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147 lines
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-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock
-- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/
@package pandoc-slide-filter
module Text.Pandoc.Util.Filter.Quiz
quiz :: Block -> [Block]
module Text.Pandoc.Util.Filter
-- | converts Attributes to String for usage in HTML
-- Also converts <tt>width=xxx</tt> and <tt>height=xxx</tt> to the
-- corresponding style-attributes
attToString :: Attr -> String
-- | helper function for <a>attToString</a>, but can also be used if you
-- want to extract styles from kv-pair
convertToStyle :: [String] -> [(String, String)] -> [(String, String)]
-- | revealjs has some special attributes that has to be passed to the
-- html, but Pandoc only allows <tt>key=value</tt>-attributes, so we have
-- to abuse <tt>.class</tt> to rewrite them.
-- The classes that get rewritten are listed here.
-- You probably want <a>classToRevealAttr</a>, as that is a wrapper for
-- splitting the class-attribute
revealjsSpecialAttrs :: [String]
-- | HTML allows for some attributes (i.e. autoplay) for which revealjs
-- offers a special version (i.e. only autoplaying on active slide).
-- These are the things that get rewritten
revealjsRewriteAttr :: [String] -> [String]
-- | revealjs has some special attributes that has to be passed to the
-- html, but Pandoc only allows <tt>key=value</tt>-attributes, so we have
-- to abuse <tt>.class</tt> to rewrite them.
-- This is a wrapper-function which just splits the list into real
-- classes and <a>revealjsSpecialAttrs</a>
classToRevealAttr :: [String] -> ([String], [String])
-- | small wrapper around <tt>RawInline (Format "html")</tt> as this is
-- less line-noise in the filters and the intent is more clear.
toHtml :: String -> Inline
-- | small wrapper around <tt>Raw (Format "html")</tt> as this is less
-- line-noise in the filters and the intent is more clear.
toBlockHtml :: String -> Block
-- | adds a given String to the list if not in there; Does nothing if the
-- given String is already present.
addToAtt :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
-- | adds given String to List of key-value-pairs (like in <a>Attr</a>) in
-- the "style"-Key.
-- Useful when trying to add CSS-styles directly to (generated) elements
addToStyle :: String -> [(String, String)] -> [(String, String)]
-- | Conversion of lvl-x-headings to x-column-layouts in HTML especially
-- for use in revealjs-slides
module Text.Pandoc.Util.Filter.Cols
-- | This filter makes multi-column-layouts out of lvl-x-headings
-- Syntax is
-- <pre>
-- ## a b
-- </pre>
-- yielding a 2-column-layout with aspects a:b i.e. 1:1 for 50/50-layout
-- or 8:2 for 80/20 layout
-- currently works for 2 and 3-columns, but extension is
-- straight-forward.
-- If you need multiple Block-Elements inside one column, just wrap them
-- with a <tt><div></tt>:
-- <pre>
-- ## 2 5
-- <div>
-- multiple things
-- ```
-- foo
-- ```
-- </div>
-- second column here with only 1 element.
-- </pre>
cols :: [Block] -> [Block]
module Text.Pandoc.Util.Filter.Media
-- | main media-plugin.
-- Will convert the following syntax
-- <pre>
-- ![](foo.aac){#audio}
-- ![](foo.mp4){#video}
-- ![](foo.png){#img}
-- ![](foo.svg){#svg}
-- ![](foo.html){#demo}
-- </pre>
-- HTML-id's maybe ommitted if the file-extension is in whitelist.
-- If a type is detected by extension a custom id (not matching the
-- extension) will be preserved.
media :: Inline -> IO [Inline]
module Text.Pandoc.Util.Filter.Styling
-- | Block-Styling
-- Special cases captured:
-- <ul>
-- <li>#col turns a div into a floating-div for multiple columns</li>
-- <li>CodeBlock gets attributes <tt>data-trim</tt> and
-- <tt>data-noescape</tt> automatically</li>
-- <li>.fragment and .frame work properly on divs</li>
-- </ul>
styling :: Block -> IO [Block]
-- | Inline-Styling
-- Special cases captured:
-- <ul>
-- <li>.fragment and .frame work properly on spans</li>
-- <li>.vspace inside span adds a vertical space with
-- <tt>height=xxx</tt></li>
-- <li>.hspace inside span adds a horizontal space with
-- <tt>width=xxx</tt></li>
-- </ul>
inlineStyling :: Inline -> Inline