65 lines
1.5 KiB

ident Text
name Text
charId Int64
password Text Maybe
lastLogin UTCTime
tokenExpires UTCTime
accessToken Text
walletTimeout UTCTime
standingsTimeout UTCTime
skillTimeout UTCTime
br Int -- Broker-Relations-Skill
acc Int -- Accounting-Skill
UniqueUser ident
deriving Typeable
email Text
user UserId
verkey Text Maybe
UniqueEmail email
user UserId
keyID Int64
vCode Text
UniqueApiUser user
user UserId
dateTime UTCTime
transId Int64
quantity Int64
inStock Int64 -- still to process. Positive for Buy-Orders, negative for Sell
typeName Text
typeId Int64
priceCents Int64
clientId Int64
clientName Text
stationId Int64
stationName Text
transIsSell Bool -- True = sell-order, False = buy-order
transForCorp Bool -- True = corp-order, False = personal order
journalTransId Int64
profit Int64 Maybe --profit on this transaction
tax Int64 Maybe -- tax paid for selling
fee Int64 Maybe -- broker-fee for putting order up
secondsToSell Int64 Maybe --avg time this item needed to sell
noTax Bool -- True if no taxes should be calculated
user UserId
corpId Int64
corpName Text
corpStanding Double
user UserId
factionId Int64
factionName Text
factionStanding Double
-- By default this file is used in Model.hs (which is imported by Foundation.hs)