25 lines
782 B
25 lines
782 B
module Handler.Wallet where
import Import
import Eve.Api.Char
import Eve.Api.Types as T
getWalletR :: Handler Html
getWalletR = loginOrDo $ (\(uid,user) -> do
man <- getHttpManager <$> ask
apiKey <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueApiUser uid
acc <- case apiKey of
Just (Entity _ (Api _ k v)) -> do
a <- liftIO $ getAccountBalance man (ApiComplete (T.ApiKey (VCode v) (KeyId k)) (T.CharacterId (userCharId user)))
return (Just a)
Nothing -> return Nothing
defaultLayout $ [whamlet|
<h1>Transactions in the last xx hours
<h1>Statistices for the last xx days
#{show acc}