser
import Importer.IQM.Parser
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 (parseTest)
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 (parseTest)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
--import ThirdParty.Flippers
-- import qualified Debug.Trace as D (trace)
import qualified Debug.Trace as D (trace)
@ -82,16 +66,16 @@ testParser = do
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main =
SDL.withInit [InitVideo, InitAudio, InitEvents, InitTimer] $ do --also: InitNoParachute -> faster, without parachute!
SDL.withInit [InitVideo, InitAudio, InitEvents, InitTimer] $ --also: InitNoParachute -> faster, without parachute!
SDL.withWindow "Pioneers" (SDL.Position 100 100) (Size 1024 600) [WindowOpengl -- we want openGL
SDL.withWindow "Pioneers" (SDL.Position 100 100) (Size 1024 600) [WindowOpengl -- we want openGL
,WindowShown -- window should be visible
,WindowShown -- window should be visible
,WindowResizable -- and resizable
,WindowResizable -- and resizable
,WindowInputFocus -- focused (=> active)
,WindowInputFocus -- focused (=> active)
,WindowMouseFocus -- Mouse into it
,WindowMouseFocus -- Mouse into it
--,WindowInputGrabbed-- never let go of input (KB/Mouse)
--,WindowInputGrabbed-- never let go of input (KB/Mouse)
] $ \window -> do
] $ \window' -> do
withOpenGL window $ do
withOpenGL window' $ do
--Create Renderbuffer & Framebuffer
--Create Renderbuffer & Framebuffer
-- We will render to this buffer to copy the result into textures
-- We will render to this buffer to copy the result into textures
@ -100,12 +84,12 @@ main = do
GL.bindFramebuffer GL.Framebuffer GL.$= frameBuffer
GL.bindFramebuffer GL.Framebuffer GL.$= frameBuffer
GL.bindRenderbuffer GL.Renderbuffer GL.$= renderBuffer
GL.bindRenderbuffer GL.Renderbuffer GL.$= renderBuffer
(Size fbWidth fbHeight) <- glGetDrawableSize window
(Size fbWidth fbHeight) <- glGetDrawableSize window'
--generate map vertices
--generate map vertices
(mapBuffer, vert) <- getMapBufferObject
(mapBuffer, vert) <- getMapBufferObject
(mapprog, ci, ni, vi, pri, vii, mi, nmi, tli, tlo, mapTex) <- initMapShader
(mapprog, ci, ni, vi, pri, vii, mi, nmi, tli, tlo, mapTex) <- initMapShader
print window
print window'
eventQueue <- newTQueueIO :: IO (TQueue Event)
eventQueue <- newTQueueIO :: IO (TQueue Event)
putStrLn "foo"
putStrLn "foo"
now <- getCurrentTime
now <- getCurrentTime
@ -114,9 +98,9 @@ main = do
--TTF.setFontStyle font TTFNormal
--TTF.setFontStyle font TTFNormal
--TTF.setFontHinting font TTFHNormal
--TTF.setFontHinting font TTFHNormal
glHud <- initHud
glHud' <- initHud
let zDistClosest = 1
let zDistClosest' = 1
zDistFarthest = zDistClosest + 50
zDistFarthest' = zDistClosest' + 50
--TODO: Move near/far/fov to state for runtime-changability & central storage
--TODO: Move near/far/fov to state for runtime-changability & central storage
fov = 90 --field of view
fov = 90 --field of view
near = 1 --near plane
near = 1 --near plane
@ -129,7 +113,7 @@ main = do
, _left = False
, _left = False
, _right = False
, _right = False
glMap = GLMapState
glMap' = GLMapState
{ _shdrVertexIndex = vi
{ _shdrVertexIndex = vi
, _shdrNormalIndex = ni
, _shdrNormalIndex = ni
, _shdrColorIndex = ci
, _shdrColorIndex = ci
@ -147,11 +131,9 @@ main = do
env = Env
env = Env
{ _eventsChan = eventQueue
{ _eventsChan = eventQueue
, _windowObject = window
, _windowObject = window'
, _zDistClosest = zDistClosest
, _zDistClosest = zDistClosest'
, _zDistFarthest = zDistFarthest
, _zDistFarthest = zDistFarthest'
--, _renderer = renderer
--, envFont = font
state = State
state = State
{ _window = WindowState
{ _window = WindowState
@ -188,8 +170,8 @@ main = do
{ _arrowsPressed = aks
{ _arrowsPressed = aks
, _gl = GLState
, _gl = GLState
{ _glMap = glMap
{ _glMap = glMap'
, _glHud = glHud
, _glHud = glHud'
, _glRenderbuffer = renderBuffer
, _glRenderbuffer = renderBuffer
, _glFramebuffer = frameBuffer
, _glFramebuffer = frameBuffer
@ -214,7 +196,6 @@ main = do
draw :: Pioneers ()
draw :: Pioneers ()
draw = do
draw = do
state <- get
state <- get
env <- ask
let xa = state ^. camera.xAngle
let xa = state ^. camera.xAngle
ya = state ^. camera.yAngle
ya = state ^. camera.yAngle
(GL.UniformLocation proj) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrProjMatIndex
(GL.UniformLocation proj) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrProjMatIndex
@ -232,8 +213,6 @@ draw = do
camY = state ^. camera.camPosition._y
camY = state ^. camera.camPosition._y
zDist' = state ^. camera.zDist
zDist' = state ^. camera.zDist
tessFac = state ^. gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor
tessFac = state ^. gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor
window = env ^. windowObject
rb = state ^. gl.glRenderbuffer
when (state ^. ui . uiHasChanged) prepareGUI
when (state ^. ui . uiHasChanged) prepareGUI
liftIO $ do
liftIO $ do
--bind renderbuffer and set sample 0 as target
--bind renderbuffer and set sample 0 as target
@ -314,7 +293,8 @@ draw = do
checkError "beforeDraw"
checkError "beforeDraw"
glPatchParameteri gl_PATCH_VERTICES 3
glPatchParameteri gl_PATCH_VERTICES 3
glPolygonMode gl_FRONT gl_LINE
GL.cullFace GL.$= Just GL.Front
glDrawArrays gl_PATCHES 0 (fromIntegral numVert)
glDrawArrays gl_PATCHES 0 (fromIntegral numVert)
checkError "draw map"
checkError "draw map"
@ -419,17 +399,18 @@ run = do
mt <- liftIO $ do
mt <- liftIO $ do
let double = fromRational.toRational :: (Real a) => a -> Double
now <- getCurrentTime
now <- getCurrentTime
diff <- return $ diffUTCTime now (state ^. io.clock) -- get time-diffs
diff <- return $ diffUTCTime now (state ^. io.clock) -- get time-diffs
title <- return $ unwords ["Pioneers @ ",show ((round .fromRational.toRational $ 1.0/diff)::Int),"fps"]
title <- return $ unwords ["Pioneers @ ",show ((round . double $ 1.0/diff)::Int),"fps"]
setWindowTitle (env ^. windowObject) title
setWindowTitle (env ^. windowObject) title
sleepAmount <- return $ floor (max 0 (0.04 - diff))*1000000 -- get time until next frame in microseconds
sleepAmount <- return $ floor (max 0 (0.04 - diff))*1000000 -- get time until next frame in microseconds
threadDelay sleepAmount
threadDelay sleepAmount
return now
return now
-- set state with new clock-time
-- set state with new clock-time
modify $ io.clock .~ mt
modify $ io.clock .~ mt
shouldClose <- return $ state ^. window.shouldClose
shouldClose' <- return $ state ^. window.shouldClose
unless shouldClose run
unless shouldClose' run
getArrowMovement :: Pioneers (Int, Int)
getArrowMovement :: Pioneers (Int, Int)
getArrowMovement = do
getArrowMovement = do
@ -447,7 +428,6 @@ getArrowMovement = do
adjustWindow :: Pioneers ()
adjustWindow :: Pioneers ()
adjustWindow = do
adjustWindow = do
state <- get
state <- get
env <- ask
let fbWidth = state ^. window.width
let fbWidth = state ^. window.width
fbHeight = state ^. window.height
fbHeight = state ^. window.height
fov = 90 --field of view
fov = 90 --field of view
@ -521,7 +501,7 @@ processEvent e = do
_ ->
_ ->
return ()
return ()
--liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Unhandled Window-Event:",show e]
--liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Unhandled Window-Event:",show e]
Keyboard movement _ isRepeated key -> --up/down window(ignored) true/false actualKey
Keyboard movement _ _{-isRepeated-} key -> --up/down window(ignored) true/false actualKey
-- need modifiers? use "keyModifiers key" to get them
-- need modifiers? use "keyModifiers key" to get them
let aks = keyboard.arrowsPressed in
let aks = keyboard.arrowsPressed in
case keyScancode key of
case keyScancode key of
@ -551,7 +531,7 @@ processEvent e = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ state ^. gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor]
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ state ^. gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor]
_ ->
_ ->
return ()
return ()
MouseMotion _ mouseId st (SDL.Position x y) xrel yrel -> do
MouseMotion _ _{-mouseId-} _{-st-} (SDL.Position x y) _{-xrel-} _{-yrel-} -> do
state <- get
state <- get
when (state ^. mouse.isDown && not (state ^. mouse.isDragging)) $
when (state ^. mouse.isDown && not (state ^. mouse.isDragging)) $
modify $ (mouse.isDragging .~ True)
modify $ (mouse.isDragging .~ True)
@ -562,7 +542,7 @@ processEvent e = do
modify $ (mouse.mousePosition. Types._x .~ (fromIntegral x))
modify $ (mouse.mousePosition. Types._x .~ (fromIntegral x))
. (mouse.mousePosition. Types._y .~ (fromIntegral y))
. (mouse.mousePosition. Types._y .~ (fromIntegral y))
MouseButton _ mouseId button state (SDL.Position x y) ->
MouseButton _ _{-mouseId-} button state (SDL.Position x y) ->
case button of
case button of
LeftButton -> do
LeftButton -> do
let pressed = state == Pressed
let pressed = state == Pressed
@ -577,8 +557,7 @@ processEvent e = do
when (state == Released) $ alternateClickHandler (UI.Callbacks.Pixel x y)
when (state == Released) $ alternateClickHandler (UI.Callbacks.Pixel x y)
_ ->
_ ->
return ()
return ()
MouseWheel _ mouseId hscroll vscroll -> do
MouseWheel _ _{-mouseId-} _{-hscroll-} vscroll -> do
env <- ask
state <- get
state <- get
let zDist' = (state ^. camera.zDist) + realToFrac (negate vscroll) in
let zDist' = (state ^. camera.zDist) + realToFrac (negate vscroll) in
modify $ camera.zDist .~ (curb (env ^. zDistClosest) (env ^. zDistFarthest) zDist')
modify $ camera.zDist .~ (curb (env ^. zDistClosest) (env ^. zDistFarthest) zDist')
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ data Resource = Coal
instance Show Amount where
instance Show Amount where
show (Infinite) = "inexhaustable supply"
show (Infinite) = "inexhaustable supply"
show (Finite n) = (show n) ++ " left"
show (Finite n) = show n ++ " left"
instance Show Commodity where
instance Show Commodity where
show WoodPlank = "wooden plank"
show WoodPlank = "wooden plank"
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Shaders
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StringQueries
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StringQueries
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.Errors
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.Errors
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Graphics.UI.SDL.Types (Texture)
import Graphics.UI.SDL.Types (Texture)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Linear
import Linear
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ createFrustum fov n' f' rat =
-- from vmath.h
-- from vmath.h
lookAt :: V3 CFloat -> V3 CFloat -> V3 CFloat -> M44 CFloat
lookAt :: V3 CFloat -> V3 CFloat -> V3 CFloat -> M44 CFloat
lookAt eye@(V3 ex ey ez) center up =
lookAt eye center up' =
(V4 xx xy xz (-dot x eye))
(V4 xx xy xz (-dot x eye))
(V4 yx yy yz (-dot y eye))
(V4 yx yy yz (-dot y eye))
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ lookAt eye@(V3 ex ey ez) center up =
(V4 0 0 0 1)
(V4 0 0 0 1)
z@(V3 zx zy zz) = normalize (eye ^-^ center)
z@(V3 zx zy zz) = normalize (eye ^-^ center)
x@(V3 xx xy xz) = normalize (cross up z)
x@(V3 xx xy xz) = normalize (cross up' z)
y@(V3 yx yy yz) = normalize (cross z x)
y@(V3 yx yy yz) = normalize (cross z x)
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
module Render.Render where
module Render.Render where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Array.Storable
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArray)
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Storable
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BufferObjects
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BufferObjects
@ -14,13 +12,10 @@ import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Shaders
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (TextureObject)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (TextureObject)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexArrays (Capability (..),
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexArrays (Capability (..),
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Render.Misc
import Render.Misc
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, wordPtrToPtr)
import Types
import Types
import Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects (makeBuffer)
import Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects (makeBuffer)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Types where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL (Event, Window, Texture, Renderer)
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL (Event, Window)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Linear.Matrix (M44)
import Linear.Matrix (M44)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user