added resize-handler, made event-code not as wide
This commit is contained in:
@ -369,84 +369,103 @@ processEvents = do
processEvent :: Event -> Pioneers ()
processEvent e = do
case eventData e of
Window _ winEvent ->
case winEvent of
Closing -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateWinClose = True
_ -> return ()
Keyboard movement _ repeat key -> --up/down window(ignored) true/false actualKey
-- need modifiers? use "keyModifiers key" to get them
case keyScancode key of
Escape -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateWinClose = True
SDL.Left -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowLeft = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Right -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowRight = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Up -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowUp = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Down -> modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowDown = movement == KeyDown
SDL.KeypadPlus -> when (movement == KeyDown) $ do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateTessellationFactor = min ((stateTessellationFactor s)+1) 5
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ stateTessellationFactor state]
SDL.KeypadMinus -> when (movement == KeyDown) $ do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateTessellationFactor = max ((stateTessellationFactor s)-1) 1
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ stateTessellationFactor state]
_ -> return ()
MouseMotion _ id st (Position x y) xrel yrel -> do
state <- get
when (stateMouseDown state && not (stateDragging state)) $
put $ state
{ stateDragging = True
, stateDragStartX = fromIntegral x
, stateDragStartY = fromIntegral y
, stateDragStartXAngle = stateXAngle state
, stateDragStartYAngle = stateYAngle state
Window _ winEvent ->
case winEvent of
Closing ->
modify $ \s -> s {
stateWinClose = True
Resized {windowResizedTo=size} -> do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateWindowWidth = sizeWidth size
,stateWindowHeight = sizeHeight size
SizeChanged ->
_ ->
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Unhandled Window-Event:",(show e)]
Keyboard movement _ repeat key -> --up/down window(ignored) true/false actualKey
-- need modifiers? use "keyModifiers key" to get them
case keyScancode key of
Escape ->
modify $ \s -> s {
stateCursorPosX = fromIntegral x
, stateCursorPosY = fromIntegral y
stateWinClose = True
MouseButton _ id button state (Position x y) ->
case button of
LeftButton -> do
let pressed = state == Pressed
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateMouseDown = pressed
unless pressed $
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateDragging = False
_ -> return ()
MouseWheel _ id hscroll vscroll -> do
env <- ask
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateZDist =
let zDist' = stateZDist s + realToFrac (negate $ vscroll)
in curb (envZDistClosest env) (envZDistFarthest env) zDist'
SDL.Left ->
modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowLeft = movement == KeyDown
Quit -> modify $ \s -> s {stateWinClose = True}
-- there is more (joystic, touchInterface, ...), but currently ignored
_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Not processing Event:",(show e)]
SDL.Right ->
modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowRight = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Up ->
modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowUp = movement == KeyDown
SDL.Down ->
modify $ \s -> s {
stateArrowsPressed = (stateArrowsPressed s) {
arrowDown = movement == KeyDown
SDL.KeypadPlus ->
when (movement == KeyDown) $ do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateTessellationFactor = min ((stateTessellationFactor s)+1) 5
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ stateTessellationFactor state]
SDL.KeypadMinus ->
when (movement == KeyDown) $ do
modify $ \s -> s {
stateTessellationFactor = max ((stateTessellationFactor s)-1) 1
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Tessellation at: ", show $ stateTessellationFactor state]
_ ->
return ()
MouseMotion _ id st (Position x y) xrel yrel -> do
state <- get
when (stateMouseDown state && not (stateDragging state)) $
put $ state
{ stateDragging = True
, stateDragStartX = fromIntegral x
, stateDragStartY = fromIntegral y
, stateDragStartXAngle = stateXAngle state
, stateDragStartYAngle = stateYAngle state
modify $ \s -> s {
stateCursorPosX = fromIntegral x
, stateCursorPosY = fromIntegral y
MouseButton _ id button state (Position x y) ->
case button of
LeftButton -> do
let pressed = state == Pressed
modify $ \s -> s {
stateMouseDown = pressed
unless pressed $
modify $ \s -> s {
stateDragging = False
_ ->
return ()
MouseWheel _ id hscroll vscroll -> do
env <- ask
modify $ \s -> s
{ stateZDist =
let zDist' = stateZDist s + realToFrac (negate $ vscroll)
in curb (envZDistClosest env) (envZDistFarthest env) zDist'
Quit -> modify $ \s -> s {stateWinClose = True}
-- there is more (joystic, touchInterface, ...), but currently ignored
_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Not processing Event:",(show e)]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user