moved draw-method into render and cleaned up imports
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,18 +18,14 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue,
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (ask, evalRWST, get, liftIO, modify)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (ask, evalRWST, get, liftIO, modify)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalStateT)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Distributive (distribute, collect)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
-- FFI
-- FFI
import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with, sizeOf)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (pokeArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (pokeArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
-- Math
-- Math
import Control.Lens ((^.), (.~), (%~))
import Control.Lens ((^.), (.~), (%~))
import qualified Linear as L
-- GUI
-- GUI
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
@ -38,18 +34,16 @@ import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
import Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects (offset0)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.ARB.TessellationShader
-- Our modules
-- Our modules
import Map.Graphics
import Render.Misc (checkError, createFrustum, curb,
import Render.Misc (checkError, createFrustum, curb,
import Render.Render (initRendering,
import Render.Render (initRendering,
initHud, render)
import Render.Types
import Render.Types
import UI.Callbacks
import UI.Callbacks
import Map.Graphics
import Types
import Types
import Importer.IQM.Parser
import Importer.IQM.Parser
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 (parseTest)
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 (parseTest)
@ -189,155 +183,6 @@ main =
--SDL.destroyRenderer renderer
--SDL.destroyRenderer renderer
--destroyWindow window
--destroyWindow window
-- Render-Pipeline
draw :: Pioneers ()
draw = do
state <- get
let xa = state ^. camera.xAngle
ya = state ^. camera.yAngle
(GL.UniformLocation proj) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrProjMatIndex
(GL.UniformLocation nmat) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrNormalMatIndex
(GL.UniformLocation vmat) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrViewMatIndex
(GL.UniformLocation tli) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrTessInnerIndex
(GL.UniformLocation tlo) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrTessOuterIndex
vi = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrVertexIndex
ni = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrNormalIndex
ci = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrColorIndex
numVert = state ^. gl.glMap.mapVert
map' = state ^. gl.glMap.stateMap
frust = state ^. camera.frustum
camPos = state ^. camera.camObject
zDist' = state ^. camera.zDist
tessFac = state ^. gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor
when (state ^. ui . uiHasChanged) prepareGUI
liftIO $ do
--bind renderbuffer and set sample 0 as target
--GL.bindRenderbuffer GL.Renderbuffer GL.$= rb
--GL.bindFramebuffer GL.Framebuffer GL.$= GL.defaultFramebufferObject
--checkError "bind renderbuffer"
--checkError "clear renderbuffer"
GL.Framebuffer --framebuffer
(GL.ColorAttachment 1) --sample 1
GL.Renderbuffer --const
rb --buffer
checkError "setup renderbuffer"-}
-- draw map
--(vi,GL.UniformLocation proj) <- initShader
GL.bindFramebuffer GL.Framebuffer GL.$= (state ^. gl.glFramebuffer)
GL.bindRenderbuffer GL.Renderbuffer GL.$= (state ^. gl.glRenderbuffer)
(state ^. gl.glRenderbuffer)
textureBinding GL.Texture2D GL.$= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.mapTexture)
(GL.ColorAttachment 0)
(state ^. gl.glMap.mapTexture)
-- Render to FrameBufferObject
GL.drawBuffers GL.$= [GL.FBOColorAttachment 0]
checkError "setup Render-Target"
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
checkError "clear buffer"
GL.currentProgram GL.$= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.mapProgram)
checkError "setting up buffer"
--set up projection (= copy from state)
with (distribute frust) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv proj 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (L.M44 CFloat)))
checkError "copy projection"
--set up camera
let ! cam = getCam camPos zDist' xa ya
with (distribute cam) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv vmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (L.M44 CFloat)))
checkError "copy cam"
--set up normal--Mat transpose((model*camera)^-1)
let normal = (case L.inv33 (fmap (^. L._xyz) cam ^. L._xyz) of
(Just a) -> a
Nothing -> L.eye3) :: L.M33 CFloat
nmap = collect id normal :: L.M33 CFloat --transpose...
with (distribute nmap) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix3fv nmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (L.M33 CFloat)))
checkError "nmat"
glUniform1f tli (fromIntegral tessFac)
glUniform1f tlo (fromIntegral tessFac)
GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer GL.$= Just map'
GL.vertexAttribPointer ci GL.$= fgColorIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray ci GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.vertexAttribPointer ni GL.$= fgNormalIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray ni GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.vertexAttribPointer vi GL.$= fgVertexIndex
GL.vertexAttribArray vi GL.$= GL.Enabled
checkError "beforeDraw"
glPatchParameteri gl_PATCH_VERTICES 3
GL.cullFace GL.$= Just GL.Front
glDrawArrays gl_PATCHES 0 (fromIntegral numVert)
checkError "draw map"
-- set sample 1 as target in renderbuffer
GL.DrawFramebuffer --write-only
(GL.ColorAttachment 1) --sample 1
GL.Renderbuffer --const
rb --buffer-}
-- Render to BackBuffer (=Screen)
GL.bindFramebuffer GL.Framebuffer GL.$= GL.defaultFramebufferObject
GL.drawBuffer GL.$= GL.BackBuffers
-- Drawing HUD
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
checkError "clear buffer"
let hud = state ^. gl.glHud
stride = fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined::GLfloat) * 2
vad = GL.VertexArrayDescriptor 2 GL.Float stride offset0
GL.currentProgram GL.$= Just (hud ^. hudProgram)
GL.activeTexture GL.$= GL.TextureUnit 0
textureBinding GL.Texture2D GL.$= Just (hud ^. hudTexture)
GL.uniform (hud ^. hudTexIndex) GL.$= GL.Index1 (0::GL.GLint)
GL.activeTexture GL.$= GL.TextureUnit 1
textureBinding GL.Texture2D GL.$= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.mapTexture)
GL.uniform (hud ^. hudBackIndex) GL.$= GL.Index1 (1::GL.GLint)
GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer GL.$= Just (hud ^. hudVBO)
GL.vertexAttribPointer (hud ^. hudVertexIndex) GL.$= (GL.ToFloat, vad)
GL.vertexAttribArray (hud ^. hudVertexIndex) GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.bindBuffer GL.ElementArrayBuffer GL.$= Just (hud ^. hudEBO)
GL.drawElements GL.TriangleStrip 4 GL.UnsignedInt offset0
{-let winRenderer = env ^. renderer
(state ^. gl.hudTexture) --maybe tex
(\tex -> renderCopy winRenderer tex Nothing Nothing) --function with "hole"
--Nothing == whole source-tex, whole dest-tex
(return ()) --fail-case-}
-- Main game loop
-- Main game loop
run :: Pioneers ()
run :: Pioneers ()
@ -408,6 +253,12 @@ run = do
shouldClose' <- return $ state ^. window.shouldClose
shouldClose' <- return $ state ^. window.shouldClose
unless shouldClose' run
unless shouldClose' run
draw :: Pioneers ()
draw = do
state <- get
when (state ^. ui . uiHasChanged) prepareGUI
getArrowMovement :: Pioneers (Int, Int)
getArrowMovement :: Pioneers (Int, Int)
getArrowMovement = do
getArrowMovement = do
state <- get
state <- get
@ -4,20 +4,23 @@ module Render.Render where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArray)
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Storable
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BufferObjects
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Framebuffer (clearColor)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.ObjectName
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PerFragment
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Shaders
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (TextureObject)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexArrays (Capability (..),
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Render.Misc
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.ARB.TessellationShader
import Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects (offset0)
import qualified Linear as L
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (liftIO)
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS.Strict as RWS (get)
import Data.Distributive (distribute, collect)
-- FFI
import Foreign (Ptr, castPtr, with)
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Map.Graphics
import Types
import Types
import Render.Misc
import Render.Types
import Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects (makeBuffer)
import Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects (makeBuffer)
mapVertexShaderFile :: String
mapVertexShaderFile :: String
@ -176,3 +179,137 @@ initRendering = do
depthFunc $= Just Less
depthFunc $= Just Less
glCullFace gl_BACK
glCullFace gl_BACK
checkError "initRendering"
checkError "initRendering"
render :: Pioneers ()
render = do
state <- RWS.get
let xa = state ^. camera.xAngle
ya = state ^. camera.yAngle
(UniformLocation proj) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrProjMatIndex
(UniformLocation nmat) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrNormalMatIndex
(UniformLocation vmat) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrViewMatIndex
(UniformLocation tli) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrTessInnerIndex
(UniformLocation tlo) = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrTessOuterIndex
vi = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrVertexIndex
ni = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrNormalIndex
ci = state ^. gl.glMap.shdrColorIndex
numVert = state ^. gl.glMap.mapVert
map' = state ^. gl.glMap.stateMap
frust = state ^. camera.Types.frustum
camPos = state ^. camera.camObject
zDist' = state ^. camera.zDist
tessFac = state ^. gl.glMap.stateTessellationFactor
liftIO $ do
---- RENDER MAP IN TEXTURE ------------------------------------------
bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= (state ^. gl.glFramebuffer)
bindRenderbuffer Renderbuffer $= (state ^. gl.glRenderbuffer)
(state ^. gl.glRenderbuffer)
textureBinding Texture2D $= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.mapTexture)
(ColorAttachment 0)
(state ^. gl.glMap.mapTexture)
-- Render to FrameBufferObject
drawBuffers $= [FBOColorAttachment 0]
checkError "setup Render-Target"
clear [ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer]
checkError "clear buffer"
currentProgram $= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.mapProgram)
checkError "setting up buffer"
--set up projection (= copy from state)
with (distribute frust) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv proj 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (L.M44 CFloat)))
checkError "copy projection"
--set up camera
let ! cam = getCam camPos zDist' xa ya
with (distribute cam) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix4fv vmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (L.M44 CFloat)))
checkError "copy cam"
--set up normal--Mat transpose((model*camera)^-1)
let normal' = (case L.inv33 (fmap (^. L._xyz) cam ^. L._xyz) of
(Just a) -> a
Nothing -> L.eye3) :: L.M33 CFloat
nmap = collect id normal' :: L.M33 CFloat --transpose...
with (distribute nmap) $ \ptr ->
glUniformMatrix3fv nmat 1 0 (castPtr (ptr :: Ptr (L.M33 CFloat)))
checkError "nmat"
glUniform1f tli (fromIntegral tessFac)
glUniform1f tlo (fromIntegral tessFac)
bindBuffer ArrayBuffer $= Just map'
vertexAttribPointer ci $= fgColorIndex
vertexAttribArray ci $= Enabled
vertexAttribPointer ni $= fgNormalIndex
vertexAttribArray ni $= Enabled
vertexAttribPointer vi $= fgVertexIndex
vertexAttribArray vi $= Enabled
checkError "beforeDraw"
glPatchParameteri gl_PATCH_VERTICES 3
cullFace $= Just Front
glDrawArrays gl_PATCHES 0 (fromIntegral numVert)
checkError "draw map"
-- set sample 1 as target in renderbuffer
DrawFramebuffer --write-only
(ColorAttachment 1) --sample 1
Renderbuffer --const
rb --buffer-}
---- COMPOSE RENDERING --------------------------------------------
-- Render to BackBuffer (=Screen)
bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= defaultFramebufferObject
drawBuffer $= BackBuffers
-- Drawing HUD
clear [ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer]
checkError "clear buffer"
let hud = state ^. gl.glHud
stride = fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined::GLfloat) * 2
vad = VertexArrayDescriptor 2 Float stride offset0
currentProgram $= Just (hud ^. hudProgram)
activeTexture $= TextureUnit 0
textureBinding Texture2D $= Just (hud ^. hudTexture)
uniform (hud ^. hudTexIndex) $= Index1 (0::GLint)
activeTexture $= TextureUnit 1
textureBinding Texture2D $= Just (state ^. gl.glMap.mapTexture)
uniform (hud ^. hudBackIndex) $= Index1 (1::GLint)
bindBuffer ArrayBuffer $= Just (hud ^. hudVBO)
vertexAttribPointer (hud ^. hudVertexIndex) $= (ToFloat, vad)
vertexAttribArray (hud ^. hudVertexIndex) $= Enabled
bindBuffer ElementArrayBuffer $= Just (hud ^. hudEBO)
drawElements TriangleStrip 4 UnsignedInt offset0
{-let winRenderer = env ^. renderer
(state ^. hudTexture) --maybe tex
(\tex -> renderCopy winRenderer tex Nothing Nothing) --function with "hole"
--Nothing == whole source-tex, whole dest-tex
(return ()) --fail-case-}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user