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76 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
module UI.UIBaseData where
import Data.Hashable
import Data.List
import Foreign.C (CFloat)
import Linear.Matrix (M44)
-- |Unit of screen/window
type ScreenUnit = Int
newtype UIId = Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Bounded,Ix,Hashable)
-- |The state of a clickable ui widget.
data UIButtonState = UIButtonState
{ _buttonstateIsFiring :: Bool
-- ^firing if pressed but not confirmed
, _buttonstateIsFiringAlt :: Bool
-- ^firing if pressed but not confirmed (secondary mouse button)
, _buttonstateIsDeferred :: Bool -- ^ deferred if e. g. dragging but outside component
, _buttonstateIsDeferredAlt :: Bool
-- ^deferred if e. g. dragging but outside component (secondary mouse button)
, _buttonstateIsReady :: Bool
-- ^ready if mouse is above component
, _buttonstateIsActivated :: Bool
-- ^in activated state (e. g. toggle button)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- |Switches primary and secondary mouse actions.
-- "monad type" "widget type" "original handler"
data MouseHandlerSwitch w h = MouseHandlerSwitch h deriving (Eq, Show)
-- |A 'UI.UIClasses.MouseHandler' with button behaviour.
data ButtonHandler m w = ButtonHandler
{ _action :: (w -> ScreenUnit -> ScreenUnit -> m w) }
instance Show (ButtonHandler w) where
show _ = "ButtonHandler ***"
-- |A collection data type that may hold any usable ui element. @m@ is a monad.
data GUIAny m = GUIAnyC GUIContainer
| GUIAnyP GUIPanel
| GUIAnyB GUIButton (ButtonHandler m GUIButton)
deriving (Show)
-- |A 'GUIContainer' is a widget that may contain additional widgets but does not have a
-- functionality itself.
data GUIContainer = GUIContainer { _screenX :: ScreenUnit, _screenY :: ScreenUnit
, _width :: ScreenUnit, _height :: ScreenUnit
, _children :: [UIId]
, _priority :: Int
} deriving (Show)
-- |A 'GUIPanel' is much like a 'GUIContainer' but it resizes automatically according to its
-- children components.
data GUIPanel = GUIPanel { _panelContainer :: GUIContainer} deriving (Show)
-- |A 'GUIButton' is a clickable 'GUIWidget'. Its functinality must be
-- provided by an appropriate 'MouseHanlder'.
data GUIButton = GUIButton { _screenXB :: ScreenUnit, _screenYB :: ScreenUnit
, _widthB :: ScreenUnit, _heightB :: ScreenUnit
, _priorityB :: Int
, _buttonState :: UIButtonState
} deriving ()
instance Show GUIButton where
show w = "GUIButton {_screenXB = " ++ show (_screenXB w)
++ " _screenYB = " ++ show (_screenYB w)
++ " _widthB = " ++ show (_widthB w)
++ " _heightB = " ++ show (_heightB w)
++ " _priorityB = " ++ show (_screenYB w)
++ " _buttonState = " ++ show (_buttonState w)
++ "}"