diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Util/Filter/Media.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Util/Filter/Media.hs
index 05340fa..d70845f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Util/Filter/Media.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Util/Filter/Media.hs
@@ -139,21 +139,25 @@ media (Image (id', att, att') alt (filename,_))
(direct, css) = (classToRevealAttr . revealjsRewriteAttr) att
style = filterStyle att'
--html-demos etc. as IFrames (use data-src instead of src to enable lazy-loading)
media (Image (id', att, att') [] (filename,_))
| id' == "demo" || checkExtension filename demoExt
- = return [toHtml $ ""]
+ = return [toHtml $ ""]
(direct, css) = (classToRevealAttr . revealjsRewriteAttr) att
media (Image (id', att, att') alt (filename,_))
| id' == "demo" || checkExtension filename demoExt
= return $ [toHtml $ ""]
(direct, css) = (classToRevealAttr . revealjsRewriteAttr) att
--3D meshes shown in a WebGL viewer in an iframe (use data-src to enable reveal's lazy loading)
media (Image (id', att, att') [] (filename,_))
| checkExtension filename meshExt
@@ -169,11 +173,16 @@ media (Image (id', att, att') alt (filename,_))
<> [toHtml $ ""]
(direct, css) = (classToRevealAttr . revealjsRewriteAttr) att
-- if not matched
media x = return [x]
+-- return filename extension (strip additional arguments from HTML URLs)
checkExtension :: String -> [String] -> Bool
-checkExtension fn exts = (fmap toLower . tail . takeExtension) fn `elem` exts
+checkExtension fn exts = (fmap toLower . tail . takeExtension . takeWhile (/='?')) fn `elem` exts
+-- checkExtension fn exts = (fmap toLower . tail . takeExtension) fn `elem` exts
idFilter :: String -> String -> String
idFilter a b