2014-04-22 03:00:39 +02:00
module Map.Map where
2014-04-18 16:07:51 +02:00
import Map.Types
2014-05-15 10:44:54 +02:00
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Array (bounds, (!))
import Data.List (sort, sortBy, group)
2014-04-24 02:45:55 +02:00
-- WARNING: Does NOT Check for neighbours exceeding maximum map coordinates yet.
unsafeGiveNeighbours :: (Int, Int) -- ^ original coordinates
-> [(Int,Int)] -- ^ list of neighbours
unsafeGiveNeighbours (x,z) = filter (not . negative) allNs
2014-04-18 16:07:51 +02:00
2014-04-24 02:45:55 +02:00
allNs = if even z then [(x+1,z), (x-1,z), (x,z+1), (x,z-1), (x+1,z+1), (x+1,z-1)]
else [(x+1,z), (x-1,z), (x,z+1), (x,z-1), (x-1,z+1), (x-1,z-1)]
2014-04-18 16:07:51 +02:00
negative :: (Int, Int) -> Bool
2014-04-24 02:45:55 +02:00
negative (a,b) = a < 0 || b < 0
giveNeighbours :: PlayMap -- ^ Map on which to find neighbours
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ original coordinates
-> [(Int, Int)] -- ^ list of neighbours
giveNeighbours mp (x,z) = filter (not . outOfBounds mp) allNs
allNs = if even z then [(x+1,z), (x-1,z), (x,z+1), (x,z-1), (x+1,z+1), (x+1,z-1)]
else [(x+1,z), (x-1,z), (x,z+1), (x,z-1), (x-1,z+1), (x-1,z-1)]
outOfBounds :: PlayMap -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
outOfBounds mp' (a,b) = let (lo,hi) = bounds mp' in
a < fst lo || b < snd lo || a > fst hi || b > snd hi
giveNeighbourhood :: PlayMap -- ^ map on which to find neighbourhood
-> Int -- ^ iterative
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ original coordinates
-> [(Int, Int)] -- ^ neighbourhood
giveNeighbourhood _ 0 (a,b) = [(a,b)]
giveNeighbourhood mp n (a,b) = let ns = giveNeighbours mp (a,b) in
2014-04-25 15:58:25 +02:00
remdups . concat $ ns : map (giveNeighbourhood mp (n-1)) ns
2014-04-24 02:45:55 +02:00
2014-05-15 10:44:54 +02:00
-- | Calculates the height of any given point on the map.
-- Does not add camera distance to ground to that.
-- This ueses barycentric coordinate stuff. Wanna read more?
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barycentric_coordinate_system_%28mathematics%29
-- http://www.alecjacobson.com/weblog/?p=1596
giveMapHeight :: PlayMap
-> (Float, Float) -- ^ Coordinates on X/Z-axes
-> Float -- ^ Terrain Height at that position
2014-05-16 11:30:15 +02:00
giveMapHeight mp (x,z)
| outsideMap (x,z) = 0.0
| (isInt z 6) && (isInt x 6) = hlu (round x, round z)
| (isInt z 6) = let dist_down = x - fromIntegral ((floor x) :: Int)
dist_up = fromIntegral ((ceiling x) :: Int) - x
in (1 - dist_down) * (hlu (floor x, round z)) + (1 - dist_up) * (hlu (ceiling x, round z))
| (isInt x 6) = let dist_down = z - fromIntegral ((floor z) :: Int)
dist_up = fromIntegral ((ceiling z) :: Int) - z
in (1 - dist_down) * (hlu (round x, floor z)) + (1 - dist_up) * (hlu (round x, ceiling z))
| otherwise = let [a,b,c] = getTrianglePoints [tff,tfc,tcf,tcc]
ar = area (fi a) (fi b) (fi c)
λa = area (fi b) (fi c) (x, z) / ar
λb = area (fi a) (fi c) (x, z) / ar
λc = area (fi a) (fi b) (x, z) / ar
in (λa * hlu a) + (λb * hlu b) + (λc * hlu c)
2014-05-15 10:44:54 +02:00
2014-05-16 11:30:15 +02:00
--Returns if q is an int to n decimal places
isInt :: RealFrac b => b -> Int -> Bool
isInt q n = (round $ 10^((fromIntegral n) :: Integer) * (q - (fromIntegral ((round q):: Integer)))) == (0 :: Integer)
outsideMap :: (Float, Float) -> Bool
outsideMap (mx, mz) = let ((a,b),(c,d)) = bounds mp
fr = fromIntegral
in mx < (fr a) || mx > (fr c) || mz < (fr b) || mz > (fr d)
2014-05-15 10:44:54 +02:00
fi :: (Int, Int) -> (Float, Float)
fi (m, n) = (fromIntegral m, fromIntegral n)
-- Height LookUp
hlu :: (Int, Int) -> Float
2014-05-15 12:01:30 +02:00
hlu (k,j) = let (Node _ (_,_,y) _ _ _ _ _ _) = mp ! (k,j) in y
2014-05-15 10:44:54 +02:00
ff = (floor x, floor z) :: (Int, Int)
fc = (floor x, ceiling z) :: (Int, Int)
cf = (ceiling x, floor z) :: (Int, Int)
cc = (ceiling x, ceiling z) :: (Int, Int)
tff = (ff, dist (x,z) ff)
tfc = (fc, dist (x,z) fc)
tcf = (cf, dist (x,z) cf)
tcc = (cc, dist (x,z) cc)
getTrianglePoints :: [((Int,Int), Float)] -> [(Int,Int)]
getTrianglePoints = ((take 3) . (map fst) . (sortBy (compare `on` snd)))
dist :: (Float, Float) -> (Int, Int) -> Float
dist (x1,z1) (x2,z2) = let x' = x1 - fromIntegral x2
z' = z1 - fromIntegral z2
in sqrt $ x'*x' + z'*z'
-- Heron's Formula: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron%27s_formula
area :: (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> Float
area (x1,z1) (x2,z2) (x3,z3) = let a = sqrt $ (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (z1-z2)*(z1-z2)
b = sqrt $ (x2-x3)*(x2-x3) + (z2-z3)*(z2-z3)
c = sqrt $ (x1-x3)*(x1-x3) + (z1-z3)*(z1-z3)
s = (a+b+c)/2
in sqrt $ s * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c)
2014-04-24 02:45:55 +02:00
-- removing duplicates in O(n log n), losing order and adding Ord requirement
remdups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
remdups = map head . group . sort