Merge branch 'Mapping'
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ executable Pioneers
ghc-options: -Wall -Odph -rtsopts -threaded -fno-liberate-case -funfolding-use-threshold1000 -funfolding-keeness-factor1000 -optlo-O3 -fllvm
@ -49,3 +50,33 @@ executable Pioneers
attoparsec-binary >= 0.1
Default-Language: Haskell2010
test-suite MapTests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: tests/Map, src
main-is: MapTestSuite.hs
build-depends: base,
OpenGL >=2.9,
bytestring >=0.10,
OpenGLRaw >=1.4,
text >=0.11,
array >=0.4,
random >=1.0.1,
transformers >=0.3.0,
unordered-containers >= 0.2.1,
hashable >=,
mtl >=2.1.2,
stm >=2.4.2,
vector >=0.10.9 && <0.11,
distributive >=0.3.2,
linear >=1.3.1,
lens >=4.0,
SDL2 >= 0.1.0,
time >=1.4.0,
GLUtil >= 0.7,
attoparsec >= 0.11.2,
attoparsec-binary >= 0.1,
Default-Language: Haskell2010
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
module Map.Combinators where
import Map.Types
import Map.Creation
import Data.Array
import System.Random
-- preliminary
infix 5 ->-
(->-) :: (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
f ->- g = g . f
-- also preliminary
infix 5 -<-
(-<-) :: (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
f -<- g = f . g
lake :: Int -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
lake = undefined
river :: Int -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
river = undefined
mnt :: IO [PlayMap -> PlayMap]
mnt = do g <- newStdGen
let seeds = take 10 $ randoms g
return $ map gaussMountain seeds
gaussMountain :: Int -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
gaussMountain seed mp = aplByPlace (liftUp c) (\(_,_) -> True) mp
g = mkStdGen seed
c = head $ randomRs (bounds mp) g
amp = head $ randomRs (5.0, 20.0) g
sig = head $ randomRs (5.0, 25.0) g
fi = fromIntegral
htt = heightToTerrain
-- TODO: Fix Lambda to True with sensible function, maybe rework giveNeighbourhood in Map.Map
liftUp :: (Int, Int) -> Node -> Node
liftUp (gx,gz) (Full (x,z) y _ b pl pa r s) = let y_neu = max y e
in Full (x,z) y_neu (htt GrassIslandMap y_neu) b pl pa r s
where e = gauss3Dgeneral amp (fi gx) (fi gz) sig sig (fi x) (fi z)
liftUp (gx, gz) (Minimal (x,z)) = Full (x,z) e (htt GrassIslandMap e) BFlag NoPlayer NoPath Plain []
where e = gauss3Dgeneral amp (fi gx) (fi gz) sig sig (fi x) (fi z)
@ -2,19 +2,25 @@ module Map.Creation
import Map.Types
import Map.Map
import Map.StaticMaps
-- import Map.Map unused (for now)
import Data.Array
import System.Random
-- Orphan instance since this isn't where either Random nor Tuples are defined
instance (Random x, Random y) => Random (x, y) where
randomR ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) gen1 = let (a, gen2) = randomR (x1, x2) gen1
(b, gen3) = randomR (y1, y2) gen2
in ((a, b), gen3)
-- preliminary
infix 5 ->-
(->-) :: (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
f ->- g = g . f
random gen1 = let (a, gen2) = random gen1
(b, gen3) = random gen2 in ((a,b), gen3)
-- also preliminary
infix 5 -<-
(-<-) :: (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
f -<- g = f . g
exportedMap :: IO PlayMap
exportedMap = do mounts <- mnt
return $ aplAll mounts mapEmpty
-- | Generate a new Map of given Type and Size
@ -31,7 +37,10 @@ aplByNode :: (Node -> Node) -> (Node -> Bool) -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
aplByNode f g mp = array (bounds mp) (map (\(ab,c) -> (if g c then (ab, f c) else (ab,c))) (assocs mp))
aplAll :: [a -> a] -> a -> a
aplAll fs m = foldl (\ m f -> f m) m fs
aplAll fs m = foldl (\ n f -> f n) m fs
aplAllM :: Monad m => [m a -> m a] -> m a -> m a
aplAllM fs x = foldl (\ n f -> f n) x fs
-- general 3D-Gaussian
gauss3Dgeneral :: Floating q =>
@ -68,3 +77,37 @@ heightToTerrain GrassIslandMap y
| y < 10 = Hill
| otherwise = Mountain
heightToTerrain _ _ = undefined
lake :: Int -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
lake = undefined
river :: Int -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
river = undefined
mnt :: IO [PlayMap -> PlayMap]
mnt = do g <- newStdGen
let seeds = take 10 $ randoms g
return $ map (gaussMountain) seeds
gaussMountain :: Int -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
gaussMountain seed mp = aplByPlace (liftUp c) (\(_,_) -> True) mp
g = mkStdGen seed
c = let ((a,b), (x,y)) = bounds mp in (head (randomRs (a,x) g), (head (randomRs (b,y) g)))
amp = head $ randomRs (5.0, 20.0) g
sig = head $ randomRs (5.0, 25.0) g
fi = fromIntegral
htt = heightToTerrain
-- TODO: Fix Lambda to True with sensible function, maybe rework giveNeighbourhood in Map.Map
liftUp :: (Int, Int) -> Node -> Node
liftUp (gx,gz) (Full (x,z) y _ b pl pa r s) = let y_neu = max y e
in Full (x,z) y_neu (htt GrassIslandMap y_neu) b pl pa r s
where e = gauss3Dgeneral amp (fi gx) (fi gz) sig sig (fi x) (fi z)
liftUp (gx, gz) (Minimal (x,z)) = Full (x,z) e (htt GrassIslandMap e) BFlag NoPlayer NoPath Plain []
where e = gauss3Dgeneral amp (fi gx) (fi gz) sig sig (fi x) (fi z)
-- | Makes sure the edges of the Map are mountain-free
makeIsland :: PlayMap -> PlayMap
makeIsland = undefined -- tomorrow....
@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ import Linear
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Map.Types
import Map.StaticMaps
import Map.Creation
import Map.Combinators
type Height = Float
@ -91,8 +89,8 @@ fgVertexIndex = (ToFloat, mapVertexArrayDescriptor 3 7) --vertex after normal
getMapBufferObject :: IO (BufferObject, NumArrayIndices)
getMapBufferObject = do
mountains <- mnt
myMap' <- return $ convertToGraphicsMap $ convertToStripeMap $ aplAll mountains mapEmpty
eMap <- exportedMap
myMap' <- return $ convertToGraphicsMap $ convertToStripeMap eMap
! myMap <- return $ generateTriangles myMap'
len <- return $ fromIntegral $ P.length myMap `div` numComponents
putStrLn $ P.unwords ["num verts in map:",show len]
@ -39,6 +39,3 @@ giveNeighbourhood mp n (a,b) = let ns = giveNeighbours mp (a,b) in
-- removing duplicates in O(n log n), losing order and adding Ord requirement
remdups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
remdups = map head . group . sort
prop_rd_idempot :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
prop_rd_idempot xs = remdups xs == (remdups . remdups) xs
@ -3,48 +3,47 @@ where
import Map.Types
import Data.Array
import Map.Creation
-- entirely empty map, only uses the minimal constructor
mapEmpty :: PlayMap
mapEmpty = array ((0,0), (199,199)) [((a,b), Minimal (a,b)) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199]]
mapCenterMountain :: PlayMap
mapCenterMountain = array ((0,0),(199,199)) nodes
nodes = water ++ beach ++ grass ++ hill ++ mountain
water = [((a,b), Full (a,b) 0.0 Ocean BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) > 95]
beach = [((a,b), Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Beach BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) <= 95, m2d (a,b) > 75]
grass = [((a,b), Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Grass BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) <= 75, m2d (a,b) > 25]
hill = [((a,b), Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Hill BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) <= 25, m2d (a,b) > 10]
mountain = [((a,b), Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Mountain BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) <= 10]
--mapCenterMountain :: PlayMap
--mapCenterMountain = array ((0,0),(199,199)) nodes
-- where
-- nodes = water ++ beach ++ grass ++ hill ++ mountain
-- water = [((a,b), Full (a,b) 0.0 Ocean BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) > 95]
-- beach = [((a,b), Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Beach BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) <= 95, m2d (a,b) > 75]
-- grass = [((a,b), Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Grass BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) <= 75, m2d (a,b) > 25]
-- hill = [((a,b), Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Hill BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) <= 25, m2d (a,b) > 10]
-- mountain = [((a,b), Full (a,b) (g2d a b) Mountain BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199], m2d (a,b) <= 10]
g2d :: Int -> Int -> Float
g2d x y = gauss3D (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
-- g2d :: Int -> Int -> Float
-- g2d x y = gauss3D (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
m2d :: (Int,Int) -> Int
m2d (x,y) = mnh2D (x,y) (100,100)
-- m2d :: (Int,Int) -> Int
-- m2d (x,y) = mnh2D (x,y) (100,100)
-- small helper for some hills. Should be replaced by multi-layer perlin-noise
-- TODO: Replace as given in comment.
_noisyMap :: (Floating q) => q -> q -> q
_noisyMap x y = gauss3Dgeneral 15 100.0 100.0 15.0 15.0 x y
+ gauss3Dgeneral 5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 x y
+ gauss3Dgeneral 5 150.0 120.0 10.0 10.0 x y
+ gauss3Dgeneral 5 50.0 75.0 10.0 10.0 x y
--_noisyMap :: (Floating q) => q -> q -> q
--_noisyMap x y = gauss3Dgeneral 15 100.0 100.0 15.0 15.0 x y
-- + gauss3Dgeneral 5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 x y
-- + gauss3Dgeneral 5 150.0 120.0 10.0 10.0 x y
-- + gauss3Dgeneral 5 50.0 75.0 10.0 10.0 x y
-- generates a noisy map
-- TODO: add real noise to a simple pattern
mapNoise :: PlayMap
mapNoise = array ((0,0),(199,199)) nodes
nodes = [((a,b), Full (a,b)
(height a b)
(heightToTerrain GrassIslandMap $ height a b)
[]) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199]]
height a b = _noisyMap (fromIntegral a) (fromIntegral b)
--mapNoise :: PlayMap
--mapNoise = array ((0,0),(199,199)) nodes
-- where
-- nodes = [((a,b), Full (a,b)
-- (height a b)
-- (heightToTerrain GrassIslandMap $ height a b)
-- BNothing
-- NoPlayer
-- NoPath
-- Plain
-- []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199]]
-- where
-- height a b = _noisyMap (fromIntegral a) (fromIntegral b)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.TH
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Map.Map
main :: IO ()
main = $(defaultMainGenerator)
prop_rd_idempot :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_rd_idempot xs = remdups xs == (remdups . remdups) xs
prop_rd_length :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_rd_length xs = length (remdups xs) <= length xs
prop_rd_sorted :: [Int] -> Property
prop_rd_sorted xs = (not . null) xs ==> head (remdups xs) == minimum xs
Reference in New Issue
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