Merge branch 'master' into iqm
Conflicts: src/Render/Types.hs
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import Control.Arrow ((***))
-- data consistency/conversion
-- data consistency/conversion
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue,
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue, newTQueueIO, atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (newTVarIO, writeTVar, readTVar)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (ask, evalRWST, get, liftIO, modify)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (ask, evalRWST, get, liftIO, modify)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
@ -94,16 +94,26 @@ main =
--font <- TTF.openFont "fonts/ttf-04B_03B_/04B_03B_.TTF" 10
--font <- TTF.openFont "fonts/ttf-04B_03B_/04B_03B_.TTF" 10
--TTF.setFontStyle font TTFNormal
--TTF.setFontStyle font TTFNormal
--TTF.setFontHinting font TTFHNormal
--TTF.setFontHinting font TTFHNormal
glHud' <- initHud
let zDistClosest' = 2
zDistFarthest' = zDistClosest' + 10
--TODO: Move near/far/fov to state for runtime-changability & central storage
fov = 90 --field of view
fov = 90 --field of view
near = 1 --near plane
near = 1 --near plane
far = 500 --far plane
far = 500 --far plane
ratio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
ratio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
frust = createFrustum fov near far ratio
frust = createFrustum fov near far ratio
cam' <- newTVarIO CameraState
{ _xAngle = pi/6
, _yAngle = pi/2
, _zDist = 10
, _frustum = frust
, _camObject = createFlatCam 25 25 curMap
game' <- newTVarIO GameState
{ _currentMap = curMap
glHud' <- initHud
let zDistClosest' = 2
zDistFarthest' = zDistClosest' + 10
--TODO: Move near/far/fov to state for runtime-changability & central storage
(guiMap, guiRoots) = createGUI
(guiMap, guiRoots) = createGUI
aks = ArrowKeyState {
aks = ArrowKeyState {
_up = False
_up = False
@ -123,17 +133,11 @@ main =
, _height = fbHeight
, _height = fbHeight
, _shouldClose = False
, _shouldClose = False
, _camera = CameraState
{ _xAngle = pi/6
, _yAngle = pi/2
, _zDist = 10
, _frustum = frust
, _camObject = createFlatCam 25 25 curMap
, _io = IOState
, _io = IOState
{ _clock = now
{ _clock = now
, _tessClockFactor = 0
, _tessClockFactor = 0
, _camera = cam'
, _mouse = MouseState
, _mouse = MouseState
{ _isDown = False
{ _isDown = False
, _isDragging = False
, _isDragging = False
@ -155,9 +159,7 @@ main =
, _glRenderbuffer = renderBuffer
, _glRenderbuffer = renderBuffer
, _glFramebuffer = frameBuffer
, _glFramebuffer = frameBuffer
, _game = GameState
, _game = game'
{ _currentMap = curMap
, _ui = UIState
, _ui = UIState
{ _uiHasChanged = True
{ _uiHasChanged = True
, _uiMap = guiMap
, _uiMap = guiMap
@ -207,20 +209,26 @@ run = do
| otherwise = newYAngle'
| otherwise = newYAngle'
newYAngle' = sodya + myrot/100
newYAngle' = sodya + myrot/100
modify $ ((camera.xAngle) .~ newXAngle)
liftIO $ atomically $ do
. ((camera.yAngle) .~ newYAngle)
cam <- readTVar (state ^. camera)
cam' <- return $ (xAngle .~ newXAngle) . (yAngle .~ newYAngle) $ cam
writeTVar (state ^. camera) cam'
-- get cursor-keys - if pressed
-- get cursor-keys - if pressed
--TODO: Add sin/cos from stateYAngle
--TODO: Add sin/cos from stateYAngle
(kxrot, kyrot) <- fmap (join (***) fromIntegral) getArrowMovement
(kxrot, kyrot) <- fmap (join (***) fromIntegral) getArrowMovement
liftIO $ atomically $ do
cam <- readTVar (state ^. camera)
game' <- readTVar (state ^. game)
multc = cos $ state ^. camera.yAngle
multc = cos $ cam ^. yAngle
mults = sin $ state ^. camera.yAngle
mults = sin $ cam ^. yAngle
modx x' = x' - 0.2 * kxrot * multc
modx x' = x' - 0.2 * kxrot * multc
- 0.2 * kyrot * mults
- 0.2 * kyrot * mults
mody y' = y' + 0.2 * kxrot * mults
mody y' = y' + 0.2 * kxrot * mults
- 0.2 * kyrot * multc
- 0.2 * kyrot * multc
modify $ camera.camObject %~ (\c -> moveBy c (\(x,y) -> (modx x,mody y)) (state ^. game.currentMap))
cam' <- return $ camObject %~ (\c -> moveBy c (\(x,y) -> (modx x,mody y)) (game' ^. currentMap)) $ cam
writeTVar (state ^. camera) cam'
--modify the state with all that happened in mt time.
--modify the state with all that happened in mt time.
@ -290,7 +298,10 @@ adjustWindow = do
ratio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
ratio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
frust = createFrustum fov near far ratio
frust = createFrustum fov near far ratio
liftIO $ glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral fbWidth) (fromIntegral fbHeight)
liftIO $ glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral fbWidth) (fromIntegral fbHeight)
modify $ camera.frustum .~ frust
liftIO $ atomically $ do
cam <- readTVar (state ^. camera)
cam' <- return $ frustum .~ frust $ cam
writeTVar (state ^. camera) cam'
rb <- liftIO $ do
rb <- liftIO $ do
-- bind ints to CInt for lateron.
-- bind ints to CInt for lateron.
let fbCWidth = (fromInteger.toInteger) fbWidth
let fbCWidth = (fromInteger.toInteger) fbWidth
@ -2,21 +2,10 @@ module Map.Creation
import Map.Types
import Map.Types
-- import Map.Map unused (for now)
import Data.Array
import Data.Array
import System.Random
import System.Random
-- preliminary
infix 5 ->-
(->-) :: (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
f ->- g = g . f
-- also preliminary
infix 5 -<-
(-<-) :: (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> (PlayMap -> PlayMap) -> PlayMap -> PlayMap
f -<- g = f . g
-- entirely empty map, only uses the minimal constructor
-- entirely empty map, only uses the minimal constructor
mapEmpty :: PlayMap
mapEmpty :: PlayMap
mapEmpty = array ((0,0), (199,199)) [((a,b), Node (a,b) (fromIntegral a, (if even b then (fromIntegral b) else(fromIntegral b) - 0.5), 1) Grass BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199]]
mapEmpty = array ((0,0), (199,199)) [((a,b), Node (a,b) (fromIntegral a, (if even b then (fromIntegral b) else(fromIntegral b) - 0.5), 1) Grass BNothing NoPlayer NoPath Plain []) | a <- [0..199], b <- [0..199]]
@ -57,17 +46,6 @@ gauss3Dgeneral :: Floating q =>
-> q -- ^ elevation on coordinate in question
-> q -- ^ elevation on coordinate in question
gauss3Dgeneral amp x0 z0 sX sZ x z = amp * exp(-(((x-x0)^(2 :: Int)/(2 * sX^(2 :: Int)))+((z-z0)^(2 :: Int)/(2 * sZ^(2 :: Int)))))
gauss3Dgeneral amp x0 z0 sX sZ x z = amp * exp(-(((x-x0)^(2 :: Int)/(2 * sX^(2 :: Int)))+((z-z0)^(2 :: Int)/(2 * sZ^(2 :: Int)))))
-- specialised 3D gaussian with an origin on 100/100, an amplitude of 15 and two sigmas of 15
gauss3D :: Floating q =>
q -- ^ X-Coordinate
-> q -- ^ Z-Coordinate
-> q -- ^ elevation on coordinate in quesion
gauss3D = gauss3Dgeneral 15 100.0 100.0 15.0 15.0
-- 2D Manhattan distance
mnh2D :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Int
mnh2D (a,b) (c,d) = abs (a-c) + abs (b-d)
-- | Basic Terrain-Generator. Will not implement "abnormal" Stuff for given Biome
-- | Basic Terrain-Generator. Will not implement "abnormal" Stuff for given Biome
-- (like Deserts on Grass-Islands or Grass on Deserts)
-- (like Deserts on Grass-Islands or Grass on Deserts)
@ -76,7 +54,7 @@ heightToTerrain :: MapType -> YCoord -> TileType
heightToTerrain GrassIslandMap y
heightToTerrain GrassIslandMap y
| y < 0.1 = Ocean
| y < 0.1 = Ocean
| y < 0.2 = Beach
| y < 0.2 = Beach
| y < 1 = Grass
| y < 1.5 = Grass
| y < 3 = Hill
| y < 3 = Hill
| otherwise = Mountain
| otherwise = Mountain
heightToTerrain _ _ = undefined
heightToTerrain _ _ = undefined
@ -98,8 +76,8 @@ gaussMountain seed mp = aplByPlace (liftUp c) (\(_,_) -> True) mp
gs = map mkStdGen (map (*seed) [1..])
gs = map mkStdGen (map (*seed) [1..])
c = let ((a,b), (x,y)) = bounds mp in (head (randomRs (a,x) (gs !! 0)), (head (randomRs (b,y) (gs !! 1))))
c = let ((a,b), (x,y)) = bounds mp in (head (randomRs (a,x) (gs !! 0)), (head (randomRs (b,y) (gs !! 1))))
amp = head $ randomRs ((2.0, 5.0) :: (Float, Float)) (gs !! 2)
amp = head $ randomRs ((2.0, 5.0) :: (Double, Double)) (gs !! 2)
sig = head $ randomRs ((1.0, 15.0) :: (Float, Float)) (gs !! 3)
sig = head $ randomRs ((2.0, 8.0) :: (Double, Double)) (gs !! 3)
htt = heightToTerrain
htt = heightToTerrain
-- TODO: Fix Lambda to True with sensible function, maybe rework giveNeighbourhood in Map.Map
-- TODO: Fix Lambda to True with sensible function, maybe rework giveNeighbourhood in Map.Map
@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ import Linear
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Map.Types
import Map.Types
import Map.Creation
type Height = Float
type Height = Double
type MapEntry = (
type MapEntry = (
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
module Map.Map where
module Map.Map where
import Map.Types
import Map.Types
import Map.Creation
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Array (bounds, (!))
import Data.Array (bounds, (!))
import Data.List (sort, sortBy, group)
import Data.List (sort, group)
-- WARNING: Does NOT Check for neighbours exceeding maximum map coordinates yet.
-- WARNING: Does NOT Check for neighbours exceeding maximum map coordinates yet.
unsafeGiveNeighbours :: (Int, Int) -- ^ original coordinates
unsafeGiveNeighbours :: (Int, Int) -- ^ original coordinates
@ -40,54 +38,54 @@ giveNeighbourhood mp n (a,b) = let ns = giveNeighbours mp (a,b) in
-- | Calculates the height of any given point on the map.
-- | Calculates the height of any given point on the map.
-- Does not add camera distance to ground to that.
-- Does not add camera distance to ground to that.
-- This ueses barycentric coordinate stuff. Wanna read more?
giveMapHeight :: PlayMap
giveMapHeight :: PlayMap
-> (Float, Float) -- ^ Coordinates on X/Z-axes
-> (Double, Double)
-> Float -- ^ Terrain Height at that position
-> Double
giveMapHeight mp (x,z) = let [a,b,c] = getTrianglePoints [tff,tfc,tcf,tcc]
giveMapHeight mop (x, z)
ar = area (fi a) (fi b) (fi c)
| outsideMap (x,z') = 0.0
λa = area (fi b) (fi c) (x, z) / ar
| otherwise = sum $ map (\(p,d) -> (hlu p) * (1 - (d / totald))) tups
λb = area (fi a) (fi c) (x, z) / ar
λc = area (fi a) (fi b) (x, z) / ar
in (λa * hlu a) + (λb * hlu b) + (λc * hlu c)
z' = z * 2/(sqrt 3)
fi :: (Int, Int) -> (Float, Float)
outsideMap :: (Double, Double) -> Bool
fi (m, n) = (fromIntegral m, fromIntegral n)
outsideMap (mx, mz) = let ((a,b),(c,d)) = bounds mop
fr = fromIntegral
in mx < (fr a) || mx > (fr c) || mz < (fr b) || mz > (fr d)
-- Height LookUp
-- Height LookUp on PlayMap
hlu :: (Int, Int) -> Float
hlu :: (Int, Int) -> Double
hlu (k,j) = let (Node _ (_,_,y) _ _ _ _ _ _) = mp ! (k,j) in y
hlu (k,j) = let (Node _ (_,_,y) _ _ _ _ _ _) = mop ! (k,j) in y
ff = (floor x, floor z) :: (Int, Int)
-- reference Points
fc = (floor x, ceiling z) :: (Int, Int)
refs :: [(Int, Int)]
cf = (ceiling x, floor z) :: (Int, Int)
refs = remdups $ map clmp $ map (tadd (floor x, floor z')) mods
cc = (ceiling x, ceiling z) :: (Int, Int)
mods = [(-1,-1),(-1,2),(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1),(2,-1),(2,2)]
tadd (a,b) (c,d) = (a+b,c+d)
tff = (ff, dist (x,z) ff)
-- tupels with reference point and distance
tfc = (fc, dist (x,z) fc)
tups = map (\t -> (t, dist (x,z') t)) refs
tcf = (cf, dist (x,z) cf)
tcc = (cc, dist (x,z) cc)
getTrianglePoints :: [((Int,Int), Float)] -> [(Int,Int)]
-- total distance of all for reference point from the point in question
getTrianglePoints = ((take 3) . (map fst) . (sortBy (compare `on` snd)))
totald = sum $ map (\(_,d) -> d) tups
dist :: (Float, Float) -> (Int, Int) -> Float
-- clamp, as she is programmed
dist (x1,z1) (x2,z2) = let x' = x1 - fromIntegral x2
clamp :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> a
z' = z1 - fromIntegral z2
clamp mn mx = max mn . min mx
in sqrt $ x'*x' + z'*z'
-- Heron's Formula:
-- clamp for tupels
area :: (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> Float
clmp :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
area (x1,z1) (x2,z2) (x3,z3) = let a = sqrt $ (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (z1-z2)*(z1-z2)
clmp (a,b) = let ((xmin,zmin),(xmax,zmax)) = bounds mop
b = sqrt $ (x2-x3)*(x2-x3) + (z2-z3)*(z2-z3)
in ((clamp (xmin+2) (xmax-2) a),(clamp (zmin+2) (zmax-2) b))
c = sqrt $ (x1-x3)*(x1-x3) + (z1-z3)*(z1-z3)
s = (a+b+c)/2
-- Real distance on PlayMap
in sqrt $ s * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c)
dist :: (Double, Double) -> (Int, Int) -> Double
dist (x1,z1) pmp = let xf = x1 - realx
zf = z1 - realz
in sqrt $ xf*xf + zf*zf
realx = (\(Node _ (nx,_,_) _ _ _ _ _ _) -> nx) (mop ! pmp)
realz = (\(Node _ (_,nz,_) _ _ _ _ _ _) -> nz) (mop ! pmp)
-- removing duplicates in O(n log n), losing order and adding Ord requirement
-- removing duplicates in O(n log n), losing order and adding Ord requirement
remdups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
remdups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ type PlayMap = Array (Xindex, Zindex) Node
type Xindex = Int
type Xindex = Int
type Zindex = Int
type Zindex = Int
type XCoord = Float
type XCoord = Double
type ZCoord = Float
type ZCoord = Double
type YCoord = Float
type YCoord = Double
data MapType = GrassIslandMap
data MapType = GrassIslandMap
| DesertMap
| DesertMap
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import qualified Linear as L
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (liftIO)
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS.Strict as RWS (get)
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS.Strict as RWS (get)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (readTVarIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Data.Distributive (distribute, collect)
import Data.Distributive (distribute, collect)
-- FFI
-- FFI
import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with)
import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with)
@ -384,11 +386,12 @@ drawMap = do
render :: Pioneers ()
render :: Pioneers ()
render = do
render = do
state <- RWS.get
state <- RWS.get
let xa = state ^. camera.xAngle
cam <- liftIO $ readTVarIO (state ^. camera)
ya = state ^. camera.yAngle
let xa = cam ^. xAngle
frust = state ^. camera.Types.frustum
ya = cam ^. yAngle
camPos = state ^. camera.camObject
frust = cam ^. Types.frustum
zDist' = state ^. camera.zDist
camPos = cam ^. camObject
zDist' = cam ^. zDist
d = state ^. gl.glMap.mapShaderData
d = state ^. gl.glMap.mapShaderData
(UniformLocation proj) = shdrProjMatIndex d
(UniformLocation proj) = shdrProjMatIndex d
(UniformLocation nmat) = shdrNormalMatIndex d
(UniformLocation nmat) = shdrNormalMatIndex d
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ data Camera = Flat Position Height
-- | create a Flatcam-Camera starting at given x/z-Coordinates
-- | create a Flatcam-Camera starting at given x/z-Coordinates
createFlatCam :: Double -> Double -> PlayMap -> Camera
createFlatCam :: Double -> Double -> PlayMap -> Camera
createFlatCam x z map' = Flat (x,z) (float2Double $ giveMapHeight map' (double2Float x,double2Float z))
createFlatCam x z map' = Flat (x,z) (giveMapHeight map' (x, z))
-- | create a Flatcam-Camera starting at given pitch/azimuth/radius
-- | create a Flatcam-Camera starting at given pitch/azimuth/radius
createSphereCam :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Camera
createSphereCam :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Camera
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ instance GLCamera Camera where
getCam (Flat (x',z') y') dist' xa' ya' =
getCam (Flat (x',z') y') dist' xa' ya' =
lookAt (cpos ^+^ at') at' up
lookAt (cpos ^+^ at') at' up
at' = V3 x (y+1) z
at' = V3 x (y+2) z
cpos = crot !* (V3 0 0 (-dist))
cpos = crot !* (V3 0 0 (-dist))
crot = (
crot = (
(fromQuaternion $ axisAngle upmap (xa::CFloat))
(fromQuaternion $ axisAngle upmap (xa::CFloat))
@ -76,11 +76,10 @@ instance GLCamera Camera where
xa = realToFrac xa'
xa = realToFrac xa'
ya = realToFrac ya'
ya = realToFrac ya'
moveBy (Sphere (inc, az) r) f map = undefined
moveBy (Sphere (inc, az) r) f map = undefined
moveBy (Flat (x', z') y) f map = Flat (x,z) (float2Double y)
moveBy (Flat (x', z') y) f map = Flat (x,z) y
(x,z) = f (x', z')
(x,z) = f (x', z')
y = giveMapHeight map (fc x,fc z)
y = giveMapHeight map (x,z)
fc = double2Float
move c (x', z') map = moveBy c (\(x,z) -> (x+x',z+z')) map
move c (x', z') map = moveBy c (\(x,z) -> (x+x',z+z')) map
sphereToCart :: (Floating a) => a -> a -> a -> V3 a
sphereToCart :: (Floating a) => a -> a -> a -> V3 a
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Types where
module Types where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue, TVar)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL (Event, Window)
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL (Event, Window)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ data UIState = UIState
data State = State
data State = State
{ _window :: !WindowState
{ _window :: !WindowState
, _camera :: !CameraState
, _camera :: TVar CameraState
, _io :: !IOState
, _io :: !IOState
, _mouse :: !MouseState
, _mouse :: !MouseState
, _keyboard :: !KeyboardState
, _keyboard :: !KeyboardState
, _gl :: !GLState
, _gl :: !GLState
, _game :: !GameState
, _game :: TVar GameState
, _ui :: !UIState
, _ui :: !UIState
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (pokeArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (pokeArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (readTVar, readTVarIO, writeTVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Render.Misc (curb,genColorData)
import Render.Misc (curb,genColorData)
@ -105,11 +107,13 @@ eventCallback e = do
state <- get
state <- get
if state ^. mouse.isDown && not (state ^. mouse.isDragging)
if state ^. mouse.isDown && not (state ^. mouse.isDragging)
cam <- liftIO $ readTVarIO (state ^. camera)
modify $ (mouse.isDragging .~ True)
modify $ (mouse.isDragging .~ True)
. (mouse.dragStartX .~ fromIntegral x)
. (mouse.dragStartX .~ fromIntegral x)
. (mouse.dragStartY .~ fromIntegral y)
. (mouse.dragStartY .~ fromIntegral y)
. (mouse.dragStartXAngle .~ (state ^. camera.xAngle))
. (mouse.dragStartXAngle .~ (cam ^. xAngle))
. (mouse.dragStartYAngle .~ (state ^. camera.yAngle))
. (mouse.dragStartYAngle .~ (cam ^. yAngle))
else mouseMoveHandler (x, y)
else mouseMoveHandler (x, y)
modify $ (mouse.mousePosition. Types._x .~ fromIntegral x)
modify $ (mouse.mousePosition. Types._x .~ fromIntegral x)
. (mouse.mousePosition. Types._y .~ fromIntegral y)
. (mouse.mousePosition. Types._y .~ fromIntegral y)
@ -134,8 +138,13 @@ eventCallback e = do
SDL.MouseWheel _ _ _ vscroll -> -- windowID mouseID hScroll vScroll
SDL.MouseWheel _ _ _ vscroll -> -- windowID mouseID hScroll vScroll
state <- get
state <- get
let zDist' = (state ^. camera.zDist) + realToFrac (negate vscroll) in
liftIO $ atomically $ do
modify $ camera.zDist .~ curb (env ^. zDistClosest) (env ^. zDistFarthest) zDist'
cam <- readTVar (state ^. camera)
let zDist' = (cam ^. zDist) + realToFrac (negate vscroll)
zDist'' = curb (env ^. zDistClosest) (env ^. zDistFarthest) zDist'
cam' <- return $ zDist .~ zDist'' $ cam
writeTVar (state ^. camera) cam'
-- there is more (joystic, touchInterface, ...), but currently ignored
-- there is more (joystic, touchInterface, ...), but currently ignored
SDL.Quit -> modify $ window.shouldClose .~ True
SDL.Quit -> modify $ window.shouldClose .~ True
_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Not processing Event:", show e]
_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Not processing Event:", show e]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user